Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 49 The Sword of Reversal

"Qingshan!" Seeing Li Qingshan falling from the sky, Hao Pingyang and Zhang Lanqing were both shocked.

He Yishi showed a relaxed expression, and looked at Han Anjun on the high platform in the distance. As long as this guy doesn't make a move, it's best to let Chu Tian kill Li Qingshan, so that there will be no future troubles.

"That's right, the winner has already been decided, you don't have to hurry to separate them, Chutian is going to kill Li Qingshan," Hua Chenglu said anxiously, grabbing Han Anjun's sleeve.

The Han family and the Hua family are family friends, and they don't use Confucianism to govern the family, so they don't have so many etiquettes.

Han Anjun said: "Let him kill."

Hua Chenglu turned to Han Tieyi and said, "Tieyi!"

However, Han Tieyi seemed to be carved out of the same mold as Han Anjun, and even the words he said were exactly the same. Angrily, Hua Chenglu paused, and came to the high platform where Wang Pushi and Hua Chengzan were, only to see Wang Pushi staring straight at him. In the middle of the martial arts arena, he seemed to be stunned.

Just about to speak, Hua Chengzan raised his hand and pointed, "Look!"

"What are you looking at?" Hua Chenglu frowned and looked, only to see that the light curtain of the magic circle had dissipated, and the billowing clouds and mist were gradually drifting away.

The three-foot green front, with cold light flowing, spread to both ends along the straight spine of the sword.

One end disappeared into the black dragon's mouth, it was the sword, the dragon's body was coiled into a hilt, and it was held in a strong hand. Li Qingshan leaned forward, as if putting all his strength on the sword.

He whispered: "I want to kill you, just one move is enough."

The other end was completely submerged into Chu Tian's vest.

Chutian's face was contorted due to pain and fear, and he tried his best to turn his head back, his eyes widened. It was unbelievable, as if he wanted to say something, but the blood gushed out first.

The sword energy is destroying his internal organs. And as long as Li Qingshan turned the sword lightly, or swung it sideways, Chu Tian would be a dead man.

No matter how talented he is, he cannot escape the fate of perishing.

But Li Qingshan's hand didn't move at all, it wasn't that he didn't want to move, he never lenient when killing people.

Another white hand. Twist the blade with three fingers and cut off the killing intent.

Liu Changqing stood between Li Qingshan and Chutian impressively, frowning tightly, still in shock. He did not expect that Chutian would lose, and he would lose so quickly.

It was almost too late for him to be rescued, and he died in the martial arts arena.

Li Qingshan really wants to try, relying on his own strength. Can you get out of the shackles of these three fingers? Kill Chu Tian under the sword. But this idea only changed, and he let go of the hilt of the sword, and bowed his hand to Liu Changqing.

"Patriarch Liu. Long time no see."

Outside the martial arts arena, everything went from being absolutely quiet to full of uproar.

This... what's going on here? Just that moment. In the end what happened?


The diffuse cloud and mist did not affect Chu Tian's keen perception, and he found Li Qingshan immediately.

Li Qingshan knelt on the ground, as if he had suffered serious injuries.

Chu Tian wanted to say a few words to humiliate Li Qingshan, but thought that Han Anjun might intervene. He swallowed the words again and went up directly. He slapped his face with a ruthless palm.

With a puff, Li Qingshan was scattered by the Five Elements Mahamudra, turning into a puddle of flowing water.

"Hmph, struggling to die!" Chu Tian was slightly startled, but he didn't care. After casting so many spells, Li Qingshan's true energy consumption was definitely much greater than his, and he slapped him again, like a tiger without claws. , no more threats.

This thought was cut off by a terrifying sword intent. Behind Chu Tian, ​​with the clouds and mist churning, a tall figure approached at a high speed.

The murderous aura soared to the sky, the light and shadow distorted, and Li Qingshan's figure appeared.

The body is like a tiger, and the eyes are like a dragon.

"Five elements body protection!"

It was too late to turn around, and the big five-color hands returned to Chu Tian's body, turning into an oval-shaped colorful mask, with five colors floating and changing, and five forces twisting and blending.

It contains the principle that the five elements restrain each other, when water comes to cover earth, wood comes to break metal. The defensive ability is far better than ordinary body protection spells.

This is what Qian Rongzhi told Li Qingshan.

Bamboo forest in the dark night, mottled light and shadow, Qian Rongzhi's vermilion lips parted lightly, telling about the power of "Five Elements Mahamudra\

,""If you can't break his five-element protection, you will never win against him."

"I will win." Li Qingshan simply stated this fact, although he was not sure that he could pierce the colorful mask.

The way to fight for the kill has never been just to compare the amount of true energy and the strength of spells, so he provokes, he ridicules, he is strong, he loses, all of these are preparations for this moment.

After a fierce battle, Chu Tian's zhenqi was also consumed a lot, and his mood was relaxed to the extreme. So Li Qingshan activated the glazed invisibility mirror, which instantly hid all his breath, and used the water-changing avatar as a bait,

All just for this sword.

Without hesitation, Li Qingshan integrated all the sword qi in his dantian into this sword.

Hundreds of sword qi collided with the five-color mask, and there was a sound like glass shattering. The tip of the sword tasted the taste of blood, and the sword qi crazily poured into Chu Tian's body.

Winning or losing is only a blink of an eye.

Liu Changqing took a deep look at Li Qingshan, then patted Chu Tian's chest, a burst of righteousness that could not be resisted rushed into Chu Tian's body, forcing the sword out.

