Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 36 The Night of the Novelist's Rise

\u003e Li Qingshan awakened from the samadhi, and the moon is already in the middle of the sky, and the silver light is like washing, illuminating the earth. 1(1)

Row upon row of continuous bamboo buildings are cut into a piece of interlaced light and shadow by the moonlight.

On the ground, there is also a beam of light rising into the sky, reflecting each other.

He suddenly found himself in this beam of light, which was the aura gathered by the magic circle.

In the dantian qi sea, the true qi became more and more full. Under the suppression of the spirit turtle and the purification of the Sumeru Ring, it was like a pure and boundless big lake with no waves. But as long as he needs it, he can also set off huge waves and destroy everything in front of him.

Li Qingshan smiled slightly, with the help of this magic circle, the Qi refining period would not be an obstacle for him, he stepped out of the magic circle, walked along the long corridor with interlaced light and shadow, to his residence, a bamboo building near the lake.

After choosing in the morning, haven't had time to pack it?

He is going to stay in Baijia School of Economics for a long time, and he has to tidy up.

The light in the bamboo basket was dimly lit, and the voice of people could be faintly heard. Li Qingshan smiled slightly and pushed open the door.

Liu Chuanfeng and Sun Fubai were sitting opposite each other, and turned their heads together, "Qingshan."

Li Qingshan walked to the table, sat down cross-legged, and asked plainly: "Decided?"

"It's decided." Liu Chuanfeng's eyes were red, as if he had cried. Agreeing to what Li Qingshan said is tantamount to negating all the past efforts, and it also means that the person he condensed will leave him forever and will never appear in this world again.

Although they were fake and lifeless, they actually spent countless days and nights with him. If it wasn't for Sun Fubai's persuasion, he would never have made a decision in such a short period of time.

Sun Fubai said: "Wait until dawn. I will order people to recall and destroy those novels."

Li Qingshan said: "That's not necessary, just let them fade naturally."

"Ah?" Liu Chuanfeng opened his eyes wide.

Li Qingshan said: "All I need is a determination. I hate that kind of person who is unwilling to sacrifice anything and just wants to sit still and wait for others to save him. Fortunately, you are not."

Liu Chuanfeng seems to have survived a desperate situation. Grab Li Qingshan's hand and say thank you.

When his emotions calmed down, Li Qingshan said: "Then start!"

"How to start?" Liu Chuanfeng and Sun Fubai looked at each other.

Li Qingshan shrugged his shoulders: "Of course it taught me how to be a novelist."

"You...are you willing to learn?" Liu Chuanfeng said in disbelief, Li Qingshan's attitude was quite firm at the beginning.

"Not necessarily, you have to understand first, but you may learn. I am not the savior. It is impossible to save the novelist without knowing the novelist." Li Qingshan said as a matter of course, the principle he pursued is, or don't do it , if you want to do it, do it to the end.

Liu Chuanfeng was full of excitement, but Sun Fubai was worried. A fresh and powerful blood was poured into this decayed body. Will it be able to bring the dead back to life? Or even the blood was wasted.

But in any case, the novelist, who has been stagnant for many years, is, once again, moving forward.

"Brother, tell me!"

Sun Fubai cleared his throat and started teaching.

The novelist's method is not difficult in terms of cultivation, and it doesn't even need to practice another method, it only needs to use "Guishui Condensing Qi Art" as the foundation. (1_1) It only needs to condense a rune in the body.

Amulets are a type of talisman. But it is different from ordinary talismans. The talisman is the language of heaven and earth, and practitioners can use it to communicate with the world, but the talisman can communicate with another special power. The power of faith comes from the hearts of creatures.

Practitioners who own the talisman will have the dunya. What mortals consider to be the characteristics of a god, the name of that talisman is "Da Yan Talisman".

In the distant past, that ancient monk reproduced the twisted form of the underground spiritual vein, which was the prototype of the Dayan Talisman. The first step taken by the novelist's disciple was to condense this Here come the runes.

This is not difficult for Li Qingshan. It is estimated that it can be done in ten days at most. The attributes on the water armor have played a vital role.

