Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 93: City Massacre Order

(Dingtian Novels. dtxsj.) A few charming women, seeing Li Qingshan, their eyes light up. Such a young foundation cultivator is rare, which often means genius and future. [Ye*zi] [You*you] (Search and read the nest.) Immediately gave up Liu Chuanfeng and rushed up.

"This younger brother looks familiar, as if he has seen it somewhere?" "How can he be so strong?"

Some rubbed each other lightly, some caressed Li Qingshan's chest, although they were not stunning, they were also extraordinary in appearance, and they also had big breasts and fat buttocks, and were very attractively dressed.

Li Qingshan, who hadn't eaten meat for a long time, also had some surprises.

"Stand back." Qiu Haitang walked over and said.

The women immediately stepped aside and saluted, "Master."

Qiu Haitang smiled slightly, and bowed gracefully: "I have been waiting for you two for a long time, please follow me."

Goodbye to Li Qingshan, he was a little impressed, although he was not as handsome as Hua Chengzan, but he had a hunchback and a waist, thick eyebrows and big eyes, standing there, he seemed majestic and upright. Once upon a time, that young man who didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, challenged himself, had grown up to this appearance.

Qiu Haitang smiled and said: "If Qingshan is interested, I can arrange it for her, and Qiongzhi will not know about it."

Li Qingshan retreated for three years, at the age of just over 20 years old, he was promoted to the Foundation Establishment Realm in one fell swoop, and killed two demon generals one after another. Now he is one of the influential figures in the practice of Qinghe Mansion, surpassing the young monks of the same generation, even Above Hua Chengzan and the others, he already had the title of number one hero.

Qiu Haitang didn't dare to take it lightly anymore, thinking that he had some unpleasant experiences with the door, if he didn't handle this relationship properly. Letting him hold a grudge would be a big trouble for her and even the whole sect.

However, Li Qingshan also helped her kill Wei Zhongyuan, and it was not a bad thing to be entangled with each other. Qiu Haitang believed that with her own skills, he could let him go. Coupled with a little closeness, there is no problem.

"Unless it's Haitang himself, it's not worth taking the risk!" Li Qingshan looked at Qiu Haitang. [] Seeing her dressed up like a crabapple, her appearance has not changed at all from three years ago. His eyebrows also faded away from his melancholy, as if he had completely put his mind at ease, and felt that his contribution was really not small.

Qiu Haitang glanced at Li Qingshan in surprise, feeling that what he said suddenly seemed a little too close, she felt a little strange in her heart, she always felt that the Li Qingshan in front of her was a little different from the Li Qingshan in her impression.

In Li Qingshan's memory,

He already had a good understanding of Qiu Haitang, and let off the "fireworks" with her. I have also seen her most vulnerable side, and listening to her narrate her heart-songs, the relationship between each other even exceeds that of ordinary friends, and this closeness is naturally revealed.

"Just kidding. Just kidding." Li Qingshan knew that his actor's self-cultivation was not enough, and if he didn't pay attention, it would reveal clues, so he quickly restrained himself.

"Young genius from Qingshan, with a heroic spirit, my sister thinks she is not worthy." Qiu Haitang followed the words to draw closer. But keep a distance. I feel that Li Qingshan's performance is probably due to his youthful and frivolous.

With such a high level of cultivation at such a young age, it is understandable to have some unreasonable thoughts that have never existed before. But she doesn't have any special feelings for Li Qingshan.

Thinking of this, what emerged in her heart was another figure. Although there were only two short meetings, the impression left on her was so deep and unforgettable.

Of course, at this moment, he is already a terrifying existence called "Moon Demon". Humans and monsters have different paths, and there is no possibility of any intersection between them. But if we can meet again, he will not kill her, she has this confidence.

The building has been activated and is divided into upper and lower floors. The lower floor is where Qi refiners make friends, and the upper floor is a meeting place that only foundation-building monks are eligible to enter.

It reminded Li Qingshan of the feast at Hua's house three years ago, and saw many familiar faces at the moment, when he stepped on the ladder and followed Qiu Haitang upstairs. Those people looked up at him, getting smaller and smaller.

Among them was the elder brother from Jiaosi Mountain, whose name he didn't know, his eyes were full of dissatisfaction. [] Although it is only one step away from the tenth level of Qi refining to the foundation establishment level, it is not that easy to cross. Three years is often not enough.

When I came to the upper floor, it immediately seemed much colder and more open. Many foundation-building monks had already arrived and were making friends with each other. They didn't shy away from others with their words, and they all talked about the major events that happened in Qinghe Mansion recently.

Three days ago, the battle between Fu Qingjin and Qiang Shi was naturally the most discussed topic. As one of the protagonists of this topic, Li Qingshan immediately won a lot of attention when he came upstairs.

Fu Qingjin bowed slightly to Li Qingshan, and Li Qingshan didn't want to be too rude, so he cupped his hands, saw Wei Yangsheng and others, walked over to greet them, and several people congratulated him on his next victory.

After a while, almost all the people arrived, and everyone retreated to the surroundings.

