Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 69 Phoenix Egg

Fu Qingjin restrained her breath, and walked slowly in the mountains, the snowflakes were blown up by the wind and her green shirt was blown up. The heavy snow turned the mountains into a boundless world covered in silver. He breathed out a breath of white air, the corners of his lips slightly curled up, less carefree and more peaceful.

If you can throw everything away, get a confidant, and swim with your arms in this empty mountain, wouldn't it be better than fighting in this world of mortals?

Suddenly, a monster approached, a mouse came out of the snow nest, saw Fu Qingjin, it didn't attack immediately, but said loudly: "The rat king is here! Ouch!"

Immediately afterwards, the sixteen-person mouse, carrying a large sedan chair like a throne, broke through the snow and ran over the herald mouse.

A fat man with a golden crown on his head and wicked eyebrows, sitting on the throne, pointed at Fu Qingjin, and asked, "Wu Na human, who are you? Where are you from? Where are you going? Tell me the truth."

Even Fu Qingjin, who had read everything in the world, was taken aback by this scene, and said with a smile: "My servant, Fu Qingjin, came to ask the king something."

"Please tell the truth, Your Majesty, I may spare your life."

It was already a moment later that the second sentence was spoken. In the illusion of Qingxu, the crown fell to the ground, and the Rat King knelt at the bottom of the steps, begging for mercy, "Shangxian, please forgive me, I will know everything I can say."

Fu Qingjin stood on the steps with his hands behind his back, pinching the Xiezhi horns in his palms: "A few years ago, did a cat demon pass by your territory?"

The mouse king's eyes rolled around: "It seems... as if there is, and it seems not to be."

Xiezhijiao couldn't tell the truth from the fake for this ambiguous statement. Fu Qingjin picked up the Qingxu sword again.

The Rat King learned a few lessons, and told the events of the day one by one, and dared not hide anything.

Fu Qingjin asked: "Is that monster really with two horns on its head, red hair and red eyes, stepping on cow's hooves, and dragging a tiger's tail?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Fu Qingjin glanced at Xiezhijiao, who was still and still. Leisurely sighed: "So that's the case, Beiyue, so you have always been in the game."

"Your Majesty. Your Majesty!"

After an unknown amount of time, amidst the calls of the mice carrying the sedan chair, the Rat King slowly raised his head. He realized that there was another world of ice and snow all around him, and Fu Qingjin had disappeared. Heaved a sigh of relief, he sat down on the ground, saw his crown at a glance, and rushed to it,

Wipe it clean.

A ray of green light descended from the sky, passed in front of King Shu, and seeing that the crown in his hand had been split into two, he screamed and fled towards the cave. Sixteen sedan chair rats followed closely behind, and the sedan chair was also left there.

After a while, the Herald Rat lifted the sedan chair and fled into the cave.


Li Qingshan's face was flushed red by the lava. He was standing on a lake of lava. There was a fiery red in all directions. There are no solid rocks here anymore, they are all like lumps of charcoal fire, emitting a dazzling red light, slightly melting and flowing into the lava lake.

I'm afraid it's the earth's lungs further down, Li Qingshan wiped off the sweat from his forehead, here it is. Not to mention ordinary spiritual weapons, even the treasure bag that is different in nature from ordinary spiritual weapons, can no longer be used, and only the Sumeru Ring is not affected.

Li Qingshan smiled slightly, and suddenly felt like the hobbit in the movie who brought the Lord of the Rings and came to Doomsday Volcano. In a trance, movies have become a very strange word, and the past life is getting farther and farther away, but what happened to him now is more magnificent than in the movies.

Li Qingshan put the Sumeru Ring on his fingers slowly, and was about to open it, when suddenly his eyes became fixed, he took out the Sumeru Ring and hid it, and turned his ears to listen to the induction.

He felt a burst of anger coming from afar. No way, there are living creatures here, and this so-called distant place is not above or somewhere parallel, but deeper, buried deep in the earth's lungs, and together with the earth's lungs, slowly Huffing and breathing, the state is extremely peaceful.

Li Qingshan was startled, even if he dared to go down, he would not be able to last for a while, unless he completed the "Phoenix Nirvana Sutra", that does not mean that he can roam freely in the lungs of the earth.

At that depth, the interference of the underground magnetic field is even more serious, as if it breaks the order and returns to chaos, and even the innate magical powers cannot be used freely. Not to mention the terrible fire poison in the earth lungs, as well as the legendary earth bubbles, which are constantly changing in motion. The power of the earth bubble explosion is not something any monster general can bear.

Anyway, the guy who can penetrate so deeply must not be a good person, Li Qingshan took a breath, and slowly backed away.

"What are you doing here?"

Suddenly a voice sounded from behind, Li Qingshan suddenly turned around, only to see Queen Rose, who was dragging a bright red dress, standing not far away, casting a questioning look.

Li Qingshan confirmed that the Sumeru Ring had been hidden, and saluted: "I'm here to practice."

"Cultivation, you are not a water system, come here to practice?" Rose's questioning voice was sharp and sharp, and there was even a glimmer of murderous intent, quietly surging, entangled Li Qingshan like a spider's thread.

