Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 70 - Time for War

The lingering flames licked Li Qingshan's body, as if the black iron thrown into the furnace was about to be tempered into steel and into a sword.

The red eyes twinkle like fire, and the red hair flutters like flames.

Most of Li Qingshan's body was submerged, and suddenly he let out an earth-shattering roar, setting off huge waves in the lava lake. Dark red, crimson, bright red, and golden lava of various colors were stirred into a ball, billowing white smoke, filling the entire cave.

Billowing flames came rushing, hit the dim light curtain in front of Rose Spider, and shattered into pieces of flying flames, reflecting her face flickering, I don't know what she was thinking?

Li Qingshan regained his normal body shape, opened his arms, and lay flat in the magma fire lake, ups and downs, the burns recovered quickly, and the violent fire poison subsided. In his body, a phoenix egg that looked like a face finally condensed and formed become.

When he raised his hand, clusters of flames automatically gathered in his palm for his use.

Is this the first level of Phoenix?

Li Qingshan shook his head slightly, no, there is still something missing, this is just a tricky way, once you can't let water and fire blend together, you won't be able to refine the real "Phoenix Nirvana Sutra", but it is already a big improvement, it can be regarded as Touched the doorway.

Just as he was about to get up, a wave of divine thought penetrated the magma, penetrated his body, and reached the sea of ​​consciousness. Li Qingshan "saw" the surging magma, saw the violent explosion of the earth bubble, and there was a golden baby sleeping quietly in it .

This couldn't be the son of Queen Rose, could it? As soon as Li Qingshan thought about it, he felt ridiculous for this absurd idea, even the Rose Spider Queen herself. Nor can it live safely in the depths of the lungs here.

The baby suddenly opened his eyes, and in an instant, Li Qingshan felt as if he had been seen through, and before he could distinguish carefully, a spider thread flew towards him, circled around several times, and directly dragged Li Qingshan out of the lava lake.

"What did you see?" Rose Spider Queen asked face to face.

"I have nothing... not... a baby. Who is he? Or, what is that?" Li Qingshan asked halfway through the sentence. It is a blessing not a curse. It's a disaster that can't be avoided, instead of letting the Spider Queen's doubts change, it's better to simply ask.

If you turn your back. He threw out the phoenix egg that had just condensed, blasted her to pieces, and took the opportunity to escape.

"You really saw it." Rose Spider Queen's expression changed, and she grabbed Li Qingshan, but it was empty.

Li Qingshan dodged a hundred steps away: "It's not that I want to see him, it's that he came to see me.


"Then what did he say to you?" Rose Spider Empress also showed a nervous look on her face, she put her hand on Li Qingshan's shoulder and clenched it tightly.

Li Qingshan's heart trembled, Yao Shuai really didn't take it easy: "Just watched, didn't say anything."

Rose's spider queen's expression changed. Sometimes ferocious, sometimes peaceful. Li Qingshan has already prepared the phoenix egg, ready to go.

In the end, Rose's spider queen's murderous aura faded, according to a series of performances just now. It seems that Li Qingshan broke into here unintentionally for the sake of cultivation. As long as she is not instigated by others, she is not willing to kill the general at this time.

"Don't mention this matter to anyone, if a little bit of information leaks out. I will..." Rose Queen turned her head and kissed Li Qingshan's cheek lightly, the scarlet tongue brushed across Li Qingshan's face.

A strange and exciting feeling surged into his heart, but Li Qingshan knew in his heart that this was not a show of love, but a threat. Or to her, it's all the same. *It is her natural hobby to bind and rape before killing.

"I can hardly bear it, and I'm going to leak this news now." Li Qingshan smiled and hugged the waist of Rose Spider Queen, quite a pleasure of playing with fire.

The Spider Empress Luo Si laughed loudly, the laughter was shrill, trembling like a spider's silk, but it also had a strange and pleasant feeling.

Li Qingshan suppressed the doubts in his heart, and he didn't dare to open the Sumi Ring here again. When he left, Li Qingshan looked back at the lava lake.

But what exactly is that?

Deep in the earth's lungs, the baby closed its eyes again, and at that moment, it seemed to see a phoenix, but this was just an illusion, that immortal bird had already flown away from this world.

Another thousand years have passed, Mo Long, I feel that your era is coming to an end.


Coming to the depths of Spiderweb City, Li Qingshan bid farewell to Queen Luosi. Although this trip failed to open the Sumeru Ring, but it was not a waste of time to get a glimpse of the "Phoenix Nirvana Sutra".

But as it moved away from the Earth's lungs, the Spirit Turtle Demon Pill was able to fully stretch its power again. He had to fully shrink the power of the phoenix egg, but it was unavoidable that there was still a feeling of a foreign body. This was something that could not be rushed, so Li Qingshan simply put it aside and concentrated on the clone.

There is already a special meeting hall in the territory. In the middle is a beautifully carved long table with six seats on the left and right. The six mistresses are here and lined up on both sides. The hanging fluorescent chandeliers illuminate their different expressions. s face.

One of them has a new face, which is a natural progression in the Nightwalker clan, and one never has to ask what happened to the previous Matron.

Li Qingshan walked to the end of the long table, Ye Liubo opened the chair for him, he sat down Shi Shiran, and the six mistresses stood up together: "Greetings to Lord Beiyue, congratulations on your exit."

Li Qingshan played it lightly, using his avatar to resolve the provocation of the two demon generals, he couldn't hide it from them who were well informed, and no one dared to neglect this rising star of the demon clan.

"Everyone sit down." Li Qingshan yawned, and supported his cheeks with his hands on the armrest: "Since I have left the customs, it's time to exercise my muscles and bones, so as to prevent Lord Spider Queen from thinking that I am not doing my job properly. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Bring the map." Ye Mingzhu clapped her hands, and the guard took out a pair of square-inch maps and unfolded them on the stone table: "This is the map we seized from humans." Then he pointed to a point on the map: "Here is a human map." The city, my lord can use it as a gift to the Spider Queen."

boom! Li Qingshan slapped the table and stood up: "Do you think that a mere mortal city will satisfy Lord Spider Queen?"

"Yes." Ye Mingzhu stroked her hand on the map, and dozens of light spots lit up: "This is because we have discovered the location of the human sect, but they are all protected by magic circles, and there are machine turrets of the Mohist school, all of which are not easy It is tough to deal with. And once attacked, rescue from other sects will come soon."

Li Qingshan smiled: "This is a good thing!" He casually pointed at a nearby point: "This is the place. I ask everyone present to participate in this battle."

"My lord, we still need to manage the clan..." "This is inappropriate." "We can send people from the clan to assist you." The six mistresses immediately raised objections except for Ye Mingzhu. Whoever wants to leave the lair and go to the ground is not afraid of humans The monk is powerful, and he is afraid that the elders of the same clan will take the opportunity to usurp the throne.

"Anyone who doesn't want to participate can withdraw now." Li Qingshan interrupted with a cold light in his eyes, and the tiger demon was murderous. (to be continued)

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