Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 94 Judgment

\u003e Liu Changqing thought about it, it would be too unreasonable for Fu Qingjin to make such a big concession after talking so far. ( a i h o n G w e n x u o m, Rainbow Literature Network)

He turned his head and said to the people of the hundred families: "Do you have any objections?"

There was silence, looking at each other.

At this time, if anyone raises doubts, I am afraid that they are really suspected. It is related to the death of an elder in Hidden Sword Palace, who dares to be contaminated.

"Fellow Daoist Fu, please ask. I believe that there will be no one in my family who is related to this matter. If there is, we don't think we will defend our shortcomings. We will let him explain to Hidden Sword Palace."

"Your Excellency handles things fairly, Qing Jin also admires it." Fu Qingjin cupped his hands, walked to the semicircle where the people of the hundred families were sitting, glanced around, no matter who he saw, his heart tightened.

In the end, Fu Qingjin's eyes fell on Li Qingshan's face, and he smiled slightly.

Li Qingshan also became nervous, this guy was full of nice words, he never thought he would be the first one to ask, if he really asked, no matter whether he answered or not, he would show his flaws.

What should I do next, admitting that I picked up the Sumeru Ring? But to say that is a lie, and it will be distinguished by Xie Zhijiao, and Fu Qingjin will definitely ask to the end.

Or rush out directly from here, which is even worse, Fu Qingjin has to stay and use the illusion of Qingxu. If you don't change your real body, you won't be able to rush out at all. If you change your real body, these nearly a hundred foundation-building monks will be worthless.

Fu Qingjin quietly cast a net of heaven and earth, and once it was closed, it would put Li Qingshan in a desperate situation.

All kinds of thoughts passed by. Fortunately, Li Qingshan's self-cultivation as an actor already has some skills, he slightly frowned and said: "Fellow Daoist Fu is suspicious?"

"No..." Fu Qingjin hadn't finished speaking, and the venue was full of laughter, because the horn of Xiezhi in his hand also lit up.

"The horn of Xiezhi really deserves its reputation." Li Qingshan laughed.

Xiezhi is a beast with a fair heart. Only know right and wrong, no enemy or friend.

Fu Qingjin smiled wryly,

Touching his nose, he said loudly: "I really appreciate your courage and flexibility, so I really don't want that person to be you, and I want to ask you in the end."

There was no movement at the corner of Xiezhi. Prove that what he said is not false.

"Whatever you want." Li Qingshan said nonchalantly, heaving a sigh of relief. The mood is a little complicated. When his identity is revealed, what will Fu Qingjin say - "Didn't expect it to be you"? How should he answer? —— "Sorry, I'm a policeman!"

Do not make jokes.

Temporarily escaped, but the crisis is far from over, it was only temporarily postponed, Li Qingshan thought fiercely, what can be done. Can you fool the corner of Xiezhi? Bull Demon, Tiger Demon, Spirit Turtle? Neither seems to work.

Fu Qingjin paced a few more steps, and came to the sloppy Taoist Zhou Tong. With a deep bow: "Senior, please answer me!"

Fu Qingjin also asked Zhou Tong, but Zhou Tong was the person closest to the Jindan realm in Qinghe Mansion. She has a personality of doing whatever she wants without any scruples, so how could she be so indifferent.

But in this situation, Zhou Tong couldn't help but answer, and said seriously: "You're a damn good boy!"

The horn of Xiezhi was shining brightly, and the laughter reappeared, Zhou Dao said, "So it really works!"

Fu Qingjin said: "Senior, please continue to enlighten me!"

"The old Taoist is really happy to see you!" Xiezhi's corner brightened again.

"Fu Qingjin is wise, benevolent and righteous... The Monster Slayer League is upright... Hidden Sword Palace will last forever..."

Xiezhi's horns flickered non-stop, Zhou Tong simply cursed with irony. The members of the Bai family laughed a few times, seeing that the complexions of the sect members were getting worse and worse, the laughter gradually subsided.

Only Fu Qingjin's smile remained unchanged: "If senior wants to satisfy his appetite, this junior can spare time to listen to senior's talk for three days and three nights, but don't forget that at this moment, the army of demons has begun to gather underground, and it won't be long. Hundreds of cities will become a hellish sea of ​​blood."

Zhou Tong's scolding came to an abrupt end, no matter how much he could do whatever he wanted, he was still an individual, and under the restraint of righteousness, he could not act willfully and recklessly, so he took a deep look at Fu Qingjin: "I haven't seen any Elder Feilong, more Don't talk about the Flying Dragon Sword."

The light on Xiezhi's horn finally dissipated and dimmed, Fu Qingjin cupped his hands again: "Thank you, senior." Then he walked to the next suspect.

Li Qingshan also had a faint smile on his face, but his heart was extremely nervous: "You must destroy this alliance before you ask me!"

"Are they meeting in the ** Tower? I'll go and see it!" Deep in the ground, Li Qingshan's mirror image clone confessed to Ye Liusu, spread the wings of Fengshen, flew out of the ground, soared into the sky, accelerated one after another, and broke several times A round of white air waves flew towards Qinghe Mansion.

But Fu Qingjin's next questioning suddenly became smoother. Even people like Zhou Tong had to cooperate honestly, and there was no point in messing with the Hidden Sword Palace. I haven't seen the Feilongjian before, so I can almost pass the level.

