Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 39 Heaven and Man Reincarnation

\u003e Li Qingshan's confidence increased greatly, and after trying for a long time, he finally removed the eight sharp corners of the pine block, but the wood grains in it were broken every inch, and it was completely destroyed. A little anxious, couldn't help but increase the injection of true energy, and the wooden block immediately shattered with a "bang".

Looking at Qian Rongzhi beside him, he was not much better than him.

Qian Rongzhi crushed the piece of pine wood casually, and said with a smile: "It seems that none of us are geniuses."

But it's not too bad, Li Qingshan believes that as long as he is more stable, the whole ball will not be a problem, but how the pine wood has continuous texture, he has to understand carefully.

There are also many qi practitioners who have tried for a long time, but they can't even do the first step of the combination of qi and matter. Naturally, they can't change the shape of the pine wood. If they are in a hurry, they will inevitably break the wood.

Meng Xiqi sneered: "If you can't even do this, it proves that you don't have the talent for making weapons. You can stop listening and save yourself some time."

All the qi refiners are arrogant and arrogant, and Professor Meng's cultivation is only qi refining, so some people stood up and walked out.

Afterwards, Meng Xiqi said with a smile: "Actually, back then, I also failed in refining the weapon for the first time."

Everyone was stunned, Meng Xi said strangely: "Arrogance is the biggest obstacle to learning. If you don't even have this bit of patience, you really don't need to learn how to refine weapons. Don't forget, hard work can make up for weakness. Well, show me your achievements."

Many pine balls were lifted up. Of course, the ones that were too bad were too embarrassed to take them out. Meng Xiqi's eyes fell on Chu Tian's hands. The wooden balls in his hand were round and clear in texture. Without a single break, as if carved out of a block,

"Fellow Daoist, please stand up. What's your name?"

"Chu Tian."

"well done."

Chu Tian proudly enjoyed everyone's admiring gazes, and thought, of course, I'm a genius, what hard work can make up for my weakness, but I'm just deceiving a fool, and I still can't forget to take a look at Li Qingshan.

Qian Rongzhi said via voice transmission: "I'll say it!"

"In these days, such a simple and lovely enemy is rare." Li Qingshan smiled, but he didn't know if she understood.

There was no break in the middle, and Meng Xiqi stopped talking until the two hours of lectures were over. Pressing the back of his neck, stretched his waist, and said: "It's all here today,

As I get older, I feel tired after standing for a while. "

He twisted his neck. With a sudden click, his head fell off his shoulders and rolled to the bottom of the podium, scarlet blood gushing out. Like a small fountain.

This warm classroom suddenly turned into a terrifying murder scene. There was an exclamation in the lecture hall. The female Confucian disciple who looked disgusted at Li Qingshan even screamed loudly.

Chu Tian's complexion changed drastically. I never thought that I would witness a murder case with my own eyes on the first day I entered the School of Economics, and with his cultivation level, no one saw it at all. Who did it and how did it happen? Instinctively release the body-protecting true energy.

In the classroom, everyone is in danger.

Meng Xiqi's body was still standing upright, and the head on the ground said, "Oh, I used too much strength." The headless body stepped off the podium, picked up the head and put it on the shoulder, and put it on with a "click".

There was no sound in the lecture hall, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Li Qingshan smiled, he didn't expect this professor of the Mohist school to have such a bad taste, he just used a puppet to teach the class, and finally played this trick.

He has already noticed that the person teaching on the stage is not a living person at all, but a puppet. Although it looks exactly like a human on the surface, and it actually exudes the breath of a qi refiner, but The smell it emits is extremely weird.

Drinking tea and coughing lightly are all to create an illusion, which has fooled most people, but not his six senses, and the last spurt is not human blood at all.

However, the puppet art of the Mohist school is so exquisite that it is really amazing. This lesson must be to leave a deep impression on the new disciples of the Mohist school!

Looking at Qian Rongzhi's expression as usual, although she does not have his keen six senses, but if she can't see it, it will surprise him. And Chu Tian would be so proud of being praised by a puppet, it is really impossible for people to look at him highly.

The puppet Meng Xiqi said: "Keep and careful observation, calm and rational thinking are more important to the way of refining tools than turning wooden blocks into round ones. Anyone can do the latter as long as they practice more, but without the former, it will be difficult to achieve in life." A master craftsman."

The atmosphere in the lecture hall was relaxed and laughter was everywhere. Although he knew that he had been tricked, Meng Xiqi, who was hiding somewhere, had already won the admiration of everyone, but the faces of many female monks were still pale.

Chu Tian put away his protective zhenqi, his face flushed red, he felt that Meng Xiqi's words seemed to be pointing at him deliberately, and he felt great hatred in his heart.

The puppet Meng Xiqi picked up the disciples who hadn't shown surprised expressions with his hand, and asked them how they realized that they were puppets.

Li Qingshan does not think that this puppet itself has the ability to think, but it has the ability to judge, such as which ball is rounder, which person's expression changes less, and all these should be operating according to a certain program, compared to fighting Come on, it's not difficult. Those eyes, which are no different from real people, should be the key.

