At first glance, the shape of the black shadow looks like a gigantic egg, but it has split into limbs and hangs down from the huge body. The skin is bright and hard, as if it has been carefully polished, more like gold and stone than flesh and blood.

Only the parts that connect the limbs are similar to the body, but more like huge tubes twisted together. Under the sunlight, the flow of liquid in it can be vaguely seen, but it is not known whether it is blood.

There is no obvious head, and there are two coldly flashing small light spots, which seem to be its eyes. The overall look is huge but not bloated, like a marching fortress, with extraordinary momentum.

The loud bang was its heavy footsteps. Stepping over the cheetah's body, it walked towards the end of the wilderness without stopping, where there was a lonely city.

On the ground, an uneven and round strange rock suddenly trembled. The skin of the strange rock parted, revealing the crystals inside, and turned into an eyeball as big as a wheel. It rotated 360 degrees once and locked onto the A giant egg-like monster striding forward.

The giant egg monster passed over the sky unnoticed,

There was a big gap in the ground, and it was a big mouth full of fangs. A huge body jumped out of the soil. It was a one-horned lizard with a length of more than ten feet, and it rushed towards the giant. Egg monster, spitting poisonous slime,

The gigantic egg monster raised its right arm, opened its palms to aim at the lizard, and released a ray of light as thick as a bucket, but it turned its elbow armpit, unable to adjust the best angle.

The huge body of the one-horned lizard twisted extremely dexterously, brushing past the beam of light, with its huge mouth full of fangs, biting the giant egg monster's wrist fiercely, swinging its head forcefully, tearing off the entire arm.

The dark red liquid flew far away. The giant egg monster seemed to know no pain. The left fist struck the lizard's head.

Two monsters fought fiercely on the wasteland, and at first glance, it was impossible to distinguish between justice and evil. Only the confrontation of the most primitive forces.

The giant egg monster's eyes kept flickering, but it didn't let out a roar from the beginning to the end, like a tireless fighting machine. However, the disadvantage of losing an arm is constantly expanding, gradually unable to support,

The poison smeared all over the body, corroded the epidermis, and exposed the inside, not the internal organs, but the mechanical organs that were running rapidly.

On its protruding chest and abdomen, there is a part similar to a cabin. Hao Pingyang was sitting there, his eyes were bloodshot, and he yelled unconsciously: "Go to hell!"

It was he who manipulated the dome monster to fight. This is the latest puppet developed by the Mohists. Combining the methods of refining corpses,

Possesses the powerful strength of the foundation level. But it doesn't have the ability to fight independently like ordinary puppets.

The traditional puppet art of the Mohists includes foundation-building-level puppets, even Jindan-level puppets, and even the legendary Nascent Soul-level puppets. However, to manipulate these puppets, one must have corresponding strength, at least not for a Qi Refiner. .

But this new type of puppet can be used by Qi refiners, and Hao Pingyang acts as the brain of this puppet. When I came to carry out the mission, I wanted to slay demons and eliminate demons, but I didn't expect to be ambushed by demon generals because of a bad start.

The lizard demon pressed the puppet on the ground, felt the presence of Hao Pingyang, and kept digging towards the cabin with its sharp claws. Sparks flew, sawdust flew, and there was only a "chi la" amidst the teeth-stinging sound of rubbing.

The lizard monster opened the cabin and was about to feast on it. The taste of human monks has a different kind of deliciousness.

Hao Pingyang embraced the Huanglong Swallowing Light Cannon, roared and sent out a beam of light, which hit the lizard demon general's open mouth.

The lizard monster injured its fragile mouth, but it was not a serious injury. Instead, it became more and more furious and bit Hao Pingyang.

With the wind blowing in his face, Hao Pingyang knew that he might have to explain it here.

Suddenly, the lizard monster seemed to have noticed something, and left Hao Pingyang behind. With its two protruding eyes, it spun around 360 degrees, locked onto a void, and suddenly flew out a long sword as black as ink.

The lizard demon general also felt the danger of the black sword, a terrifying sword intent locked it, as fast as a wind and thunder, and it was inevitable to avoid it at such a short distance.

It shrank sharply, and its speed became faster. It bypassed the ink sword like lightning, and rushed to the void, where the attacker was!

The invisible sword of Huan Shui is looming, skimming the semi-circular arc, piercing the void, as if calculating the trajectory of the lizard demon general, and slashing precisely on its back, a sharp sword energy as terrifying as that black sword, followed by come out.

The lizard demon let out a scream, and its body was cut into two, but not from the waist, but from the root of the tail, as if the sword hadn't been cut on its back.

This is its innate supernatural power, no matter where it is hurt, it can be transferred to the tail, and the lizard can regenerate its tail. Sensing the danger, it turned around without hesitation and burrowed towards the ground, a sword aura from the side pierced its protruding eyes and head.

The ink sword that flew out just now turned around at some point.

Li Qingshan's figure appeared, this demon general is really cunning, if he hadn't completely refined the "Cao Zi Jian Shu", the manipulation of the sword energy had already worked smoothly, and he almost escaped disaster.

If he didn't have these two sword qis and had to change his demon body, it would not be an easy task to kill the demon general just based on his state in the early stage of foundation establishment.

