Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 108 A clear conscience, a peaceful mind, a charming heart

The art of divination and calculation is not omnipotent, nor is it omniscient and omniscient as outsiders imagine.

The reason why Xiaoan was able to calculate the blood shadow's whereabouts and even life and death was due to the information collected by the eagle wolf guard. The blood shadow killed too much, leaving too much behind.

It is as if a small fish swims across the river, leaving a clear ripple track in the water.

She didn't reason and analyze these materials based on logic, but grasped the fate lines that ordinary monks couldn't see, so that she could judge the blood shadow's whereabouts so accurately.

If she was asked to count the dragon snail, she would be a little bit at a loss, and it would be impossible to be so accurate if she tried to do it.

To a certain extent, it is precisely because Blood Shadow is destined to die by her hands, with deep cause and effect, she can count to this step. On the other hand, if she doesn't count this step, it is impossible for her to kill Blood Shadow.

Cause and effect are entangled with each other, even in no particular order, to form this mysterious and unpredictable fate, which is much more profound than any spell in the world.

Now Xiaoan only knows a little bit about the superficial, and it can't be said to go deep at all, but the addition of this bamboo and jade stick is of great help to her divination skills, at least it will allow her to go a little deeper into the river of fate .

"On Xiao'an's behalf, I would like to thank all Patriarchs for their love!" Li Qingshan raised his glass high and drank it down.

In addition to Xiaoan's cloud bamboo jade stick, Li Qingshan also received some rewards, needless to say, his meritorious service in the Eagle Wolf Guard has greatly increased.

With a bright smile on his face, he poured down a jar of wine like drinking water, which attracted bursts of applause.

Xiao An looked at Li Qingshan, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly. Although she looked unreasonable, if you talk about the word "smart". But it doesn't lose to anyone. She just doesn't care what other people think and feel. But for him, she has an extremely delicate understanding, and understands what the depression in his heart is.

Ru Xin looked from a distance. I also feel that he is a little different today, as if he has returned to the appearance when I first met him a few years ago.

today. Li Qingshan was very happy in his heart, not because of the benefits he got.

In the past, he had seen the horrors of the war and thought he was responsible for it. This responsibility may not be considered great, as Fu Qingjin said, war is inevitable, and they are just pawns.

However, he will not use such rhetoric to avoid responsibility. A dignified man, even if he did something wrong, he still has to shoulder the responsibility. If you blindly cover up.

I have to cover up and clean up for myself. On the contrary, he distorted his true heart and became a hypocrite.

This is right or wrong. It doesn't depend on how others evaluate it, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts. He has never sought perfection in his actions, unparalleled benevolence and righteousness, but only the four words "a clear conscience".

Back then, after gaining power, he didn't take the opportunity to take revenge on his elder brother and sister-in-law who had abused him for many years and vent his anger. Instead, he threw down a bag of money, all for these four words.

After beheading the "Stone Demon" and "Blood Demon", he considered himself to have cut off a period of karma and fulfilled his responsibility, as if he had let go of a heavy burden, and he was indescribably relaxed and happy.

Of course, it is not up to anyone to comment on this result, saying "You, Li Qingshan, did not worry about it for nothing" or "You have committed a serious crime, killing two monsters is not enough to atone for your crime."

He felt that enough was enough. Although I have made up my mind to kill both sides of the war and quell the war. But after understanding this period of time, he felt that this kind of thing was no longer his responsibility, and it was beyond his ability, so he simply put it behind him.

Although he can't fully agree with Fu Qingjin's chess piece theory, he still thinks it makes sense. But now the war is only within the scope of Qinghe Mansion, and he can still play some role. Once it spreads to a wider area, with his current cultivation, how can he stop it?

Let him go, if you love to fight, fight to your heart's content! Enough of the trouble of balancing on both sides, I should take advantage of this opportunity to profit a lot from it and improve my cultivation quickly so that I can protect important people and get to the Nine Heavens quickly.

As a time traveler, he doesn't have many "" thoughts, and the situation is constantly changing. He will never restrain himself with a single sentence, even if the sentence is said by himself.

Even if you have taken a step forward and gained a deeper understanding, if you insist on acting according to the conclusions drawn from the old thoughts in the past, isn't it against yourself?

"Retreat, retreat!"

A young monk barged in with an excited face and shouted loudly.

"What's going on? Take your time!" Liu Changqing said solemnly.

"Report to the Lord of the Mansion that there are news from all parties that all the monsters have retreated to the ground. It is the Lord who led the way to kill the blood demon and greatly defeat the prestige of the monster race." When the young monk was speaking, he did not forget to take a picture of Liu Changqing. Flattery.

The news of the Gorefiend's death in battle spread to Long Wo's ears very quickly, and he acted immediately, retracting all his power back to the ground.

Of the four demon generals under the Spider Queen, Beiyue could not retreat, and he was the only one left. It was useless to persevere, and it would only make the loss bigger.

