"Monster!" "Run away!" "The monster is coming!"

Amidst the screams, the crowd fled in all directions, jumping up and down, announcing that the noisy street suddenly became very deserted. []

There was only one ** year old child sitting in the middle of the road and crying loudly. Countless pairs of eyes came out from both sides of the road and from the cracks in doors and windows. .

Imagining the cruel scene that was about to happen, many eyes couldn't help but close.

In the ** building, all the monks were also looking at this scene with a water moon pan, and it was too late to rescue them.

The child looked up at the striding figure, froze in fright, and stopped crying. Normally, when he was disobedient, my mother would tell him to let the monster eat him. The horror of the monster penetrated into his young heart. At this time, there was only one thought in his heart: "I really want to be eaten by the monster!"

"Little bastard, you're blocking Uncle Beiyue's path, don't get out of here!" Li Qingshan gritted his teeth, and the child shivered and ran to the side of the road, hearing hearty laughter behind him, Can't help but turn around and forget, the figure has gone far away, the red hair is fluttering in the wind, like a cluster of flames flickering.

It seems that monsters are not as scary as mother said.

In the ** building, all the foundation-building monks were slightly taken aback, he didn't make a move? It must be that he treats mortals like ants and disdains to make a move! But if he was disdainful, he would say this sentence again.

The terror of the Moon Demon penetrated into their hearts because the Moon Demon had killed a large number of Foundation Establishment cultivators, and it was the existence that threatened them the most.

Liu Changqing felt relieved. It seems that the Moon Demon has no intention of massacring the city. After thinking about it, the Moon Demon has never liked to kill mortals like the Stone Demon and the Blood Demon.

Wang Pushi recalled that he was on Qingteng Mountain in the past. He also just killed the old man Gufen and the golden rooster, and spared the escaped Ivy Mountain disciples. He is not a demon who kills indiscriminately.

"So, everything he did was aimed at Fu Qingjin and even the Monster Killing League. [WWw.YZUU click m] This is the most natural counterattack and revenge!"

This thought swirled in the minds of everyone in the Hundred Families, and they suddenly felt that the Moon Demon was not that evil. If it wasn't for the aggressiveness of the Monster Killing League, the situation might not have deteriorated to this point.

Fu Qingjin pondered: "Beiyue, Beiyue, you are indeed different from ordinary monsters!"

The pale pink lips of the begonia,

It evoked a slight arc, and there was a comfortable feeling of seeing an old friend again. Her feeling was right, under his terrifying reputation. With a simple and warm heart, people feel that they can get close. Seeing him rushing straight into this dragon's lake and tiger's den, he couldn't help but worry for him.

Ruxin felt that Moon Demon's bewildered expression looked familiar. Look at Li Qingshan next to him. He frowned slightly, with a serious face.

Li Qingshan gradually got rid of the influence of Wangshui, and the mirror image clone naturally came back to his senses at the same time.

In a mirror, the avatar is the reflection of the deity, no matter what influence Li Qingshan's deity is affected, it will be reflected on the avatar.

look up. The ** building is in front of you.

Li Qingshan slapped his head, thinking: "Since we have already cleared the siege, why do I have my avatar come here?"

It was too late if he wanted to turn around and leave. He was standing at an intersection, surrounded by streets, one by one figures were coming. On the surrounding tall buildings, pairs of hateful gazes looked down.

Almost all the Foundation Establishment cultivators in Qinghe Mansion were here, surrounding him.

Among them was Li Qingshan, who looked at the Moon Demon coldly with no fear on his face. It seemed as if he could shout at any time, "Moon Demon, die!" He rushed down and fought to the death with this monster that shocked Qinghe Mansion.

With a pair of one hundred, the Moon Demon rose into the sky with a fearless and murderous aura, lingering in the sky above Qinghe Mansion, making everyone nervous.

The magic circle was activated, and a light curtain enveloped the building, protecting the Qi refiners inside. The light distorted the color of the sky and enveloped the entire Qinghe Mansion.

The qi refiners in the ** tower were all relieved, and some became excited, standing at the window and yelling through the magic circle: "The moon demon has become a turtle in a urn, and he is doomed now." [Ye *Son]【Yu*You】" "Kill this evildoer, revenge!"

More qi refiners just watched silently, the frightening monster in the legend: "So this is the moon demon!" Disdainful of those yelling qi refiners, "Go out and roar if you have the ability!"

The Foundation Establishment cultivators frowned and pondered, why did the Moon Demon come here? Where are the Night Travelers? They believed that the Moon Demon would never be so stupid as to throw himself into a trap. How could they know that the Moon Demon drank too much, even though it wasn't wine!

"Hahahahahaha!" There was a burst of maniacal laughter, Li Qingshan leaned forward and laughed, his back molars could be seen.

Although there was a small mistake in this matter, the loss of at most one avatar is nothing more than a big deal.

There are also many clever avatars in the world. The avatars are extremely dexterous and can share the power of the deity. However, often once the avatar is injured, the deity will also be affected. There may even be cases where the avatar generates self-awareness and separates from the deity.