Although "Boundless Sea Kung Fu" is a good skill, it lacks the ability to kill with one blow. Even if it has the upper hand and pushes the monster to a desperate situation, it will directly explode the demon core, which is still nothing.

Li Qingshan put the whole lizard into his treasure bag, looked at the demon pill specially, and was overjoyed in his heart, the attribute of this demon pill is also poisonous, finally found a demon pill suitable for Malu.

"Qingshan!" Hao Pingyang crawled out of the puppet with a face full of surprise, he looked a little embarrassed after barely surviving.

"Long time no see." Li Qingshan turned around and smiled slightly.

The two chatted for a while under the wreckage of the puppet, and Hao Pingyang realized that Li Qingshan came here not by accident, but was sent to assist him.

Not long after this new type of puppet was put on the battlefield, the confidence of all parties in it is not very strong, and its performance in actual combat is indeed not as good as ordinary foundation-level puppets.

And it's not the first time Li Qingshan has done this kind of thing.

The setting sun gradually fell to the horizon, and the stars on the wasteland were particularly dazzling.

"Let's go, I'll take you for a ride back to the School of Classical Studies..." Before Li Qingshan finished speaking, the jade pendant on his waist shone brightly. Unlike the Scarlet Wolf Card, this is uniformly distributed to every practitioner contact thing.

Among them came Han Anjun's cold voice: "Li Qingshan, report the news."

"Behead a demon general, the puppet will be damaged, Hao Pingyang will be fine."

"Go to Fangtingpu three hundred miles to the southwest to support." Han Anjun ordered directly without any compliment.

"Okay, now."

"Not immediately, but immediately!"

Li Qingshan shrugged helplessly, Hao Pingyang said: "You go, I want to fix this guy!"

"Go back and buy you a drink!"

Hao Pingyang watched Li Qingshan disappear, thinking about all the rumors about him, he was grateful, but also deeply admired.

"This is the fifth demon general he killed!"

It has been more than half a month since the beginning of the war. After the initial temptation, the flames of war have burned everywhere.

Even Li Qingshan was amazed that there were so many monsters hiding in the ground, they were attacking the towns everywhere, and there were ruins everywhere they passed. The spider queen's order to massacre the city had already been completed. Because even if there are foundation-building cultivators going to stop them, the aftermath of the battle will be enough to destroy the city and the land.

No one can care about the life and death of ordinary people in the fierce fighting. The war did not end, but became more and more intense. In just a dozen days, the number of fallen Foundation Establishment cultivators had exceeded ten.

Even Li Qingshan was in danger many times, one of which was even fatal. Although that demon general is not as good as the stone demon and blood demon, it is only because he has no special blood, but his strength is astonishingly strong, which is not something he can resist in the early stage of foundation establishment. If it weren't for the biggest hole card of the demon body, even if he didn't die, he would have to be seriously injured.

However, the successive expeditions to the east and west have yielded quite a lot. A total of three monster generals were beheaded, plus the two monster generals who had been beheaded before, the number of kills reached an astonishing five.

In addition to the one water-type monster pill he used, he already had four monster pills in his hand, and the ordinary monsters he killed were innumerable.

His meritorious service in the eagle wolf guard has accumulated to an extremely large number. In order to boost morale, the Hundred Schools of Economics and the Monster Killing League have provided a lot of resources, and there is another reward.

In addition, there are some false names, such as "Invisible Sword Li Qingshan", "Sea Tiger Li Qingshan" and other names.

When Li Qingshan arrived at Fangtingpu, he could hear the sound of silk and bamboo from afar, crossing the endless reeds, rippling together in the warm wind of midsummer night.

There is a manor by the river, and the voice came from there.

Outside the manor, there are the eyes of monsters that twinkle like stars, constantly approaching, and constantly being forced away by the invisible tone.

Several disciples of the Le family sat in the gazebo behind the manor, holding different musical instruments in their hands, as if they were performing rather than fighting. They were indeed not good at fighting. Fatal injuries, but his true energy was gradually exhausted, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

Suddenly heard a scream, frightened a disciple of the Yue family broke the strings of the zither, inexplicably terrified, but found that the monsters started to run away, one by one fell to the ground with blood.

Li Qingshan killed the leading monster with a single sword, and then without much effort, he eliminated the remaining monsters one by one and came to the pavilion.

"Are you all right!"

"You are Li Qingshan!"

Le family's disciples are mostly women, and these few are no exception. Although they are not peerless, they are also beautiful in appearance and extraordinary in temperament. They thank Li Qingshan repeatedly, and their eyes are mostly favored. One of them boldly stated that he was willing to fill in the blank left by Han Qiongzhi and soothe Li Qingshan's lonely heart.

Li Qingshan knew in his heart that this was not just about heroes saving the beauties and beauties falling in love with each other, otherwise these proud Lejia beauties would not be so ignorant of restraint, but they were precarious in the war and wanted to find a strong support.

He could only smile without responding, and sat down in the gazebo to recover the exhausted aura and energy.

Not long after, the jade pendant around his waist lit up again.

ps: If you want to cross the Yellow River and the river is blocked by ice, if you want to explode and have no inspiration, if you draw your sword and look around in a daze, it is better to hang the southeast branch yourself.

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