Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 91 Soul Refining Ice Flame and Frost Stone

Li Qingshan said coldly: "Even without me, fellow Daoist Fu, you wouldn't die in this kind of place, anyway, there are plenty of talismans in Hidden Sword Palace."

"I still want to thank you." Fu Qingjin smiled slightly, admitting that he was not in so-called danger.

In fact, he really thanked Li Qingshan for saving Yu Zijian, but it's just inconvenient to point out.

Li Qingshan vaguely guessed this point, and didn't explain it clearly.

Fu Qingjin sighed softly: "If it is not a last resort, I would not want to use this thing. This is not the way of swords in my Hidden Sword Palace. But the stone demon is very harmful, killing millions and countless cities. In order to kill it, I don't care too much. "

Li Qingshan laughed out loud as if he had heard the big joke.

"Why are fellow daoists laughing?"

"If you didn't destroy the alliance of kings first, how could these monsters come to the ground to wreak havoc?"

"Since it's called an alliance of kings, how can it be broken by mere subordinates? I'm just going with the flow." Fu Qingjin was born with a domineering demeanor of a king, and his polite words had the air of a courteous corporal. The taste is flattering.

"Don't try to shirk responsibility, you are always responsible." Li Qingshan didn't like this, but felt even more uncomfortable. He wanted to settle the cause and effect on himself, but the other party easily pushed it away.

Fu Qingjin smiled, and really stopped evading, and asked instead: "Fellow Daoist, can you show me the magic weapon you just used?"

"The Hidden Sword Palace family has a great career, so how could they send me this little magic weapon?"

While speaking, a few flashes of light came before his eyes. The group led by the School of Economics is Wang Pushi and Hua Chengzan.

"Qing Shan, are you alright?"

When Hua Chengzan learned that his sister and Yu Zijian had encountered the Stone Demon Tucheng, he was really startled and hurried over. He has seven orifices and exquisite tricks. But afraid of encountering such uncontrolled variables.

If it is really a stone demon shot. Not to mention the two little qi refiners, I'm afraid Li Qingshan is also in danger.

Li Qingshan said: "I'm fine, I even killed a demon general. Old Wang, don't forget to credit me when you go back. By the way, I'm also a Foundation Establishment cultivator. I should have been promoted a long time ago to be on an equal footing with you!"

Wang Pushi had already prepared for the worst, and he was really relieved at this moment. Hearing what he said, he just scolded with a smile: "You brat,

It's yours, it's yours, tell us, what's going on? "

Li Qingshan gave a general account of what happened.

Hua Chengzan clapped his hands and praised: "Qingshan, you are really a genius!"

Several other monks couldn't help but look at Li Qingshan: I didn't expect such a character to be produced by a novelist after a long period of retreat. It's nothing more than saving the two qi refiners in the face of the stone demon. Dare to go back to assist Fu Qingjin in killing the stone demon, and in the end, he was able to kill one of them in the siege of all the monster generals. This means. It requires not only wisdom, but also great courage.

If it was them. Just going back to save those two qi refiners has to be weighed and weighed. This step by step is like walking a tightrope, a careless step will kill you on the spot.

In fact, Li Qingshan didn't think that much at all, if Qiang Shi had one hand, Qiang Shi wouldn't be able to kill him. A person who is not afraid of falling from the tightrope naturally dares to dance on the tightrope, which arouses amazement from those who don't know it.

After Fu Qingjin finished talking to a few monks from the Monster Killing League, he gave Hua Chengzan a deep look, implying a warning.

He smiled and bowed his hands to Li Qingshan: "If all the members of the Bai family can be like Qingshan Taoist friends, both wise and brave, regardless of past suspicions, why worry about major events not being accomplished, and demons not being destroyed."

Several monks from the Monster Killing League looked at each other in surprise, it was rare for Fu Qingjin to be so polite to others.


In the depths of the ground, the Stone Demon threw off a few demon generals, relied on the earth escape, and escaped into a grotto in the depths of the ground. After confirming that no one was chasing him, his mind relaxed, his face full of unhappiness, and he gritted his teeth. Crackling noises.

"Fu Qingjin, and that kid, I will make sure you all die!"

He suffered serious injuries this time. Fu Qingjin's sword was merged into one, piercing through from the chest to the back. This was not just a penetrating injury. The strong sword energy and intent contained in that sword was enough to damage the internal organs.

If it were an ordinary monster general, he would definitely be killed on the spot, that is, he, a stone spirit, had no so-called vital points in his body, so he could survive tenaciously.

Waiting to force out this sword energy and return to the territory to heal his injuries.


In the darkness, a crystal white bead bounced over, and the sound of bouncing was extremely loud in the silent underground.

Qiang Shi felt that the situation was a bit strange, a pair of small eyes followed the bead up and down, until he was in front of him, grabbed the bead, and wondered: What is this? It seems to be bones.

He couldn't feel the slightest breath from it, and when he squeezed it casually, the beads didn't move at all. He was even more surprised that there were not many things in this world that could be squeezed by him without breaking.

Crackling, like big beads and small beads falling on a jade plate, more than a dozen beads bounced over with ding ding dong dong, and came to Qiang Shi's feet, jumping like living creatures.

"Who is playing tricks there, get out of here." Qiang Shi shouted loudly.

