Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 59 Marriage and Fate

\u003e . "When are you leaving?" Li Qingshan asked. www..

"The sooner the better, it's best to start tomorrow!"

"Okay, then tomorrow!"

"Report to Fucheng tomorrow, yes, the book is printed, give me a copy." Hua Chengzan left the uniform and saber of the Red Wolf Guard, and left.

The next day, Li Qingshan changed into a handsome red wolf uniform and came to Qinghefu City, Yinglang Guards.

Stepped to the top floor and knocked on the door of Hua Chengzan's room.

It was Han Qiongzhi who opened the door. Seeing that it was Li Qingshan, he gave him a hard look, stepped aside angrily, and ignored him.

Li Qingshan was puzzled, but this Miss Han was always moody, so he didn't take it to heart.

Hua Chengzan sat behind the table, folded his hands, with a smile on his face, as if he had a plan in his chest at any time.

Briefly explained the next mission. The name of the Eagle Wolf Guard who was killed was Zhou Pei. He used to be a nighthawk. Because of his meritorious service in the mission of encircling and suppressing the remnants of the White Lotus Sect Qiuzhen Society, he resumed his status as an ordinary Eagle Wolf Guard.

The day before yesterday, he was killed during a mission, and his body was sent back with the word "traitor" engraved on his body, suspected to be the work of the remnants of the White Lotus Sect.

When Li Qingshan heard the word "Qiuzhen Society", he suddenly remembered that he had met Zhou Pei before, and he personally destroyed the Qiuzhen Society. And the suspected murderer is "Qiu Ruiliu", the president of the Qiuzhen Club who had escaped from him.

Unexpectedly, in the end, this task fell on me again. The karma and coincidence in the world is really hard to fathom.

But in fact it is not a coincidence, Qinghe Mansion ruled hundreds of cities. Hua Chengzan had countless tasks at hand, but Li Qingshan came from the Eagle Wolf Guard in Jiaping City, and Zhou Pei's place of employment was also in Jiaping, so he specially entrusted this task to him, which seemed like returning home.

The information document was placed on the long table, and both hands were stretched out at the same time. Li Qingshan and Han Qiongzhi looked at each other, looking at Hua Chengzan at the same time.

"Isn't this my mission?"

Hua Chengzan said seriously: "Although it is an investigation task, it is related to the White Lotus Sect. Don't be careless. According to regulations, at least two or more people should work together."

Li Qingshan withdrew his hand.

Don't say anything more, Han Qiongzhi is strong enough, although he has a bit of a temper, but he travels between the clouds, and can arrive at Jiaping at noon, and a little investigation will only take a day or two at most, there is nothing that cannot be tolerated, And how can she be regarded as a beauty, who can relieve the loneliness of the journey.

Han Qiongzhi slapped the table: "No. I don't agree!"

Hua Chengzan said solemnly: "This is an order from the commander!" No matter how unassuming he is on weekdays, the Eagle Wolf Guards are still hierarchical and the laws are strict. Unless Han Qiongzhi escapes from the Eagle Wolf Guards, he must obey orders.

Han Qiongzhi stared at Hua Chengzan. Then he glanced at Li Qingshan, who suddenly seemed to understand something, his face flushed slightly.

Watching the two go out, Hua Chengzan leaned on the comfortable high-back chair: "Junior Sister, there is only so much Senior Brother can help you with."

From small to large. It is extremely rare to have a man whom Han Qiongzhi admires. If this is not the most rare, it is even more rare that Han Anjun also admires this man. As a childhood sweetheart, he naturally needs a helping hand. The two of them are alone, the most important thing is to enhance their relationship, if they go back to their hometown with Li Qingshan, that would be even more wonderful.

This can be regarded as helping a friend. If Li Qingshan can rely on the big tree of the Han family, it will also be of great benefit. With Han Anjun nearby and Han Anguo in the distance, he no longer has to worry about lack of cultivation resources. It is a match made in heaven. It was a joke at the beginning, but I didn't expect the chance to come true. I have to say that Li Qingshan's development is really good.

As for Gu Yanying, that kind of spring and autumn dream, it's better to wake up early!

When he came outside the door, Han Qiongzhi said, "Is this your idea?"

"Of course not." Li Qingshan curled his lips: "Miss, even if you have whatever you want, I, Li Qingshan, can't afford to use such a trick."

Han Qiongzhi raised his eyebrows: "Why, I'm not worth your tricks?"

"It's worth it, it's worth it, it's worth it, can you wait for me, I'll go somewhere first." Li Qingshan casually said, looking around.

"That's about the same. Where are you going? You're so mysterious, can't you see the light?"

Li Qingshan said: "Then let's go together!"

It was inconvenient to cast spells in the city, so he walked in a car and came to a small building on the edge of the city. On the plaque above it hung the three characters "Yunxushe".

