Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 22 Affinity with Buddha

Xiao An came out of the magic circle in a daze, the surrounding scene was hazy, and the voice seemed to come from afar, gradually becoming clearer.

She saw clearly Li Qingshan's concerned face, and heard his worried voice, "Xiao An, Xiao An!" Gradually, she calmed down, and the dregs from the depths of her memory settled down again, revealing a smile.

The surroundings were completely silent, and the female teacher's face was pale. She felt that she was in serious trouble this time. This child seemed to be not simple.

Chu Tian, ​​who was overshadowed by the limelight, said: "What's so great about this, if I want to do it, I can do it too."

Responsible for leading the training of the alchemists, when he came to his senses, it seemed that it was time to lead everyone to dinner.

A wrinkled old man appeared out of nowhere, and said softly, "You are Xiao An!"

Li Qingshan's heart shuddered, and he felt a kind of earth-like aura from the old man, a foundation-building cultivator!

Several teachers hurriedly saluted: "Master Patriarch, why are you here?" They have also seen many geniuses emerge in the test of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, but that will wait until after the assessment is over before the competition between each family will start. The head of the family will appear at this time, and he is the most stable loess man among the heads of the family.

Huangtu Weng didn't pay attention to others at all, his eyes only fell on Xiao An, with the unique kind smile of an elder to a junior on his face, extremely kind, the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he felt.

"Come on, I planted this myself, try it?" The big hand grabbed a handful of peanuts from the treasure bag and stuffed them straight into Xiao An's hand.

Han Qiongzhi was stunned for a while, when did he see this old man so generous that he was willing to give away the spiritual fruit that had been carefully cultivated for many years in the spiritual orchard for nothing.

Xiao An looked up at Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan can also see that the spiritual power contained in this handful of peanuts is more than ten times stronger than pills such as Ningqi Pills. The benefits of a foundation cultivator may not be so easy to get.

Hua Chengzan shook his head with a wry smile, Huang Tuweng claimed that "it is as unbearable as the earth". He has never seen such an urgent expression since he came to the Hundred Schools of Economics, but it is obvious that this child is worthy of Huang Tuweng.

Although he considers himself a genius, at this moment, he can only feel complacent. No wonder Haitang wants to get her at all costs.

This child, what is the origin of this child?


I don't know what you want my Xiaoan to do? Please speak up! "

At this time, Huangtu Weng seemed to see Li Qingshan. Under the brilliance of the peerless genius, the others were not only overshadowed, but even their sense of existence was extremely thin.

"This is Huang Tuweng, the owner of the farm family, why don't you hurry up and salute."

"Give me a fart!" A voice suddenly remembered. The first character is still very far away, but the last character has come close, the slovenly Taoist roared at Huang Tuweng: "Old Brother Huang, where is the etiquette of the head of the family?"

"The opening test is not over yet, this is not in line with the rules of the School of Economics." Liu Changqing said quietly, obviously dissatisfied with being tricked.

Huangtu Weng took a puff of tobacco: "For an old man who is about to die, what does face matter? As for the rules, they are all set by people." Turning his face, he had a kind face again. "Son, as long as you come into my farm, you can eat this kind of fruit as you like in the future, do you think it's okay?"

"Farmer?" Liu Changqing smiled, and took off a Pisces jade pendant from his waist. Seeing the aura on it, it turned out to be a top-grade spiritual weapon. Although he didn't say anything, he felt contemptuous. See everything at a glance. The poor go away. Scholars are not easy to bully.

Huangtu Weng also snorted angrily, and a puff of smoke came out of his nostrils. But looking at Xiaoan's gaze, he became more and more kind.

"The way of a military strategist is to conquer every attack and win every battle. Wind, forest and mountain fire are invincible." Every time Han Anjun took a step, there was a loud bang, and the earth trembled like a thousand troops.

"What you want to go must be an ancient monk's way, the reason for it, let me explain in detail..." Linen clothes said very sincerely, but no one would let him explain in detail.

"Namo Amitabha, child, you have a predestined relationship with my Buddha, really, monks don't lie,"


The sloppy Taoist jumped and said, "It's all fart!" But at this time, no matter how loudly he scolded, no one paid him any attention.

In a blink of an eye, the heads of the various families appeared one by one, some were cruel, kind, or violent, all kinds of powerful auras collided fiercely in the square, and there was only one target, and that was Xiao'an.

The various Patriarchs continue to compete with each other with higher prices, depicting a more ambitious future. In this short period of time, Li Qingshan has seen several top-grade spiritual weapons alone, and heard several great deeds of the senior masters of various families.

It's a pity that this kind of peaceful competition didn't last long, and soon turned into mutual attacks.

"The ancient Buddha of Qingdeng will die alone, Master, are you trying to mislead someone for his whole life?" Liu Changqing spoke sharply.

"Son, this benefactor Liu has more than a dozen concubines, and he often goes to bed and sleeps with prostitutes." The words that the sloppy Taoist thought up were uttered by Master Yi Nian.