How keen his perception was, but no matter how he probed, he couldn't feel the presence of living beings from the darkness.

Feeling a little uneasy, but he is not afraid of anything, and he is confident that no matter how bad the situation is, he can escape by relying on the soil. He was upset when those beads jumped, and he kicked them out. The beads actually stuck to his feet.

He lowered his head to look, and found that the beads on his hand were also stuck to his hand. Looking closely, it turned into a small skeleton, hugging his fingers tightly, and in a blink of an eye, it became the size of a baby again, hugging his fingers. Hold Qiang Shi's entire wrist. The jaws collided, making a weird laugh.

Eighteen rosary beads turned into eighteen skeletons, like eighteen monkeys, hugging Qiang Shi's hands and feet, back and neck, all over the body.

"What else should I have, but that's all!" Qiang Shi grinned grinningly, his smile froze suddenly, those slender bone arms released amazing power, tightening his whole body tightly, making him unable to move.

When Xiaoan refined the skeleton rosary from fourteen to eighteen, the power of all the skeleton demons increased accordingly. Each of them can deal with an ordinary monster general. When these eighteen forces are combined, even Qiang Shi can't do anything, let alone he has just gone through a battle and is weakening.

"Small tricks!" Qiang Shi suddenly grew bigger, with the dome of the cave above his head, and the eighteen skeleton demons also grew bigger, their bodies became abnormally thick, and their strength also became greater, pressing on Qiang Shi, like a back up a hill.

Qiang Shi suddenly fell to his knees, opened his eyes, and at some point, a small skeleton with a "majestic treasure" was standing in front of him.

The killing stone of Qiangshi can affect the thoughts of all living beings and stimulate the killing intent in their hearts. But at this moment, it was the other party who influenced his thoughts, and the killing intent was wiped away, turning into a "death intent".

Zhu Yan white bones, the color has become empty.

This small skeleton, like an emissary from Yama's underworld, came to tell him the inevitable truth of life and death transformation, no one can escape, no one can change, all struggles are in vain.

"What are you!" Qiang Shi broke free from this thought, and with a roar, the remaining monster energy was violently released, spreading throughout the cave.

The stone cave suddenly squirmed, like the stomach of a monster. The stalagmites looked like sharp fangs, biting down on Xiao An, like the fangs of a monster.

Qiang Shi is full of self-confidence, no matter what it is, if he dares to come to the ground to provoke him, it will be a dead end, and he will definitely be crushed to death by his supernatural power.

Xiao An stepped forward, swung the white bone sword, and pierced the hollow in Qiang Shi's chest.

The hole left by the Qingxu sword, because of Qiangshi's size, has also become very large, almost enough for one person to enter and exit.

So Xiaoan's white bone sword just pierced into the void, and Qiangshi laughed grinningly.

Xiaoan has the ability to turn flesh and bones into flames, but Qiangshi is made of strange stones, without blood, flesh and bones. Whether it's the burning corpse blood flame or the bone quenching green flame, it has no effect on Qiangshi. She can restrain the blood shadow, but seems to be restrained by Qiang Shi.

The flickering flames in Xiao An's eye sockets suddenly turned into ice blue.

Ice-blue flames suddenly gushed out from the Bone Sword, filling the cavity in Qiang Shi's chest. Eighteen skeleton demons opened their mouths with sharp fangs, spewing out ice-blue flames, covering layers of strong stones.

Qiang Shi laughed wildly. He has a natural restraint on all kinds of spells, and what he is most afraid of is fire attack. Even if it is the blazing magma fire, don't even think about melting him.

The laughter suddenly stopped, and I felt a deep chill. This feeling did not come from the body, but came from the depths of the soul. I shivered for the first time in my life, so cold!

"Soul Refining Ice Flame!" Xiao An said silently in her heart. After completing the first stage of "The Road of Zhu Yan and White Bones", she finally fully mastered these three kinds of flames - burning corpses, quenching bones, and refining souls.

The combination of the three is to completely obliterate.

"I want to die with you!"

Qiang Shi felt getting colder and colder, knowing that if he continued like this, it would be a dead end, and he wanted to explode the demon core crazily. However, he found that the demon pill, which was closely related to him, was completely out of his control.

At some point, the cave was no longer shaken, and the evil spirit of Qiangshi dissipated.

And it's not just the demon pill, he couldn't even move a finger, he was frozen in this engraving cold, not only his thinking was interrupted, but even his fear became intermittent, as if he had once again become the ignorant man he used to be. Unconscious stones.


With a claw of Xiaoan's bone claw, he pulled the frozen soul out of Qiangshi's body.

Qiang Shi fell to the ground with a bang, turning into a strange rock and falling in front of Xiao An, flashing brilliance unconsciously and releasing a strong evil spirit.

The soul-refining ice flame returned to Xiao An's body as if the tide was ebbing, and merged with the other two flames, turning into a nearly transparent pale white flame, flickering in her eye sockets.

This is the foundation of "Zhu Yan Dao of Bones"-Samadhi Bone Fire.

All living beings with soul and flesh in the world will be burned or frozen when they touch this fire, and they will go from life to death, and they will never be restored.

PS: This update time finally let me make up for it. Do you dare to ask for a monthly pass? ^_^Liu Zero Novel has changed the domain name to

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