Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 60 The Lord of the White Lotus Altar

\u003e With strong self-confidence and trust in Li Qingshan, Han Qiongzhi waved his hand, and the two embarked on the journey.

Han Qiongzhi urged: "Hurry up and call Yun out!"

Just in the afternoon, the ancient city of Gufeng, which leans against the mountains and faces the fertile fields, appeared in front of my eyes, dyed pale yellow by the dim winter sun.

Under the vicissitudes of the city gate, Li Qingshan and Han Qiongzhi looked up.

Although it is winter, there are still many people on the street, adults and children, and the hustle and bustle of the world. Just like in the past, the rainbow remains unchanged, and there is no danger or murder hidden.

Walking on the street, it was the two of them who attracted a lot of attention and were regarded as different.

Li Qingshan said: "Let's look around!"

Han Qiongzhi said loudly: "Qiu Ruiliu, we have seen you, come out!"

Aroused attention Chapter 60 White Lotus Altar has more masters, Li Qingshan smiled and shook his head, will this trick of deceiving children be useful?

As soon as the voice fell, there was only a squeak, and at the end of this thoroughfare, the gate of the Qian Mansion opened with a bang.

Qiu Ruiliu was still in Taoist robes, standing in front of the door, cupped his hands and said: "I don't know that the distinguished guest has come, and I am far away from welcoming you, please forgive me!"

Really useful!

Before he finished speaking, Li Qingshan felt a gust of scorching wind around him, Han Qiongzhi broke through the air and came to the front of the Qian Mansion.

With a bang, the long knife came out of its sheath, ignited a three-foot-long fire, and slashed at Qiu Ruiliu's head.

"Take your life!"

This knife is the great sword of the Legalists. The criminal law is majestic, and it cuts people's lives. It has deterred the enemy.

But Qiu Ruiliu didn't move, he smiled and watched the blade strike his eyes.

With a clang sound, the long knife slashed on a layer of black light curtain, and saw a magic circle covering the Qian family's mansion. It is extremely difficult for a person to compete with the magic circle.

Han Qiongzhi was sent flying and turned over in the air. Land lightly.

Qiu Ruiliu said: "I originally wanted to attract some powerful people,

Unexpectedly, only two small shrimps were attracted. "

"Killer!" The passers-by on the street realized at this moment, shouting and fleeing to their homes. Shengdou Xiaomin, how dare you get involved in such a battle for the Lord of the White Lotus Altar.

"Why don't you help?" Han Qiongzhi turned to question Li Qingshan, but saw Li Qingshan frowning and staring at the Qian family mansion shrouded in a black light curtain.

"Let's go!" Li Qingshan suddenly pulled Han Qiongzhi up. Soar through the clouds and ride the fog, soaring into the sky.

"What are you doing?" Han Qiongzhi struggled. Even though Qiu Ruiliu was protected by a magic circle, the power of the magic circle was not endless. Not to mention, she still had a few top-grade talismans in her hand, so she didn't care about any ambush .

But Li Qingshan didn't say anything, his face was ashen, his arms were like iron around her waist. An unprecedented warning sign rose in my heart.

"Want to leave? It's too late!" Qiu Ruiliu laughed, even at this moment, he felt that he was full of righteousness, more bold than vicious.

In the Qian family's mansion, a black light beam soared into the sky. Putting up the black light curtain, he caught up with Li Qingshan in an instant, covering the entire Gufeng City.

It was as if the night fell suddenly, and even the winter sky in the sky became dim, and the pedestrians who hadn't had time to escape back home were suddenly stunned. The body was covered with cracks, and it collapsed like a sand sculpture, silently painting a mass of dark red stains on the ground.

Without any warning or preparation, tens of thousands of households in the city, regardless of men and women, old and weak, women and children, died instantly.

There is no hero, there is a battle between good and evil, and the drama of saving the people. There was no sigh or pain, just a moment, everything was dead silent, those bustles of the city seemed never to exist.

The moment Li Qingshan and Han Qiongzhi were enveloped by the black light curtain, their bodies froze, feeling that they were being squeezed and pulled by a terrifying force, as if their bodies were about to be crushed into a ball of flesh, or torn into pieces.

The two forces are equal to each other, almost nothing, but the destruction is ubiquitous and penetrates deep into the texture.

The cloud formed by spiritual power dispersed silently, and the two fell from the sky.

The self-confidence in Han Qiongzhi's heart has all turned into fear. This kind of formation is definitely not something that Qiu Ruiliu can set up. At least it is possible for the altar master of the White Lotus Sect to do it.

Li Qingshan suddenly remembered, Gu Yanying once said, the story of the Holy Mother of the White Lotus sacrificing hundreds of thousands of souls.

This time, I am afraid that I will meet the jackpot, hiding in Qian's mansion, at least one altar owner.

Han Qiongzhi tried his best to mobilize his zhenqi, but his zhenqi didn't listen. He wanted to say something to Li Qingshan, but he saw him looking at him in astonishment, and subconsciously touched his cheek.

Her clean and smooth face was like an old oil painting, with a thin crack and bright red blood oozing out.


Gufeng City has probably turned into a dead city!

In the Hundred Schools of Classics, Qian Rongzhi looked up at the blue sky and thought of it.

Everything in the past will be wiped out in the "Lianhuā Birth Formation" of the White Lotus Sect.

She whispered silently: "When all crimes are wiped out, the lotus will be born."

She and Qiu Ruiliu first met during the last encirclement and suppression mission. In order to hunt and kill in the dense underground, they dispersed and connected with each other with waist cards.

As a result, she found the injured Qiu Ruiliu.

