Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 90 Fisherman

Fu Qingjin nodded slightly, now is indeed an unprecedented opportunity to kill Qiangshi. [] In the early stage of foundation building, it was really surprising that it was able to forcibly resist the strong stone twice. That magic weapon seemed unusual.

Before Qiang Shi could force out the sword energy, Fu Qingjin joined his sword together, stepped forward, and fought with Qiang Shi.

Li Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, closed the "Cao Zi Jian Shu", and meditated aside to recover his breath. Although this "Cao Zi Jian Shu" is powerful, it consumes an astonishing amount of spiritual energy.

If it weren't for the huge amount of spiritual energy cultivated in the "Boundless Sea Art", and the extremely fast recovery speed, ordinary exercises might not be able to support it.

Even now, it cannot be used continuously, and every time it is used, it has to be recharged.

However, he still has a killer move yet to come out!

Inside his body, a long sword as black as ink was suspended above the sea of ​​air.

After Li Qingshan got the "Cao Zi Jian Shu" from Chu Shidao, he practiced it again, and he was also able to incorporate the sword energy in the "Cao Zi Jian Shu" into his dantian Qi Sea for use.

But it is no longer a mess of hundreds of sword qi, but a composite black sword.

Li Qingshan has not tried its power yet, but it must be able to surprise any enemy with the Magic Water Invisible Sword.

At this time, Qiang Shi suddenly let out a roar, piercing through the illusion of Qingxu and reaching the sky.

After a while, the earth trembled, and looking down from the sky, large lumps bulged in Jiaping City, earth and rocks cracked, buildings were destroyed, and there was a wave of evil spirit.

The place where Li Qingshan was meditating was also pushed up. With a bang, a gap opened in the ground, and a blood-red tongue rolled towards Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan's heart trembled, Qiang Shi finally couldn't help calling out to his subordinates, these seven or eight streams of monster energy were all powerful monsters at the level of monster generals. He used the stepping wave pose to avoid the sweeping of the long tongue. Using the Magic Water Invisible Sword, he hides his figure and restrains his breath. []

A colossal monster with a figure of more than ten feet. All of them emerged from the ground in the form of the real body, some of them looked like toads. Some of them looked like wolves, and some had strange shapes. It was impossible to tell what kind of beasts they were. They all opened their mouths wide and roared at the powerful stone in the illusion of Qingxu.

Qiang Shi seemed to respond to these roars, and his body began to grow in size. In a blink of an eye, he was raised to ten feet away, and turned into a huge stone giant, with small bright eyes, overlooking Fu Qingjin condescendingly.

Fu Qingjin remained unmoved.

The strong stone became bigger, and the illusion of Qingxu also became bigger, but under the impact of the evil spirit, it also became weak.

"Fu Qingjin, I didn't come here to kill you. Since you don't know how to live or die, you should save your life!" Qiang Shi's voice was extremely dull, like a boulder rolling in his belly. As he spoke, he slapped Fu Qing Jin took it.

Qiang Shi even ordered; "Little ones. Kill the human next to you!"

Li Qingshan let out a sigh of relief, the plan really couldn't keep up with the changes, and it was not so easy to continue watching the play from the sidelines.

Monsters have extremely strong perception abilities, not to mention monsters who have survived a catastrophe. If they accidentally avoid their perception, if they intend to detect, it will be difficult to avoid their detection.

A wave of evil spirit swept over and quickly locked on to Li Qingshan's position. The khaki-colored giant wolf rushed towards the void and bit it fiercely.

Li Qingshan jumped and bit, and came to the side of the wave, his figure changed from empty to full, and the Illusory Water Invisible Sword in his hand slashed towards the neck of the wolf monster.

The body of the sword is still nothing and transparent, but it spits out a bright blue sword light like a string. Tearing the wolf's fur, it also consumes itself.

As you can see in the picture, a thick ink-like black sword energy directly penetrates the strong flesh and blood of the demon wolf.

It was Li Qingshan's trump card that he kept refusing to use, the black sword energy stored in the sea of ​​energy in his dantian. The sword power and sword meaning comprehended from the "Cao Zi Jian Shu" are also fully integrated into this sword. [WWw.YZUU point m]

The wolf demon let out a miserable howl, and the black sword energy was released around his neck, like ink marks. Immediately afterwards, the huge wave crashed down from his neck and was beheaded by a sword. Although the monster's recovery ability is strong, but after suffering such a fatal injury, he died on the spot, and the blood flowed like a river.

Li Qingshan neatly put the wolf demon's body and demon pills into the treasure bag. Looking around, surrounded by a group of monsters, staring at him, in an instant, sharp claws, fangs, and supernatural powers all greeted him.

Li Qingshan sprinted with his sword, and the turbulent demonic aura could always tell where he was. He could only use the wave-treading posture continuously, interspersed with the attacks of the group of monsters. He rolled up again, the waves surged under his feet, his body turned sharply, and he escaped the catastrophe just now.

Every time he performs the wave stepping pose, his figure will flash for a moment, and then disappear again. At first glance, it seems to be teleporting.

The Magic Water Invisible Sword is not useless. Although it cannot be completely invisible, it is enough for him to confuse the enemy's sight and create even a moment of trance.