A drop of sweat slipped from Li Qingshan's forehead, and his thoughts turned sharply. Is it because it touched the spider queen's nerves, or because of the strange behavior? No, it must have something to do with the aura in the lungs. This place is located directly below the Spider Queen's territory. Since he can feel the existence of that aura, how could the Spider Queen not feel it.

This was probably a big secret of the Spider Queen, and if she accidentally bumped into it, it might have aroused her deeper suspicions, and she wanted to kill the demon to silence her.

The Spirit Turtle Demon Pill sent a siren-like warning, telling Li Qingshan how dangerous his current environment was. He cursed secretly in his heart, saying that the spirit turtle town is a sign of good and bad luck, and it is not too early to warn, but he also understands that it is the earth's lungs and Yuan magnetism that interfere with the power of the spirit turtle demon pill.

If it was in other places, even if he turned his face, Li Qingshan would have some confidence in self-protection, but here, he is in an absolutely disadvantageous position.

Li Qingshan said with a smile: "I want to practice both water and fire, so coming here, it makes Lord Spider Embarrassed."

"Oh?" Rose Spider Queen stepped forward slowly, grabbed Li Qingshan's wrist, and then wrapped his arms around his waist: "This makes me a little curious." The yin-yang and five-element attributes of monsters are all determined by heaven, and generally there is only one Kind of, Li Qingshan's statement made her even more skeptical.

The glamorous face of the Rose Spider Queen is close at hand, and the slim and protruding body is attached to him. From Li Qingshan's perspective, one can even see the deep gully between the white and crisp chest.

How pleasant it would be if it was surrounded by green trees, by the clear water lake, accompanied by beautiful women, whispering softly. But the reality is: black red rocks, magma fire lake, vicious spider queen, sound like a curse.

Li Qingshan was pushed aside by her, and there was tumbling magma below, if he failed to give her a satisfactory answer, she would be mercilessly pushed into the lava lake, leaving no bones left.

"If Lord Spider Queen is willing to watch, I can show it." Li Qingshan got rid of the spider queen and jumped to the center of the lake.

"Satisfy my curiosity, Beiyue." Luo Si spider folded her arms and smiled.

Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows: "No problem."

But he said in his heart: Fenghuang, Fenghuang, you have to work harder this time.

Ever since he obtained the "Phoenix Nirvana Sutra", Li Qingshan never gave up his comprehension of it, but every time he failed, the biggest reason was the existence of the "Spiritual Turtle Township Jue".

Even though it is a symbol of peace and tolerance, how can the ultimate spirit of water tolerate the existence of a pure spirit of fire?

However, when Li Qingshan looked around, his heart was moved. If he was here, maybe he could really complete the "Phoenix Nirvana Sutra".

Blossoming sparks rise and disappear from the magma lake, like the dance of fire elves. Here, the existence of water spirits cannot be tolerated. The power of the spirit turtle demon pill is suppressed to the extreme. On the contrary, it is an opportunity.

The demonic aura all over his body soared, stirring up waves of fire. Li Qingshan's stature continued to grow until it returned to its original shape, turning into a gigantic monster with a height of more than ten feet, standing in the lava lake, like a black stone pillar supporting a cave.

In the original state, although there will be less dexterity and change, it is the strongest state of monsters.

"This is the first time I've seen your original form. It turns out that you are a descendant. It's no wonder." Rose the Spider Queen whispered.

The descendants of monsters above the level of monster generals can be called descendants. It is not an ordinary beast when it is born, but has a powerful force similar to that of a strange beast. However, few demon generals are willing to do this kind of thing, because they will lose strength, especially the mother's side, and will be in a weak state for a long time.

However, this dispelled the Spider Queen's doubts. His cultivation speed was so fast, there was barely an explanation, otherwise he must have received other assistance. And the appearance of Li Qingshan's ox horns and tiger tail made Rose Spider Queen nod her head slightly. If two races and two bloodlines are blended, it is understandable to cultivate two attributes at the same time.

"However, I remember that besides water, the second energy you manipulate is wind!"

"Master Spider Queen will know just by looking at it." Li Qingshan said, ignoring the Spider Queen, letting the magma engulf him bit by bit, a burning pain came over him, and the fierce fire poison invaded his body.

Instead of using the demonic energy to resist, he absorbed all the demonic energy in his body into the turtle demon pill, and even introduced the rolling fire spirit into his body, and began to circulate the "Phoenix Nirvana Sutra".

In an instant, Li Qingshan's eyes lit up like charcoal fire, burning like fire. At the same time, there was a sense of nobleness rising from him, it was Phoenix Xiyu, proud but not grouped.

Rose Spider Queen frowned slightly, watching silently, it seemed that he was really manipulating the Fire Spirit.

Although Li Qingshan was in constant pain inside and out, the joy in his heart overwhelmed all the pain, because running the "Phoenix Nirvana Sutra" here is indeed much smoother. , turning into a constantly rotating, flaming fireball.

The fireball is not perfectly round, but one end is big and the other end is small, shaped like a chicken, which is the egg of a phoenix. (to be continued)

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