This time it was completely accidental or inevitable, she tried hard to find clues, and then chose a cave where Qiu Ruiliu was least likely to escape to.

In the darkness, the four eyes met each other, there was no words, no confrontation, she pretended she didn't see anything, and retreated.

At that time, although Qiu Ruiliu was seriously injured, she only had the fifth level of Qi Refining. If he fought and held Qiu Ruiliu down, he would die, but she would probably die in battle, and the gain outweighed the loss.

And a few months ago, during a very ordinary task, I saw Qiu Ruiliu again, or he came to invite her to join the teaching. There was no coercion, but extreme sincerity: "I saw you the first time I saw you. I know, you are a member of the White Lotus Sect! If you don’t agree, just cut off my head and go to the Eagle Wolf Guard to receive the reward, and I will never resist.”

True or false, it doesn't matter.

After thinking for a while, Qian Rongzhi agreed and became a follower of the White Lotus Cult. And dedicated his property, Qian Mansion to the White Lotus Sect as a secret base. Under her impetus. As a matter of course, it became the place of blood sacrifice of the White Lotus Sect.

Li Qingshan will go there, is it unexpected or expected, accidental or inevitable, she is not sure, if he dies, she will sigh for him. hehe.


Han Qiongzhi looked at the blood on his hands, his eyes showed fear, for the first time in his life. So close to death.

At this time, the black light beam that propped up the black curtain shrank and twisted. But the top swelled up like a bud. On the ground, those mottled dark red color patches are gradually fading away, the last traces of their existence are gradually disappearing, together with their flesh and soul, they all become nutrients for the buds and help them bloom.

Li Qingshan tried to mobilize his true qi, but the sea of ​​qi in his dantian collapsed. It seems to be disintegrated from a deeper place, let alone condensed spells.

As the buds bloomed, the power of the magic circle became stronger and stronger, and the damage to the body also increased, and so on. Without the help of the White Lotus Altar Master behind the invisible scene, they will die.

This is the horror of the White Lotus Sect who has been fighting with Gu Yanying and the Eagle Wolf Guards of the entire Ruyi County for many years. He is also a Foundation Establishment cultivator. Compared with him, Sanshan Old Man is simply amiable.

Qiu Ruiliu sighed and said: "Heaven has the virtue of loving life. I think you two, extraordinary ordinary people, why don't you abandon the dark and turn to the bright, join my White Lotus Sect, and help the world together, you can also suffer less hardship."

"Shut up!" Han Qiongzhi gritted his teeth, his mouth was full of the smell of blood, as a great Qi refiner, his physique far surpassed that of ordinary people, so he was not disintegrated by the formation, but the injury spread little by little, like ten thousand ants Phagocytosis, suffering from Ling Chi.

"You were not born to be a coward!" Han Anjun once reprimanded her like this. Although he was tired of the old man, some of what he said were still very reasonable. She, Han Qiongzhi, no matter where she went, she couldn't fall down. Especially in front of Li Qingshan.

Qiu Ruiliu said: "Stubbornly obsessed! But it is also your luck to be a part of Hei Lian and wash away the sins on your body."

As soon as Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows, he wanted to make a move. No matter who wants his life, he has to ask his fist. Even though this formation suppresses his true energy, it cannot suppress his Spirit Turtle Demon Pill. Cultivator, he is no longer vulnerable.

He really hesitated for a moment just now. His physique is strong, far superior to Han Qiongzhi's. Although he was suppressed by the formation, he did not suffer any real damage. This formation is so powerful that if he wants to escape, he has to show his demon body to have a chance, but this will reveal his greatest secret. At this moment, he can't care about it anymore, he can't just watch Han Qiongzhi die.

Han Qiongzhi whispered: "You go!"

"What?" Li Qingshan frowned, if you want to enter this formation, you can enter it, and you can exit it if you want, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"That black lotus is the eye of the formation. I'll interrupt it. Take this opportunity to escape! It may only be a moment, so you have to seize it, go back and ask for help, and avenge me!"

If there is no chance, let's die here together! Without saying this, she jumped up and rushed towards Qiu Ruiliu, holding a top-quality talisman in her hand.

The blood oozed from the fingers, soaking the talisman in a blink of an eye, the talisman shone brightly, and with the remaining true energy in the blood, the talisman was activated by the most primitive method.

The talisman burned and turned into a blazing fireball, which grew in size rapidly, like a dark red sun rising, illuminating Han Qiongzhi's smiling face full of cracks: "Die to me!"

"Altar Master!" Qiu Ruiliu's face changed dramatically, the power of the top-grade magic talisman was not something any Qi refiner could bear.

However, before the power of the fireball reached its peak, it began to dim, was engulfed by the darkness, and quickly annihilated. When it came to Qiu Ruiliu, there was only a wave of heat left.

The smile on Han Qiongzhi's face disappeared, he didn't care about despair, he kept walking, and twisted the second best magic talisman in the palm of his hand.

Qiu Ruiliu took out the long sword with pine patterns, and sighed: "The poor can't bear you to suffer like this, so I come to see you off!"

A black shadow flashed past Han Qiongzhi, and came to Qiu Ruiliu, it was Li Qingshan.

Qiu Ruiliu was shocked and swung his sword.

Li Qingshan raised his hand, and dozens of sword qi shot out, even this terrifying formation couldn't damage their sharpness a little.

Qiu Ruiliu looked astonished, criss-crossing bloodstains appeared on his body, they were slightly shifted away, and before they could shatter, they were disintegrated by the formation, and collapsed into a dark red stain just like those mortals.

PS: I feel a little unwell today, it's a little late, please bear with me! (to be continued)

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