Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 81 Interest Struggle

"The painting skills of this painting are really amazing. No matter how you divide it, the energy and spirit in it are intact. Although the sparrow is small and complete, it can be used as a spiritual weapon. It is incredible. [Ye*zi] [Yu*you] If you can see its original appearance, the old man will die without regret." Chu Shidao was full of admiration and regret at the same time.

Li Qingshan asked: "I wonder if there is a way to combine these three sword books into one?"

"If you can divide it, you can join it. If I'm not talented, maybe I can understand the master's magic skills and try to restore it."

Li Qingshan was overjoyed: "If senior can help me with this effort, I will definitely not let senior worry in vain."

"No, master, your body is like this, how can you waste your energy." Chu Danqing stuffed the "Cursive Word Sword Book" back to Li Qingshan: "I'm sorry, brother, I couldn't make your wish come true, master should rest."

Li Qingshan couldn't say anything more, he could only try to go another way.

"Do you want me to just lie on the bed and meet Hades?" Chu Shidao patted the bed and shouted at Chu Danqing: "Bring me the painting, Li Qingshan, don't you want a magic weapon?"

No one could resist Chu Shidao's temper. In the end, Li Qingshan left the three volumes of cursive calligraphy and sword books, and left.

White clouds soared into the sky, the vast land flew towards the rear rapidly, the wind whistled, and Yiyine was flying.

Li Qingshan sighed: "They look like a family, so affectionate, it's enviable."

Ru Xin sat cross-legged on the cloud head: "In my generation, too much love is not necessarily a good thing. Only when you forget your love too much can you become a fairy and prove the Tao."

"If that's the case, then it doesn't matter if this immortal is not successful."

A strange smile appeared on Ru Xin's face. As if looking at a stubborn child. Li Qingshan said: "Why, are you fascinated by my charm?" "A little bit." "Then you are too late."

"Haven't you ever heard of a saying called, the moon is the first to get near the water?" Ru Xin leaned closer to Li Qingshan, exhaled like blue, and smiled Yan Yan, Ru Shui's eyes seemed to flow with indescribable emotions.

Li Qingshan didn't just meet her. [] How could you be fooled again: "Stop playing around, can you really make this forgetful water?"

Ru Xin said: "Try it! Maybe I need it too."

Being too forgetful has never been the hardest. It's just the word "forget".

Parting at Mount Lianyue,

When Li Qingshan returned to the cave, he saw Xiao An sitting in the middle. The flames on the head were burning fiercely, and the huge skulls turned into skull beads opened their huge mouths and spewed out flames, burning more vigorously.

Corpses flew into the fire one after another, melted instantly, merged into a cloud of white liquid in the center of the flame, scattered in all directions, or scattered into the skull's mouth, or dripped downward.

With the deepening of the refining of the skull rosary, not only the number increased. Its overall power is also constantly improving, and more corpses are consumed. I don't know how many corpses were spent, the white liquid gradually solidified and formed into a round shape, and it was refined from another skull rosary.

Xiao An stood up. With a sweet smile: "I'm about to complete the first level of "The Way of the Scarlet Yan and the Bone Bones"."

The so-called foundation-building realm is the real foundation-building for her. She has practiced hard for many years, and until now she has barely completed the accumulation of body and mind, which has laid enough foundation for the extraterrestrial supernatural power of "Zhu Yan Bai Bone Road". Base.

Li Qingshan said: "Should I praise your cultivation speed or slowness? If you cultivate to the first level, how is it compared to that blood shadow?"

Xiao An said: "He will definitely not be able to escape. Even if he fights with you, he won't necessarily lose!"

"Little girl, I'll let you see how powerful I am now!" Li Qingshan rushed towards me with a smile, Xiao Anshen stepped away from it, and let out a smile like a silver bell.

Before the darkness fell, many sects in Qinghe Mansion were doing the same work, withdrawing the magic circle, putting away the mechanism puppets, looking back reluctantly, and then flying together into the sky, abandoning the sects that had been in business for many years, and starting a new life. field migration.

The migrating team did not move fast due to the presence of Qi refiners, but when they met other sects, they joined together and moved towards the same goal.

It was getting late, and the setting sun reflected the clouds. Hua Chengzan stepped on his long sword and looked down from a high altitude. He could only see little stars, like fireflies, as practitioners of various schools flew into the clouds one after another. 【Leaf*Zi】【Yu*Yu】

Looking at the crescent moon rising in the sky, he said to Han Tieyi beside him, "I never thought that the Moon Demon could push Fu Qingjin and even the entire Demon Slayer League into such a situation."

Han Tieyi said: "I would like to fight against him."

Hua Cheng praised: "I hope you won't have such an opportunity."

Before the words were finished, a red shadow crossed the sky and came to the sky above the Yunxia faction. The wind wings were like gods, the red hair fluttered, and the ruby-like eyes locked on the two of Hua Tie.

Hua Chengzan was startled, and smiled wryly, "You are really a crow's mouth." Han Tieyi's face was serious, ready to go.

Li Qingshan left his deity to practice medicine in the mountains, and came out with his avatar to check the movements of the Monster Killing League. He was preparing for a few more harassing battles, and if there was a chance, he would destroy a few more factions, so as to add more chips to the immediate alliance, and from all aspects Suppress Fu Qingjin's Monster Punishment League.

Then came across this great migration, traced its origin here, and met Hua Tie and two who came to investigate, seeing their fully alert appearance, Li Qingshan smiled in his heart, and looked down at Yunxia faction.