Han Qiongzhi asked in surprise, "Is this what you novelists did?"

Li Qingshan smiled and didn't explain, it was his first time visiting this place, he came here to see how his new book was released.

Last night, Liu Chuanfeng personally delivered the manuscript.

When Sun Fubai and Liu Chuanfeng heard that Li Qingshan was coming, they joined hands to greet him. They were slightly surprised when they saw Han Qiongzhi.

There are quite a few young masters and young ladies from aristocratic families in Qinghe Mansion, but few of them are stronger than the one in front of them. This person will walk with Li Qingshan, which makes people think about it.

Seeing Li Qingshan's face, Han Qiongzhi casually saluted Liu Chuanfeng: "What are you doing here?"

Liu Chuanfeng admired his chief apprentice's skills. In the past, this one had never looked at him when he met him. shu.

"You can tell at a glance." Sun Fubai welcomed the two of them in with a smile, and took a tour around the Yunxu Club.

In the upstairs hall, various storytellers are reciting Li Qingshan's book and preparing for future performances. They all agree that Li Qingshan's writing is very wonderful, especially suitable for storytellers to preach. However, due to the lack of ancient rhyme, and the tune is not a scholarly beauty, it takes a lot of effort to get the singer to match the song.

Li Qingshan waved his hand: "If you can't sing, can you act?" After talking about drama and other forms, a group of people felt that they were enlightened.

And in another room, a group of painters are making illustrations for the characters in the book. This idea originated from Liu Chuanfeng. He found that since the illustrations, his pornographic books are much easier to sell, and it is easier to collect them. .

In the workshop behind Yunxushe, more than a dozen printing machines bought from the Mo family are running at full speed, humming, and printing square characters one by one on white paper. Just wait for the illustrations to be drawn, and then you can do the same. After binding, it can become a book.

Li Qingshan took a tour and expressed his satisfaction: "I really don't have time to spare, the only thing here is Lao Fubo."

Sun Fubai said: "We are all one family, it would be too outlandish to say that."

"When are we leaving?" Han Qiongzhi asked impatiently, these novelists are strange, as practitioners. What's the point of mixing with these mortals.

She also flipped through a stack of book papers, but felt bored after just a glance. Apart from practicing exercises, she has no interest in anything written in her life. She only thinks it is better than fighting with military disciples. He who writes novels is really not so appreciated.

"Let's go now." Li Qingshan was in a good mood thinking that soon his name would be widely spread in Qinghe Mansion.

"Let's go together, I'll be faster."

Coming outside the door, Han Qiongzhi was about to take out the shuttle, when Li Qingshan said something, her face softened a little, but immediately tensed up again, she is Miss Han. No matter what time, you can't lose your share. Even if he has some good feelings, he can't flatter others, let alone this guy dares to take himself so seriously on Renxin Island.

Clouds soared into the sky and flew straight to Jiaping City.

Go back along the road you came here in the first place. Li Qingshan also felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

Han Qiongzhi originally had a bold and unrestrained temperament, but when facing him, he also thought about Hua Chengzan's intention for such an arrangement, wanted to get along with him better, but was afraid of losing face, if he wanted to be like in the past. Losing his temper with his mood, isn't it just like those little girls who are thinking about spring, and it's not her style.

Not only her usual demeanor, but in Li Qingshan's view, she is just like a little girl, now she has to pretend to be something else, it's really awkward, for a while, she couldn't say a word.

Fortunately, Li Qingshan's emotions came and went quickly, and he started talking with Han Qiongzhi after a while, and Han Qiongzhi was relieved, but still tense, trying to control his senses, which happened to be what she was not good at.

Between the words, Li Qingshan only felt that Miss Han suddenly changed her temperament and became reserved. Although she was less sharp, she was also less sharp. It was strange in her heart, but the relationship between them was not close, and it was not easy to get to the bottom of it.

He would never understand that his vent-like chaotic battle at the military house would touch her little feelings.

After driving for two hours, I saw a lonely mountain in the distance, standing on the side of the big river, and an eagle spread its wings on the mountain, overlooking the continuous city walls below the mountain.

The cloud disappeared under his feet, Li Qingshan landed steadily on the top of the mountain, and took a look around. Long time no see, Jiaping.

Fang Enshang, the commander of the Black Eagle, came to greet him with all the Black Wolf Guards on the mountain, including many old people from the original Eagle Wolf Guard. Li Qingshan, who was wearing a red wolf uniform, stood beside him. The great beauty, just relying on her composure and demeanor, is unmatched by women in the world. Her heart is full of indescribable envy, mixed with a sour jealousy.

