Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 71 Night Attack on the Nether Road

Where do the six mistresses dare to say no: "Since Master Beiyue is determined to do so, I will wait for the end.[]"

Li Qingshan smiled slightly: "Very good, I'll give you a moment to gather your subordinates, of course, as long as you have a cultivation level above the tribulation... soon, it will be dark."

The sky was getting dark, and the lights in Qinghe Mansion were still brightly lit. Above the Eagle Wolf Guardhouse, Wang Pushi stood with his hands behind his back, overlooking the sparkling city. As the capital that is closely protected by practitioners, Qinghe Mansion is probably the only one that has not been invaded by demons. city ​​of.

A ray of blue light flew over, and a turning point fell from the sky. Fu Qingjin landed lightly on the roof of the building with a person in his hand.

"Who is this person?"

"The chief culprit who caused the conflict three years ago is now handed over to the king. This is my sincerity." Fu Qingjin threw the person in his hand in front of Wang Pushi, and the disciple of Zhu Yimen, who had been killing people in the past, was terrified. Shouted: "Senior Fu, Lord Fu, I am a disciple of the Monster Slayer League, I am a disciple of the Monster Slayer League, can't you do this?"

Wang Pushi stepped on his throat and asked, "What do you want?"

"Unite." Fu Qingjin said: "In the past three years, demons have caused chaos, people have suffered disasters, and countless deaths have occurred. However, because of our mutual entanglements, we cannot work together and instead hinder each other. I think it is time to resolve conflicts and unite. It's time to make a break with the demon."

"Make a decision, what's the matter?" Wang Pushi frowned, and said in a big tone.

"Gather all the practitioners to counterattack the ground, and slay demons." Fu Qingjin waved his hand in high spirits. Full of convincing confidence. No matter how decadent and careless he is usually, as long as he is willing, he seems to be born with a kind of monarch-like charm.

Wang Pushi pondered: "This is not something I can decide on my own, and I have to discuss it with other Patriarchs."

"It's just a breather now, please contact the king. After five days, I will be upstairs and invite all the foundation monks to form an alliance. [] I will explain my thoughts to them."

Fu Qingjin cupped his hands and left.

The suspect who possessed the Sumeru Ring came to the scene, threatening by the situation. There is also the identification of Xiezhi's horns, which naturally makes it show its feet, this is one of them. After the alliance. The first battle was to attack Beiyue's territory and force him to tell the truth. This was the second.

A large net, woven and planned by Fu Qingjin himself, enveloped Li Qingshan directly. Li Qingshan is at a loss, even if he knows it is useless, this is not a conspiracy, but an upright strategy.

Fu Qingjin was not only for Elder Feilong,

It is the third to gather strength and fight against the demon.


On the top of the forest on the moon. It illuminates the deep and secluded valley. In the valley is a stretch of buildings with many buildings, cornices and corners, with vermilion as the main color. The magnificent atmosphere is beyond the reach of human beings.

And an invisible magic circle enveloped all of this, keeping all outsiders out. Among the many buildings, the most special ones are the numerous turrets, which are the crystallization of the Mohist mechanism. Li Qingshan has also personally received their power, if anyone wants to attack the magic circle by force, they have to bear their bombardment first.

It is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and the defense is strict. This is where Zhu Yimen is located.

Li Qingshan understood what Ye Mingzhu meant by seeing it with his own eyes. Although the array in front of him was not comparable to the Liangyi Mote Array, it was not so easy to break through without the Flying Dragon Ship.

On the hillside outside the valley, black shadows stood silently in the forest.

The leader is naturally Li Qingshan, rubbing his chin and thinking.

Behind him, besides ten personal guards, six mistresses, and a large number of strong night travelers, the mistresses have made sufficient preparations to prevent the backyard from catching fire when he left. Hao Da surprised even Li Qingshan, then laughed and thought: It is indeed right to force them to become strong men.

"Do you have a plan to break this Zhuyimen?" Li Qingshan asked with a demonic aura, but in his mind, there is a magic circle, and there is no other way except forcibly attacking. It is a pity that night walkers are not good at forcibly attacking However, it is a good choice to surround the spot and fight for aid, it depends on whether other people are willing to be fooled. [WWw.YZUU point m]

But Ye Liusu said: "I have a plan, I can break Zhu Yimen unscathed."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

"In my opinion, this formation is not impeccable. As long as you use the talents of the Yeyou clan and use the Youyou technique, you can penetrate the formation and then assassinate the master of the Zhuyi sect. These organ fortresses, even this formation It's all in our pocket."

Li Qingshan's eyes brightened, if he could do this, he would save a lot of trouble, he only needed to kill each sect one by one. Losses are minimized while gains are maximized.

A mistress questioned: "But only after two catastrophes can you perform the Youyou technique."

Once a night traveler has survived two catastrophes, he can reach the realm of secluded travel. Not only can his body penetrate all visible or invisible barriers, but the weapons in his hands can also penetrate the enemy's body protection spells or magic tools, which can be described as omnipresent , omnipotent, incarnation of the most terrifying assassin.

