Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 98: The Son of Heaven Hopes, the War Begins

(Dingtian Novels. dtxsj.) "Master!?"

Ye Liusu and the others all expressed their incomprehension. The battle was imminent. As their strongest reliance, how could he not participate?

"I made an appointment with Fu Qingjin to fight on the fifth day of May. Before that, in order to recharge my batteries, I would not participate in any battles. The same is true for Fu Qingjin. Depending on yourselves, the spoils you harvest will naturally belong to you!"

Only then did everyone understand the whole story, with mixed emotions and uncertain faces.

Killing 10,000 enemies will cost you 8,000, which is different from sneak attack and assassination. Fighting human monks head-on will naturally take a huge risk, but every time you kill a monk, the benefits you get are also extremely attractive.

After saying this, Li Qingshan ignored all the night visitors and went straight back to the cave, only to see Malu entrenched on the stone platform, winter has already passed, but this guy is still hibernating, sleeping all day very happily.

Li Qingshan's tense mind also relaxed, and he said with a smile: "For someone like you, if you practice for hundreds of thousands of years, you won't feel anything at all. No wonder you are so stupid." Patting Ma Lu's hard head, he said in his heart: "This I will find a suitable demon pill for you next time."

After a while, Ye Liusu and Ye Liubo came together, Li Qingshan asked: "The discussion is almost done?"

"Well, it is still the main thing to attack the Lingshi mine. It is not beneficial to slaughter mortals and become an enemy of the Great Xia Dynasty."

"You just need to understand this." Li Qingshan smiled, he also didn't want to meet his subordinates on the battlefield.

"However, I'm afraid I won't be able to convince them." A trace of worry appeared on Ye Liusu's delicate face. [] Regardless of strength or seniority, she is inferior. With him around, no mistress would dare to do anything wrong, but without him, it's hard to say.

"Then it's up to you."

Li Qingshan didn't take it seriously, he was a little emotional among night travelers. It was just the two people in front of me, or more precisely, Ye Liubo was the only one.

Although Ye Liusu is a very good subordinate. But the loyalty to him will never be higher than the loyalty to ideals, even Li Qingshan suspected that the person who tipped Fu Qingjin was her.

Among the many night tourists. She was probably the one who communicated with practitioners the most, and she was so well informed about the news on the ground, but he didn't bother to pursue anything without substantial evidence and losses.

If Ye Liusu dies,

Li Qingshan would also be sad, but he wouldn't be so sad, it could only be regarded as losing a capable subordinate, but Ye Liubo was different.

"If Liubo doesn't want to go, he can stay!" Li Qingshan's eyes fell on Ye Liubo. It's a little softer.

Although Ye Liubo's strength and brains are not as good as her sister's, his loyalty to him is unparalleled, and he even sacrificed his life for him. He also dotes on her very much, even if he is questioned by others, he still wants her to stay in a safe place.

"Thank you, master. But I want to help my sister." Ye Liubo was extremely moved, but he hesitated for a moment before saying.

"It's up to you, but be careful, you hold these talismans for self-defense, they are not for you to fight. Don't use them lightly." Li Qingshan then took out a few red talismans and handed them to Ye Liubo.

"Master." Ye Liubo murmured, and threw himself directly into Li Qingshan's arms.

"Tausu, take good care of her." Li Qingshan patted Ye Liubo's buttocks

"I will.[]" Ye Liusu agreed, feeling a little envious of this favor, even a trace of jealousy that she didn't want to admit.

Following the orders of the Spider Queen, the cold and silent underground, like surging magma, gradually boiled up.

Under the leadership of Xueying and Longsnail, almost every monster joined the mobilization for this war, preparing to slaughter on the ground.

At the same time, in Qinghe Mansion.

Although the moon demon came to the door, the alliance was also a complete success.

Co-published Chapter 476's towns and cities.

The qi-watching technique is a spell that has existed since ancient times. It not only has the technique of perception and detection, but also has the element of predicting and divination. It can see a person's luck, and it is almost lost nowadays.

What Liu Changqing used was not this kind of qi-watching technique, otherwise he would not be able to see the Qinghe mansion for three thousand miles, but the world-famous "Tianzi wang-qi technique".

