Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 1 The Wrath of the Spider Queen

\u003e Underground cave, sea of ​​blue butterflies.

"You all back down!"

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of all the night visitors, Li Qingshan waved his hands without looking back, and strode towards the stone platform.

Malu raised his head as if aware of it, and the pink carapace collided with a cracking sound. His body is already very huge, coiled up to occupy the entire stone platform, but compared to before, he is still formidable.

The stone door closed suddenly, Li Qingshan patted Malu's head, took out a demon pill, and put it in front of Malu, it was the demon pill of the lizard demon general.

Malu didn't know what politeness meant, so he swallowed it in one gulp, coiling up like a snake.

For a moment, the bright light came out from under the carapace, getting brighter and brighter, blurring Malu's body, expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, larger than the entire stone platform, and finally shrinking slowly, and the body inside changed accordingly.

After the brilliance faded away, Ma Lu, who was wearing a pink cloak, appeared in front of Li Qingshan again. He touched his bald head, stared at his slightly protruding eyes, and still didn't understand what was going on.

Li Qingshan laughed heartily, feeling very relieved. Seeing Li Qingshan smiling, Malu also grinned foolishly.

Their hearty laughter echoed in the cave for a long time.

Li Qingshan immediately opened the treasure bag, took out an altar of fine wine, slapped the mud seal, and the aroma of the wine overflowed.

Many sects of practitioners, in addition to spiritual grass, will plant some crops with spiritual energy, which are used for food for disciples, and are also used to brew spiritual wine.

Among the many treasure bags that Li Qingshan got. Quite a few of them have spirit wine in storage, and there are as many as hundreds of altars, and the categories and years are different.

It's just that although there is good wine, it is difficult to find drinking friends, let alone the mood to drink. At this moment, there are drinking friends and moods, and finally let these wines see the light of day again.

Malu smelled the aroma of wine and opened his eyes wide. Reveal the color of longing.

"Come and drink!" Li Qingshan handed Malu a jar, and held the jar himself, touching it lightly.

"Malu picked up the wine jar, gurgled, poured it all down, and wiped his mouth: "It's delicious, eat it! "

"This foodie!" Li Qingshan scolded with a smile. He lowered his head and rummaged through the treasure bag,

Although no appetizers were found. But I found a lot of fruits and vegetables rich in aura. In retrospect, it was all given to him by his fellow countryman Li Long, but it fit Malu's taste.

The two sat cross-legged like this, eating and drinking, except for touching each other at the altar. Not many words.

However, Li Qingshan felt very happy and drank the spirit wine. I poured away the block in my heart, and got rid of another heart disease. How happy it is to be able to conspire with Malu to get drunk again!

But Malu was holding a jar of spiritual wine, halfway through drinking, suddenly closed his eyes, fell headlong on the stone platform, snoring loudly, and fell asleep just like that.

The wine jar was poured, the wine flowed, and the aroma of the wine filled the air.

Li Qingshan stood up holding the wine jar, his body swayed slightly, and his face was already full of drunkenness. He raised his head and drank all the wine in the altar, threw it far away, listened carefully, and there was a ping-pong sound, and it fell to pieces.

Spider Queen, here I come!

Li Qingshan roared loudly and strode forward.

"Master, this trip is dangerous!"

Ye Liusu and Yeliu Boshou stood outside the door, blocking Li Qingshan, with worried expressions on their faces.

"What's the danger?"

Li Qingshan hugged their necks, leaned against the two beautiful faces, and asked with a drunken smile.

"You disobeyed Lady Spider Queen's order in public, and she will definitely punish you!" Ye Liubo was anxious, but looking at his slightly drunken face, he couldn't help showing a hint of fascination.

"Although the monster race cannot kill each other, the Spider Queen is fierce and cruel, and she will definitely not let it go."

Ye Liusu has never had such an intimate gesture with a man before, trying her best to maintain peace of mind, but the concern in her heart is as deep as Ye Liubo's. Of course, she is also concerned about the future of the entire Ye Youren. If there is no him, I'm afraid that night tourists will fall into chaos again.

And if he keeps getting stronger, one day, he can even directly order the cancellation of the clan, which is her hope.