Therefore, it seems that there are many crises, but in fact there is not much danger. After a few efforts, Li Qingshan escaped from the siege of the monsters and came to the sky. Harvesting a demon pill is not bad.

Qiang Shi saw that the encirclement circle he had designed was torn apart so easily, and Li Qingshan gritted his teeth with hatred, knowing that this kind of struggle would definitely be beneficial and harmless, so his body suddenly shrank.

"Xiao'an, Qiangshi is going to run away, get ready."

Li Qingshan's eyes lit up, Xiao An had already arrived at the bottom of Jiaping City. Fu Qingjin is not easy to deal with, he knows this best. Qiang Shi's body was full of monster energy, and his body was full of sword marks. It was undoubtedly the best time to kill him.

And Fu Qingjin was not much better, his clothes were badly torn, and the light on the Qingxu sword also seemed much dimmer. Li Qingshan quietly reckoned, now that he joins forces with Xiao An, how likely is it to kill him?

"Today, you must die here." The tiredness on Fu Qingjin's face suddenly disappeared, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the words he said were full of chilling intent.

He raised his sleeves, twisted a red talisman between his two fingers, and shouted: "Wind!"

Before the words were finished, a tornado emerged from the foot of the strong stone, rolled up the strong stone and rushed to the sky, connecting the sky and the earth, like a black dragon.

Li Qingshan curled his lips, didn't he say that he doesn't need talismans?

The wind of the tornado is thousands of times fiercer than a sword, like a giant meat grinder, blowing on Qiangshi, peeling off pieces of stone.

Fu Qingjin put his sword back into its sheath, and the illusion of Qingxu also dissipated. He looked at the strong stone that was swept into the sky, and all his energy and energy were concentrated in one point.

In an instant, the sword light came out of its sheath, but his person disappeared, only a straight blue light pierced through the sky, intersecting with the tornado.

The tornado also seemed to be pierced and cut off. Unwillingly twisting a few times, it dissipated into a gust of wind. The strong stone fell from the air, and his eyes were round. It seemed that he couldn't believe that he would die here. His chest was pierced. Thin hollows fell heavily on the ground.

Fu Qingjin separated from Qingxujian, looked back, frowned slightly, and murmured: "Is it still a failure?"

Qiang Shi jumped up, although he was seriously injured, he still roared to the sky: "Fu Qingjin, I will never die, if you kill me once, I will slaughter thousands of cities again!"

Fu Qingjin murmured, if there were no monsters around, he could still pursue it, but in this case, he didn't dare to take risks lightly, it was really not easy to kill the same level, so he could only watch the monsters sink into the ground .

But he didn't notice that Li Qingshan looked at Qiang Shi like he was looking at a dead body. Eighteen skeleton demons from Xiaoan were already waiting there.

Li Qingshan withdrew his gaze, and slowly flew towards Fu Qingjin, with a cold light hidden in the depths of his eyes, several red talismans had been twisted between his fingers and wrapped in his sleeves. Although the quality may not be as good as Fu Qingjin's talisman, it will definitely surprise him once he makes a move.

The accumulated wish power can also be mobilized in an instant and become a powerful lethal force, and the most important thing is the few innate magical powers of the demon body.

Success or failure is seven or three.

He was 70% sure that he would kill Fu Qingjin here, and solve a serious problem in his heart. But 30% may be run away by Fu Qingjin, and he will never be able to walk in the world as Li Qingshan.

Winning or losing, his mind turned for a while, and he made up his mind to bet. He was 70% sure and dared not gamble, what kind of man was he.

Fu Qingjin said: "Your name is Li Qingshan, your swordsmanship is very good, very special."

"Your name is Fu Qingjin, your swordsmanship is also very good." Li Qingshan let out a sigh of relief, replied in a neutral tone, quietly put away the talisman, and looked back.

In the southwest sky, several rays of light flew towards, and in the northwest direction, there were also several rays of light, and the assistance from the Monster Killing League and Hidden Sword Palace arrived.

"Could it be possible to have another duel with him as promised?" Li Qingshan felt a little regretful, but after thinking about it, it's okay not to gamble. With the deepening of his cultivation, his chances of winning will only increase. Not getting smaller. Killing Fu Qingjin here is the 'General', and the game of Qinghe Mansion will come to an end.

There will be two possibilities. One is that both sides recognize the cruelty of war and decide to continue to abide by the alliance of kings and maintain peace.

Anyway, the aperitif has already been drunk, and the bosses can roll up their sleeves and prepare for a big meal. His small shrimps are probably not a dish, so it's better to wait.

Fu Qingjin didn't get angry because of Li Qingshan's arrogance, but said sincerely: "Thank you, fellow daoist, for your help."

He highly appreciated Li Qingshan's performance in the battle, not only his swordsmanship is extraordinary, but also his thinking is clear in battle, and he does not avoid danger. The most rare thing is that at such a young age, he broke through the realm of foundation establishment, even in the Hidden Sword Palace, he can be called a talent.

By mistake, Li Qingshan failed to attack Fu Qingjin, but won him a lot of favor. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.) RQ

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