Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 82 Old Time Nuo

Li Qingshan received the summons, rushed to Qinghe Mansion Eagle Wolf Guard, opened the door and entered: "What's the matter?"

"Boy, I have a task for you. []" Wang Pushi looked at the neat Li Qingshan and nodded with satisfaction in his heart. No matter how rebellious he is, he is still a trustworthy candidate.

"What task?" Li Qingshan thought in his heart. Sure enough, he also knew a thing or two about the current predicament that Baijia School of Economics is facing. Fu Qingjin's actions made him feel less guilty. He didn't even care about the person who provoked the trouble. He was a passive opponent, so there was nothing to feel guilty about.

Hua Chengzan paced back and forth in thought, and came to Li Qingshan's side: "You know my sister and Yu Zijian, right?"

Li Qingshan said: "Of course."

"What do you think of them?"

"They're all good girls, why, you want to marry me for me, can't you marry your sister to me?" Li Qingshan laughed.

Hua Chengzan also smiled and said: "You have the qualifications. If you can get Qiongzhi and Chenglu to nod, I won't interfere. Your mission is to protect them secretly." There is a strange thing, how can an ordinary foundation-builder cultivator put his heart down to protect the two qi refiners, the slight goodwill in his heart is extremely important.

"I remember this sentence, I haven't seen you for three years, Chenglu has become more and more beautiful! Don't joke, where should I protect them?"

Wang Pushi said: "I'm not going anywhere, I just perform some simple tasks. (When you read novels, you will go to Yezi·you~you M)"

Li Qingshan was puzzled: "Let a foundation cultivator protect two qi refiners? You really have an idea. Since there is danger, let them stay calm. Why don't you just let me complete the task?"

Hua Chengzan said slightly apologetically: "This has a lot to do with it, and I can't explain it to you. Moreover, this matter cannot be known by them or by other people. I know it's unreasonable, except for you. Besides, I can't trust others..."

"If you can trust me, don't tell the truth. Well, I won't make things difficult for you. Don't worry. With me here, no one can touch a single hair of them."

"No, if it's not fatal danger, you absolutely don't want to make a move, just watching is enough, just treat it as an experience for them!"

"Interesting, you really made me curious!"

Out of the eagle wolf guard. Li Qingshan turned to the direction of Yunxu Society, he did not cast spells either. Walking like a car. Blend in with the crowd.

It's the time of year,

Qinghe Mansion is full of excitement and joy, and it seems that it has not been affected by the war at all.

On the contrary, because of the war, Fucheng became the only place of peace. Countless people moved here with their families, which instead caused a kind of deformed prosperity.

Most practitioners do not have the concept of Chinese New Year. [Ye*zi] [You*you] Li Qingshan really hasn't seen such a scene for a long time. I feel very cordial and move forward with the flow of people. After a while, he came to the gate of Yunxushe.

On the fiery red archway are written "Yunxushe" in big characters, and there are lights and festoons everywhere, full of joy, and there are performances going on inside.

Opera, storytelling, libretto, everything is included, but the price is extremely cheap. With only a few copper coins, you can spend an afternoon sitting in the theater, drinking hot tea and eating snacks in the cold winter months. , In each story, forget the worldly troubles. In Qinghe Mansion, it has become a fashion.

Li Qingshan walked under the archway, dropped a few taels of silver, and entered the newly built theater, a gust of heat rushed towards him, the audience was full, there were about a thousand people, an old man in the middle was speaking loudly, and he was talking about Yitiantu The story of the dragon, the runes on the ground amplified his voice several times, clearly spreading to every corner.

In a wing room behind the Yunxu Club, Sun Fubai and Liu Chuanfeng were sitting opposite each other.

Sun Fubai complained: "Brother, since you saw Qingshan, why don't you let him come over to discuss the next plan?"

Liu Chuanfeng said: "There is nothing to discuss. The outside is so chaotic, and all plans cannot be carried out. It's just that within the scope of Qinghe Mansion, we are not enough. Speaking of these difficulties, we will be punished again."

"Who was you trained by? Uncle Fu, long time no see, your cultivation level has improved again." Li Qingshan walked in with a smile, only to see Sun Fubai sitting on an armchair, wearing a gray thin shirt, with white beard and hair, but his spirit was better on the contrary. The true qi is surging, running through all the veins, approaching the peak of the tenth level of refining qi.

Sun Fubai got up suddenly, and said pleasantly: "Qingshan, you are finally here!" Looking him up and down, he was very pleased: "I heard that you succeeded in building the foundation, as expected, as expected, very good, very good!"

Li Qingshan sat down and listened to Sun Fubai talk about the development of Yunxu Society. Sure enough, as Liu Chuanfeng said, the development in Fucheng is very good, and many branches have been opened, but in other places, the situation is very bad. Thieves are rampant, demons are rampant, and lives are at stake. Who is in the mood to listen to their stories.

Liu Chuanfeng said: "Especially now, there are some moon demons that have forced the Monster Killing League into shrinking tortoises. Maybe it won't be long before Qinghe Mansion is dominated by demons."

Sun Fubai frowned and said, "Junior Brother, why are you saying such depressing words again?"

"The situation will get better, the war won't last forever, we have to prepare now to win people's hearts. I went to the painter a while ago..." Li Qingshan repeated Chu Shidao's thoughts.

Sun Fubai's eyes lit up: "It's a good idea. If you are not free, Qingshan, junior brother, you can go to the painter to have a look."

Li Qingshan said: "It's better not to go to him recently, Master Chu's health...is not very good."

Sun Fubai nodded, expressing his understanding, and said with a smile: "As soon as you come back, Qingshan, our novelists seem to have a backbone. Now each family is undergoing a transition from the old to the new, so you can abdicate, junior brother."

Liu Chuanfeng became nervous, he was afraid of seeing Li Qingshan, and he was also afraid of mentioning this matter, he just got a taste of the patriarch, and now he has some disciples, so he was reluctant to let him abdicate. Fortunately, Li Qingshan immediately refused, which made Liu Chuanfeng heave a sigh of relief, and quickly added a cup of tea for him.

Sun Fubai suddenly asked: "Qingshan, is your practice "Immeasurable Art of the Sea"?"

"Yes!" Li Qingshan's heart moved, but this matter is not a secret in the School of Economics, and it is not surprising that Sun Fubai knows it.

Sun Fubai recalled: "At the beginning, I had this exercise in my bookstore, but only the first half, and later I gave it to a big black man with a magnificent figure."

Liu Chuanfeng said: "At any rate, it is also a skill, why did you give it to him?"

Sun Fubai said angrily: "Isn't it because the book you wrote made me ashamed, and the big man has a bold temperament, and he said that if he is lucky in the future, if he finds all the exercises, he will send this exercise to me. , I didn’t expect you to practice this technique now.”

"This is really a coincidence, who knows where that guy is now, whether he is dead or alive, why don't I show you this exercise, forget it and fulfill a wish." Li Qingshan smiled slightly, took out the jade Jane handed over to Sun Fubai, the promise of the past has been fulfilled in this way, it is really unpredictable in life.

PS: The plane arrived in the afternoon, but I didn't arrive at the hotel until after eleven o'clock. I was so tired that I went to sleep. (to be continued) RQ

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