The sword shattered in the air.

Li Qingshan rubbed his chest, Chutian's five-element big handprint is really good, his arms and chest are still aching, if it is not for his inhuman body, the outcome is hard to say.

Liu Changqing frowned even deeper. He intended to force out the sword energy together, but the sharpness of the sword energy exceeded his initial imagination. Under his awe-inspiring righteousness, it was difficult to retain it.

Chu Tian was seriously injured, and his cultivation might be greatly damaged. Liu Changqing raised his eyes to look at Han Anjun, questioning why the referee didn't stop this situation halfway. As the master of the military strategist, his reaction speed is definitely much faster than his own, and he will never let Chu Tian suffer such a serious injury.

"I've already said it." Han Anjun disappeared from the high platform with a swish, and appeared in front of Li Qingshan, which also proved that he has this ability.

Hua Chenglu suddenly understood the meaning of Han Anjun's words, "let him kill" was not to let Chutian kill Li Qingshan, but to let Li Qingshan kill Chutian, and never intervene to stop it.

Liu Changqing sighed, Chu Tian was too good at offending people, originally Han Anjun's responsibility was to prevent casualties in the duel. Chu Tian yelled "I want to kill you, no one can stop me." It was almost equivalent to a slap in the face.

Han Anjun handed over 8,000 spirit stones to Li Qingshan, patted him on the shoulder, and said: "Good job, but there are still rough spots in the battle, you can come to my military family to see it later."

This made many military disciples watching wide-eyed, they seldom heard their Patriarch praise a person like this, let alone say such a long paragraph in one breath. This is simply a supreme honor, he has been recognized by military strategists.

Han Anjun has been fighting for many years, and he has a keen sense of all battles. When Chu Tian clamored to kill Li Qingshan, he guessed the ending.

Just because of the difference in state between the two, one is arrogant and eager to destroy the opponent. An extremely calm, orderly action. In the countless wars in which the weak have defeated the strong throughout the ages, there are too many such examples. Those who are calm dare to take the initiative to challenge the strong, and they must be quite sure.

If the husband does not fight and the temple counts as the winner, it must be counted as more. Those who are invincible without a war must be counted as few. More counts to win, less counts to win, and nothing counts!

Next, Han Anjun seemed to be admiring a classic battle. Li Qingshan's military strength was far inferior to his opponent's. Three hundred dead soldiers roared out, rushed straight into the tent of the Chinese army, and beheaded the general. Among them, the temple's calculations are exquisite, and he can't express his appreciation.

Li Qingshan said respectfully: "Yes, General." Although Han Anjun's cultivation is not the highest among the various Patriarchs, he believes that if there is a chaotic battle, the one in front of him must be the last one to survive one.

Han Anjun announced loudly: "This battle is over, Li Qingshan wins!"


The giant wooden man Mu Kui rang the gong, announcing the end of the duel.

There were cheers from the stands, shouting the name of "Li Qingshan", and even many Confucian disciples followed suit.

It's not just Li Qingshan's credit, Chu Tian spent the past few months in the School of Economics, flirting with the female monks, shouting at the male monks, opening his mouth and shutting up his talent, it's really ironic, but it's worth it He had no choice but to take this opportunity to explode.

Hao Pingyang raised his arms and shouted loudly. Zhang Lanqing shook hands excitedly. In the corner, He Yishi was ashamed.

The two young girls who followed beside Chutian came staggeringly, crying and crying beside Chutian.

"Brother Tian, ​​what's wrong with you, Brother Tian?"

"I don't accept it! I don't accept it! Despicable villain, I didn't lose! I didn't lose!" Chu Tian woke up suddenly, his eyes were blood red, and he stared at Li Qingshan, as if he remembered to fight him.

He was extremely unwilling, he hadn't used that thing yet, and he still had a powerful hole card that he hadn't shown, as long as he showed it, Li Qingshan would definitely not be his opponent.

On the one hand, he didn't want to expose that kind of thing to others, and on the other hand, he was confident that Li Qingshan could be dealt with with his skills. Who would have thought that the reversal would come so quickly and so quickly.

It seems that the general who was killed by a dead man is still talking about the 100,000 troops that have not been mobilized, but his head has already flown into the air, and he will die with regret.

"Yes, Brother Tian, ​​you didn't lose."

"No, you lost!" Qian Rongzhi shouted decisively.

"Rong Zhi, you!" Chu Tian was stunned. These days, he had shown his affection to Qian Rongzhi a lot these days, and Qian Rongzhi did not show strong disgust when hugging him left and right like other female monks. He thought they were already friends.

"Qian Rongzhi, you bitch!" a girl scolded.

Qian Rongzhi didn't look at them, squatted down, and held Chutian's hand, her gaze contained maternal tender pity, as if she felt sorry for him from the bottom of her heart, and said softly: "Xiaotian, anyone will lose Yes, it doesn't matter if you lose a game, as long as you can stand up again, go to sleep for a while!"

Chu Tian felt a warm current in his heart, and her eyes were so gentle that it seemed to heal all the pain in people's hearts. No ridicule, no contempt, only pity.

At this time, she was the most beautiful woman in his heart.

ps: No cheating, no cutting of materials, no irrigation, a total of 9,000 words, it is a good sign that mortals are better than heaven. In order to draw the ambition of the dragon, I should work hard this month, and I ask you to work together and move forward together.

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