Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 95 The past is easy to forget

"People are not sages, and there is nothing wrong with them. (When you read novels, you will reach Ye Zi You~ You M)" Li Qingshan shrugged his shoulders, and suddenly a gentle voice came into his ear.

"You owe me once." With a faint smile on the corner of Ru Xin's mouth, she said via voice transmission.

"I owe you once?" Li Qingshan recalled, the memory was like a sand sculpture on the beach, washed by the tide and collapsed. He frowned, and pressed his hand to his forehead, not daring to recall anything.

How is this going? He clearly knew the answer, but he didn't dare to think about it.

A moment ago, Ruxin held Li Qingshan's hand, thought for a moment, and stuffed a small bottle into his hand. There was a golden yellow liquid in the small bottle, which was Wangshui that Ruxin had just refined recently.

Li Qingshan's eyes widened slightly, he glanced at Ruxin, and then at Fu Qingjin below.

It's about time to ask yourself.

It was too late to worry about the effect of this forgetful water and its side effects. He held Ruxin's catkin with his backhand and gave it a light grip as a thank you.

He naturally changed his posture, leaned his elbows on the table, covered his mouth with his hands, and the forgetful water flowed down his throat with a trace of heat.

Because Li Qingshan sat at the back, everyone's attention was focused on Fu Qingjin and the practitioner who was being questioned by him. Li Qingshan's small gesture did not attract anyone's ideas.

Forget about the water, Li Qingshan didn't feel anything unusual at first, when he raised his head, the brilliant lights of the dome were a bit dizzying.

Lowering his head again, Fu Qingjin had returned to the central podium, standing side by side with Liu Changqing. The crisis is over.

"This large-scale invasion of monsters is a major crisis for Qinghe Mansion and even us. The vow of the Demon Slayer League and the responsibility of the Hundred Schools of Economics are all entrusted to this battle. Let's work together to defeat the monsters. Let's fight here!" Liu Changqing was passionate. waved his hand.

"What a beautiful spring!" Li Qingshan sighed in his heart.

In his other field of vision, he was looking at the Qinghe River flowing eastward, which was in late spring. [] The weeping willows on both sides of the bank are filled with water mist, and the air is already warm, but not yet hot enough to make people feel hot.

Walk in the spring breeze. It's like drinking fine wine, and you want to get drunk.

What on earth am I here for? Can't think about it! It's gone after thinking about it. Is this called getting lost on the road of life?

Li Qingshan broke off a willow branch out of boredom,

Disperse your own shadow in the water.

Not far away, beside the official road, a flag with the word "tea" flutters in the wind.

Old man Liu has opened this tea shed for thirty-one years. This avenue is the only way to enter Fucheng from the west. Merchants come and go like weaving tourists. If you are thirsty or tired, you will take a rest here. Drink a bowl of tea, business is still booming.

It wasn't until three years ago that the business gradually became difficult to do, but he was also very content, compared to those who fled with their families. He's pretty good already. This place is close to the edge of Qinghe Mansion, the number one city with a length and width of three thousand miles, overlooking his small tea shed at the back.

No monsters would come here to harass them, and even if there were really annoying ones, they would be cleaned up by the adults in the city.

Business is fine today. In groups of three or five, a dozen or so tea drinkers sat and chatted under the tea shed, chatting, inevitably wanting to tell the horrors of monsters.

Old man Liu listened with a smile, without any pressure. Suddenly, I saw the grass swaying by the river, and I was sitting vaguely alone, soliciting business loudly: "This guest officer, you are tired from the journey, come to the old man to have a cup of tea and quench your thirst!"

The other tea guests also turned their heads one after another, only to see the man standing up, and the first thing that caught his eyes was a head of fiery red hair, which seemed to be burning, and his red eyes, even under the blue sky and white sun, were still impressive. Feel a palpitation.


Everyone gave a knock in their hearts. Everyone is familiar with the word monster, but you have only heard of monsters that can take human form, but you have never seen them. It is said that everyone who has seen it is dead, and it is also said that even those adults who can use immortal magic are not opponents, and I don't know if it is true.

Old man Liu wished he could slap himself twice. With his stinky mouth, he was yelling nonsense, and he turned around and wanted to run away. []

But the red shadow flashed, and the monster was already approaching. He lowered his head and said to Old Man Liu, "Okay!"

"I haven't had a drink for a long time..." Li Qingshan hadn't said anything yet, only heard a "plop", the old man Liu's legs softened, and he fell to his knees. After thinking about it, this is a monster, begging for mercy is useless, so he straightened up Lie down and pretend to be dead!

The other tea guests were crying and howling like ghosts and wolves, scattered like birds and beasts.

Li Qingshan pouted, poured tea and water by himself, and drank a cup, which was not satisfying. He simply lifted the teapot and poured it directly into his mouth.

Tea is not good tea, but he has almost forgotten the feeling of being a "human" in the past few years of practice, and he feels that it has a special taste when he drinks it again at this time.

Looking at Qinghe Mansion from a distance, I had a thought, I should want to go there!

So Li Qingshan, holding the teapot in one hand and playing with willow branches in the other, walked towards Qinghe Mansion in a leisurely manner.


In the ** building, after Liu Changqing's mobilization, everyone's spirits were mobilized, and they were eager to try. They were not people who would be fooled by a few words, nor did they not understand the dangers of war.

