Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 67: Supernatural Changes Surprise 2 Demons

The body with strong rocks and blocks exudes a fierce and domineering aura all the time. After three years of fierce fighting, his nature has been completely released, and his strength has also greatly increased. A pair of radiant eyes, full of killing intent and fighting intent, grinned ferociously, revealing white teeth, as if to choose someone to eat.

"Everyone back!" Ye Liusu opened her arms like a calf and ordered loudly. But it was too late, the magic circle couldn't stop the wonderful power of the killing stone, half of the night travelers in the village, with red eyes, rushed towards their companions.

With a move of Ye Liubo's hand, the bright yellow splendor bestowed by Li Qingshan envelops the Night Tourists and keeps them away from Qiangshi.

"Master Qiangshi, please put away your strength, this is Lord Beiyue's territory." Ye Liusu cupped her hands, and Qiangshi caused her more headaches than any human monk.

"Don't you have ears? I'm here to find him!" Qiang Shi swaggered forward, blocked by the magic circle light curtain.

"Master Beiyue is in retreat, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you."

"Does he dare not even listen to the orders of the Spider Queen?" A man wearing a cloak, with a ruddy complexion and a delicate face, paced from behind Qiang Shi, seemingly slowly, but he approached in just a blink of an eye. Two pointed fangs were exposed between the openings.

"Master Blood Shadow." Ye Liusu felt that something was wrong in his heart, and reluctantly said, "If you want to pass on the orders from Lord Spider Queen, why do you need two adults to come together?"

"Ye Liusu, what you have been doing all the time has made Lord Spider Queen very dissatisfied. Not only did you passively avoid the battle, but you even dared to trade with humans. If it weren't for the fact that Beiyue still has some merits, I would have come and wiped you out earlier." Blood The ghostly aura on Ying's body filled the cave, and the coercion of the demonic aura alone made the magic circle tremble. In the past three years, he has devoured an unknown amount of blood, and his strength has also risen to a higher level.

"We are not passively avoiding war. We are accumulating strength." Ye Liusu's defense was weak.

"Is this the gadget you bought from humans?" Qiang Shi tapped on the light curtain in front of him. Suddenly furious, he punched the light curtain. The entire cavern trembled and swayed, and stalagmites fell from the dome one by one. The light curtain of the magic circle was covered with cracks in an instant.

"Lord Qiangshi, calm down." Ye Liusu hurriedly put away the magic circle, not to mention that the magic circle couldn't stop them, even if it could. How dare she resist these two monsters. After three years of operation, she once thought that she was strong enough, and even felt that there was nothing wrong with Li Qingshan retreating, allowing her to act freely.

But at this moment, she realized her weakness. Qiangshi and Blood Shadow teamed up to destroy everything that took three years to build in an instant, just as easily as they destroyed human cities.

"Whether you are passively avoiding battle or accumulating strength,

Just one sentence. I want to convey that the patience of the Spider Queen is limited! "

Xueying sneered, and Qiang Shi grinned grimly. The humiliation of losing to Beiyue. It's time to pay back!

The two demons rampaged, and all the night visitors were alarmed. The guards led by Ye Liusu all rushed over and looked at each other, but they didn't dare to stop them.

The two demons came to the core cave where Li Qingshan was, because they didn't dare to disturb Li Qingshan, only this place still maintained the old appearance of three years ago.

In the sea of ​​blue butterflies, Li Qingshan's mirror image is sitting upright on the stone platform, while Malu is coiled around, exhaling spiritual energy, his strength has recovered a lot, and his stature is much bigger than before. Sprays pink poisonous mist.

Qiang Shi's stature suddenly rose up, turning into a huge stone giant, trampling Malu under his feet, and immediately restored his original appearance, changing as he wished. He strangled Li Qingshan's neck and said, "Wake me up!"

"Master!" Ye Liubo's exclamation passed through a long distance and penetrated into Li Qingshan's ears.

Li Qingshan's tight eyes slowly opened, a pair of ruby-like red eyes shone brightly: "Is it you?"

Blood Shadow said from the side: "Where is your real body? Lord Spider Queen wants to see you, and we want to see you too, to settle an old debt!"

"Let go of your feet!" Li Qingshan's eyes turned cold when he saw Malu struggling at the foot of Qiangshi.

"Are you angry? Come quickly, I can't wait to fight with you."

"If you come too late, all your servants will die." With a move of Xueying's hand, a night traveler guard twitched all over, scarlet blood scrambling to squeeze out from every pore of him, flying to In Blood Shadow's palm, he stuck out his tongue and licked it.

Round after round of brilliance like ripples diffused from Li Qingshan's body, and every night traveler involved in it felt a sense of tranquility spontaneously, and the brilliance spread along Qiang Shi's arm to his body.

Qiang Shi suddenly felt that the ever-boiling fighting and killing intent in his heart suddenly calmed down, he was taken aback, took a step back, and let Li Qingshan go.

I saw Li Qingshan's figure flickering, sometimes blurred, sometimes clear, in the center of the ripples, but like a reflection in the ripples, only the evil spirit on his body kept rising.

Flowers in the mirror and moon in the water reflect virtual shadows, the mirror is broken and the water moves, the flowers and the moon do not change, the deity changes, and the mirror image also moves.