The Emperor Shengzu founded the Daxia Dynasty. He is the son of heaven, upholds humanity, and also has the responsibility of shepherding and guarding the people. But the Kyushu is hundreds of thousands of miles across, and it is not easy to rule. So he created the "Tianzi Wangqi Art", as long as you climb high and look far, you can see the weather of Kyushu.

This "qi" means anger and popularity.

If the princes spread benevolence and righteousness, the government is well-organized and the people are harmonious, and the people and animals are prosperous, the "Qi" will grow accordingly, and it is qualified.

If the rule is unfavorable, resulting in the decline of people's livelihood, "Qi" will decline accordingly. The emperor can summon the local princes to reprimand and punish.

With Liu Changqing's status, he naturally dare not claim to be the Son of Heaven, and even the "Princes' Watching Qi Art" is not counted, it can only be the "Prefect Watching Qi Art".

However, in Qinghe Mansion, only Liu Changqing, who was enshrined by the imperial court, could use this technique, and he could only monitor the area of ​​Qinghe Mansion, but the principle was the same as the "Tianzi Wangqi Technique".

There is no need to assess the performance of the local county magistrate, just to check the atmosphere once a year in the prefecture city, and compare the atmosphere of the previous year to achieve clear rewards and punishments.

At this moment, Liu Changqing looked around and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The "qi" in almost all places is declining, and resentment is boiling in it, and the qi in many places is even cut off directly, which means that this place is no longer inhabited by humans.

If it weren't for the war, Ruyihou only needed to climb up and take a look, and he would be able to avoid him as the magistrate immediately.

He restrained his mind and concentrated on observing the movements of the entire Qinghe Mansion. No matter which city the monster clan attacked, he could respond in time.

After an unknown period of time, a stream of smoke trembled in the southeast direction, and began to weaken a little bit. Every time it weakened, countless lives died, and the smoke was full of fear.

Liu Changqing had long been familiar with the human geography of Qinghe Mansion, and immediately said: "Great Golden Pass, there are demon clans invading!" Before he finished speaking, a cloud of smoke in the north quickly declined.

After a while, there were dozens of smoke, trembling, all over the southeast, northwest of Qinghe Mansion.

There is a saying that when the emperor is angry, thousands of miles of red land, the spider queen orders out like a mountain, and slaughters hundreds of cities.

Liu Changqing's heart sank, and he reported a series of place names without stopping.

"Han Tieyihua Chengzan listened to the order and went to Dajinguan. When he arrived, he immediately reported back the news of the monster. If you are weak, you will kill them. If you are strong, you will retreat. Don't love to fight."

Under the tower, Han Anjun issued a series of orders, and the foundation-building monks flew into the sky and rushed to all sides. No matter how much fame they had, they could only be used as pawns at this time.

Residents in the city are all behind closed doors.

In the square, the alchemists circled around a few times, looking at this scene in shock. At this time, they are not even qualified to be pawns. But as the flames of war spread, no one could stay out of it.

The situation looks serious now, but it is still in the trial stage. After understanding the attack direction of the Yaozu, further deployment of troops will be made.

Han Anjun only explained a few words at first, but later, he only had his name and location.

"Li Qingshan, Nine Rivers City." Speaking of Li Qingshan's name, Han Anjun paused slightly, and took a deep look at him.

Without further ado, Li Qingshan drew out the Magic Water Invisible Sword, rose up from the sword, and turned into an invisible body.

Finally started.


At dusk, on the wasteland dyed red by the setting sun, the antelope, which has been alone for a long time, is gnawing on the green grass with its head down under a small hill.

Maybe it was the turn of spring and summer, the deliciousness of the green grass made it forget its vigilance and didn't notice it. In the grass not far away, a pair of orange eyes were staring at it, and under the coming night, it was slightly green. Light.

The cheetah leaned lower and approached silently. The antelope seemed to have sensed something and raised its head, but it was too late. The cheetah's vigorous figure jumped out of the grass like lightning and threw the antelope on the ground. On the ground, the fangs pierced the throat until it suffocated.

The cheetah was about to enjoy the delicacy in hand, when there was a loud bang, the ground trembled slightly, and then there was another sound, approaching, the cheetah felt the danger, but was reluctant to part with the prey it got.

The setting sun in the sky dyed the hills into a luminous curve, and suddenly, a huge black shadow crossed the hills, covering the setting sun in the sky, like a mountain, crushing the cheetah to pieces. (Welcome to your support, which is my biggest motivation.)

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