Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 107: Three ignorant burning blood shadows, cloud bamboo and jade sticks

"Really escaped for him. []"

Li Qingshan murmured, and the direction where the bloody light escaped was exactly the direction where Xiao An went. Thinking about the ugly expressions of Zhou Tong and his party at the moment, he couldn't help laughing.

"Don't worry, my little An will help you deal with this big enemy, and I didn't take those few Foundation Establishment Pills in vain."


Blood Shadow has survived the catastrophe and reached the level of a demon general. Naturally, he has two innate supernatural powers. The first one is the sound wave with an extremely wide range of damage.

And the second innate supernatural power is the blood light magic escape, which can fly thousands of miles away in an instant. It is a hundred times stronger than Li Qingshan's armor talisman, and it is difficult for even Jindan cultivators to hunt down.

But every time he uses it, he has to give up his flesh and blood, causing serious damage to his vitality, so he will never use it unless it is a critical moment.

As for the ability to control blood, the powerful vitality that won't die even if it is smashed into a pulp, is the same as the killing stone power of Qiangshi, it is an innate talent, not a gifted supernatural power.

This is also the reason why monsters with special bloodlines are stronger than ordinary monsters.

The torrential rain poured down on Xueying's body. His face was pale, as if he didn't even have the strength to block the rain with his demonic aura. He leaned tiredly against a big tree, his face was full of resentment, and he was gnashing his teeth thinking about revenge.

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, he felt a surge of blood energy, and this was the tonic he needed most at the moment.

The blood shadow circled to the other side of the big tree, where a young girl was sitting, looking up at a sparrow in the treetop, as if hiding from the rain. Hearing the movement, he lowered his head, his clear eyes clearly reflected Xue Ying's figure. Poker face.

"Foundation cultivator!"

Xueying's heart shuddered, and he felt the aura on the girl's body. He has become a frightened bird, fearing another trap, so he wants to retreat.

The girl remained motionless, the blood flowing under her jade-like skin exuded a charming fragrance. Blood Shadow has never smelled such a moving smell.

The thunder continued, and the big trees propped up a small world, and the outside was a rain curtain woven by the torrential rain.

"How dare I force you into such a close distance. [Ye*zi] [Yu*you] It's bad luck for you, I sucked your blood, just in time to recover some monster energy."

Blood Shadow gradually calmed down. With a grim smile, with his speed, the distance of a few feet,

Almost nothing, he opened his pale hand and aimed at the girl's heart.

The blood in the girl's body boiled against the flow, and with a puff, she burst out.

Xueying gulped down the blood, feeling refreshed immediately. The taste is simply too sweet.

However, what made him a little strange was that the girl neither struggled nor resisted, and didn't even show a trace of pain or fear. She just looked at him expressionlessly, making him a blood demon who had killed countless lives. Also felt a strange uneasiness.

Like a frog being targeted by a snake, under the deterrence of natural enemies, its whole body is stiff and unable to move.

"What are you looking at!" Xue Ying felt agitated, and he struck out like lightning, piercing into those bright eyes.

There is still an inch between the fingertips and the eyes. Blood Shadow froze.

This is, what's going on here? Why, I can't move?

The frog hadn't noticed yet, but the deadly poison had already been injected.

The blood absorbed by the blood shadow merged into every part of the body, and suddenly turned into a flame, burning blazingly.

With a bang, the Samadhi Bone Fire drilled out from every pore of Blood Shadow, igniting him and turning him into a torch.

The flame flickered, cheering and igniting Blood Shadow's blood, flesh, and bones, but freezing his soul, and he could only watch himself burn.

The powerful vitality that he is famous for and proud of is now the best fuel for the flame.

In an instant, a deep fear appeared in Xueying's eyes: "You are not human..."

The fear disappeared, and the eyeballs were burned and hollow. Words break, lips turn into flames.

The blood demon pill "swish" and flew away into the distance.

"You are not human."

Xiao An's bright eyes turned, and he stretched out his hand to grab the Blood Demon Pill, which trembled and struggled violently in the palm of his hand.

She clenched her right hand tightly, unable to move the Blood Demon Pill, and suddenly released a dazzling bloody light. She no longer had any hope of running away, and wanted to explode the Demon Pill and die with her. 【Leaf*Zi】【Yu*Yu】

With a hollow cage in her left hand, she pulled out a smoke-like, translucent soul, which vaguely looked like a blood shadow.

The blood light dissipated, and the Blood Demon Pill lay quietly in her palm.

In her mind, three words naturally appeared—Blood Sea Banner.

A moment later, a flash of lightning shot from the distant sky. Zhou Tong had no hope of catching up with the blood shadow.


From a very far away place, Zhou Tong felt Xiao'an's breath, and commanded the Thunder Sword to descend from the sky.

"Can you see the shadow of blood?"

"He's dead." Xiao An didn't hide it either.

"You killed it?" Zhou Tong was pleasantly surprised.


"Are you sure that he will escape here?" Zhou Tong had a strange expression on his face. In this way, Xiao An was sure that they would not leave a trace of blood.


"Then why do you..." Zhou Tong cut it off halfway through, and a crowd of people besieged him, even letting Xueying escape, so what face would he have to question this little girl again.

"Senior Zhou, don't leak the secret!" Li Qingshan came from afar with a big smile, and rubbed Xiao An's head vigorously: "Well done!"