And Li Qingshan's "Flowers in the Mirror, Moon in the Water" has no such worries, even if the flowers in the mirror are smashed into pieces, it won't hurt the real Flowers and Moon in the slightest.

The flowers don't move, the moon doesn't move, and the mirror image doesn't change at all, although there will be a little trouble when controlling it. However, after completing the fourth level of "Spirit Turtle Zhenhai Jue", the mind has reached the subtle state, which almost solved this problem.

This laughter not only stopped the hustle and bustle of the Qi Refiners, but also made the Foundation Establishment cultivators more afraid to act rashly. If there was no confidence, the Moon Demon would not dare to do so.

Ruxin was standing not far from Li Qingshan, showing a very serious and serious expression, but said via voice transmission: "Is there something wrong with the Moon Demon's spirit?"

You are the only one with mental problems, and your whole family has mental problems!

Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows, and said seriously: "Women can't understand, this Moon Demon has a wild and domineering arrogance, even if it is a hostile relationship, he can't help but say hello!"

"Is that so? I don't feel it!" Ru Xin rubbed her chin, then looked at Moon Demon again. Li Qingshan's face felt a little hot.

Moon Demon stopped laughing suddenly, and said solemnly: "Fu Qingjin, I dare to come, but you dare not see me?"

When all the Foundation Establishment cultivators showed up, Fu Qingjin disappeared.

With a flash of blue light, Fu Qingjin appeared behind Moon Demon, and stood sideways: "It's just a clone, why should I come to meet you. Beiyue, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

Li Qingshan didn't turn his head to look at Fu Qingjin, thinking very hard, what should he say, he can't say, I'm passing by, it's really nothing to come here, you are busy with your work.

Another disdainful voice came from Ru Xin: "What arrogance, if I want a clone, I dare to do it." Li Qingshan was so angry that he wished he could directly transform into the monster's true self, capture this fellow, and beat his ass hard.

His heart moved, perhaps, this is an opportunity!

Moon Demon said: "Fu Qingjin, I have long heard that you are going to fight to the death with me. Why have you waited for so long, but there is no movement at all. It turns out that you are studying conspiracy traps with this group of people again, which makes me so bored."

"Where is your real deity, I can have a fight with you now." Fu Qingjin stood with his sword on his shoulders, his gaze was stern, without any trace of dejection, like a sword drawn out of its sheath.

"Have a melee? Or wantonly kill the opponent's weaklings? It's too tasteless. The only thing I want to kill is you, and the only thing I want to kill is you Monster Slayer League!"

"Sure enough!" Liu Changqing said in his heart, "It would be great if all monsters were as reasonable as this Moon Demon."

Moon Demon said: "On the third day of March, in the vast mountain range, there are only you and me, let's divide life and death!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, it was clear that the battle was imminent, but Moon Demon sent his avatar to make an appointment. This time is a bit too strange.

"What about this battle?" Fu Qingjin gently stroked the hilt of his sword, savoring the flavor of Beiyue's words.

"You and I don't need to participate, so as not to disturb the elegance of the decisive battle."

Li Qingshan finally revealed his true purpose, which is to avoid this battle!

Because he had to join the battle as Li Qingshan, "Bei Yue" couldn't make a move. Although the avatar has the effect of confusing the real one, it will be exposed as soon as it is shot, so it is definitely not Fu Qingjin's opponent.

Such a situation would be very unfavorable to him, so he came up with this method. Fu Qingjin, who was forced to fight, could not make a move. He also had a reason to perfunctory the spider queen.

"Where's the clone?" Fu Qingjin examined it.

"Of course not."

"Very good, I agree!" Fu Qingjin said resolutely, but she also had her own plan in mind.

The threat of the moon demon is great, not only in its own power, but also in the night travelers led by him. Without the commander of the moon demon, those night travelers are likely to be a mess, which will be of great benefit to them, and even directly affect the outcome of this battle.

After the two agreed in this way, Fu Qingjin seemed extremely magnanimous and asked Liu Changqing to activate the magic circle and let the moon demon's clone go away.

Li Qingshan smiled, in fact, I still want to participate in this battle!

"Fellow Daoist Fu, isn't this the trick of a monster?"

All the monks returned to the ** building, Liu Changqing said worriedly.

"Master Liu, please use the qi-watching technique to monitor the movements of the entire Qinghe Mansion. I will sit guarding the first tower. As soon as he appears, I will immediately go out to fight."

Fu Qingjin pondered, although he couldn't make a move, he was able to give some talismans and elixirs to the trusted monks of the Monster Killing League. They were obtained from the Hidden Sword Palace, and they were extremely powerful and would definitely inflict heavy damage on the monster clan.

Li Qingshan's avatar returned to the underground cave, and all the mistresses have been summoned, ready to go.

"Humans have already known the order of the Spider Queen and are preparing for it in Qinghe Mansion. This battle will never be as easy as the last one."

Li Qingshan's words surprised everyone, and before they digested the news, he continued: "I will not participate in this battle! All actions are under the command of Ye Liusu, and her orders are mine Order!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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