But for the novelist disciples, this is just the easiest step. How to gather the power of faith to strengthen this talisman is the most difficult.

It is not easy to write a novel that can become a legend, but in Li Qingshan's previous life, he saw with his own eyes that many people did it! He witnessed the birth of many legendary figures with his own eyes. If the Dayan God Talisman existed in that world, they would definitely appear in this world alive.

So what is he going to do now? Find one of them to copy?

Seeing that Li Qingshan was willing to learn the tricks of a novelist without destroying his own novels, Liu Chuanfeng regained his spirits and said proudly: "Although you look down on me, it is really not easy to write a novel. Not as good as me."

Li Qingshan thinks it is true, he is not the material to sit down and write a novel, not to mention that he can't remember so many words from his previous life, even if he remembers, can he change everything?

Those stories full of modern tastes are probably not in line with the thinking of people of this era at all, and will only be regarded as a lunatic's dream in the end. Even if he really copied a classic legend for him, how many years will it take to accumulate it? Even if he succeeds in the end, it is only a matter of him alone, and it cannot be said that he saved the novelist.

Sun Fubai also thought about this problem a long time ago, and sighed with some worry, "This is not easy!"

Li Qingshan said confidently: "We think you got the most important question wrong!"


"Whether it's a novel or a talisman, it's just an opportunity. The most important thing is the medium!"

"What does medium mean?" Both Sun Fubai and Liu Chuanfeng were a little puzzled by this new vocabulary.

Li Qingshan briefly explained: "It is the so-called channel of communication, even if you write the novel out, no one will read it, it will be in vain."

Liu Chuanfeng said disapprovingly: "If you think this is the problem, then you are underestimating us."

Li Qingshan only knew that Sun Fubai also had an extremely huge property in the mortal world, and the overall situation in Qinghe Mansion. They are all under his name, as long as Liu Chuanfeng writes them, no matter how bad the content is, they can be printed in large quantities by the printing presses of the Mohists, and put in shops all over the place. Each copy is cheap or even given away for free. are useless.

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Is that all?"

"What else?" Liu Chuanfeng said.

Li Qingshan said: "I was born in a small mountain village, there is not a single shop there, and I haven't seen one in more than ten years, and the literate people there can be counted with a single slap."

"So what?" Liu Chuanfeng was at a loss. It's normal for the foolish people in the mountain village to be illiterate. Those people are looked down upon even by readers among ordinary people, let alone dignified Qi practitioners.

Sun Fubai seemed to have realized something.

Li Qingshan said again: "You just said that Confucian officials guarding one side will also condense a talisman in their bodies!"

"That's right, the talisman is called the Great Virtue Talisman, but it's actually the original merit talisman of Taoism."

Merit is a very important word for ancient monks. The difficulty of cultivation is high, and the threat of ghosts and ghosts is great. Force them to use all available power.

The two kinds of talismans use two completely different powers in the human heart, one is to believe, and the other is to be grateful. After the ancient monks did good deeds, there were often small people who would like to set up longevity tablets and worship their benefactors day and night.

Although the merit talisman cannot be faked like the Dayan talisman. Turn fantasy into reality. But it has the effect of profound blessings and good luck.

In that chaotic era of demons walking around, luck is even more important than strength. Practitioners often encounter the dilemma of "meeting a dog at the corner. It looks like a demon general", no matter what kind of talent you are. It can only be used as a snack.

What, Foundation Establishment Cultivator, won't you come out for a walk when you are a monster commander? There are also powerful aliens, terrifying magic monks,

The power of an individual is really too small. Even if you practice in seclusion for a lifetime, it is unavoidable that "people sit at home, and disasters come from heaven".

Therefore, learning divination and accumulating merits has become a necessary subject for monks. It is very important to be able to predict this situation, and even have more luck not to encounter this situation.

But in this era, there is no need to worry about this situation anymore. Although practitioners are still fiercely fighting with each other, compared with demons, ghosts, aliens and demons, they are very gentle and lovely.

Spending time and energy to accumulate merits and virtues is not worth the gain. Among Confucianists, only incompetent disciples would take the road of becoming an official. Many monks lamented the collapse of morality and the old people's hearts.

