Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 61 Ru Xin's True Face

The mountain torrent roared towards the small town, how could the monster energy contained in it be hidden from Li Qingshan and Ru Xin's induction, this is not only a natural disaster, but also a monster disaster. Seeing that in an instant, the small town will be swallowed by the flood and turn into a swamp country. There are living beings in the city, and I am afraid that one out of ten will survive.

Li Qingshan said: "Stop the mountain torrent!"

Ru Xin stretched out her hand and made a move, and pieces of green leaves turned into the size of a door and flew down, forming a dam on the way of the mountain torrent.

"You want to stop me just because of your little tricks?" Only a distant laugh was heard, and a strange catfish was floating and sinking in the turbid current with its tail wide and dark. Will. Indistinct in the water, there are still many monster soldiers, also driving the torrent together.

The heavy rain was poured into the torrent at a slant, and the torrent was even more powerful, crashing into the green leaf embankment.

Residents in the city, upon hearing the commotion, came out of their homes one after another, looking at this scene in amazement. A dragon chant changed from soft to loud, and a crystal water dragon tens of feet long gathered from the clouds and rain all over the sky, galloped down, and rushed towards the strange catfish at the source of the torrent.

It was the first time for Li Qingshan to cast a spell as a foundation cultivator, and the effect was so good that even he was surprised.

The black and huge body of the strange catfish suddenly jumped high from the water, swung its tail and slapped the water dragon away, and took advantage of this water force to urge the mountain torrent to become more urgent, carrying ten thousand earth and rocks, rolling down like ten thousand horses galloping.

Occupying the right time and place, the strange catfish didn't want to kill the two of them, but only wanted to destroy the city and kill people, which was beyond the power of the foundation-builder cultivators.

Li Qingshan was about to fly down and use the Spirit Turtle Demon Pill. Suppress this torrent, I hope Ruxin will be careless, don't notice the strangeness, but Ruxin said: "I will stop the torrent, you go and kill that monster!"

"What? How do you stop it?"

Before Li Qingshan could finish his question, Ruxin flew down and saw two mountains standing between them. The torrent rolled in, and her eyes suddenly turned blue, like a peaceful lake. The fluttering hair also turned light blue, and the skin was faintly transparent like water, and he plunged into the torrent.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ru Xin rose from the water. It is composed of clear water, several feet high, only half of the body, with open arms, embracing the torrent, the water is like melted blue silk, flying in the rain.

Li Qingshan didn't care about being surprised, he stepped out of the void with one step, and the waves surged under his feet, and he took another step. Already hundreds of feet away, the sky was filled with water and rain, and layers of air waves swayed, falling straight into the mountain torrents.

Bocang sea? Chaosheng style

all of a sudden,

The aura in the dantian qi sea. Like the rising tide of the sea, it surges up layer by layer, endlessly, endlessly, with an unstoppable momentum that is the same in the world. This move was as strong as Li Qingshan hadn't really practiced "Boundless Sea Art". It was impossible to use it originally, but once it is used this time, it is an indescribable pleasure, which cannot be thought about carefully, and it is shot out with one palm.

boom! The turbid waves flowed away layer by layer, and the monster catfish slipped away, but the other fish monsters and shrimp monsters that followed it were not so lucky.

Li Qingshan plunged headlong into the torrent, facing the monster catfish's huge mouth full of fangs, swallowing him in one gulp. The strange catfish was stunned, he was going to crush Li Qingshan, but Li Qingshan threw himself into his belly, then laughed grinningly, his digestive juice, even gold and iron, would wear it down.

Suddenly a severe pain came from the abdomen, and the strange catfish writhed in the torrent like crazy, not only failed to digest Li Qingshan, but was turned upside down by Li Qingshan, suddenly a figure broke out, it was Li Qingshan , holding a faint blue demon pill in his hand, trembling uncontrollably, but he couldn't break free.

The strange catfish knew that this time it was unfortunate to encounter a strong opponent, so he shouted: "I want to die with you." He was about to urge the demon core to explode, and suddenly a black giant palm pressed down on his head, grabbing him in his hand, and again Squeeze it hard, smash it to pieces, and put it in the treasure bag randomly.

Li Qingshan's eyes turned red, he swept around, and killed the remaining soldiers and crabs one by one, and got seven or eight demon pills, and more than a dozen corpses, all of which were in his pocket.

Downstream Ruxin suddenly felt that the pressure was relieved a lot, but even without the control of the evil spirit, the momentum of the mountain torrent had already been achieved, and with the help of heavy rain, in a blink of an eye, the mountain torrent accumulated a wall of water several feet high, which was daunting.

Ruxin also found it very difficult to use this natal ability, and gradually became unsustainable, and the transformed "Water Ruxin" also had a tendency to collapse.

In the mountain city, the common people had never seen such a scene before, all of them were ashen-colored in horror, and knelt down to the ground, praying sincerely, calling for help. Her voice seemed to be close to her ears, and she smiled wryly to herself, "It doesn't matter if you beg me. After all, I am not a real god, Buddha, or demon. I am just a little monk who has just started on the path of cultivation."

Unexpectedly, exposing Xingzang in front of him this time is still powerless.

Spirit Turtle Township!

Li Qingshan fell from the sky and landed in the front of the torrent. The raging torrent calmed down a lot immediately, but the crisis has not been resolved. The water wall is still rising. If it continues, it will be like a tsunami, and the mountain city can be razed to the ground. .

In an instant, Li Qingshan forgot all of this, and looked straight at Ru Xin, until now, he finally saw Ru Xin's true face, only to see that not only did her eyes change color, but also a pair of blue fins appeared behind her ears. , behind is a pair of larger fins, transparent as gauze, waving like wings, from the waist down, a pair of jade legs turned into a blue fish tail, swinging gracefully in the water waves.

"Have you seen enough? Hurry up and help!" Ru Xin said angrily.

"It's easy to say, get out of the way!" Li Qingshan smiled, like a child spying on an adult's privacy, making Ru Xin feel very hateful, without saying a word, just get out of the way.

The water wall collapsed immediately, and the people in the city, seeing this situation, screamed everywhere, sat down on the ground, their legs were as soft as noodles, but they saw the roaring torrent of water spiraling up to the sky.

Li Qingshan's right hand continued to rotate, moving into a vortex pose, the spirit turtle demon pill in his body radiated light, and flew straight into the sky.

At this time, the strange catfish was killed, the clouds dispersed, the sun appeared, and the sun shone on the long eddy river across the sky, everyone was dumbfounded.

Li Qingshan swiped it vigorously, like a pen brush splashing ink, and in an instant, the Milky Way poured down and shattered in mid-air, turning into a real torrential rain, drenching all the people in the city into drowned chickens.

The water mist billowed, a long rainbow streaked across the city, and cheers sounded.

When Li Qingshan returned between the two mountains, Ruxin had returned to her original appearance, with a relaxed expression as if deliberately pretending that nothing had happened.

However, Li Qingshan couldn't bear his curiosity, and said without hesitation: "Are you a mermaid?"

Ru Xin asked instead: "Even if a mortal majored in water spirit, would he have such an ability to control water?" To be continued

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