Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 62 Eight golden locks, magic water is invisible

\u003e The full text is hand-typed and updated the fastest. "I am very talented. Cai@雨*文¥学%网 genius can remember it in a second, 1," Li Qingshan smiled loudly, and the Hongqiao crossed behind him, and the sun was shining brightly.

"Me too." Ru Xin said angrily, "If you want me to make alchemy, stop talking nonsense." He jumped up, stepped on the green leaves, and flew away with the wind.

Li Qingshan followed behind on a cloud, unable to stop looking at Ru Xin's back. Merman is one of the aliens, who live by water, and mostly live on the coast of the South China Sea. They are beautiful and good at singing, weave water into silk, and shed tears into beads.

Wuzhou is much bigger than Qingzhou. It is impossible to imagine how she crossed nearly 100,000 miles to settle here. Seeing her true face, the mystery about her deepened even more.

"Okay, I'm half-merman blood, what do you think?" Ru Xin couldn't bear Li Qingshan's look, she suddenly stopped Cui Ye, and said angrily.

"It's nothing, in fact, the appearance just now is quite beautiful, especially the eyes." Li Qingshan said sincerely, perhaps because of the spirits of Ning Tiandi, there are many races among the aliens who are famous for their beauty, and the mermaids are the best among them. It is said that their eyes have mysterious magic power, and they cannot look at them, otherwise they will be fascinated by them.

Ruxin felt that Li Qingshan was really strange. Ordinary people would be surprised and shocked when they saw a different kind, and they would feel repulsive, but he didn't show the slightest strange look. After calming down, he pointed to his own eyes with a smile and said, "My eyes are made of green pearls, but they are priceless."

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, then gave a disdainful smile, "I thought it was something special, I have something on me, which is much more valuable than your pair of recruits."

Ru Xin was trying to speak out, but she didn't expect him to be more precious than anyone else, she couldn't help laughing and crying, but she was a little curious about what he was talking about? Suddenly he spat out "Dirty embryo", and the imperial weapon flew away through the air.

Li Qingshan can't figure it out, I'm talking about the demon pill, what are you thinking?

Three hundred miles southwest of Qinghe Mansion. Dozens of rolling peaks. It is called "Lianyue". Although it is not a blessed place, it is full of aura and is a good place for spiritual practice.

The two passed through the clouds and fog, and landed on a cliff. Ru Xin waved her hand, the foreground was distorted, and the gate of the cave stood out, with two large characters written on it, Ru Xin.

Li Qingshan smiled. It's really her style to write her name on the door so carelessly.

"Please, Li Daoyou." Ru Xin gave up her hand.

Stone tables and tables in the cave,

Everything is complete, neat and elegant, spotlessly clean, only the curl of cigarettes adds to the sense of dust.

Ru Xin said: "I don't drink tea. ^, text, - if I don't drink it, I won't be in trouble. Don't drink it, right?"

Li Qingshan smiled slightly: "Drink."

While Ru Xin was preparing the tea, Li Qingshan was unceremonious, and visited inside and out, and suddenly heard a clatter in the front hall, Ru Xin shouted: "Li Qingshan, come and drink tea."

Li Qingshan returned to the front hall, picked up the tea cup, and took a sip. Slowly said: "Although this place is clean, but if there are monsters to attack, then how good it is."

"The magic circle can support itself, and it is also very convenient to ask for help from a hundred scholastic schools. Besides, I am not a piece of paper. Don't talk about this, just bring the remaining blue butterfly flowers. With my current method, I can refine a few The true panacea doesn't take much effort." Ru Xin said lightly.

Li Qingshan put down the teacup, opened the treasure bag, and the blue butterflies flew out, but this was not over, he then took out the spirit grass that he scavenged from the ground one by one.

"Thousand-year-old black blood ginseng, thousand-year-old astragalus seeds..." Ru Xin was stunned, and appraised the spiritual herbs one by one, her eyes sparkling. She has practiced alchemy for so long, and she has seen a lot of various spiritual herbs, but these spiritual herbs are either a thousand years or eight hundred years old, which one is not hard to find in the world, and Li Qingshan took it out like a cabbage. I forgot what to say for a while.

"Okay, that's all for now."

"Li Daoyou, please use tea." Ruxin smiled as gently as water, and picked up the teacup.

"Let's put this!" Li Qingshan snorted, but his jaw dropped.

"Hey, you said you're fat, and you're still panting." Ru Xin threw the teacup on the table, picked up those spirit herbs and looked at them carefully: "Where do you get these spirit herbs... Forget it, hey, get rich Yes, the past two years of doing good deeds have not been in vain."

When the two came to the alchemy room, Ru Xin took out the Ruinao Furnace, took out some spiritual herbs, and immediately started to make alchemy.

Li Qingshan retreated quietly, Ru Xin looked back and said: "Where are you going?"

"Open up a cave."

Li Qingshan had planned to set up his own family long ago, there are many people in the school, it is really inconvenient to practice, especially when it involves demon cultivation, and now seeing Ruxin's cave, he made up his mind.

"Don't watch this time?"

"Too busy, no time."

"Don't blame me for missing the pill."

"It's okay, when the time comes, I'll kill the donkey, and I won't even be able to escape you." Li Qingshan waved his hands without looking back.

Ru Xin froze for a moment, "You are the donkey." Li Qingshan had already walked out of the cave, his laughter gradually dissipated. Originally thought that he would have to accompany him to practice alchemy for a while, and felt a little troublesome, but he didn't expect him to leave so happily, and felt a little lonely instead.