At this time, several beams of light came through the air, and Liu Changqing and his party also chased after them. Knowing the outcome of the matter, they couldn't help but look at each other with surprise and astonishment on their faces.

At the age of thirteen or fourteen, he completed the foundation building, dispatched troops and generals, concealed murderous intentions, and killed the Gorefiend as soon as he struck.

They, a group of foundation-building monks in the mid-to-late stage, seemed to be her subordinates, and they couldn't say a word of complaint. Instead, they wanted to thank her. Which faction has no disciples died at the hands of this gorefiend.

This can no longer be described with the word "genius". Looking at Xiao An, who was snuggled up beside Li Qingshan and showing a rare smile, he felt speechless, and at the same time, he felt more and more how deep and terrifying a fortune-teller is.

What is terrible is not itself, but the fate controlled by the fortune teller.

No one doubted whether Xiaoan had the ability to kill Xueying. When Xueying fled, everyone could see that he was seriously injured. Coupled with Xiaoan's terrifying talent, it dispelled everyone's suspicion.


In the ** building, there were lights and festoons, filled with a long-lost atmosphere of celebration, celebrating the death of the blood demon, and also celebrating the achievements of Zhou Tong and his party.

And the protagonist of this banquet is naturally none other than Xiao An.

Qiu Haitang activated the mechanism and opened the partition in the middle of the building, so that the alchemists could also see the face of the "hero", adding a bit of enthusiasm to the atmosphere.

As Qiu Haitang expected, when Xiao An appeared in front of everyone, the upstairs and downstairs fell silent for a moment, both men and women showed amazement, and many male monks fell in love at first sight.

Qiu Haitang lightly shook her head: "This is the power of national beauty and heavenly fragrance."

When everyone's eyes were attracted by Xiao An, Li Qingshan felt a contemptuous look cast on him, and when he turned his head, he saw Ru Xin standing not far away.

Because Ru Xin is a doctor, her main task is not to slay demons, but to treat injured monks and refine medicine, so she hasn't had the chance to meet Li Qingshan during this time.

"I didn't expect you to be this kind of person!" Ru Xin said, her eyes swept back and forth between Li Qingshan and Xiao An, full of shame, as if she was embarrassed to know such a friend.

"Get lost!" Li Qingshan smiled, and ruthlessly said.

Ruxin felt a buzzing sound in his head, Li Qingshan had a roar of a tiger demon, and the power of sound transmission was much stronger than her, so he frowned and stroked his forehead.

"Just kidding, why are you so serious? Could it be that you are angry at what I said? I will not look down on you, at most I will call you inferior to a beast."

"You are not as good as a beast, and you still think highly of me? Oh, I forgot, you are also not as good as a beast, half a man and half a fish!"

"Hey, Li Qingshan, it's too much for you to say that! But you finally admit that you are worse than a beast?"

"Who admitted it? I'm just too much, what do you want?"

"Be careful if I expose the matter related to the death of Elder Feilong, you will be hacked to death by the sword of Hidden Sword Palace when you go out."

"Then I'll kill people, oh no, kill fish to kill people."

"It's a shark, not a fish!"

"When you return to Lianyue Mountain, I will give you a big gift?"

"Don't change the subject, what kind of gift?"

While the two were bickering via voice transmission, the celebration banquet officially began.

Xiao An's face was expressionless, she didn't drink or eat, and she didn't respond to all the words of praise and admiration in her eyes. On the contrary, Li Qingshan was beside her, drinking as soon as he came, chatting and laughing freely.

"Everyone, please be quiet. Now, on behalf of the Hundred Schools of Classics, I will reward Xiao'an with this magic weapon. It was contributed by Fellow Daoist Ma, and it is a treasure passed down from generation to generation by the masters of the Yin-Yang family."

Liu Changqing opened his mouth and said, took out a stick that was not full of feet, emerald green and transparent, like bamboo but not bamboo, jade but not jade, and handed it to Xiao An.

"This is a magic weapon, it doesn't look like anything special?"

"Isn't this the 'Yunji Bamboo and Jade Stick' that Patriarch Ma never leaves? He was willing to take it out."

Amidst the discussion, Ma Buyi also stood up and said, "Xiao'an, it is said that this Yunji bamboo and jade stick was born with the "Yunji Seven Sticks", and the two complement each other. There are seven sticks and a stick holder, although Passed to my hands, only this one is left, but it is still a magic weapon. I hope you can make good use of it, and I believe it will shine in your hands!" Another glance at the Yunji bamboo jade stick , eyes full of reluctance.

This Yunji bamboo jade stick is not only a magic weapon, but also an extremely rare divination magic weapon.

No matter how much the linen clothes appreciated Xiao An, he would not give it away in vain. Liu Changqing and others made a lot of persuasion, and in the end it was tantamount to using the resources of a hundred schools of economics to buy this Yunji, bamboo and jade stick, and then rewarded Xiao An.

The purpose, of course, is to allow Xiao An to play a greater role in the war. And if it weren't for the oppression of the war, the linen clothes would never be sold.

The bamboo and jade sticks on the Yunji, the spiritual thoughts on them have been washed away by the linen clothes, and they have become ownerless. As soon as Xiaoan took it, she felt that it was closely related to the spiritual breath in her body, and her heart and heart matched each other. RQ

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