In fact, in the past three years, tens of millions of mortals have lost their lives, countless Qi refiners have been killed and injured, and foundation-builder monks have died or injured. On the contrary, there are not many deaths and injuries. If the "Moon Demon" hadn't been born, it would have been only about one or two out of ten.

At this stage of practice, whether it is a magic talisman or a magic weapon, there is always a way to save one's life. As long as one knows how to advance and retreat, and does not try to be brave, it is actually not difficult to get out of danger.

And killing monsters, not only can you get precious demon pills, but even flesh and skin are extremely rare items. It can be said that killing a monster general can make a fortune.

If the demon pill obtained matches with one's own attributes, it can improve one's cultivation by a big step. Originally, there was no chance to hit a higher realm, but now there is a chance.

It may be dangerous to act alone, but there is nothing scary about so many people together. Even if you encounter stone demons and blood demons, there are ways to deal with them, as long as you don't be too unlucky and encounter "moon demons".

"Now we know ourselves and the enemy, seize the opportunity, plan carefully, and we will definitely catch the monsters by surprise. I'm not good at this. General Han, can you plan a strategy for us?" Fu Qingjin respectfully asked.

Han Anjun, who had been silent all this time, stood up without hesitation, and walked to the podium.

The old profession of a military strategist is the strategic military law of marching troops and arranging formations. This involves a large-scale mobilization of all practitioners in the entire Qinghe Mansion. Fu Qingjin dare not say that he can compare with Han Anjun.

"There are only dozens of demon generals in the ground now, and there is no organization and commander, so there is nothing to fear. The stone demon is dead, and the blood demon is injured. It is nothing to worry about. Only the moon demon and the dozens of soldiers under his command The foundation-level night traveler is a serious problem."

Hearing the word "Moon Demon", everyone's excitement seemed to have been poured with cold water. When they encountered an army of night walkers led by Moon Demon, they wanted to escape for their lives rather than meet the Stone Demon and Blood Demon.

Fu Qingjin let out a sigh of relief, knowing that this was an unavoidable hurdle, and even he would find it a little tricky to pronounce the word "Beiyue". I didn't expect such a powerful monster to appear in the Demon Dao of Qinghe Mansion.

Not only is his cultivation extremely strong, but he also has wisdom that ordinary monster generals do not have. He has gathered a large group of night tourists to follow him. Whoever wants to defeat this force will have to pay a heavy price.

Qiu Haitang, as a member of Qinghe Mansion's cultivation path, also listened in the corner, knowing that once the two forces united, she would not be able to have both ways and stay out of the matter. Watching them talk about the "moon" color change, I feel a little funny and a little complacent.

She had seen Moon Demon with her own eyes, no, Bei Yue was still forcing him to have a heart-to-heart talk with her on the Flying Dragon Ship. Thinking about it now, she was really daring at that time, the other party was a vicious and cruel monster!

However, in her impression, he was not as scary as they said, although he was a little irritable. But in fact, her personality is very funny, even a little gentle. At certain times, she feels more like a big child with love in her heart.

At this time, a red wolf guard who was in charge of monitoring the movements around Qinghe Mansion came to report: "Commander, there are monsters entering the city."

Ready to start? Everyone's face was terrified, and they were ready to kill demons and demons.

"It's just a monster, why are you panicking?" Wang Pushi looked at his subordinates' panicked appearance, feeling displeased.

"It seems to be...it seems to be...moon devil!"

"What did you say?" Wang Pushi's face changed, not only him, but all the other foundation-builder monks were shocked, most of the energy for killing demons and demons was lost.

Liu Changqing immediately took out the water moon plate, stroked his hand, and the whole Qinghe Mansion was immediately reflected on it, and the west of the city jumped up and down, and the crowd ran away screaming.

Everyone couldn't help but raised their heads and looked towards the Shuiyue plate.

Liu Changqing activated his aura, and the scene in the water moon plate quickly became larger. A handsome and evil face filled the entire water moon plate. His expression seemed a little dazed and lazy. Suddenly, he seemed to have noticed something. He looked around and stared , met Liu Changqing's eyes, and said, "You are here!"

Liu Changqing took half a step back in surprise, and shouted: "No, the moon demon wants to slaughter Fucheng!"

"Why didn't the magic circle work?"

"Moon Demon can restrain breath."

It turned out that at the beginning of the war, a magic circle was set up within the Qinghe Mansion. Although it was impossible to restrict the entry and exit of ordinary people, as long as a little bit of evil spirit was sensed, a warning sign would be generated, and the magic circle would play a role. Liu Changqing, who guards Fucheng, can respond in advance. But Li Qingshan was able to restrain his breath completely, and walked in with ease.

Fu Qingjin's heart sank. He had seen the tragedy of Tongding Mountain with his own eyes. The moon demon seemed to have the ability to cause a major earthquake. If it really wanted to massacre the city, its efficiency would probably be higher than that of the stone demon and the blood demon, and it would be difficult to stop it .

It is conceivable that once an earthquake occurs, how many houses and buildings will collapse, and Qinghe Mansion will be turned into ruins! If this guy doesn't make a move, it's fine, once he makes a move, it's an astonishing move.

Li Qingshan didn't intend to massacre the city at all. After drinking the forgetful water, he forgot a lot of things in a chaotic manner. But I still remembered that I was going to Fucheng, and there was still anger in my heart.

"Fu Qingjin, you bastard, you're here to plot against me again, and I want you to watch!" (To be continued...)

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