Hua Chengzan's heart relaxed, and he pulled Han Tieyi, who was eager to try, backed away quietly. Since the other party had no intention of making a move, it would be best. Don't say that the chances of winning are slim, even if you win by luck, you will never be able to keep him. Below is the base camp of the Monster Killing League, so it's not their turn to make a move.

The monks of the Monster Killing League also noticed the existence of Li Qingshan, and panic spread. The Qi Refiners accelerated and flew towards the clouds, and the Foundation Establishment monks appeared one after another. Fear, no one stepped forward to challenge first, and looked at each other in silence.

Hua Chengzan was slightly moved. With him alone, thousands of monks dare not go forward to fight. What a power it is, this is the Moon Demon! But when I saw him with my own eyes, I found that he was not as vicious and violent as I imagined, and there was an indescribable tranquility in his calm appearance.

Before Fu Qingjin retreated to recuperate his injuries, he ordered to avoid the battle, not to be provoked by monsters, so as not to fall into the enemy's tricks, and to respond to all changes with the same. The current Yunxia Sect was established by Fu Qingjin as the headquarters of the Monster Killing League in Qinghe Mansion, surrounded by an unknown number of powerful magic circles, and arranged an unknown number of machine gun turrets. If Li Qingshan dared to go down, he would fall into the trap of himself.

"It seems that Fu Qingjin is no longer here." Li Qingshan murmured to himself, put his hands in his pockets, and walked towards the distance on an invisible sky road paved with stars.

Everyone couldn't help but feel relieved.

Hua Chengzan and Han Tieyi looked at each other more solemnly, such an opponent is the real fear, and the matter of forming an alliance is really imminent.

On the second day, the Monster Killing League sent a message, and Fu Qingjin postponed the alliance indefinitely in the name of recuperating from his injuries. This was originally expected. Negotiate with hundreds of companies.

But soon, everyone realized the viciousness of Fu Qingjin's move. It was not aimed at demons, but at hundreds of families.

Qinghe Fucheng, Yinglang Guards, Wang Pushi and Hua Chengzan were talking, thump, thud, three door rang.

"Come in."

"See the two commanders. Another guard was breached by demons today, and seventeen eagle and wolf guards died in battle." Hua Chenglu wore red clothes. After three years of practice, she finally reached the seventh level of Qi Refining and was promoted to the red guard wolf guard. The clean and neat red wolf suit should be heroic, but it outlines her slimmer figure, but it is even more graceful.

Wang Pushi slapped the table, feeling cold. The sects can ignore everything, but each school of the Hundred Schools of Economics has the responsibility of guarding the people on behalf of the emperor, and they must constantly send people to kill the demons that make trouble. Losing the restraint of the sect, not only the Eagle Wolf Guard, but also the disciples of hundreds of schools have suffered heavy losses recently.

Hua Cheng praised: "I didn't expect to be sent to the army instead. He wanted us to realize the result of the death of our lips and teeth in advance, and put us in a disadvantageous position when we negotiated an alliance."

Wang Pushi said: "They caused chaos and turned the whole Qinghe Mansion into a hell. If the situation is not right, they will shrink back and threaten us with the people as hostages. It is really abominable. Fu Qingjin hides the sword palace!"

Hua Chengzan turned his back and let out a sigh: "The stone demon and the blood demon are killing everywhere, even if you send more people, it will be difficult to stop them. The only good thing is that the moon demon didn't attack. It seems that even the night walkers have also restrained themselves, otherwise the situation will be more difficult to deal with." , This is even more worrying, and the alliance must be carried out."

Wang Pushi frowned. At this time, whoever can't help but contact the other party first will be at a disadvantage.

Hua Cheng praised: "Cheng Lu, how is Zi Jian recently?"

Hua Chenglu said helplessly: "I advised her to practice more, but she was in a bad mood, and she didn't want to stay in the School of Economics, and wanted to go out to contribute. I have already asked her father to persuade her more."

In the past three years, Hua Chengzan's protection of Yu Zijian is still higher than that of Hua Chenglu. After all, it involves Zixiaojian's successor. If she dies in the war, the Hidden Sword Palace will definitely be furious. The situation may be worse than the failure of the war. Too bad, even arrangements were made for Yu Shukuang and others. If it was someone else, it would be too late to be happy, but Yu Zijian was a little different.

Hua Chengzan pondered for a moment: "I agree with her going out to practice, first choose some safe tasks for her!" But once out of the protection of the magic circle, what tasks are absolutely safe?

The interest struggle between the two organizations, but let this kind girl be used as a bargaining chip, he also felt uncomfortable, but at this time, there was no more suitable way. As a member of the Hundred Schools of Economics, he will plan for the overall interests of the Hundred Schools of Schools. Just like being a human, you have to fight monsters.

"This..." Hua Chenglu hesitated, "Okay, but I want to carry out the mission with her!"

After Hua Chenglu left, Wang Pushi asked strangely, "What does Yu Zijian have to do with this matter?"

Hua Chengzan thought about it and decided to tell the truth.

Wang Pushi listened: "That's it. I thought you cared a little too much for Yu Zijian, and thought that you were finally going to empathize with someone else. This is a good move. But we have to send a foundation cultivator to protect them secretly. Believe it, the strength can't be too bad, and you have to be able to hide your figure."

Hua Chengzan smiled slightly: "I have a suitable candidate."

PS: I am in Zhengzhou now, and I am going to attend a party at Qidian. Although I have a computer with me, the update may be a little unstable. Please forgive me. (to be continued) RQ

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