Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 23 Diamond Beads

The heads of the other families all showed disappointment, or they were flying in the clouds, or walking in the air, just like when they came, they disappeared in an instant. {book friend upload update}

In the end, only the linen clothes were left. With a long sigh, he said to Xiao'an: "Since you have chosen, I have nothing to say, but the door of the Yinyang family is always open for you! A hundred schools of thought are not just contending, they are also competing with each other." Communication, inclusive, presumably Master Yi Nian will not mind."

"As Fellow Daoist said, hundreds of schools have their own strengths, and they are not as self-respecting as the mountain sects. If you have the heart, Xiao An, you might as well listen to Ma Patriarch's teachings more, and you will definitely benefit from it." Master Yi Nian said again Restored her usual self-cultivation, since Xiao An joined the Buddhist school, even if she learned another way, she is still a learned Buddhist disciple. This status has been set, and no one can change it.

Linen clothes nodded, looked at Xiao An reluctantly, and left with the wind.

Master Yi Nian showed a slight smile, the smile gradually widened, suddenly laughed a few times, and said to Xiao An: "Child, come with me!"

Li Qingshan said: "There is an exam in the afternoon."

Master Yi Nian waved his hand: "There is no need to waste this effort, one afternoon is enough for her to get started with the "Diamond Demon Sutra."

If there are other Buddhist disciples here, they will definitely feel jealous and affect their practice. The "King Kong Demon Sutra" is a secret method that is not easily passed on to the outside world by the Buddhist school. Not only does it require a very solid foundation in Buddhism, but it often needs to go through many tests before it can be taught. Not bad.

"The monks don't lie. This diamond bead is considered as a gift for you. This thing can summon the diamond to protect the body. It complements the "Diamond Demon Sutra" and will be of great benefit to your practice."

Master Yi Nian took out a golden bead from the treasure bag. The brilliance flowed on it, and one of them was vaguely glaring Vajra. Looking at its aura, it was a real top-grade spiritual weapon. He wiped off his own mark and handed it to Xiao An.

Everyone was in an uproar, the value of the best spiritual weapon. Everyone knows that just now they heard that the heads of various families competed for the best spiritual weapon in exchange, and they were already very shocked. Now that Master Yi Nian really took out a top-quality spiritual weapon, they don't know what expression to make. Not even jealousy. The vast majority of qi refiners will never get a top-grade spiritual weapon in their lifetime.

Li Qingshan is also emotional, choosing to come to this hundred schools is indeed extremely correct, and he got a top-quality spiritual weapon for nothing, you know, the only volume he has at hand now is "Cao Zi Jian Shu", which is barely considered a top-quality spiritual weapon. Although we can look forward to the development in the future, I am afraid that it is not as effective as this diamond bead. {book friend upload update}

Xiaoan took the diamond beads, and his mind was moved. Under this vain body, he condensed a whole body of white bones based on "The Way of Zhu Yan and White Bones\

,"With a slight shock, he felt a mysterious feeling towards this rare Buddhist spiritual weapon.

Then I saw a flash of inspiration on the diamond bead. Immediately, a vajra warrior with a height of eight feet appeared on her body, whether it was the magic crown on her head or the vajra pestle in her hand. They are all extremely fine, with a look of anger on their faces. Lifelike, it makes people feel shocked when they see it.

Li Qingshan thought to himself, the power of this top grade spiritual weapon is really astonishing.

Master Yi Nian was stunned for a long time again, the best spiritual weapon needs to be refined before it can be used, how can it be used as soon as it is obtained. And with Xiaoan's cultivation at the third level of Qi Refining, it is impossible to do this.

Moreover, although he erased the imprint he left behind, it was not clean, and there was still a faint induction. Xiaoan still needed to completely erase it, so that this diamond bead could run smoothly.

But just now, he clearly felt that as soon as the diamond beads entered Xiaoan's hands, his remaining marks immediately dissipated. His old master abandoned him like a shoe.

Xiao An put away the diamond beads and bowed slightly as a thank you.

Master Yi Nian smiled wryly. With his cultivation, facing this child, he had an uncontrollable worry that could not be taught, and said: "Benefactor Li, if you are interested, you can come to my Buddhist family to practice." With Yi Nian's status as a master, it is already a great courtesy to speak to Li Qingshan like this.

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Thank you, master, but I don't cultivate good fruits in my life, I only love to kill and set fire. If I enter Buddhism, I'm afraid it will disturb the purity of Buddhism. I'd better find another way!" hand, beauty in arms. The pure heart and few desires of the Buddhist school, he can't learn it, and he doesn't want to learn it.

"I don't cultivate good fruits in my life, I only love to kill and set fire." Master Yi Nian frowned and said, and then took a deep look at Li Qingshan, "This sentence is very vulgar at first, but it seems to have Zen ideas when you think about it carefully. I have a predestined relationship with my Buddha, if I can’t realize it today, it may come true in the future, Xiao’an, let’s go!”

Li Qingshan admired it secretly. This phrase was originally said by Hua Monk Lu Zhishen when he was sitting down, "I have never cultivated good fruits in my life, but I only love to kill and set fire. Suddenly, I opened the golden rope, and here I broke the jade lock. Hey! A letter from the tide on the Qiantang River, I will know today I am me."

