Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 40 Refining Cursive Character Sword Book (Part 1)

\u003e Li Qingshan heard this word for the first time, spread his hands and said: "Anyway, I agreed and agreed, whoever it is..."

"Shh, it's not that easy to fight in a hundred schools of thought. [M me]" Hua Chenglu raised her index finger to her lips.

Li Qingshan saw that many people were paying attention to this place, so he said softly: "This is not a place for talking, my friend told me to go to Baiweilou, it's better to go."

"I also listened to my brother. The Fa family has a party at night, so I won't go. In short, you have your own mind."

Hao Pingyang said: "Is that the younger sister of Commander Hua, I didn't expect you to be so familiar with the Hua family."

"They're all nice people."

Zhang Lanqing worried: "Are you really going to duel with Chu Tian?"

"Haha, that guy is looking for his own death." Hao Pingyang was full of confidence in Li Qingshan. He was already very good at the second level of Qi Refining, and now he was afraid of a kid at the same level as him at the sixth level of Qi Refining.

Li Qingshan said with a smile: "Let's go, let's eat." Although the words "reincarnation of heaven and man" made him a little concerned.

On the Baiwei Building, looking at the Long Snake Lake in the sunset, I was slightly drunk, the sky was already dark, and I returned to Yunxu Island.

Liu Chuanfeng was biting his pen and meditating. A single lamp on the table was shining brightly, illuminating the whole room brightly.

"You want to fight someone?"

Li Qingshan took off his shoes on the porch, sat down on a chair and table: "Yes, show me, how is the writing?"

Liu Chuanfeng is preparing for his new movie. Of course, it is impossible to have pornographic parts, which can be suitable for dissemination through various channels.

"It's just the beginning, hey, what's so good about a duel? It's better to write at home." Liu Chuanfeng hurriedly took back the manuscript.

"I won two thousand spirit stones."

"Fuck him!"

"By the way, do you know what reincarnation is?"

Liu Chuanfeng said: "Why do you ask this?"

"Then Chutian seems to be the reincarnation of heaven and man." Li Qingshan took out a pine block, injected true energy, and continued his great career of refining weapons.

"What, don't agree!"


"You know that there is a sky beyond the sky, right? The so-called heavenly man is also a person from beyond the sky. He died for various reasons. But his spirit is not lost, and he was reincarnated here. He was born with a different appearance, with pure bones and profound blessings, and Once Su Hui is inspired, it will be even more powerful."

"It's no wonder that heaven and man are reincarnated." Li Qingshan pondered, he had seen quite a few qi refiners. [M I] may be an enemy or a friend, but this is the first time that Chu Tian is like this.

With Chutian's mentality and intelligence, it is incredible that he can cultivate to the sixth level of Qi refining at a young age. It turns out that he is a time traveler just like him. This world is so vast, and there are countless people who have the chance to encounter it. He is not alone. Even this outer world is not exclusive to him alone.

Liu Chuanfeng said: "You don't have to be afraid of losing face. The duel between the disciples of the two families requires the consent of both patriarchs, as long as I insist on not agreeing."

"No, you have to agree." Li Qingshan crushed the pine block in his hand.


"Don't worry, I will win!" Li Qingshan took out another pine block, he didn't believe that he couldn't beat a fool. No matter who he is reincarnated.

However, he will not be careless. Improving Qi refining cultivation is naturally the most important thing, and he has a killer trick.

Liu Chuanfeng couldn't persuade him, so he agreed and said a few more words, and Li Qingshan borrowed Liu Chuanfeng's badge. When he came to the practice circle, the faint spiritual light illuminated his whole body.

He took out the top grade spiritual weapon "Cao Zi Jian Shu" from the treasure bag. This is the strongest trump card he can use in human form. When he has not condensed into a sea of ​​​​qi, this book The power of the top-grade "Cao Zi Jian Shu" is already terrifyingly strong, enough to pose a threat to the ninth-level Qi refiners.

Now that he has condensed the sea of ​​qi, it is a crucial qualitative change for qi refiners. The true qi in his body is more than ten times stronger than before. If he can really refine it, he believes that among qi refiners, the real qi No one can stop him "lightly with a sword".

Jie Shi didn't care what cards Chutian had, as long as he used "Cao Zi Jian Shu", he could still make him look good.

The "Cao Zi Sword Book", which was originally a top-grade spiritual weapon, was never to be shown to others. It was like a child walking in a downtown with gold in his hand.

However, now, with the improvement of his strength and the relatively stable environment of the Hundred Schools of Economics, it is unlikely that the heads of the various schools will come to grab it. Even if he has such thoughts, he has to consider the consequences. After all, he is now a The chief disciple, An is a peerless genius recognized by the heads of various families, and the chief disciple of the Buddhist school.

As if a child has finally grown into a teenager, walking from the downtown to the campus, the safety factor has greatly increased, and he has some confidence to show others.

Li Qingshan opened the "Cursive Word Sword Book", looked at the criss-crossing brush and ink sword marks on it, pointed his right hand like a sword, subconsciously followed the sword gesture above, and danced a few times, although he couldn't comprehend the meaning contained in it. Sword intent, but gradually felt some gains.

Compared with when he first got this volume of "Cao Zi Jian Shu" in the Bandit Den, his current vision experience has increased by more than ten times, and he can gradually see and understand many incomprehensible things.