The ability of the horn of Xiechi to defend lies makes interrogation easier.

The mirror image clone had only flown half the distance, and the suspects had asked most of the questions, leaving only three suspects who did not ask questions. It's just a few words.

Li Qingshan clenched his fist, suddenly a plain hand grabbed his fist, it was delicate and warm, it was like a heart-like hand.

Because of the cover of the table, his subconscious movement was hidden from the eyes of others, but it couldn't be hidden from Ru Xin beside him.

Li Qingshan's heart trembled, and he turned his head to look, Ru Xin seemed like nothing had happened, like everyone else, he was concerned about the results of Fu Qingjin's hearing, but there was a trace of concern in the corner of his eyes.

A continuous stretch of buildings appeared at the end of the horizon, Qinghe Mansion was in sight, Li Qingshan's mirror image clone, staring at the city wall, slowed down instead, restrained his breath, and approached quietly.

it's too late...

Fu Qingjin questioned the penultimate suspect, and Li Qingshan was the only one left.

The suspicion on Li Qingshan increased greatly, Baidao's fiery eyes focused on him.

Hua Chengzan was slightly nervous, Han Tieyi frowned, and Liu Chuanfeng was even more dumbfounded. During these years, all the people Li Qingshan made friends with and knew in the School of Economics of Hundred Schools all cast worried and concerned eyes, and there were still people who couldn't help but feel worried. Dispelled doubts.

At this time, if we come to destroy the alliance again, there is no doubt that there will be no silver three hundred taels here. Li Qingshan has prepared for the worst, the mirror image clone is used to respond, just to create a glimmer of life for rushing out.

"I hope my judgment is wrong." Fu Qingjin stared at Li Qingshan, her faintly blue eyes were as clear as water.

The corner of Xiezhi lit up a faint light, Li Qingshan said with a smile: "This statement is not true, if you have any questions, just ask!"

He acted calmly, but this hurdle cannot be overcome with acting skills, and the duel began.

Fu Qingjin clenched his left hand tightly, and the extended and curved horn of Xiezhi stood between the two of them.

In a daze, the Xiezhi mythical beast with one horn on its head crouched between the two of them, like a majestic judge, ready to make the final verdict. Friends and foes, success or failure, even life and death, are all in between.

Fu Qingjin's right hand pressed the Qingxu Sword unabashedly.

Li Qingshan looked extremely relaxed, he didn't even stand up, and raised his hand as a "please" gesture.

Finally, Fu Qingjin asked the question that had been asked countless times, that day, that moment, where were you and what did you do?

Li Qingshan smiled, his lips opened and closed, and the moment he spoke, his mind suddenly became chaotic.

"I forgot!"

Fu Qingjin was stunned for a moment, and the monks showed expressions of disbelief. This answer undoubtedly did not satisfy anyone.

Every monk, after building the foundation, opens up the sea of ​​consciousness. Although he does not say that his memory is unforgettable, his thinking and memory are much clearer than ordinary people. If he wants to recall something, he can still think of it.

Besides, even a mortal would not be unable to recall such a short period of time. He must have some impression, but he frankly said he had forgotten it.

If it is normal news, Li Qingshan's suspicion can basically be confirmed. However, Fu Qingjin looked at the Xiezhi horn in his hand, the Xiezhi horn was quiet and did not warn. This means that Li Qingshan's forgetting is not an excuse, but a real forgetting.

Li Qingshan spread his hands and said: "Who remembers what happened a few months ago, it must be practicing!"

How could Fu Qingjin stop here? With his eyes like swords, he stared into Li Qingshan's eyes and asked, "What about the Flying Dragon Sword? Have you seen the Flying Dragon Sword? Don't be vague, just answer me if you have seen it or not." gone."

I have seen!

Li Qingshan was so certain instinctively, not only had he seen the Flying Dragon Sword, but he also clearly knew its shape and size.

Then when he recalled his memory, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and the golden flying dragon sword turned into a cloud of light and mist.

What the memories told him was the opposite answer. Not only had he never seen the Feilongjian, but it was the first time he had even heard of the word "Flyinglongjian"—it was obvious that Fu Qingjin had already asked other practitioners a lot about it. time.

Li Qingshan could only answer like this: "I haven't seen it."

The horn of Xiezhi did not light up, and that beast of Xiezhi seemed to have already judged Li Qingshan's innocence, proving that he had nothing to do with Elder Feilong.

The expression on Fu Qingjin's face was indescribably disappointed but relieved.

"Is my deduction wrong? The one who got the Sumeru Ring was not a foundation cultivator from Qinghe Mansion, and he came from other places, or those night visitors. But how could night visitors go to the ground to open it?" What about the Sumeru Ring?"

However, everything is possible in this world.

The clue is interrupted! Fu Qingjin also had to admit that in the face of the unpredictable world, human wisdom is weak and powerless. Only with the divination skills like Elder Tianji can one grasp a trace of the trajectory of fate.

Liu Changqing breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "Fellow Daoist Fu, are you satisfied?"

Fu Qingjin sighed lightly, and nodded slightly to Li Qingshan: "It seems that my deduction is wrong." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest. motivation.)//m/3k Novels 3k

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