The head of the Mohist family threw out a wooden box, which expanded rapidly when it landed in the empty field, making the sound of mechanical collisions, and after a while, it stretched into a stepped circular stand.

Everyone took their seats, and the Hundred Schools of Economics and the Monster Killing League each occupied half of the big circle. Those who needed to talk directly with each other sat at the bottom, and those who didn't need to sit at the top to listen. It was also convenient to speak at any time, and it avoided the trouble of seniority.

The alliance finally started. Representatives from both parties, Liu Changqing and Fu Qingjin, came to the center of the stands to give speeches. Then there was a lot of verbal confrontation.

Li Qingshan sat in a high corner, and after listening for a while, he felt bored. Simply lower your eyelids and start practicing. This alliance is destined to last for a while.

Although he is already a foundation cultivator, his qualifications are still a bit shallow, and he is not good at debating with others, so it is better to calm down and improve his cultivation.

There was a burst of medicinal fragrance from beside him, Li Qingshan knew it was Ruxin, and ignored her.

"Wake up!"

A thunderous sound hit the eardrums, Li Qingshan was shocked, and glared at Ru Xin beside him.

"Don't bother me." Li Qingshan suddenly frowned and closed his eyes again.

"Yo, my temper has grown."

It wasn't that Li Qingshan became angry, but just happened to be in the underground cave, and the order to massacre the city came from Queen Rose Spider.


"Master, what should we do?"

Li Qingshan's true self is out on the move, and his mirror image is guarding underground to deal with various unexpected situations.

He opened his eyes, and Ye Liusu and Ye Liubo were around, waiting for his order.

Li Qingshan thought about it and asked: "What do you think?"

Ye Liubo suggested: "If we disperse our actions, I'm afraid there will be losses. Should we summon the mistresses again? Although Yeyouren is not good at such large-scale destruction, it is not difficult if they join forces. Yeyouren's spells Among them, there is a move 'Dark Sky and Night', which can cover a large area, although the lethality is not strong, it is enough to deal with ordinary humans."

How did she know that Li Qingshan didn't want to carry out this order at all, even if he didn't consider any merits and righteousness, only from the perspective of profit, what's the benefit of massacring mortals? On the contrary, there will be great disadvantages.

Regardless of the fact that the war is now limited to the Qinghe Mansion, he can come and go freely with his cultivation as a demon general. But this game of chess will always end, and stronger practitioners will release the shackles.

Practitioners of the School of the Hundred Schools are the most taboo of this kind of behavior. Not to mention others, even Gu Yanying, will they ignore a monster who slaughters the city at will within the jurisdiction?

The Tibetan Sword Palace is still only a powerful force among the many sects in Qingzhou, but the massacre of mortals is not tolerated by the entire Great Xia Dynasty, and it will definitely be targeted for retaliation in the future. The Sword Palace is even more terrifying. He can hide and hide, but the foundation he has worked so hard to build underground will definitely not be preserved.

He wasn't afraid of fighting, but he didn't want to engage in this kind of meaningless fighting, not to mention that there were so many acquaintances in the School of Education who couldn't kill. Taking a step back, everyone has been killed, and whoever reads his novels will help him accumulate vows.

This kind of thing has no benefit, only harm, and a fool would want to do it.

Ye Liusu said: "To carry out this order, now is undoubtedly the best time."


"The Monster Killing League and the Hundred Schools of Economics are meeting in Qinghe Mansion, and most of the Foundation Establishment cultivators will participate."

"how do you know."

"Buy news from humans."

"This is such a golden opportunity, master, let's go make a big fuss!" Ye Liubo's eyes sparkled.

Li Qingshan noticed the thoughtful and worried expression on Ye Liusu's face: "Tausu, you don't seem to be very willing."

"The master doesn't seem to have the ability to gain strength through slaughter like Qiang Shi Xueying."


Ye Liusu said: "Then this matter is harmful and not beneficial, and it may have a devastating blow to us night visitors. Master, please proceed with caution."

"Oh, let's hear it."

Ye Liusu shared an analysis similar to Li Qingshan's. Her goal is to let Ye Youren return to live under the sun, moon and stars. For the sake of the war between the monster race and the human race, it is really meaningless to form a deep hatred with humans. significance.

Li Qingshan admired secretly, she didn't have such a wide channel to obtain information like him, she could see so far, she had a good vision.

"Sister, it's just killing a group of mortals, is it that serious?" Ye Liubo felt that he had a rare good idea, and was overshadowed by his sister again.

"Big chest and brainless." Li Qingshan patted Ye Liubo's cheek. "Hmph!" Ye Liubo directly grabbed his hand and placed it on the choppy chest.

Li Qingshan didn't withdraw her hand, let her smell the plumpness and softness, and asked: "Liusu, it seems that you have learned a lot about the human world during this time, and I don't like to waste time doing such things , but how do we deal with it!"

This order must never be carried out, but the Spider Queen Rose is not easy to deal with, and it is impossible to act in complete disregard of her orders. This is the helplessness of insufficient strength. Being dependent on others means being controlled by others, and one cannot act completely according to one's own will. (Welcome to your support, which is my biggest motivation.)

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