Suddenly she smiled to herself, obviously she was so deeply perplexed by him, she never doubted that he would really turn his face and be ruthless. Even if only 30% of the elixir refined from these spirit herbs is enough, it is enough for any two sects of cultivation to turn against each other and start a war.

Shaking her head and discarding these thoughts, she sat cross-legged, activated the Ruinao Furnace, and began to refine the elixir.

Li Qingshan went back to Baijia Jingyuan, and greeted Liu Chuanfeng. He was going to open a cave outside, and he looked for Xiaoan again: "Have you explained the matter to that Qian Rongzhi?"

"Well, 70,000 to 80,000 have been collected."

"So fast?" Li Qingshan was surprised.

It turns out that Qian Rongzhi has not only collected corpses in recent years, she has also done a lot of things to fight black people, and she has accumulated 40,000 to 50,000 corpse soldiers in her hands, and they are all elites who have been carefully refined. Resold and sold, otherwise one or two hundred thousand is still available. There are also many Taoist friends who are acquainted with each other in the Hundred Schools of Economics, so I raised a few casually, and I made up 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, and handed it to Xiaoan first.

"She confiscated the spirit stone and said she would settle with you."

"That's fine." Li Qingshan touched Xiao An's head, pondered, and it was really good to tell her about it, "Let's go build a cave!"


"It's our home."

"Home." Xiaoan repeated softly, the heart created by "The Way of the Red and White Bones" suddenly became hot, and she nodded heavily: "Okay!"

The two were about to leave, when Hua Chengzan and Han Tieyi came hand in hand, they had picturesque features and incomparably handsome looks. With sword eyebrows and star eyes, heroic spirit is compelling. After crossing the catastrophe, the demeanor is even more moving, standing together, like a connected wall.

Li Qingshan went up to meet him: "Why are you here?"

"Qingshan, I heard that you want to build a cave, but do you need our help?" Hua Chengzan said enthusiastically, while Han Tieyi didn't like to talk, and stood there coldly.

"That's not necessary, it's just a hole."

"That's not to say, there is no way to build a cave. Although this set of eight-door Golden Lock Formation is not an excellent formation, it is barely enough as a large formation to guard the mountain. I congratulate you on your success in building a foundation." Hua Cheng praised this as being too modest. In other words, this set of eight-door golden lock array is worth tens of thousands of spirit stones, even if it is a foundation-building monk, it is difficult to break it with its own strength, and it can also lock the aura. After a long time, ordinary mountains It can also become a practice resort.

Li Qingshan was moved in his heart, and accepted the full set of formation flags. Now he does not lack these tens of thousands of spirit stones, but "the source of assets is unknown", and he spends recklessly, which is easy to arouse suspicion. Hua Chengzan's formation method can be said to be a timely gift, but he has nothing to return, he is full of stolen goods.

Suddenly his heart moved, and he took out the strange catfish pill that he had just obtained from the treasure bag, "There is no injustice here, you take this."

The eyes of Hua Chengzan and Han Tieyi were attracted, Hua Chengzan took the demon pill, and said in surprise: "This is the demon general's demon pill, where did you get it from?"

Li Qingshan then told the story, Han Tieyi looked at him, his eyes flashed, Hua Cheng praised: "I have also heard about that monster, it has already flooded many towns, I never thought it would die in your hands .”

During his trip, besides giving gifts, he also wanted to persuade Li Qingshan not to focus on cultivation, and to waste the affairs of Hundred Schools of Studies and Eagle Wolf Guards, who would have thought that he would kill a demon general as soon as he made a move. Even if he stays in seclusion for another year or so, no one can gossip.

And the value of this demon pill is even higher than his set of eight-door golden lock formation, he played with it for a while, and then returned the demon pill to Li Qingshan: "I didn't come to trade with you, I want you What the demon pill does, if you don’t need it, I can buy it, but you major in water spirit, this demon pill is also a water element, it’s the most suitable for you, put it away!”

In fact, Li Qingshan was also very reluctant, since Hua Chengzan said so, he followed the trend and put away the Yaodan, as long as the cultivation base is raised, is it afraid that there will be no chance to repay it?

"Brother-in-law, where's your gift?" Li Qingshan joked.

As expected, Han Tieyi went to touch the treasure bag, as if he took out something, but there was nothing in his hand.

Li Qingshan squinted his eyes and took a closer look before he saw clearly that it was a nearly transparent three-foot long sword. Although there was no trace of aura, Li Qingshan could clearly sense that it was a top-grade spiritual weapon.

Hua Chengzan smiled and said: "This Magic Water Invisible Sword is a treasured item of General Han. When used, even human swords can become invisible. It is a magic weapon for hidden assassination. This can be regarded as an acknowledgment of Qingshan's son-in-law."

"My father didn't say that." Han Tieyi said, Hua Chengzan ignored him and asked, "Where do you plan to build the cave?"

"Lianyue Mountain."

"That's not..." Hua Chengzan stopped talking and looked at Han Tieyi.

Han Tieyi was handing the Magic Water Invisible Sword to Li Qingshan, and suddenly he was about to take it back, Li Qingshan grabbed his hand: "Little brother-in-law, how can I take back what I took out, it was given to me by Lao Taishan."

Han Tieyi struggled for a while, but he didn't move at all, he was shocked in his heart: what a lot of strength.

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Don't make trouble, don't forget, you still owe me a punch!"

"Come and get it!" Han Tieyi punched him, he wanted to fight Li Qingshan again. 【Genius remembers in a second】


Chapter 62 Eight-door golden lock, magic water is invisible, you can go back

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