Ye Mingzhu smiled: "It's really impossible to rely on the strength of only one person, but there are so many people around, as long as we join hands and temporarily open up a road for secluded travel, it is still possible to send one or two people in."

joint? The mistresses looked at each other, this kind of idea never existed in their hearts, and no one could order them to join forces except Queen Rose Spider, but now, with Li Qingshan, he smiled and said: "It's a good idea, let's start now!" !"

But who gets in?

In the case of isolation and helplessness, once the assassination fails, it will be the turtle in the urn, and will be caught in the most unfavorable situation. Just looking at the numerous forts is chilling.

Ye Liusu walked out silently, and Ye Liubo followed with a smile: "There's still me."

Under the leadership of the six mistresses, all the strong night walkers gathered their strength and formed a deep darkness like smoke. Even at this time, their strength was silent and restrained, without revealing a trace of breath.

Ye Liusu and Ye Liubo waited for the fleeting opportunity, and saw that the six mistresses suddenly shot together, and the deep darkness fell towards Zhu Yimen below, and it really penetrated the magic circle silently, like a dark path.

Ye Liusu and Ye Liubo performed Night Tour at the same time, and jumped into the black road.


The head of the Zhuyi Sect wandered alone in the house, carefully considering everything that had happened recently.

Thinking of the resentful eyes of the disciple who was taken away by Fu Qingjin as a bargaining chip, he couldn't help feeling a little bit sad, but he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. It is your blessing that the old sect is willing to protect you. It is your destiny not to protect you now, so there is nothing to complain about.

In comparison, it is a pity that he still cannot continue to trade with the underground. He has a playful expression on his face. Looking at Fu Qingjin's recent actions, it is obvious that he will take action. Compared with trading with those weird aliens, it is better It is more in line with Zhu Yimen's purpose to slash and seize with the knife in his hand.

The moonlight cast a figure on the wall, and the head of the Zhuyi Sect suddenly looked back, and saw Ye Liusu holding a scimitar, standing silently under the moonlight, "You... why are you here?"

What answered him was a flash of brilliant silver light.

The head of the Zhuyi Sect let out a violent shout, and the bloody knife on his waist was like a dragon, reflecting blood red all over the room, unstoppable. Suddenly, a piece of yellow embroidered pockets covered his head and face, the eyes of Zhu Yimen's master dimmed, he heard a strange whistling sound, his back hurt, a black dagger pierced through his back, the bloody knife cut back, Ye Liubo retreated lightly .

The scimitar in Ye Liusu's hand drew a mysterious arc, and the antelope's horns, without a trace, wiped towards his throat.

The master of the Zhuyi sect was frightened and angry, his whole body was glowing red like a tide, and he forced the scimitar and dagger away. It looked like a god-man dressed in red clothes and holding a long knife, looking at Ye Liusu with murderous intent.

"How did you get in here?"

The magic circle still maintains its function, and there is no sign of being touched at all, otherwise he would not be unresponsive, and everything tonight is weird, so he must immediately ask for help from the Monster Killing League. Suddenly, he felt a numbness spreading from his vest—there was poison on the dagger, and it was a terrible poison.

For thousands of years, Ye Youren's medicine refining technology has been developed in this direction, and it is not without some results. Even the foundation-building monks can't ignore it. gas.

Yeliusu and Yeliubo revolved around the master of Zhuyimen, as if taking light dance steps, they turned into two black ghosts, blending into the night silently, leaving only the bright yellow brocade floating back and forth, reflecting Flowing back and forth with the moonlight.

Zhu Yimen's pupils shrank, and he felt a sense of death coming towards him. Zhu Yimen disciples who heard the movement came from all directions, but they couldn't make him feel at ease, only felt that the chill was getting heavier and heavier.

Control the turret attack? Send a message to the Monster Killing League for help? While thinking about it, Ming Huang Jinxiu suddenly became ten times bigger, covering the sky and covering the earth.

"Break!" The bloody knife in the hands of the master of the Zhuyimen exploded, fighting in all directions in one style, and the blade was like a violent storm. As soon as the disciples of the Zhuyimen rushed to the door, they saw the bloody light cutting the house and yard into pieces. One disciple walked faster , was involved in the knife gang, and fell apart in an instant, turning into a piece of meat, and the other disciples backed away in shock.

The bright yellow splendor fluctuated, flexible like water and unscathed, but it couldn't fall down, hanging in the air like a yellow cloud, covering the moonlight.

The scimitar and dagger flashed, like a crescent moon, like a shooting star, light and shadow interlaced, and disappeared in a flash.

Time passed bit by bit, only to hear the rumbling sound of houses collapsing, and the voices of people in the valley.

"Prepare to attack and support them." Li Qingshan said in a deep voice. Although the chances of winning are great, he still has to consider the worst outcome. They are his most important confidantes among the night travelers, and there is no room for any mistakes.

Ye Mingzhu said: "It's just a foundation-building cultivator, Zhu Yimen's master, they will never let Master Beiyue down."

While speaking, the magic circle disappeared. (This site.. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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