Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 38: Beginner's Artifact Refining

\u003e A mocking voice sounded from the crowd. [M me]

Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows and looked back, to see who dared to jump out to provoke him, was that sloppy old Taoist disciple? Or a Buddhist disciple who is dissatisfied with An Xin?

But I only saw a boy in white clothes dressed as a Confucian scholar, followed by two beautiful girls, huh? Confucian disciple.

"Which one are you? Report your name."

Chu Tian snorted coldly: "Don't pretend you don't know each other, this young master is Chu Tian."

Li Qingshan vaguely felt a little familiar, and suddenly remembered, isn't this the genius boy with the body of the five elements that day when he tested his attributes?

But they have never met each other, no matter how they see their noses are not noses, and their eyes are not eyes, they don't know anything about the fact that they caused Chutian to lose a thousand spirit stones, and even if they knew, they deserved to be scolded.

Seeing that the other party was not kind, he was not polite, and said indifferently: "I have never been too lazy to remember the names of Yu Xia."

Chu Tian raised his eyebrows, and his anger suddenly flared up. From his childhood, no one had dared to despise him so much.

"Okay, Li Qingshan, this young master came to humiliate you a few words, you just accept it honestly, it is your blessing to make this young master happy, you dare to jump up and retaliate, but you don't know that you have caused a big disaster. I Seeing that you are a talent, admit my mistake now and call me the boss, we are all brothers."

Li Qingshan who listened directly was stunned, he really didn't expect there to be such a strange person in the world, even his anger disappeared, he frowned and looked at Chutian, turned his head to Hao Pingyang and said: "Is this person with a brain problem?"

Hao Pingyang and Zhang Lanqing were also surprised. Hearing this, they took it for granted. They didn't expect that Chu Tian, ​​one of the three geniuses in the opening examination, would be out of his mind.

The identity of the chief disciple of Li Qingshan's family. Although it has attracted a lot of contempt and even hostility, those who will come here are all new disciples, how can they make enemies just for the sake of talking about it for a while, that is because their heads are squeezed by the door.

But this genius Chutian obviously didn't have such considerations, and he said something that even the onlookers felt shocked.

The girl next to Chu Tian said coquettishly, "How dare you do that to our brother Tian, ​​do you know that our brother Tian is..."

She was not finished yet. Li Qingshan had already pulled Hao Pingyang, and dodged like he was hiding from a psychosis, making her face flushed instantly.

Chu Tian said angrily: "Li Qingshan,

Stop for me, are you afraid of my son? If you are afraid, call the boss, otherwise I will never let you go! "

Li Qingshan said: "It's worth calling me the boss, there is only one in this life, you compare with him. [.|I\u0026|] is like shit. Stay away from me, don't think you are shit, I dare not step on you .”

The quarrel between the two has already attracted many people to watch. As soon as this remark came out, everyone burst into laughter.

Hao Pingyang laughed: "This metaphor is wonderful."

Hua Chenglu and Yu Zijian were also on the side, and they also had seniors to teach them. Among the various introductory courses on refining, this professor from the Mohist School taught the best.

Hua Chenglu smiled, Li Qingshan was still the same as when he first met him. Extremely arrogant.

Chu Tian didn't expect that he would become the laughing stock of everyone. He was so angry that he was about to explode when someone shouted, "The professor is here."

The disciples returned to their positions one after another. Although Chu Tian hated him extremely, he did not dare to fight in front of the professor. Baijia School seems to be open and free, but it is not without rules. And those rules. But it was maintained by legalists known for their severe punishments.

Hao Pingyang and Zhang Lanqing took the opportunity to say goodbye and leave. They are both senior disciples of the Mohist family, so it is impossible to waste time. Come to listen to these basic courses again, only to pick him up after class and take him to visit Shenji Island.

Li Qingshan didn't look at Chutian again, and found a seat at the back to sit down. The shape of the entire lecture hall is like a big whirlpool, and he sits on the edge of the whirlpool, this habit. It still came from a distant past life, which made him feel a little bit emotional.

But he just sat down. Immediately, there was a space around her, especially a Confucian female disciple, who looked disgusted and hid seven or eight steps away.

Li Qingshan smiled and didn't care, suddenly Chu Tian's voice came to his ears: "Now you know who is shitting!"

Li Qingshan frowned, Qian Rongzhi sat next to him, and smiled slightly: "The clothes are not bad."

Chu Tian was startled, Qian Rongzhi was the woman he had his eye on, and suddenly felt betrayed, and turned his head away bitterly.

"What's the matter?" Li Qingshan didn't look sideways, a thin gray-haired old man walked in holding some boxes, and stood in the center of the vortex, on the circular podium.

Then, I started drinking tea on my own.

Everyone was amazed, but they didn't dare to whisper to each other and talk through sound transmission with true energy.

Qian Rongzhi asked: "What about An? Why didn't I stay with you again."

"We don't seem to be getting along well enough to talk about her."

Qian Rongzhi showed a sad look, and Li Qingshan couldn't judge whether it was true or not: "She learned "The Seven Signs of Yunji" from Ma Buyi at Yinyang's house, so she has something to say quickly."