The corners of Liu Changqing's eyes twitched.

What "Confucianism is hypocritical!" "Yin-Yang School is useless." "Farmers are all turtles." "Military schools distort human nature!" All kinds of evil words that were suppressed in their hearts burst out.

In a short while, the eyes of the Patriarchs of each family turned red.

Master Yi Nian took off the monk robe he had just put on, revealing his muscular upper body.

Standing beside Xiao An, Li Qingshan was also surrounded by him, feeling his scalp tingling, are these the heads of the various families? Sure enough, one is stronger than the other, but this appearance is too ugly, like a vicious dog snatching food.

Unfortunately, he was no match for one of the vicious dogs.

A group of Qi refiners who were closer were forced by this breath, and they all took a few steps back, and even sat down on the ground.

Everyone was dumbfounded, what is going on?

Wu Gen said: "Brother Hua, what should we do?"

Hua Chengzan's duty is to maintain the order of the opening examination, but facing such a group of people who disrupted the order, he can only shake his head and say: "Cold salad!"

Xiaoan looked at Li Qingshan again.

"Li Qingshan! Do you still remember me?" A chill was imminent, Li Qingshan suddenly turned around, "Old... Commander Wang!"

Wang Pushi stood with his hands in his arms, not far away, he did not participate in this competition, and stepped forward.

In Li Qingshan's impression, the Red Eagle Commander didn't seem to be very friendly to him, and he knew the reason very well, even though he knew it was useless, he raised some vigilance.

Wang Pushi slapped him hard on the shoulder and said with a big laugh: "My boy, I haven't seen you for so long, I'm already at the sixth level of Qi Refining, I didn't misread it."

Li Qingshan grinned, you read me right? To understand why again.

"You are qualified to be promoted to the Black Wolf Guard. As long as you practice in Legalism for a while, the future leader of the Black Wolf will have a great chance!"

"Thank you, Commander Wang, for your love. I will work hard and live up to the love of the Commander!" If Li Qingshan couldn't see the hints in it, he would have lived such an old age in vain.

Wang Pushi laughed in his heart, but this time it was my old Wang who took the lead.

The Patriarchs of the various families immediately came to their senses and looked at Li Qingshan together. Oops, why did I forget that this kid brought the child here? At such a young age, she must have listened to the adults.

The sloppy Taoist hurriedly remedied: "You have to think carefully!"

Master Yi Nian said: "Exactly."

All kinds of eyes fell on him, Li Qingshan suddenly felt the pressure increased, he let out a breath, squatted down, and said to Xiao An: "Do you have a home you want to go to?"

"I'll be with you!" Xiao An said softly, ignoring the gazes around her.

Wang Pushi smiled even better. According to the rules, as long as the child makes a decision, other people cannot forcibly interfere. Even if they want to interfere, they have to ask Wang Pushi and Yinglangwei.

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "This is a bit difficult, you know, I can't read those Buddhist scriptures!" Standing up, he put his hands together and bowed: "Master Yi Nian, just as you said, Xiao An has a destiny with Buddha, let her Let's practice Buddhism!"

In a sense, "The Road of Zhuyan and White Bones" is a Buddhist supernatural power. She has been reading various Buddhist scriptures in order to increase her understanding of this supernatural power. Now that she encounters this opportunity, of course she can't miss it. And a Vajra Power Talisman, in her hands, can exert extraordinary power. If it is a more powerful Buddhist technique, what kind of power will it have?

Moreover, in the competition for talents just now, the conditions and sincerity expressed by this master Yi Nian are extremely rare. As her guardian, he should choose the most suitable path for her.

Master Yi Nian was taken aback for a moment, and then showed ecstasy. He thought it was impossible to succeed this time. Buddhism is one of the first-class masters among hundreds of schools, but the number of disciples is far less than that of Confucianism, Legalism, etc., and it is also far inferior to its old rival Taoism.

After all, there are still all kinds of desires in most people's hearts, especially young people. There are a few people who are willing to obey the precepts, and the four things are empty, to comprehend the supreme Dharma, let alone Xiao An is still a little girl, and the chance of success is getting slimmer.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, but he gets his wish. He clasped his hands together and bowed his head to return the salute: "It's so good, the benefactor really has eyes like torches. It's not a lie to have a predestined relationship with the Buddha. All of this is the arrangement of the Buddha."

Li Qingshan thought to himself, if the Buddha really knew about Xiao An's existence, he was afraid that he would kill him right away. Seeing Xiao An frown, he seemed a little unhappy, and comforted him: "Don't be like this, we are all among the hundreds of families. In the future, there will be plenty of time. See."

Xiao An would not go against his will, and knew that he was doing it for her own good, so she nodded slightly: "Okay."

Master Yi Nian showed a relieved smile, the overall situation has been settled, "All benefactors, I have accepted it!"

Wang Pushi's face turned cold, turned into a steel face, glared at Li Qingshan sternly, and walked away.

Li Qingshan knew that it would not be easy for him to be promoted in this life. (to be continued)

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