\u003e "How about visiting my cave?"


Li Qingshan gave up his hand, and the clouds formed a cloud bridge, stretching across the mountain gorge to the distance. www. NgWeNXuE. m

Ruxin walked along the winding cloud bridge, bypassed a mountain peak in front of her, and after walking a short distance, she came to the gate of Li Qingshan's cave. When she saw the words "Qingxiaojia", she stroked it thoughtfully. Fasi: "So close? You can't be plotting against me!"

"Don't be sentimental, just protect my elixir, and the alchemist... So, that day, you practiced in the cave?" Fu Qingjin crossed his legs, crossed his hands, and looked at the opposite with a smile that was not a smile. Master Zhu Yi.

The master of Zhuyi Sect seemed a little embarrassed: "Fellow Daoist Fu, why are you asking this? Of course I am practicing in the sect."

Fu Qingjin took out a curved and extended pointed horn from behind, which shone brightly, "Friend Daoist, have you heard of Xiezhi?"

"It is said that it is a divine beast that distinguishes right from wrong, loyal and traitorous, but it is rare that this is..."

"Yes, this is the horn of Xiezhi. I hope you will tell me the truth, because it is very important." Fu Qingjin fiddled with the Qingxu sword inadvertently.

Zhuyi Sect Master's expression twisted for a moment, this is his secret and must not be passed on, but he glanced at Qingxu Sword, then at Xiezhijiao, and after struggling for a long time, he finally said: "Okay, I will Said, that day I went underground..."

"Okay, I understand." Fu Qingjin turned around and investigated all the host monks within the Qinghe Mansion. With a preliminary result, some of them were personally questioned by him, some had obvious alibi, but there were also some Foundation Establishment cultivators who refused to cooperate. Li Qingshan.

The head of the Zhuyi Sect let out a sigh of relief as if he had received an amnesty. It seemed that Fu Qingjin was not looking for that matter.

"It's time to make a deal with Ye Youren!" Fu Qingjin's words made Zhu Yimen's heart suddenly rise, "Liaison envoy, listen to my explanation..."

"Collude with other people and communicate with foreign enemies. It's a big taboo in the Monster Punishment League. By the way, three years ago. Your disciple who killed the Eagle Wolf Guard is still there. Don't let him go away, he may be needed recently .”

After Fu Qingjin spoke, it turned into a blue light and flew away. The head of the Zhuyi sect was stunned.

Fu Qingjin left Zhu Yimen,

Flying above the sky, instead of looking for those suspects one by one and questioning them. Instead, choose a direction. Fly in the direction of the boundless mountains.

Those directly related to the death of Elder Feilong. Concubine You's cat demon, and Gu Yanying. No matter which one, Hidden Sword Palace cannot investigate, but there must be witnesses in the depths of Cangwu Mountain.

Because this witness must be a monster, due to the shackles of the covenant, Hidden Sword Palace is very difficult to start, coupled with Elder Tianji's warning, it came to a standstill. But now, the covenant in the Qinghe Mansion has been lifted, and Elder Tianji has confirmed that the power is not from here, and will no longer interfere in it, and finally can conduct a drastic investigation.

Starting from these two aspects at the same time, the death of Elder Fei Long will definitely be investigated clearly.

When I came to the edge of the vast mountain range, I saw that after the destruction of the Ivy Mountain, a city had sprung up in the huge potholes, surrounded by many magic circles. Many human monks walked in it, and it was even more lively than Liuyunfang City in the past.

After the covenant was lifted, many human monks chose to enter the vast mountains instead of the land. The same is killing monsters, obviously it is more reassuring to be on the ground, and the number of spiritual grasses is even better in the vast mountain range under the sun.

Fu Qingjin's gaze turned to the east again, and Malu blew himself up as a demon core, leaving a pothole in the same place, although on the surface it looked like a barren place. But Fu Qingjin knew that under the heavy earth and rocks, a city of nocturnal people was rising. It was said that the nocturnal people there did not attack humans, but remained neutral.

And according to the information Fu Qingjin got, the supreme rulers of that city were a pair of Erye Tourist sisters, and they should be the transaction partners of Zhuyi Sect Master. And this is not accidental. Compared with risking life and death, getting rare underground resources through trading is more desirable.

The rise of Tiankengfang City in Qingteng Mountain has a lot to do with their attitude. I don't know how many resources are traded through these two cities.

With Li Qingshan's "throne" as the core, the tunnels like spider webs have become smooth and smooth under the efforts of night travel craftsmen, like underground corridors.

The slender fingertips brushed against the smooth wall, and Ye Tassel walked in it, feeling a kind of deep pride. This is the result of her three years of hard work.

Ye Liubo followed her, playing with a set of formation flags in his hands: "Sister, I never thought that human beings would even sell us such a magic formation. It seems that they are still members of the Monster Slayer League. That's not our underground giant." enemy?"

"We're not demons, why not, those black gold ores are very useful for refining weapons, and the Monster Killing League doesn't have the ability to build mining farms underground, of course they have to rely on us."

Saying that, the two came to a cave, where a village of night tourists was newly built, and every night visitor bowed deeply when they saw Ye Liusu. This is not only out of fear of power, but also out of respect for Ye Liusu himself.

Outside of Li Qingshan's territory, the night traveler's attack did not stop, but intensified, extending from the ground to the ground. While following the spider queen's will to assassinate human monks, they became prey for each other.

Under the rule of Ye Liusu, Li Qingshan's will was carried out here, all internal fighting was stopped, and it became a unique place of peace.

Many night travelers who are tired of fighting, or who are powerless to fight, have gathered here, willing to become Lord Beiyue's servant, which is equivalent to breaking away from the control of other clans. When Li Qingshan retreated, his servants had expanded to as many as five figures.

Ye Liusu smiled, and she proved that Yeyou people don't have to kill each other to survive, they can also enjoy this life peacefully and happily.

"Liubo, set up the formation!"

Ye Liubo deployed the formation, and a semicircular light enveloped the cave.

Ye Liusu nodded in satisfaction. In this way, even if he was attacked by blind human monks, he would still have time to support him.

"When will the master leave the customs?" Ye Liubo kicked a stone away from his feet.

"Don't worry, he will wake up." Ye Liusu's eyes flashed with light, and when he woke up, he wanted to thank him personally and tell him, "You are right, I am special."

The stone flew into the darkness, but there was no sound of collision.

Ye Liusu changed color and said, "Liubo be careful!"

The stone flew back at ten times the speed, but crashed into the light curtain formed by the magic circle.

Qiangshi came out of the darkness and roared, "Where is Beiyue!" (To be continued)RQ

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