Although monsters have a long lifespan, their speed of cultivation is slow. It may take hundreds of years to make up for every loss.

However, the wars and turmoil in the past few years have reduced the population of Qinghe Mansion by more than half, which is equivalent to destroying a large part of the foundation of Qinghe Mansion's practice, and it will take a hundred years to recover.

There were cheers in the ** building, and all the usual xinxing cultivation was thrown aside.

Years of fierce battles, lost countless brothers and sisters, experienced countless life and death crises, and finally saw the dawn of victory, who can control their emotions?

"Everyone, don't be too happy, we still need to work harder to completely defeat the Yaozu." Liu Changqing coughed twice before suppressing the excitement in his heart.

Cheng Kaishan said: "Fellow Daoist Fu, the stone demons and blood demons are all dead now, next, as long as you can kill the moon demons again, we will definitely win this battle."

"Qingjin should do her best." Fu Qingjin said lightly.

"Kill me? Then come and try!"

Li Qingshan was drunk and smiled slightly, thinking in his heart.


The celebration banquet turned into a grander celebration banquet, and it didn't dissipate until late at night.

Li Qingshan and Xiao An went back to Lianyue Mountain Cave Mansion, accompanied by Ru Xin.

Now that the war is over, she doesn't have to work day and night to make alchemy to save people. She can take a vacation and go back to rest for a while. She still remembered the "gift" promised by Li Qingshan, so she couldn't help asking halfway.

"Where's my gift?"

"Let's talk when we go back." Li Qingshan smiled mysteriously.

Back to Lianyue Mountain, let Xiao An go back to the cave first, while Li Qingshan and Ru Xin are in her cave.

Li Qingshan didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out all the spiritual herbs in the treasure bag, and piled them all over the stone table.

The main reason for this is that he retreated for three years and visited the spirit grass that the six major clans paid tribute to at night. And he got it from the monks of the Monster Killing League by killing people and stealing goods, the amount is also not cheap. Because Ru Xin didn't have enough time and energy, he didn't take it out and kept it in the treasure bag.

"Is this the great gift you were talking about?" Ru Xin asked in surprise, the last time Li Qingshan took out so many spirit herbs at once, she was already taken aback, but compared to this time, it pales in comparison.

She has seen a lot of spiritual herbs in her life, and the number alone is much more than the ones Li Qingshan took out, but the degree of preciousness is far from comparable.

A thousand-year-old spiritual grass can stand on top of a pile of ordinary spiritual grass that has been planted. As for the spiritual grasses in front of her, there are not more than a hundred of them that have passed a thousand years, and they are piled together like cabbage, so how can she not be surprised and shocked.

"Old rules, you gather other spirit herbs, and after refining them, you will share 30% of the pills."

"No, I've made too many pills recently, now I feel sick when I see spirit grass, and I get a headache when I think about alchemy." Ru Xin put her forehead on her forehead and said in a distressed manner.

Concealing the trembling in her eyes, if all of them were replaced with spirit stones, it would probably fill her cave. Most importantly, the source of these spirit herbs is enough to reveal a lot of things, making her more certain about the guess in her heart .

She had never expected to gain such confidence.

"Hmph, if you get a cheap price, you're still a good boy. If you don't want it, I'll let someone else do it." Li Qingshan said, but his body remained motionless.

"Why don't you let your old Han father-in-law help you figure out a way. With the strength of the Han family, it's not difficult to find a few suitable taxis, and it will save me 30%?"

"I can trust you, let's do it! Don't talk nonsense, do you practice or not?"

This kind of trust was not established overnight, but at this moment, Li Qingshan felt that he could entrust her with many things, even some crucial ones.

Ru Xin's heart burst into irony, inexplicably, she secretly rejoiced: "After all this, even Han Qiongzhi doesn't know his secrets! Hey, what can I compare to her?"

"Forget it, since you have begged me so much, I will practice it. But, in fact, you don't know how to count these spirit herbs! Even if there are ten or eight plants missing, you don't know!" Ru Xin will Put away all the spirit herbs, smiled and blinked.

"Who said that there is one less tree, I only ask you." Li Qingshan was startled for a moment, not to be outdone.

In fact, he really didn't have many numbers. If he wanted to confuse his spirit grass, he still used such troubles to directly say that he had destroyed several batches of pills, or underreported the number of pills, so he could cheat everywhere.

"It's up to you?" Ru Xin disdainfully.

"Do you want to try?" Li Qingshan stared.

"Come here!" Ru Xin stared back with contempt, but suddenly felt a little uneasy, Li Qingshan's expression quietly changed.

Lonely man and widow, four eyes facing each other.

Li Qingshan suddenly felt a little restless, maybe it was the effect of alcohol, or maybe it was because he suddenly let go of the burden in his heart. Through the hazy alcohol, Ruxin's gentle face and graceful figure all had an indescribable charm, charming and enchanting.

I can't help but want to get closer to her, sniff her medicinal fragrance, and see what kind of thoughts are behind her cynical mask?

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