That's all for Chu Tian, ​​who is known as a genius, but Li Qingshan is a novelist's disciple who has been ridiculed for a long time for them, a clown who satisfies their sense of superiority, perhaps because of the three of Xiao An, no one regards him as a genius.

At this moment, reality told them that Li Qingshan was a real genius, a genius comparable to Chutian. And their ridicule was so stupid that the sense of superiority in their hearts collapsed immediately.

On the high platform where the disciples of the Mohists were, Hao Pingyang patted Zhang Lanqing on the shoulder and said, "I just said that this kid has another trick."

Zhang Lanqing also showed a relaxed smile. In the past three days, he has been worried for a long time. He Yishi stood in the corner of the high platform, looking up at Li Qingshan on the Yunling Giant, with nothing but fear in his heart.

Yu Zijian exclaimed: "It's amazing!" Hua Chenglu said: "This guy is really extraordinary, I said, with my eyesight, how could I be wrong!"

Wu Gen asked himself, as an eighth-level qi refiner, could he be a match for any of these two? Looking sideways at Qian Rongzhi, she always smiled slightly, neither worried nor surprised, as if she had everything planned in her heart, which added to her strange charm.

He used to think that he was a conqueror, but now he suddenly realized that he was attracted by her strength, the "power" without confusion, hesitation, and slack.

Maybe it's time to put everything aside and practice hard, maybe like Li Qingshan, he should retreat for a while.

"Old Wang, how are you?" Hua Chengzan looked back and smiled.

"It's kind of interesting, but it's not far off!"

"Then let's see how it turns out!"

The gazes of Chu Tian and Li Qingshan collided fiercely in the sky above the Grand Martial Arts Field.

"So I have always underestimated you." Chu Tian said incredulously.

"To each other, I am really surprised that you can say this." Li Qingshan said calmly.

"However, if you think that you can defeat me in this way, you are so naive. What kind of Yunling giant is just a superficial appearance. It's nothing more than a strong external force. Let's see my god Geolis smash it!"

Boom boom boom boom. God Geolis took heavy steps, roaring like drums of war, rushing towards the giant of Yunling.

Although there is a large character in this big martial arts arena, it is still in the size of a human being. To these two behemoths, it is like a narrow arena from which there is no way to escape.

There is no way to dodge.

The giant fist is like 10,000 tons of earth and rock pouring from the top of the mountain. With an unstoppable force of terror, he smashed the head of the Yunling giant, more precisely, it was Li Qingshan next to the head.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.

Li Qingshan smiled, he had already seen it. Chu Tian didn't know martial arts at all. In the situation just now, if he had been manipulating the God Soilus, he would have caught the cloud a long time ago, and he would never have been hit by his fist later on. Now punching is also out of order, it is purely the way of ordinary people fighting.

Chu Tian could kill most of the qi refiners with spells, so there was no need to work his muscles and learn any fighting skills. With the size of the god Geolis. This kind of fight is enough.

However, today is not enough.

The cloud was rising and falling, and the Yunling giant turned his head away. The god earthlix punched in the air, a cloud pillar shot up into the sky, and a fierce uppercut smashed the god earthlix's jaw.

Because the Yunling giant is too huge, and it is only a vague human shape, and the eyes and mouth are just three sunken cloud sockets. And no legs at all. Just a long cloud tail.

It is also impossible for Li Qingshan to really use it to display his martial arts, but as long as he looks for the form. Make good judgment, boxing is enough to bully a layman like Chutian.

Taking advantage of the unbalanced body of God Earthlis, the Yunling giant floated forward, and hit the face of God Earthlis with a straight left fist, smashing the bridge of his nose with a bang.

If it was a human being, this blow would make him feel better, but the god Geolis is not a body of flesh and blood, and he doesn't know what pain and dizziness are. Under the control of Chu Tian's roar, he punched the Yunling giant in the chest with his backhand.

It is absolutely impossible to dodge such a huge figure, and Li Qingshan has no intention of dodging at all. The Yunling giant faced his fist and continued to bully him, splashing the earth and rocks hit by the god Earthlishi.

The god Solius pierced through the Yunling giant with a punch, directly digging out a hole, Chu Tian laughed loudly: "Die to me!"

What responded to him was a set of combined punches, left jab, right straight punch, and left uppercut in one go. The god Solius who hit him stepped back step by step, and the facial features on his face were completely blurred.

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Idiot."

Inheriting the characteristics that water spells are not suitable for fighting, Yunling giants are actually not good at fighting, and their destructive power is far less than that of the god Earthlisk. Even in defense, it is different from the iron-walled defense method of earth spells, but good at absorbing and defusing them. harm.

The clouds rolled and gathered, and in a blink of an eye, they filled the void. The impotent Yunling giant just restrained the god earth warrior who won by brute force.

Everyone in the stands was stunned. They didn't expect that Li Qingshan would have the upper hand if he didn't make a move. It’s not a big trick to tell you three tricks. Is this really a novelist’s disciple?

"Hit him! Hit him!" Hua Chenglu yelled.

Boom boom boom boom, amidst the loud thunder, the Yunling giant forced the god Earthlishi to the side of the martial arts arena, swaying his fists heartily.

God Earthlis fought back desperately, but he couldn't get rid of this predicament at all, on the contrary it seemed weak and powerless.

