Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 65 The Spirit Turtle's One Thought, Unpredictable

The cave mansion opened up by Li Qingshan is neither elegant nor magnificent, it only has one large character.

In the empty mountain belly, Li Qingshan took out the demon pill of the catfish. This demon pill is also water-based, and the power contained in it is the best tonic for him. With one mouth, he swallowed the demon pill.

A huge amount of energy was released in his body. Although it didn't explode, it was powerful enough to kill an ordinary monk. Li Qingshan carried out the "Spiritual Turtle Town Sea Jue", and couldn't suppress it faintly, his body shape immediately changed, quickly became taller and bigger, and turned into the original form of a monster.

The huge demonic aura went straight through the mountain peak, soaring into the sky, and the eight-door golden lock formation immediately took effect to lock this aura. If it was in the Hundred Schools of Classics, it would inevitably show its whereabouts. Here, there is no need to worry about this .

The brilliance of the spirit turtle's demon core was bright, and it spun slowly, suppressing it with all its strength, absorbing the demon core little by little, and Li Qingshan's figure returned to normal little by little.

Seeing that Li Qingshan was fine, Xiao An sat down cross-legged beside him, summoned those corpse soldiers, activated the Blood Flame of Burning Corpse and Cang Yan of Tempering Bone, refining a corpse between release and retraction.

Ten days later, a skull rosary was refined. Fourteen little skeleton demons were bouncing around, as if they were welcoming new companions.

Li Qingshan's practice has also reached the most critical time. He has been in seclusion for three years, and his "Spirit Turtle Town Sea Jue" has been practicing without interruption. I thought that if I got this water demon pill, I could easily break through the fourth level of the spirit turtle, but now I realized that it is not so easy. Even if this demon pill is completely digested, it is still a little short.

This is the essence condensed by a demon general for thousands of years! With the improvement of practice, the demand for resources of the Spirit Turtle Demon Pill has become more and more alarming. If you just sit and absorb the spiritual energy of the world, it will take many years to be enough.

Li Qingshan suddenly remembered. When killing that strange catfish. I also got some other low-quality demon pills, which are basically water-based, so I took them out and swallowed them. Added that last point.

In the Hidden Sword Palace, Elder Tianji, with white beard and hair, sat cross-legged in front of the map of Kyushu. The Tianji sword is placed horizontally on the knee, and the Taiji gossip plate on the sword is spinning endlessly.

When Fu Qingjin was investigating, the Elder Tianji did not stop tracking. The Sumi Ring is equivalent to a small world of its own. It is difficult for anyone except the owner to detect the situation in it, let alone feel the breath of the Flying Dragon Sword .

Elder Tianji thought for a moment. Once again, the target is locked on the Sumeru Ring of Elder Feilong. It is difficult for people in this world to find out about other worlds, but the "door" will always remain in this world. until destruction. Although it does not emit any breath. But it is a trajectory that can be grasped in the dark.

Elder Tianji made the same attempt a few years ago,

As a result, he suffered backlash and was seriously injured. What hurt him was not Qingniu itself, but Qingniu's divine sense in the Sumeru Ring. If it wasn't for this divine sense, Hidden Sword Palace would have found Li Qingshan out and cut him to pieces.

Li Qingshan thought that Qingniu had already left, but he didn't know that Qingniu's power had been protecting him all these years. But at this time, with the disappearance of his divine sense, Li Qingshan is like a child who has lost the last layer of protection. He not only has to survive alone in this world, but also faces a powerful enemy that he is still difficult to face.

"Get up!" Elder Tianji stretched his hands like lotus flowers with inconceivable dexterity, and the Tianji sword let out a long cry, soared up, with the tip of the sword facing down, hanging over his head.

"Human Sword Unity!"

The Tianji sword fell down, pierced into the elder Tianling, and melted into it. Elder Tianji's pitch-black eyes turned into a yin-yang and Tai Chi diagram, spinning endlessly, looking up at the Kyushu diagram.

In an instant, his gaze seemed to pass through mountains and rivers, overlooking the entire Qinghe Mansion. He wanted to find that small Sumeru Ring in the three thousand miles of rivers and mountains.

No need to investigate, no need to analyze, no need to inquire, no need to ponder, just ask fate itself directly, and implore God to give an answer.

After wandering in the River of Destiny for an unknown amount of time, the corner of Elder Tianji's mouth suddenly overflowed with joy, and he finally found it!

Like a ray of sunshine in the dark. From now on, he only needs to follow this ray of sunshine and trace back to the source.

This also made Elder Tianji completely relieved. The last divination, the catastrophe of extinction appeared together with this ray of sunlight. In a trance, it seemed to be a figure from the back, which did not emit any hostility, or deliberately attacked him. However, this is the scariest thing, because just that existence itself caused his calculation to completely collapse.

If it wasn't for the unity of the body and the sword, the Tianji sword had withstood most of the damage, and his sea of ​​consciousness was almost devastated. That feeling is like a flying insect that accidentally flew over the crater. The volcano erupted on its own, completely unaware of the existence of the flying insect, but just a little smoke emitted was enough to kill the flying insect.

