Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 92: Cloud and Rain Alliance

Xiao An took out the golden vajra bead, stared at it for a moment, then suddenly grasped it hard, the fingertips overflowed with bright golden light, and released it round after round, there was a faint roar of vajra, and the Buddhist voice chanted, and with a click, it turned into a piece of gold powder and scattered. []

With a wave of her hand, the eighteen rosary beads returned to her slender and white wrist, and her seaweed-like long hair fell down, covering her equally slender and white body.

At this time, she changed her mind, opened her arms and raised her head, like a willow tree branching out in spring, her body gradually stretched out.


Li Qingshan and his group returned to the School of Economics, and Hua Chengzan specially hosted a banquet in Huafu to welcome him.

After washing and dressing up, Hua Chenglu came out from the back hall and specially toasted him, thanking him for saving his life.

Li Qingshan gulped it all down, and said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that the little girl from back then would turn out to be such a beauty now, if it wasn't for your elder sister Han who took the lead, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to resist asking you to give me my body."

Hua Chengzan blushed, but he didn't show weakness: "I never thought that the brat back then would become such a hero now. If Sister Han didn't take the lead, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to help myself."

It made Li Qingshan stunned for a moment, and asked solemnly: "Han Tieyi is not here anymore!"

With laughter, Hua Chenglu paused and said, "What do you want to do?"

Hua Chengzan even laughed and said: "Qingshan Lianshi Demon is not afraid, how can he be afraid of Han Ruhu?"

Li Qingshan said: "If he is here, I will drink three hundred cups with him."

"Brother, why didn't you tell me in advance." Hua Chenglu said angrily again, it's been a long way. I don't know how many private words he listened to.

Hua Chengzan immediately raised his glass to confess to his sister, Li Qingshan smiled and said: "It's not just you, even I am confused and can't figure it out."

Before returning to the table, Hua Chenglu blinked and said, "Brother Li, don't forget, you still owe me something?"

Li Qingshan said with a smile: "As long as it's not a physical promise, I will do my best."

"Zijian, it's your turn. []" Hua Chenglu knew the value of his promise, and sat back with satisfaction. Push Yu Zijian beside him.

Yu Zijian served the wine, but his eyes were fixed on Li Qingshan, his smile was slightly restrained. With a smile in his eyes: "Why, is there something dirty on my face?"


Thank you for saving me. "The more Yu Zijian looked, the more he felt the same. Although his body and appearance were completely different, his manner of speaking and facial expressions were exactly the same, but he wondered whether it was because of his own preconceived ideas.

"This mission, Zijian's performance is very good, I appreciate it very much." Li Qingshan praised.

Hua Chenglu said: "As long as they are beauties, you appreciate them all."

"Haha, almost."

The guests and hosts enjoyed themselves, Li Qingshan left the table, Hua Chengzan sent Li Qingshan to the door, and said in a low voice: "I just got the news. Three days later, we are still in the first floor, meeting the alliance."

Li Qingshan's expression changed: "That's fine, it won't waste your time in vain."

"You already know?"

"Know a little, don't worry, I won't talk nonsense."

"You should also visit Han's house."

"I understand." Li Qingshan patted Hua Chengzan's shoulder. With a leap of stature, he came to the mid-air, stepped into the void, flew into the clouds, flashed several times, and disappeared into the sky.

Hua Chengzan looked up for a long time, sighed softly: "What a good eye." I don't know if he is talking about Gu Yanying or Han Qiongzhi.


When Li Qingshan returned to Qingxiao Cave Mansion, Xiaoan was already waiting there, taking out the strange stone left by Qiangshi.

The killing stone was flickering with blood, one light and one dark, like a beating heart. This was a gift she gave him.

Li Qingshan caressed the uneven surface of the killing stone, countless gold and iron horses, and the passionate killing scene rushed into his mind, wishing to dance with it and start a killing spree.

He pressed down this thought, and sighed softly: "Finally, a period of karmic grievances has been settled. []"

"Qingshan...look at me..." Xiaoan called out in a very soft voice, and murmured.

"What's the matter? You seem a little different today?" Li Qingshan turned around, finally noticed Xiao An's strangeness, and walked around Xiao An.

Her seaweed-like long hair seems to have become longer, and her stature has also grown a little, almost exceeding her waist. Her delicate and delicate eyebrows are also clearer, with a breathtaking beauty.

Li Qingshan clapped his hands fiercely: "Have you grown up?"

"If you don't grow up, you will be suspected." Xiao An explained as he lowered his head.

Although practice to the depths, it can delay aging and even rejuvenate. But Xiaoan's superficial cultivation is undoubtedly not that advanced.

Because I have been practicing "The Road of Zhuyan and White Bones", I can't change the size of the bones. Fortunately, I haven't appeared in front of others in the past few years, and it hasn't attracted much attention, but after a long time, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

"Really?" Li Qingshan touched his chin, cupped Xiao An's cheeks with both hands, and rubbed them with a smile: "Very good, very beautiful, but don't grow too big."

"Ah!" Xiao An showed disappointment. With his encouragement, she wanted to make persistent efforts!