Li Qingshan gestured for a while, then decided to get down to business first, holding both sides of the scroll with both hands, the true qi of Guishui in the sea of ​​qi suddenly churned, rushed towards his two arms, and poured into the "Cao Zi Jian Shu".

All kinds of strokes on the "Cao Zi Jian Shu" shine brightly one by one, more and brighter than ever before.

Refining spirit weapons is a privilege only for qi refiners who have condensed the sea of ​​​​qi. It is to imprint their own brand on the spirit weapon with their own true energy, so that the sea of ​​​​qi in the dantian can resonate with the spirit weapon itself. Flying swords and knives can be used as envoys.

However, for Li Qingshan, who is only on the sixth level of Qi refining, refining the top-grade spiritual weapon seems to be somewhat difficult.

After most of the strokes in "Cao Zi Jian Shu" lit up, they stopped, and the true energy was weak.

A blue light flashed in Li Qingshan's eyes, he chose to refine the spirit weapon in this magic circle, naturally he had planned it long ago.

A little bit of spiritual light visible to the naked eye flashed in the magic circle and merged into his body.

The nearly exhausted dantian qi sea filled up again, and rushed into the "Cao Zi Jian Shu", the brilliance soaked each stroke, and also illuminated the happy expression on Li Qingshan's face.

When he was about to succeed, the smile on Li Qingshan's face froze, and the process of refining the spirit weapon stagnated again, but it was not because of lack of true energy.

In "Cao Zi Jian Shu", every stroke is twisting and trembling, and Guanghua hesitates.

Li Qingshan had a bad heart, flipped his hands, and turned the "Cao Zi Jian Shu" to the outside, at the same time, a dazzling brilliance burst out from the "Cao Zi Jian Shu", and Ling Lie's terrifying sword energy rushed out.

The sword energy is chaotic and the sword intent is aimless, but Li Qingshan feels a bone-chilling coldness while holding the "Cursive Word Sword Book". The power emanating from the top-grade spiritual weapon is really terrifying. Demon body, release the spirit tortoise armor, otherwise serious injuries will be minor.

The light flashed away, and the sword qi and sword intent seemed to have never existed for a short time.

Time seemed to pause for a moment, there was a light click, and the pillars of the bamboo building suddenly staggered up and down.

Then, as if some mechanism was activated, the delicate and majestic bamboo building turned into thousands of pieces, instead of collapsing, it flew apart.

Li Qingshan felt that his field of vision widened. In front of him, a fan-shaped open space was formed. The location of the magic circle was originally in the center of the courtyard. Now, he can see the bamboo forest outside the courtyard.

"God, what are you doing?" Liu Chuanfeng rushed over when he heard the movement, and was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"Refining Spirit Artifacts." Li Qingshan replied honestly, and also showed the "Cursive Sword Book" in his hand. He has made up his mind that if necessary, he will show this "Cursive Sword Book" to others. There is no need to hide it from Liu Chuanfeng, anyway, the two of them can be regarded as grasshoppers on the same rope.

"Then, that's a top-grade spiritual weapon. You actually want to refine a top-quality spiritual weapon?" Liu Chuanfeng knew that the chief disciple he had accepted was not as poor as ordinary qi refiners, but he took out a top-quality spiritual weapon. , still surprised him.

Li Qingshan said: "Why, can't you? My true energy is very pure."

Liu Chuanfeng said: "Do you have common sense? Regardless of whether you are at the sixth level of qi refining, even at the tenth level of qi refining, it is impossible to refine a top-grade spiritual weapon. The ability of a Qi Refiner can only be achieved by a Foundation Establishment cultivator."

Li Qingshan said in surprise: "But An can use that top-grade spiritual weapon, the Diamond Bead."

Liu Chuanfeng said: "It's one thing to use it, but it's another thing to refine it. Do you know how all the schools of thought evaluate Ann?"

"How do you rate it?"

"Monster, monster."

"Mediocre opinion." Li Qingshan said disdainfully, but he also understood that he who practiced "Guishui Condensing Qi Art", for the time being, he didn't need to hope to break through the routine of this way of practice.

"No wonder you dare to duel with Chu Tian." Liu Chuanfeng glanced at the nearly half-destroyed bamboo building again, with lingering fear in his heart. Although he was on the tenth level of Qi refining, Li Qingshan would never be the one who died. Even if it cannot be refined, but as long as it can be used, how many qi refiners can stop it?

Li Qingshan said: "Of course I don't fight unprepared battles. He has the cards, so don't I?"

"Hey, I have to issue a task for the disciples of the Mohist family to come and repair it. The spiritual stone allocated above is not enough for me to go to the ** building to collect wind." Liu Chuanfeng sighed, and winked at Li Qingshan again: "Hey, love Disciple, when you win two thousand spirit stones, do you want to invite your teacher to have fun?"

Li Qingshan rolled his eyes: "Who is your apprentice, I tell you, you don't go to that kind of place in the future, I have nothing to do with the **** sect, maybe I will tie you up to deal with me at some point, when the time comes, I can tell them to tear up the ticket and pull it down."

"I forgot about that, don't be ridiculous, I am also the head of the family anyway, how dare they deal with me."

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