Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 61: The Arrival of Zero Family

"You! Didn't I let you go?" Han Qiongzhi stopped.

Li Qingshan's tall figure stood in front of the Qian Mansion, looking back and said: "Sorry, I don't have the habit of asking women to die for me!" The apology is because of the moment of hesitation.

"Even if I want to interrupt the magic circle, I have a better chance, so let's go!"

"I have the final say here!" Han Qiongzhi rushed forward and pointed at her forehead, a top-grade magic talisman burst out with brilliance, covering her whole body.

Although the power of all the talismans in this magic circle is greatly reduced, they are still useful. The fine cracks on her face stopped spreading immediately.

She opened her mouth to speak, and threw a healing elixir into her mouth, and the wound on her body began to heal.

"An obedient woman is cute, don't let my efforts go to waste." Li Qingshan stopped talking, turned into a gust of wind, and rushed straight into the inner courtyard of Qian's mansion.

Han Qiongzhi gritted his teeth and ran out of the city.

"Sometimes, someone has to sacrifice, but no matter who the sacrifice is, this sacrifice should not be wasted." This is what Han Anjun once said to her. Even if two people play chess, there are still sayings of luring and abandoning sons, not to mention two armies fighting, this is the way of military strategists.

Familiar scenery came rushing towards him, Li Qingshan bumped into it all the way.

His true energy was useless, not only could he not fly through the clouds, he even lost the ability to turn in the air. From now on, his feet would never leave the ground at will.

I don't know how many walls I broke through, and finally came to the inner courtyard of Qian Mansion, the source of the black lotus branch.

Next to a lotus pond, the lotus leaves are green, the lotus flowers are blooming, and the fragrance is overflowing, just like spring and summer, and carp can be vaguely seen swimming in it. Full of vitality. But in this dead and silent ancient city. But it was so weird and abnormal.

A man in a black cassock and a black lotus crown sits cross-legged on a lotus leaf. Stretch out your hand to shake the pool water and tease the carp, just like a scholar in the spring forest. There is absolutely no trace of a treacherous person.

However, the many black lotuses that were about to bloom, with roots as thick as giant trees, were planted in front of his eyes, and took tens of thousands of lives in front of Li Qingshan's eyes.

"You are here. It seems that Rui Liu has already gone, no, he should have come too." The man in black robe looked up at Hei Lian and smiled.

Li Qingshan was very similar to Han Qiongzhi, he slashed at him without saying a word, but there was a warning sign in his heart. literally screaming,

This black-robed man is not only a foundation-building cultivator, he is simply the pinnacle of foundation-building. Give Li Qingshan the feeling. Not far from the sloppy Taoist.

In this state, perhaps only one trick is needed. You can kill yourself. And the more critical the situation is, the more calm he is, looking for a slight flaw, a glimmer of life.

"who are you?"

"The name is just a code name, you can call me Hei Lian!"

"Your companion died, don't you feel sad and angry?"

"I'm happy for him. He has committed a lot of sins, and it's time to pay back." The Lord of the Black Lotus Altar slowly groaned: "All sins will be wiped out, and Padmasambhava will be born. Get rid of the mud plow and be purified!" He was gentle The voice has a different kind of charm. The eyes are clear and relieved, like an eminent monk, no matter who sees them, they will have a heart of intimacy.

"You are happy for yourself, let your lotus flower add another strength, but I don't know when your own sins will be repaid?"

"Maybe today." The Lord of the Black Lotus Altar smiled.

Li Qingshan was dumbfounded, the master of the Black Lotus Altar not only disregarded life and death, but truly regarded death as home, the thoughts of people in the cult cannot be judged by common sense.

At this time, a splash of water splashed in the pond, a red shadow passed through the lotus leaves, swayed its head and tail, and swam out, nodding to Li Qingshan on the bank. The mouth seemed to be asking for a panacea.

"Do you know each other?" The Master of the Black Lotus Altar waved his hand: "Go, go, there is no panacea for you now."

Even when facing a carp, a monster in the eyes of the world, his expression is gentle as if he is coaxing a child clamoring for candy. This analogy may not be correct, because he just killed hundreds of children with his own hands. .

The Lord of the Black Lotus Altar had no choice but to take out a elixir from the treasure bag, put it into the mouth of the carp, and stroked the head of the carp, only then did the red carp tail away satisfied. Even if the elixir is not as good as Daoxing elixir, it is not much worse.

No, no more delay, Li Qingshan took a step forward.

"You want to cut off Hei Lian to save your friend?"

Li Qingshan's feet froze, could it be that the Lord of the Black Lotus Altar has been watching the outside, then his plan would be difficult to carry out.

"I didn't see it. I just guessed that's what you planned. The Eagle Wolf Guard seldom act alone, especially when facing us. Just now you have been looking at that black lotus. Is he a man or a woman?"

"You want to use the wish power in the talisman to activate the talisman and attack me?"

Li Qingshan's mind, which had just been relaxed, suddenly tightened. He activated the magic talisman and opened the treasure bag. What he used was not blood, but the Dayan talisman. Since leaving Qinghe Mansion, the wish power gathered in the Dayan God Talisman has gradually increased, which was obviously generated by the internal members of Yunxu Society.