"You don't really think about becoming bigger!" Li Qingshan couldn't laugh or cry.


"Farewell, it will scare people. Don't worry, I can wait." Li Qingshan hugged her with a smile, and became distressed again: "No matter how old I am, I won't be able to put you on my shoulders."

"That's good." Xiao An hugged his neck and murmured.

"I'll show you another thing." Xiao An broke free from his embrace, opened his mouth to the palm of his hand, and spit out a cloud of blue water like smoke.

"This is Qiangshi!" Li Qingshan took a closer look, this thing was exactly what Qiangshi looked like, and he suddenly understood that this was Qiangshi's soul.

Xiaoan lifted the soul-refining ice flame, and the strong stone seemed to wake up from the freezing, regained consciousness, and flew out immediately.

Pale white flames surged from all directions, enveloping him in Xiao An's palm like a cage. As soon as Qiang Shi touched the flames, he felt a bone-chilling chill and had to retreat.

Li Qingshan leaned over, with a look of amazement.

"Who are you?" Qiang Shi was startled, frightened and angry, and suddenly recognized Li Qingshan's face: "It's you!"

"Then who am I?" Li Qingshan smiled contemptuously, his eyes gradually turning red.

"Beiyue, it's you, you're a human! No, you're a half-demon?"

"This is none of your business." Li Qingshan smiled, no wonder in all kinds of stories, no matter the protagonist or the villain, after defeating the opponent, they have to talk nonsense, because this feeling is so fucking cool.

"Xiao An, he can't escape!" Li Qingshan confirmed it. He liked the beginning of the story, but he didn't want the ending to be reversed.

"Absolutely, I can refine him." After Xiaoan refined the Samadhi White Bone Fire, he could not only refine the flesh and bones to nourish the bones, but also refine the soul to strengthen himself.

"That's good, I have a lot of nonsense to tell him!" Li Qingshan calmed down, ignored Qiang Shi's scolding, coughed twice, and pretended to say: "Qiang Shi, Qiang Shi, you know why you failed ?"

The blunt mouth was dry, and after finishing his addiction, Li Qingshan waved his hand: "Xiao An, help me to torture this guy, and by the way, do you have any useful news?"

Then he went back to the killing stone and patted the stone: "Maybe this is a good material for refining weapons!"


Deep underground, in Spiderweb City.

Empress Rose suddenly opened her eyes, summoned Long Wo, and said coldly: "Qiang Shi's aura has disappeared, you go and investigate, who did it, the demon generals under Qiang Shi will be replaced by Qiang Shi after today. You rule."

In Qinghe Mansion, there are definitely not many people and demons who have the ability to kill Qiangshi silently. In addition to several strong players from the Monster Killing League and the Hundred Schools of Economics, Beiyue's appearance also appeared in her mind.

If it was true that the same clan killed each other, Long Wo wouldn't do it, the blood shadow was recuperating, and the only one with this ability was that unknown Bei Yue.

"Yes." Long Wo was also slightly startled, with Qiang Shi's strength, he also died in battle. It feels like something is getting out of control.

Followed all the way, asked a group of monster generals who followed Qiangshi to slaughter the city, and finally came to the cave where Qiangshi was killed.

There was still a strong Buddha light surging in the cave, Long Wo frowned and asked, "Is it the hands of Buddhist disciples?"

Within the scope of Qinghe Mansion, apart from the Buddhists of the Hundred Schools of Classics, it seems that there are not many powerful Buddhist figures, at least no one who can kill Qiang Shi quietly.

I remember that Qiang Shi once killed a monk, which seems to have a lot to do with Tianlong Temple. If Tianlong Monastery sent someone to avenge his disciples, then he would not be able to control it, let alone avenge Qiang Shi.

Dragon Worm returned to Spiderweb City and reported to Queen Rose.

After listening to Long Wo's inference, Luo Sizhu dispelled her doubts about Beiyue, and pondered for a long time. Hidden Sword Palace, Xuanyin Sect, and Tianlong Temple are the three major sects in Qingzhou. King level can compete.

However, if the disciples of Tianlong Temple made a move, they shouldn't be so sneaky. Could it be that they wanted to avenge their disciples while maintaining the current situation, or they were also warning them that the massacre of the city should not continue...

Rose licked her blood-red lips: "Order Beiyue, Xueying, Qiangshi is dead, slaughter hundreds of cities for me, and take revenge on humans!"

Xiao An did something to distract the Spider Queen's suspicion. As for Long Wo, it took three days to go back and forth.

Today, the ** building seems a little deserted, and everyone is excluded, and only practitioners can enter it.

Whether they were really well-cultivated or pretending to be reserved, everyone spoke softly, only the disciples of the ** sect who interspersed in it showed a bit of the excitement of the past.

"Patriarch Liu, you haven't been here for a long time. Have you established a foundation, so you look down on the servants." Several charming women wrapped around Liu Chuanfeng, making him embarrassed, and he was powerless to reprimand: "Go away, go away!" open!"

"Let go of him, what's coming at me!" Li Qingshan came from behind Liu Chuanfeng and shouted in a low voice. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.) RQ

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