Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 37: A New Beginning

\u003e In the Wa Si, an old man in an old cloth shirt stood in front of the table above the high platform, eloquently telling a story of "The Holy Patriarch Emperor Ping Xidi". Mouth, coming out in a rhythmic tone, the tea drinkers all over the building were still so intoxicated that they forgot to use the melons and fruits on the plate. [m me]

Sun Shuping was originally a scholar, but like most of his peers, he was not famous for his studies. He is a scholar who has no hope of fame. If it's bad, just open a private school and be a teacher. Of course, it is not uncommon for people to become beggars on the streets.

He was neither good nor bad, because of his eloquence, he worshiped an old scholar as his teacher, and became a scholar, and because he was able to read and write, and read a lot of books, his attainments in this field were still higher than his master. Unknowingly, decades have passed, and it can be regarded as creating some fame.

A series of ear-piercing bird calls sounded, and Sun Shuping kept talking, frowning and looking around, he saw a fat man covered in silk and full of fat, carrying a birdcage, walking into Wa Si Da, carelessly squeezed to the front, and walked towards the front of the stage. sit.

The bird seemed to be frightened, and it sang more sharply, making everyone glared, but it seemed to be afraid of the fat man's power, so it dared not speak out.

Sun Shuping had to stop, and said with a smile: "My lord, birds are not allowed in Wa Sizhong, please hang the bird outside?"

The fat man rolled his eyes: "Hanging outside, do you know how much my bird is worth? If you lose it, you have to pay for it? You tell what you say, and it calls it. You compare and see who calls it better. Don't worry, I'm worth a penny." You are indispensable, more than what these poor ghosts give."

Sun Shuping frowned even more, and slapped the gavel, "Foretell what will happen next, let's listen to the next chapter to break it down!" With this old saying that has not changed for thousands of years, he accepted this passage of the book and walked away . 【.|I\u0026|】

In the tile si, there were applause everywhere. Apparently not only for that passage of the book, but also for the integrity of the person who wrote it, he threw a lot of copper coins onto the stage.

Apprentice Shi Shi rushed to the stage, picked up money, and bowed in all directions, just like a monkey, which attracted a lot of laughter.

"Ouch!" Stone cried out in pain and fell to the ground. Blood flowed from his forehead, and a bloody silver coin fell on the stage.

Sun Shuping hurried up to help his disciple up, pointed at the fat man and said angrily, "You!"

"Talk, tell me another paragraph, I have plenty of money!" The fat man sneered, throwing a piece of silver in his hand: "Humph. If you praise you, you are a bitch, but if you don't praise you, you are a bad book. If you dare to play with your temper, Do you know who I am? You old bastard will be smashed to death with money."

A golden light flew down from upstairs,

It hit the fat man on the head, and bounced off the platform again. It was an ingot of gold.

Looking at the fat man again, his face was covered with blood, and he passed out immediately.

"Mr. Sun? Our shopkeeper is here to invite you." A strong and strong man came to Sun Shuping with a flash for some reason.

When Shi Shi saw the gold, he hurriedly went over, covering his head, picked up the gold, took a bite, and said pleasantly, "Master, it's really gold, it's a big piece!" Immediately, his head didn't hurt anymore. He grows so big. Never touched gold.

Children who grow up in the tiles are not so expensive. Sun Shuping felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Books are a lowly profession, and anyone can scold him. He has experienced many such things, but he doesn't want this child to suffer with him for the rest of his life, so he is determined to change his profession.

Thinking wildly in his head, he followed the man to the elegant seat on the second floor, opened the bamboo curtain, and there was an old man with white hair and childlike face sitting there. What arrogance is revealed, but sitting there calmly, there is an aura that stands out from the crowd.

Based on his years of experience, he feels that the "noble man" in front of him is not someone who would come to this kind of place to listen to books, but more likely a practitioner. : "The late Sun Shuping, thank you for your help."

Sun Fubai looked at this well-known scholar in a hundred miles, nodded slightly, feeling satisfied, and once again affirmed Li Qingshan's thoughts, if it was through the mouth of this scholar, even ordinary stories would become lifelike and much more exciting Bar!

"Brother, have you heard of Yunxu Society?"


"Now you have listened, this is not a place for talking, come with me!" Sun Fubai straightened up and walked to the door. Stone was covering his head with one hand and gold with the other, poking his head outside the door.

"But I only know how to read!" Sun Shuping was stunned, he really couldn't think of what would happen to such a "noble man" who threw gold casually, a legendary practitioner who asked him for a book.

"That's enough." Sun Fubo touched the stone's head: "There is plenty of gold."

Shi Shi immediately felt no headache and no bleeding.

After Sun Fubai left Baijia School of Economics, he immediately summoned the shopkeepers of several major bookstores to issue announcements to all cities and counties in Qinghe Prefecture to recruit personnel. At the same time, he personally visited the most famous calligraphers and singers in Qinghe Mansion.

According to Li Qingshan's plan, the biggest role of these people is not to write and sing music, but to become mentors, pass on their life experience, and become the core force of Yunxu Society.

At the same time, a manor has been found in a corner of Qinghefu City. As the headquarters of the Yunxu Society, driven by absolute strength and financial resources, the Yunxu Society envisioned by Li Qingshan is being established rapidly. When it will be able to exert its power, and how much power it will be able to exert, is still unknown.

While Sun Fubai was running around, Li Qingshan also came to the Mo family's Shenji Island, preparing for his first class after coming to Baijia School of Economics.

When they came to the iconic giant arch on Shenji Island, Hao Pingyang and Zhang Lanqing were waiting there. The island was full of all kinds of weird machines and tall buildings. A group of Trojan puppets galloped past, full of a weird vitality.

Entering a magnificent building shaped like a conch (Li Qingshan thinks it looks like poop), inside is also a circle of spiral upwards, stopping at a height of about the second or third floor, and entering the room in the center of the spiral.

The circular room is like a conch shell turned upside down, and it is in the shape of stairs. There are already many people sitting there waiting, talking in groups of three or four. In addition to the disciples of the Mohism who were dressed in dark blue, there were also many disciples of other families who were dressed in other colors.

Li Qingshan's bamboo green gown, although it is the only one, but it is not conspicuous mixed in it. But all qi refiners are people with sharp eyes and ears, and when they squint their eyes, the topic of discussion changes quietly.

"Hey, isn't this Li Qingshan, the chief disciple of the family?"

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