Elder Tianji was following that ray of sunlight, and suddenly felt a kind of disturbance. He was taken aback, but felt relieved. It seems that the other party is also proficient in the magic of heaven, but through the contact just now, the power of the other party is still below him.

Xiao An, who was refining the skeleton rosary, felt a jump in her heart, frowned slightly, and carried the "Seven Signs of Yunji".

Elder Tianji immediately felt that as the disturbance intensified, the ray of sunlight distorted, and the path he pursued became unpredictable. This kind of fortune teller's fighting method is more mysterious and mysterious than any other fighting method.

Elder Tianji smiled slightly, with a well-thought-out plan, resolved Xiaoan's interference one by one, and unswervingly moved towards the goal.

Li Qingshan didn't know at all that Xiaoan beside him was engaged in such a battle with Elder Tianji who was thousands of miles away, but he just quietly comprehended the changes in "Spiritual Turtle Town Sea Jue", until his mind reached absolute tranquility.

In the tortoise shell-shaped Spirit Turtle Demon Pill, there is something vaguely brewing in the tortoise shell, just about to move, like the beginning of chaos, the tortoise shell suddenly shakes, and a pair of eyes light up, deep and wise.

Li Qingshan opened his eyes, with a blue light flashing in his pupils, in an instant, he felt as if he had opened his eyes as mortals said. Many inexplicable and difficult things suddenly feel clear, and the whole world becomes clear.

After breaking through the fourth level of the spirit turtle, the Xuanwen on the spirit turtle demon pill became more and more clear. An invisible force radiated from him, and went straight into the vast river of fate, stirring up waves.

Elder Tianji opened his eyes in astonishment, and just when the answer was about to come out, the ray of sunlight disappeared completely, as if covered by a dark cloud, and there was no trace of reason.

"You finally woke up." Xiao An let out a long breath.

"What's the matter?" Li Qingshan scratched his head, although he is not very good at using the spirit turtle's ability to predict omens, but hiding and resisting is the instinct of the spirit turtle, and it is not him who hides at the level of the magic number. It's his entire destiny, especially those beings that are closely related to him.

"Don't you feel it? Someone is using divination to find us, or to say it." Xiao An looked at the Sumeru Ring in his palm.

Hearing Xiao An's words, Li Qingshan also recalled, frowned and said: "Just now... I felt that someone was spying on me, which made me feel bad, and then I hid... How could I think about these things? ?”

Xiao An clasped his hands together and said with a smile: "It is said in the Buddhist scriptures that there are twenty moments when you flick your fingers, and twenty thoughts in a moment. This is just one of your thoughts, and you will naturally not notice it on weekdays."

Li Qingshan flicked his fingers and said with a smile: "So there are four hundred thoughts in it, probably the so-called subconscious mind!"

Many thoughts flashed by, and I didn't even know that I had thought so. With the completion of the Spirit Turtle Fourth Level, Li Qingshan not only greatly increased his demonic aura, but also became more delicate and nuanced, reaching an unprecedented level.

Li Qingshan paced back and forth in a circle, and even understood the protection of Qingniu's spiritual sense. He was very moved. Presumably, Brother Niu had calculated the realm of his cultivation. It is not possible to be murdered by people using this method to know the future, which can be regarded as eliminating a hidden worry.

He smiled slightly, as for the next step, he had already figured it out.

The Hidden Sword Palace must have a way to find out where the Feilong Sword is, that's why Fu Qingjin asked that way. If he wants to take out the contents of the Sumeru Ring, and even use the Feilong Sword for his own use, there must be a suitable place to avoid the hidden sword. The investigation of the Sword Palace weakened Feilongjian's resistance at the same time.

And this kind of place is actually not difficult to find, it is just at the foot of Li Qingshan, going down, going deeper underground, to use the disturbance of the underground magnetic field.

"Xiao An, what do you think?" Li Qingshan shared his thoughts with Xiao An.

"Smart." Xiao An sincerely praised.

Li Qingshan laughed and sighed again, his fate was once again led to the ground, but he was not in a hurry to set off, he couldn't let Beiyue appear too early.

Talking to Xiao An, seeing her success, Li Qingshan settled down, and took out the Magic Water Invisible Sword to start refining. This thing paired with the glazed invisibility mirror is a match made in heaven.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month passed, autumn passed and winter came, and the mountains were blocked by heavy snow.

The Ruinao Furnace was turned on again, Ru Xin pressed her neck, stood up, took out the refined medicine from the Ruinao Furnace, and bottled it. Looking at it, Li Qingshan still has a lot of spiritual herbs left behind.

I don't know what happened to that guy, let me do hard work here alone, let's go out and breathe!

Just thinking like this, someone touched the magic circle, and Li Qingshan's voice came from outside the cave: "Open the door like your heart."

Ru Xin opened the magic circle, opened the gate of the cave, and faced him with a lesson: "Don't yell and shout in the future. If I am refining alchemy and I am distracted by you, what should I do? It's yours or mine!"

"I know you're not refining alchemy, how is your alchemy?" Li Qingshan walked in on his own.

"how do you know?"

"I guessed it." Li Qingshan smiled slightly, this is not a lie, he didn't intentionally guess anything, he just thought of Ru Xin, and thought, that guy might be tired of refining alchemy, and then he came here. Six Zero Novels has changed its domain name to

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