He unintentionally replied with this word, it seems that there is a mystery, as for whether there is a fate or not, let's just let it go!

Xiaoan tugged on Li Qingshan's sleeve, and looked at him reluctantly, originally wanted to practice together with him, so she came here desperately, why should she be separated again.

Li Qingshan's heart softened, and he squatted down to promise: "You should follow Master Yi Nian to practice hard, and I will find you when something happens."

Xiao An nodded and let go of his sleeves.

Master Yi Nian saw all this in his eyes, and sighed secretly, for those who study Buddhism, since they are monks at the beginning, they want to break away from the mundane and worldly thoughts, and it is not good to be so attached to one person. But don't worry, she is still a child after all, it will be better if she grows up a little longer.

Although this young man has some talents, he doesn't have the strength to stand beside her. It won't be long before the two people's cultivation, identity, and status will completely diverge, and they will be divided into two worlds. This is not at anyone's will for transfer. In the future, he is at most just an old friend of hers.

Master Yi Nian said: "Farewell, poor monk." Putting his hand on Xiao An's shoulder, he took a step forward and disappeared.

Li Qingshan turned and walked towards the crowd, everyone looked sideways at each other, but it wasn't because of him, even a fool could see that the child named Xiao An had a limitless future, they were so close, so they followed You Rongyan.

Hua Chengzan was also lost in thought, the one who asked him to take care of Li Qingshan more, but he didn't expect that child to be even more astonishing, foundation building is only a matter of time, we have to establish a good relationship, this point, even her Didn't even see it!

He glanced at Yu Zijian who was not far away, and then at Chu Tian who was in the crowd. In the past, it was rare to produce one genius, but this time there were three in a row, and each was stronger than the other.

Among the Schools of the Hundred Schools of Qinghe Mansion, among the Nine Mansion Schools of Ruyi County, it seems that they are going to be a big success. His former genius will also be dimmed in their light, and he can't help but feel a deep pressure.

Han Qiongzhi couldn't bear his temper the most, and rushed to Li Qingshan: "Who is that child to you?"

Li Qingshan said proudly: "She is my only relative!" No matter what others think, her glory is his glory.

At this time, the fat old man seemed to have received some order, and came to the pale and bewildered female teacher, and said in a solemn voice: "Your temperament is not suitable for the job of a teacher. Family School, go back and pack your things!"

This order did not come from Master Yi Nian, but from the head of the Confucian family, Liu Changqing. All the heads of the family will not have any objections. Seeing that a peerless genius has risen in the School of Classical Studies in Qinghe Mansion, she cannot be allowed to have the slightest impression on the School of Classical Schools Bad luck, this female teacher must be severely punished.

The female teacher's face turned even paler. She originally wanted to find a chance to kick Xiao An out of the Hundred Schools of Economics, but she turned into herself in the end, and said sharply: "I don't..."

The fat old man interrupted in a deep voice: "This is for your own good!"

The female teacher shuddered. Although she was mean, she was not stupid. She figured it out, not to mention the fate of disobeying the patriarchs. This child alone, as long as she is given a few years to grow up, I am afraid that she will become a child that she cannot afford to offend. If the time comes, if the big man remembers the old hatred and takes revenge, it may be a catastrophe for him. The best way is to disappear from her sight as soon as possible, hoping that she will never think of him again. Come.

Immediately, he stomped his feet and left bitterly, thinking: "You wait for me, I will take revenge!" But even he felt that there was no hope, and it was more to dispel the fear in his heart.

Of course, no one knows, except for the matter related to Li Qingshan, Xiao An has no concept of these people's sophistication, and will not have any anger and hatred at all.

Then, under the guidance of the teacher, everyone came to a building surrounded by trees, very quiet, and smelled a strange fragrance from a distance.

Li Qingshan looked up, and wrote "Baiweilou" in big characters, he couldn't help thinking that he also had a meal in Baiweilou when he was in the lower square city of Qingteng Mountain, the original source was here. That night, I heard that Liuyunfang will be reopened during the opening of the hospital, but now I don't know where it is located?

Li Qingshan's question was quickly answered, because after eating in Baiweilou, the next stop was to go to Liuyunfang City. The close relationship between Baijia School of Economics and Fangshi can be seen, at least Zajia will not let go of the opportunity to earn spirit stones.

Fangshi is located in a beachhead on the southwest side of the island. Although the location is different, the structure is generally the same under the Qingteng Mountain.

In front of the gate of Fangshi, the instructor clapped his hands, "Fellow Taoists, please move around here first, think carefully about getting into the He family, and make some preparations for the next exam. Don't leave Fangshi casually." After handing it out, "The rules must be understood by each of you. Each person can only report to five companies at most, and if there are more, it will be invalid. After two hours, please come back here to collect."

Li Qingshan also got his own colored note, and found that it had recorded various information including Yin-Yang and Five Elements attributes, but left five empty slots.

ps: I came back yesterday a little later than expected, and I was very sleepy before nine o’clock. I slept for almost twelve hours, and my spirits are almost recovered, but it still takes some time to rectify the interrupted thoughts , This chapter has been coded for almost four hours, but the dream can finally continue. I believe this is not just my dream. Please recommend tickets, ask for monthly tickets, and ask for evaluation tickets. Let's go! To be continued. .

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