When Li Qingshan was clicked, Li Qingshan got up, moved his mouth a few times, but did not make any sound, and then sat down.

Professor Puppet said very sincerely: "Thank you."

Li Qingshan smiled slightly, it seemed that his judgment was correct.

There was a lot of laughter, Hua Chenglu applauded secretly, the revenge that was played just now can be regarded as revenge. In addition to being courageous, this guy really has a good brain. He couldn't help but think of that rainy night in Linhu City, Ximen's grandma's roar, and his very chic clapping of hands in a dark alley in a coir raincoat.

This already blurred memory suddenly became clear. Such a man, even if he is a bad boy and accidentally becomes a novelist, he will do something!

After asking everyone, the puppet Meng Xiqi gave a deep salute: "Thank you for your suggestions!" Pointing to his head: "I already exist here, and I will continue to improve when I go back. I will give each of my disciples a gift just now." Box of pine blocks, as a reward."

Those disciples who saw through the puppet walked up to the podium one by one and took the wooden box.

"Practice a lot." The puppet Meng Xiqi repeated this sentence.

When it was Li Qingshan's turn, he was about to take the wooden box, but the puppet professor held onto it tightly: "Although I am a puppet, you can't play tricks on me."

Li Qingshan knew that the one talking to him now was no longer the puppet in front of him, so he smiled and said: "Yes, professor."

The puppet Meng Xiqi let go of his hand and patted Li Qingshan's shoulder: "I heard Pingyang told you that you will come here often in the future."

Li Qingshan put away his notes and walked out of the conch-like tall building. It was already dusk, and before he knew it, an afternoon had passed, but he felt extremely fulfilled while holding the small wooden box.

This was his first lesson, and he finally took another step.

Hao Pingyang and Zhang Lanqing were waiting under a streetlight across the road. Yes, it is a street lamp. The long pillars propped up a dim yellow, illuminating a large area of ​​the road, and bugs are already lingering under the lamp.

"Li Qingshan, stop for me!"

Li Qingshan was about to walk over when there was a shout behind him, attracting many people's attention.

Almost forgot about this, Li Qingshan turned around and said to Chu Tian: "Boy, what do you want?"

Private fighting is strictly prohibited in the School of Classics of the Hundred Schools, and the party who strikes first will be punished more severely, and don't think that it's okay to suffer some flesh and blood, and you can play a hero with others, and the punishment is a real spirit stone.

Li Qingshan was looking forward to such a stable environment, but now he is a little unhappy. If he is in the wilderness, he will go up and squeeze this kid to death, and see if he has any cards other than the five elements, which can be bigger than himself of.

Chu Tian said: "I want to challenge you to a bet with you, do you dare to accept?"

Li Qingshan was pleasantly surprised: "Is there such a good thing?"

Chu Tian was stunned by Li Qingshan's expression, and his heart beat up, but then he calmed down, Li Qingshan was only a sixth-level qi refiner, even if he knew how to write body refinement techniques, there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Do you agree or not?"

"Okay, what's the bet, you say?"

"Of course it's a martial arts competition. Is it possible that I can compete with someone more than anyone else? Then I can't compare to you, haha!" Chu Tian laughed a few times, and felt that no one responded, so he stopped.

Li Qingshan said: "Okay, no problem, time, place, bet."

Chu Tian said: "The location is naturally the Dayan Martial Arts Field on Dazheng Island of the military family. The bet is 1,000 spirit stones, no, 2,000 spirit stones, and the time, the time is set in three months."

He wished he could teach Li Qingshan a lesson right now, but he was always a little uneasy, so he pushed it to three months later. After he came to Confucianism, he had Liu Changqing personally pass on the "Five Elements Mahamudra". He is so big, three months of effort is enough for him to achieve a small success.

At that time, not to mention the sixth level of Qi Refining, even the ninth and tenth levels will be no problem. And Li Qingshan must have been slow to progress as a novelist. Under the changing circumstances, he didn't need to use such things, and he had an absolute chance of winning. He couldn't help but feel a little proud of his wisdom, but worried that Li Qingshan would not accept it.

"Okay, then three months later." Li Qingshan agreed without hesitation. What he lacks most now is time. In three months, the pills he has accumulated in his treasure bag can be digested, enough for him to The strength of both demon cultivators and human cultivators has improved a bit, Chu Tian's words can be said to be in the right place.

After a few words and a few words, the bet was settled, and Li Qingshan turned around and left.

"Hello, Li Qingshan."

Hua Chenglu walked up quickly, and complained: "Why didn't I say hello when I saw you, it's a pity that we shared weal and woe together back then."

Yu Zijian said: "Brother Li."

Seeing that there were two beautiful women approaching Li Qingshan again, Chu Tian felt even more jealous.

Hua Chenglu said via voice transmission: "You must not fight with him, you will never win!"


"He is the reincarnation of heaven and man!" (To be continued...)

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