The power of will is a very special force, which is not affected by the magic circle at all. At this moment, it becomes the key to victory, but he did not expect that before he could make a move, he would be smashed by the enemy.

The Lord of the Black Lotus Altar said: "Although the power emanating from the talisman in your body is still very weak, I can't ignore it. Forget it, do it!"


"I won't stop you. If you can shake the flower stem, the magic circle will shake for an instant, and your friends will have a chance to escape from here. I also want to see how you can do it."

Li Qingshan frowned, never seen such a weird opponent in his life.

The Lord of the Black Lotus Altar said: "Don't worry, if I want to make a move, I would have done so long ago, just take it as it is, a person who is about to die must speak well!"

"Dying?" Li Qingshan walked towards the black flower stem step by step, but his heart was full of hesitation. If the Lord of the Black Lotus Altar had killed him with all his strength from the beginning, it would have given him a lot of peace of mind, but this situation is really unexpected , On the contrary, the pressure in his heart increased sharply, he must always be on guard against the violent attacks of the Lord of the Black Lotus Altar, and worry about whether there are any traps in it.

But he didn't deliberately go around him. At such a short distance, a difference of three or five feet made no difference to a foundation cultivator.

Li Qingshan paused, his parallel fingers were like swords, he jumped up, and the dozens of sword qi remaining on his body were all integrated into this finger, stabbing at the black flower stem.

The incomparable sword energy pierced deeply into the flower stem, interrupting its absorption of nutrients, and the huge flower buds on it also swayed for a while, the sky brightened suddenly, but it immediately returned to darkness.

Li Qingshan returned to the pond, looking at the Lord of the Black Lotus Altar strangely.

Sure enough, the Lord of the Black Lotus Altar did not make a move, but instead praised: "This sword energy is very unusual, no wonder Rui Liu can't even take a single move."

"Now, it's up to the two of us." Li Qingshan said, Han Qiongzhi must have taken this opportunity to leave, now, in Gufeng City, there are only the two of them left, and they can transform into demon bodies and fight to their heart's content. With this magic circle blocking, it will not be seen by outsiders.

"Oh?" The Lord of the Black Lotus Altar was slightly surprised. Even though a seventh-level qi refiner has some very special power, it would be a little too uncomfortable to challenge a foundation-builder cultivator even if he couldn't even use his true energy. We can afford it.

"People in my generation, even if a disaster is imminent, we should still look at each other calmly, without losing our bearing. Why do we need to learn from ordinary people and fight senseless beasts." On the contrary, he taught Li Qingshan a lesson.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Li Qingshan was about to release his demon power, when footsteps came from behind him, he turned around and said, "Why are you back again?"

"I don't have the habit of asking men to die for me, and besides, I'm not a cute woman, and I don't want to please you!" Han Qiongzhi's expression changed a few times, and he said firmly.

She didn't know why she wanted to come back. She had been educated since she was a child. In this case, retreating is the most correct choice, and she will not be subject to any moral responsibilities. Pointless sacrifices are not encouraged.

At this time, if you still linger, it will make the sacrifice of your companions be in vain. She originally despises this kind of young daughter's attitude the most, but this time, she can't leave him. In her heart, he is not just a colleague. , Companion, companion.

"I just feel that I can't escape the pursuit of a foundation cultivator. Rather than being defeated one by one, I might as well fight to the death, maybe I still have a chance."

"Sure enough, she is a woman, and she is also a beautiful woman. It is really rare to find someone who likes each other and is willing to sacrifice for each other in the world. You should cherish this fate."

At this time, the Lord of the Black Lotus Altar still looked at the two of them with an amused face, and spoke like a matchmaker.

Li Qingshan doesn't know what to do and what to say, if someone is willing to die with you, even if you let her know your secret, it's nothing!

He said to Han Qiongzhi: "Be careful yourself." He took out all the top-grade magic talismans, and was about to make a move, fighting to the death,

"Wait!" The Lord of the Black Lotus Altar suddenly raised his hand and said.

If facing other opponents, Li Qingshan would not wait for anything, but this Black Lotus Altar Master is too weird, from the beginning to the end, not to mention murderous, even hostility.

"You all go, the person I'm waiting for is here!" The Lord of the Black Lotus Altar looked up at the sky.

A blazing flash of light cut through the darkness, descended from the sky, and hit the black lotus that was about to bloom.

Boom, thunder came next.

Several familiar figures descended from the sky.

Han Qiongzhi lost his voice: "Father!"

Han Tieyi is one of them, and there are Liu Changqing, Wang Pushi, Master Yi Nian and others beside him. The heads of hundreds of families are almost all gathered here. And that thunder came from Zhou Tong, a sloppy Taoist at the peak of Foundation Establishment, that could tear apart the magic circle in one fell swoop.

Wang Pushi said: "Master of the Black Lotus Altar, today is your death day!"

ps: After a night of sleep, the small discomfort turned into a big one. The climate in Henan is really bad! That’s all for this chapter today, it will resume normal update tomorrow, I’ll make some ginger soup, tomorrow will be fine!

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