Li Qingshan can dismiss this so-called genius provocation of Shang Chutian and immediately scold him back. But when talking to her, you have to be more vigilant, and you don't want to antagonize her on this kind of thing, and you always feel that her concern for Ann is not false.

Even if Chu Tian gritted his teeth in hatred, he didn't take it seriously, but if one day, when he felt hostility from her, the only word "kill" would be.

"Thank you, Wei Zhongyuan, do you have time?"

"In such a hurry?"

Qian Rongzhi propped her cheek with one hand: "You should take revenge as soon as possible, I don't want you to kill him now, I still need to plan."

"Hate? Yours or mine?"

"Of course it's mine." Qian Rongzhi touched her smooth cheek, and she wanted to return that slap ten times and a hundred times back, and said leisurely: "I can't wait to give Vice Sect Master Wei a detailed look, how did I do that?" To torture Wei Yingjie to death little by little, and then use the same method on him again, hehe, there is no more joy in life than this."

In line with the principle that an enemy's enemy is a friend, Li Qingshan took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to swear, he is a fucking pervert.

Qian Rongzhi seemed to be enjoying Li Qingshan's expression very happily, as if her inner voice had finally found a listener, and that person still had to listen.

"In return, I can find out about Chutian's background for you. He won't let it go, and that female teacher who intends to harm An."

"Let's see when the time comes, the old man will start talking." Li Qingshan said casually, neither agreeing nor refusing. Anyway, Wei Zhongyuan had to die, and as for the female teacher, she could just kill her if she saw her, and she would be happy physically and mentally.

But I don't know that such an idea is no different from a pervert in the eyes of ordinary people.

On the podium, the professor finally stopped drinking tea, showed a satisfied expression, and coughed lightly: "Dear friends, old man Meng Xiqi..."

The two stopped talking and listened intently.

The professor named Meng Xiqi, moreover, was like a river bursting its embankment, flowing for thousands of miles, from the origin of the refining to the development of the refining, the voice echoed in this whirlpool-like lecture hall, clearly reaching everyone's ears.

"There are people who refine weapons and alchemy, and they are all heretics. This is true, but it is these heretics that allow you to sit here with peace of mind and don't have to worry about the encroachment of monsters. Those monsters who really only practice inner ways , but can only retreat and hide in the deep mountains..."

It was the first time Li Qingshan came into contact with the way of refining weapons, so he listened very carefully. This Meng Xiqi really did exactly what Zhang Lanqing said, his speech was excellent, witty and fascinating. Although his cultivation is only at the eighth level of Qi refining, he can be called an expert in refining weapons.

After roughly talking about the history and significance of weapon refining, Meng Xiqi began to really teach the way of weapon refining.

Li Qingshan was fascinated by what he heard, only then did he know that the way of refining weapons is so mysterious. From the initial change and fusion of materials, to the injection of talismans and burning of the magic circle, every step is extremely difficult.

Not to mention that these kinds of "heretics" are so closely related. The spirit talisman called by the refining tool and the talisman of the way of the talisman are not the same, but they are essentially the same.

Talisman is a kind of writing, a writing used to communicate with heaven and earth. There are nearly a thousand common ones, and the combined effects are even more numerous. In the process of refining weapons, injecting spiritual talismans is an indispensable step, so it is necessary to know a little about the way of talismans.

On the top of the spirit weapon is the magic weapon, which is to be engraved into the magic circle for the refining tool to generate more powerful and complex effects. Qi refiners naturally do not have this ability, but to become a real master of refining equipment, it is necessary to know some basic magic circles.

Li Qingshan knew that his course had to be revised again, but he seemed to find his way in the dark, and he couldn't help but feel joy in his heart.

Meng Xiqi talked for an hour, then returned to the most basic of refining equipment, changing the state of the material.

"A good blacksmith needs to go through many steps to forge a sword. The basic ones are smelting, beating, and quenching. It needs many tools such as stove, sledgehammer, hammer, bellows, water tank, and millstone. , as long as a refining cauldron is enough, not even a cauldron..."

After the explanation, I picked up the wooden box that I brought, and there were many square wooden blocks neatly placed inside, so that the disciples in the front row could pass it to the back.

Meng Xiqi asked them to turn it into a spherical shape without damaging the wood grain as much as possible. The wood block is made of pine wood, which is relatively soft and easy to change its shape. If you want to learn how to forge weapons, you must be able to change the shape of matter with your own strength.

Li Qingshan also got a pine block, and immediately began to practice, slowly injecting true energy, following the method taught by Meng Xiqi, let the true energy gradually merge with the wooden block.

With the extremely pure zhenqi and the smooth and easy-to-manipulate nature of Guishui zhenqi, he succeeded in this step for the first time.

When he started to change his qi, the shape of the wooden block also distorted and changed a little bit. It was as if it was no longer wood, but also turned into water with the qi transformed by the true qi of Guishui.

p: Sure enough, this kind of rhythm is more suitable for me. I need to subtly control my psychology like a weapon!

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