The sloppy Taoist laughed loudly when he saw it: "Jiechenzi, this is called water dripping through stone, using softness to overcome rigidity, interesting, interesting, what a pity, what a pity."

"Li Qingshan, you really angered me, you have to pay the price!" Chu Tian flashed his hands and sealed again.

With a cry, a huge flame bird spread its fire wings, soared into the sky, and rushed towards the giant Yunling.

Compared with the one just now, it was even bigger. Chu Tian was riding on the back of the bird, his whole body was covered in red by the flames, and the flames swirled around him. At this moment, no one cared about his not handsome appearance. God of fire.

Liu Changqing stroked his beard and smiled, just this move was enough to completely evaporate the Yunling giant.

At this moment, a dragon's chant overwhelmed the cry, and a water dragon stabbed out obliquely, biting the bird's neck.

Dragon horns, dragon scales, dragon claws, and dragon teeth, all of which were transformed by flowing water.

Waterfall Water Dragon.

This is the most destructive spell that Li Qingshan has mastered so far.

The water dragon bit the Firebird, shot straight into the sky, and slammed into the light curtain on the dome, which seemed to be swaying.

Chu Tian lowered his head in shock, and saw Li Qingshan standing between the dragon's horns, the azure water rippled the hem of his clothes, but he was not wet at all, and there was still a faint smile on his face, as if mocking his powerlessness.

Chu Tian gritted his teeth and roared in his heart, "How dare you laugh at me, you mere mortal, how dare you laugh at me, I am a heavenly man!"

Flame rose from the flame bird's body, and it pecked at the dragon's head, breaking the dragon's horn. The two claws tear the scales apart. The flowing water that contained the vitality of the water dragon poured down, and was evaporated by the high temperature before it landed.

The waterfall water dragon engulfed the fire bird, and its four dragon claws pierced deeply. Pieces of bird feathers fell from the sky and turned into ashes.

Amidst the chirping sound, a large area of ​​steam dispersed, and on the ground, the Yunling giant and the god Soliman were still waving their fists.

Many of the alchemists in the stands opened their mouths wide and forgot to close them, as if they were dumbfounded. As if in the prehistoric battlefield, the gods and men in the sky control the beasts, galloping on water and fire, and on the ground, giants are fighting endlessly.

There are also many people who clenched their fists, made up their minds, and prepared to practice painstakingly.

Qi refiners in this era can rarely see the scenes of monks above the foundation building fighting, and this kind of battle has given them a great impact.

Liu Changqing looked around the high platform, taking everyone's expressions into his eyes. Regardless of the outcome, this battle is a good thing for the entire Hundred Schools of Economics. Let these disciples who are used to peace, experience what the real fighting method is.

It seems that there should be more duels like this in the future. Through some information he has received recently, he also vaguely smells the smell of war.

As for the outcome of this battle, from the very beginning, there was no suspense. It only depended on when Chu Tian gave up that meaningless arrogance.

The dragon and the bird were fighting together, the distance between Li Qingshan and Chutian was unprecedentedly close, and they could clearly see the anger and smile on each other's faces.

"Li Qingshan!" Chu Tian roared angrily, stepping on the bird's back and rushing towards Li Qingshan, the five-color true energy emerged from his body, suddenly condensed into a five-color big hand, and slapped Li Qingshan head-on.

"Five Elements Mahamudra!"

As soon as Li Qingshan stepped on the dragon's head, he soared into the sky, and the true energy in the sea of ​​qi was churning, fully integrated into this punch, like a huge wave and tsunami, and the punch blasted out.

Liu Changqing said: "The victory and defeat have been decided."

Fists and palms collided, and the water collapsed.

At this moment, the water dragon that was holding on to the fire bird also collapsed and was evaporated into billowing water vapor.

The Yunling Giant was in the personal fight of the God Solius. Although he had the upper hand and broke up most of the God Sonis, his body was also consumed a lot. Both of them were only ten or twenty feet tall, unable to attract attention. It is even more impossible to decide the outcome of this battle.

Everyone saw that Li Qingshan's figure fell rapidly, fell into the mist, and disappeared.

Li Qingshan lost, even if he punched with all his strength, he couldn't resist Chu Tian's kung fu, five elements big handprint.

Hua Chenglu suddenly felt sad, yes, no matter how hard ordinary people try, they are no match for geniuses, let alone Chutian is a reincarnation of heaven and man.

In the other stands, many qi refiners also felt depressed. They originally came to see Li Qingshan's jokes, but when Li Qingshan really showed the strength to rival Chu Tian, ​​their hearts unconsciously turned in favor of Chutian. Yu Li Qingshan.

Because Li Qingshan is a "weak person", compared to Chu Tian, ​​he is a "mortal" like them, they want to see mortals defeat geniuses, just like ordinary people always expect miracles.

Chu Tian descended from the sky, and the Five Elements Mahamudra took advantage of the opportunity to shatter the Yunling giant. Looking around, he sneered in his heart: You are such an idiot, you dare to scold me and touch my Five Elements Mahamudra head-on, I'm afraid he is half dead now! You actually let me be so embarrassed, watch me kill you with one palm.

Hua Chenglu stood up and came to the high platform where Han Anjun was: "Uncle Han, please decide the winner!"

However, Han Anjun, who was always serious and cold like a rock, raised his mouth slightly: "The victory and defeat have been decided."

ps: Chapter 2, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass, I wish Li Qingshan a helping hand, mortals may not be able to defeat heaven and man!

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