They all saw it with their own eyes when Li Qingshan entered the Eagle Wolf Guard back then, he was just a mountain boy, never thought that he would fly to such a height in just one or two years.

Fang Enshang saluted respectfully: "Fang Enshang pays homage to the two adults."

Li Qingshan returned a salute to Fang Enshang, Han Qiongzhi went up and patted Fang Enshang's shoulder and said: "Little Fang, long time no see, why is it still at the sixth level of Qi Refining?"

Fang Enshang said: "Second Senior Sister is still so unforgiving in her words. How can my talent be as good as Senior Sister, you, and fellow Taoist Qingshan? When I first met him, he was only at the fifth level of Qi Refining." Because of Han Qiongzhi She is the second seat in Legalism, so she is also called the Second Senior Sister.

"Thank you, I think Commander Fang's temperament has changed a lot and he has matured a lot." Li Qingshan only felt that Fang Enshang was less innocent and more commanding.

"Two big men, you don't have to be ashamed to boast, tell me quickly, what's going on?"

After getting rid of the embarrassing scene where the two were alone, Han Qiongzhi returned to normal and immediately dominated the scene. While asking about the ins and outs of the matter, he asked Fang Enshang to take them to check Zhou Pei's body.

It can be seen that Han Qiongzhi is very experienced in handling such scenes, and Li Qingshan is willing to serve as a foil, without saying a word.

In the chilly morgue, a layer of white cloth was lifted, and a bluish naked body was lying there with the word "traitor" engraved on it.

Li Qingshan was used to seeing life and death, he didn't take it seriously, he just frowned and thought, thinking that with Taoist Qiu's temper, he didn't seem like someone who would do such a thing, it was more like a means of revenge by a third-rate figure in the rivers and lakes.

Qiuzhenshe was largely destroyed not by the eagle wolf guards, but by Niu Juxia who killed him halfway. Even though he knew that Zhou Pei was an undercover agent, the hatred was not so deep. Isn't it enough to kill him with one knife?

Han Qiongzhi was even more fearless, and looked at the dead body of the woman, without the shyness of an ordinary woman. Instead, he showed anger, covered the white sermon, and said, "It's so audacious to provoke the eagle and wolf guards like this, Xiao Fang, how dare you?" Any clues."

Fang Enshang said: "I was just about to say that an informant came to report yesterday that Taoist Qiu appeared in the northwest direction, and it seems that he went in the direction of Gufeng City."

Li Qingshan became even more suspicious. He had personally experienced the cunning of Taoist Qiu. Such a character would be caught by the eyes of ordinary people. Besides, Gufeng City is where the Qian family is located?

His second trial mission actually pointed there again, is it a coincidence, or is there some kind of mystery?

Han Qiongzhi slammed the white cloth on and said to Li Qingshan: "Let's go now!"

Li Qingshan hesitated and said: "I'm afraid it's not that simple." Then he expressed his doubts.

If it was the past, Han Qiongzhi would laugh at Li Qingshan for worrying, but after going through all these things, she knew that he was not a cowardly person, but if she didn't rush to Gufeng City immediately, find Qiu Ruiliu and kill him thousands of times, it was not in her mind.

"Then what do you say?"

Fang Enshang was slightly surprised, it's really rare, the second senior sister sometimes asks other people's opinions. Except for facing the two commanders, she has always said what she said in the legal family.

Li Qingshan thought for a moment: "Just do as you say!"

Although this matter was suspicious, he believed in Hua Chengzan's judgment that there would be no danger in this trip, otherwise he would not have reminded them.

The altar master of the White Lotus Sect set up such a big trap and did not hesitate to expose his whereabouts. Could it be that he ambushed two qi refiners? Really desperate, if you want to kill people to vent your anger, wouldn't it be better to come directly to the Eagle Wolf Guards to kill them to your heart's content? Why bother to lead them to such a remote Gufeng City?

The biggest possibility is that Qiu Ruiliu was entangled with a group of loose cultivators and set up a lame trap. With his means, under the establishment of the foundation, he came and killed as many people as possible.

Han Qiongzhi said: "That's nonsense."

Li Qingshan shrugged his shoulders: "There is nothing wrong with being careful."

"Qingshan's doubts are very reasonable. Taoist Qiu is very cunning. I'll let you go too. One more person will give you more power." Fang Enshang still remembered that the last time Wu Gen led a large number of eagle wolf guards to attack, he didn't do anything. success.

Han Qiongzhi said: "No need, bury this brother well. If there is a family member, take good care of him. His sacrifice will not be in vain. We will avenge him."

Seeing what Fang Enshang had to say, Han Qiongzhi said: "The two of us work together, there is absolutely no problem!"

PS: There must be a foreshadowing before the big war, and you need to think before the big change. The chapter may not be there tomorrow morning, let me think about it. (to be continued) RQ

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