Sun Fubai said: "Qingshan, what do you mean?"

Li Qingshan said: "What I mean is that you have misunderstood your identities from the very beginning. What novelists pay attention to is not how to make up stories, but how to manage this three-thousand-mile-long city like a Confucian official. land, try to get as many people as possible to be the disseminator of the story."

"You may think those people are stupid, but when did we need wise men? Isn't it a group of fools who believe in the ghost and make the ghost come true? To be honest, I have no prejudice against the things you write, just not I like it, but just because I don't like it doesn't mean everyone doesn't like it."

"I believe that they don't have such high requirements for stories. They will even like your novels more than the poems and songs written by those great scholars. Yangchun Baixue's audience will never be comparable to that of lower Liba people."

Liu Chuanfeng's eyes lit up. If he really reached that step, it would not be difficult for him to break through the foundation establishment realm. But he said in distress: "But they don't know how to read!" He couldn't spend a few years teaching old farmers how to read!

"This is just the most long-term plan and strategy. Can't we teach old farmers to read? Can't we also teach children? We don't need money to set up hundreds of thousands of hope... private schools to teach children to read and write for free. Sooner or later, They can be the bedrock of a novelist."

Sun Fubai was also stunned by Li Qingshan's plan. This kind of vision completely surpassed their imagination. Even the Confucians who pay attention to teaching without distinction, would not think about running any hope... private school, at last Fortunately, they can't read big characters all their lives, and they can be their own little people in peace and stability.

This plan seems so reasonable. They have always only thought about how to write moving novels, but they never thought about cultivating readers. They should be cultivated from the most humble and ignorant peasant children, perhaps He came from a mountain village, so he could only think of this!

I hope that the private school's idea is really good, they can even use novels as enlightenment reading materials, of course they can't use Liu Chuanfeng's kind, it turns out that this is his intention to let Liu Chuanfeng destroy those. It was as if a bright lamp was lit in front of my eyes, and as the association deepened, this bright lamp quickly burned into the sun.

Li Qingshan gave them time to digest, and then continued: "If you look closer, it's not just words that can spread stories!"

In his time, there were still not many people willing to sit down and read, but through various media, more "gods" were created in twenty years than in the past two thousand years.

Sun Fubai's mind has been opened, "You mean?"

"We need to speak, sing, act, all those who can spread the story for us, and then unite them to form an association, called Yunxu Society." Li Qingshan stretched out his right hand and shook it fiercely. Then he waved his hand: "Let them go to every corner of Qinghe Mansion to tell the stories we wrote."

These people, in this world, are truly inferior people, they are despised everywhere, and their status is even lower than that of farmers. I don't know how many worlds have separated the Qi refiner and these people, but now they say they want to use their power. Liu Chuanfeng and Sun Fubai didn't even think about it, but after careful consideration, they felt that it made a lot of sense.

Originally, Li Qingshan said that he could save the novelist, but they still couldn't believe it, they just wanted to give it a try. But now, they all believe that this method can work, if it is carried out according to Li Qingshan's ideas, novelists will have a future.

"Stop writing at your desk, go out, and build it all up. It may take a little time, but as long as it succeeds, we will say that next year will be the end of the world, and many people will believe it. What power can we use then? ? The power of doomsday?" Li Qingshan said with a smile.

Both Sun Fubai and Liu Chuanfeng were so excited that they couldn't help themselves, and there was only one thought in their minds, the novelist was saved.

"Fuber, this matter will be very troublesome. You need to use your energy in the mortal world to find as many helpers as possible to complete it little by little."

Sun Fubai smiled and waved his hands: "Don't be afraid of trouble, don't be afraid of trouble." At his age, his cultivation has already stagnated, and it doesn't make much sense to persist in practicing, but if he can really accomplish this, his cultivation may not necessarily You can't go to the next level and reach an unimaginable realm.

The power gathered by the talisman is a power beyond the routine of practice. Whether it is for the novelist or himself, he will go all out.

The rise of the novelist, on this moonlit night, buried the cause. (To be continued..)

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