This is Li Qingshan's second level of comprehension of this innate supernatural power after he cultivated to the fourth level of the spirit turtle and condensed the essence of the spirit turtle.

His mirror image will no longer disappear due to the exhaustion of demon energy. As long as he uses this supernatural power again, the mirror image can be restored to its original state, as if smoothing the water waves and allowing the moon to reflect again.

At this moment, the mirror image avatar seems to be recasting "Flower in the Mirror, Moon in the Mirror". As his real body becomes stronger, the aura of the mirror image will naturally increase, and the original "Flower in the Mirror, Moon in the Water" can only reflect 30% of his power. Four percent.

In an instant, the power of Li Qingshan's mirror image clone doubled.

"I thought it was something big, but it turned out to be nothing more than that." Xueying laughed.

Even if the monster energy is doubled, there is still a huge gap compared with these two big monsters whose strength has greatly increased.

The blood shadow hooked Li Qingshan's hands, and Li Qingshan's energy and blood immediately floated, as if he was about to break out, he only said one word: "Suppress!" The energy and blood immediately stabilized.

The blood shadow showed a ferocious look, its fangs bulged, and he grasped it with his right hand, and pulled it hard. He didn't believe that he could not even deal with Beiyue's clone after three years of practice.

Numerous regular hexagonal light blue light curtains emerged from Li Qingshan's body, spinning around in a daze, reflecting the faces of all people in disorder, and finally calmed down, forming a thin light curtain, completely isolating the blood shadow's ability to control blood.

This is still the innate supernatural power he mastered first, the mysterious armor of the spirit turtle, but after Li Qingshan broke through the fourth level of the spirit turtle, especially after he obtained the most complete technique from the sea of ​​consciousness, he also reached a level with the spirit turtle new realm.

The spirituality of the spirit tortoise lies in its tortoise shell, and the body hides in the shell, which forms a world of its own. Let the vicissitudes of life change, the world goes by, and remain unmoved. Whether it's the mysteries of the heavens or the magic of magic, all the magic in the world, what can surpass the armor of the spirit turtle and affect itself?

The moment the spirit turtle opened its eyes, Li Qingshan's partition was beyond the control of the blood shadow, and it didn't even have much to do with the amount of evil spirit.

Xueying was surprised that his abilities were useless.

"Pretending to be a ghost, eat me with a punch!" Qiang Shi regained his fighting spirit and punched out! He had no doubt that this fragile light curtain would definitely shatter under his fist. In this kind of head-to-head offensive, there is no coincidence to drop ten times with one force.

The light blue light curtain paved by the turtle's mysterious armor is as smooth as a mirror. Qiang Shi clearly saw himself rushing towards him, but he didn't take it to heart, it was just a mirror reflection. In the blink of an eye, the fist hit the mysterious armor of the spirit turtle, and it collided with the fist in the mirror exactly.

Qiang Shi was stunned, because he clearly felt that a real force came from his own mirror image, which happened to block his fist. Although it is weaker than his strength, most of his fist power has been dispelled.

Qiang Shi and Xue Ying looked at each other in amazement, their most confident strength and ability had nothing to do in front of Bei Yue. The most important thing is that what is in front of her is not Beiyue herself, but just a clone.

In the past three years, what has he cultivated?

"Even my avatar can't do anything about it, and even pretended to ask me to come. Well, you wait, I will make you pay for what you did just now." Seeing Xueying and Qiangshi wanting to make a move again, Li Qingshan waved his hand Removed the mysterious armor of the spirit turtle, and simply sat cross-legged.

In fact, this move just now, in fact, he had already had a rough idea when he was in seclusion for three years. However, it was not until recently that it was able to display it. The two supernatural powers of the spirit turtle are closely related.

Especially "Flowers in the Mirror and Moon in the Water", there are many things worth pondering, and it is not just a simple avatar technique. However, this trick requires a lot of mental effort, and it can't be used at will now. That's why after Liwei, they were not given the chance to continue making moves.

Xue Ying was terrified in his heart, and suddenly became less confident about his three years of cultivation. Regarding Li Qingshan's words, he didn't dare to take them lightly. I can't say I regretted killing the night tourist's guard, but I was a little uneasy.

"Okay, I'm going to see how your deity can strengthen the spell!" Qiang Shi was more motivated to fight, and felt that he couldn't spend his strength on his avatar, so he sat down cross-legged opposite Li Qingshan.

Seeing that Li Qingshan was only attacking with a clone, he suppressed the two monster generals. The eyes of the Yeyouren princesses were all shining. This is the person they are loyal to, although this loyalty is not from the heart, but only for the sake of their respective clans. Interest considerations, but at this time, he couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the power he displayed.

"Master!" Ye Youren cheered, flew up, threw himself into Li Qingshan's arms, and kissed him fiercely.

Ye Liusu breathed a sigh of relief, apart from being relieved, there was also a trace of peace. From Xueying's words just now, she already understood that everything she had spent three years of painstaking efforts to build had reached the point of life and death. As long as Queen Rose gives an order, everything will be wiped out.

Although I will not evade my responsibility, this is something I cannot bear.

Master, come back quickly! Six Zero Novels has changed its domain name to

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