Li Qingshan tilted his head slightly, and was about to speak, Ye Liubo immediately offered his sweet lips, sucking the body fluid in his mouth, and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist.

Li Qingshan inserted his hands into her armor, playing with and kneading the plumpness, Ye Liubo let out a low moan from his throat, and the kiss became more and more passionate.

Ye Liusu's heartbeat quickened slightly, and she moved back, trying to get away. Li Qingshan hugged her domineeringly, and hugged her tightly in his arms. The two exquisite and delicate bodies were tightly pressed against his body, ear to ear rubbing against each other.

Ye Liusu looked helplessly at their intimacy at close range, her cheeks were slightly hot, and she felt a trace of jealousy that she didn't even notice.

After a long time, the lips parted.

"Master, I'm so scared!" Ye Liubo hugged him even tighter.

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, I haven't asked you to give me a baby yet!"

Ye Liubo gave a soft "um" and leaned on Li Qingshan's chest docilely.

Li Qingshan pulled out his hand with some reluctance, turned his head away, and raised Ye Liusu's pointed chin.

Ye Liusu suddenly opened his eyes wide, Li Qingshan lowered his head and kissed her lips, but he tasted it, but whispered in her ear:

"When I come back, I will give you a gift. You'd better think about what gift you can give me!"

Looking at her pointed ears that are different from humans, she couldn't help but lick it lightly, and she trembled all over.

The aggressive eyes, starting from her delicate face, crossed the proud breasts, slender and straight waist, and arrived at the slender and straight legs. Although she does not have a sexy figure like Yerubo's, she is quite charming. Where, the noble and self-respecting temperament can inspire men's desire to conquer even more.

Ye Liusu lowered her head, her face blushed, and for a moment, she didn't know how to answer. She didn't know what his gift was, but she knew very well what he wanted. She could only tell herself that she couldn't refuse him.

Night traveler women, mostly indulge in sensuality, do not hide and suppress their desires at all, and have no concept of chastity or lewdness at all. As the princess of the Spider Shadow Clan, Ye Liusu is the biological daughter of the mistress. She has a noble lineage that is difficult for other princesses, but she also has the same fiery desire in her body.

For the indulgent life of other night wanderers, I am not without a trace of envy. The reason why I insist on not being masculine is not only to practice hard for my ideals, but also to be arrogant and contemptuous of those humble, ignorant and lowly night wanderers. Gu.

But he was the first man who made her fall in love. Although he was a monster, he was so powerful and intelligent. What was even more rare was that he understood and supported her thoughts, which made her come to this point today.

If possible, she is willing to go on with him forever, perhaps, to have fun, no way, this is the master's request.

Li Qingshan gently pushed them away, laughed and walked deep underground, although there were many dangers in front of him, there was also endless glory.

In life, one should challenge one's heart's content and indulge in pleasure, so as to live up to this wonderful life.

"Sister, you can't escape now, the kiss just now was yours..."

When Li Qingshan's back disappeared into the darkness, Ye Liubo looked away and said to Ye Liusu with a smile.

"He's the master, and I'm the servant. I've seen this kind of thing a lot, so it's nothing." Ye Liusu interrupted, with a calm expression on his face, he couldn't help pursing his lips.

"Master, is he really all right?" Ye Liubo became worried again.

"The Spider Queen will not violate the demon clan's precepts and kill fellow clansmen, unless..." Ye Liusu's star-like eyes flickered, a little worried.

"Unless what?"



"Beiyue, how dare you betray me!"

In Spiderweb City, the shrill voice of the Rose Spider Empress seemed to be able to tear through the thick darkness, echoing in the cave. .

The water flow and the magma interweave into a net, and the billowing white smoke rises into clouds, which are black and thick.

There was a dead silence in the city, and the usual whispers echoed in the streets, and the lonely figures walking alone disappeared. As if the worm stopped singing under the majesty of the predator.

Li Qingshan retracted his wings and landed on the outstretched platform. He looked directly into the eyes of Queen Rose, and saw her beautiful face twisted by anger, as if venom was flowing from her eyes, making one's heart palpitate.

But he just replied indifferently: "You don't know what love is, so how can you talk about betrayal?"

"Shut up!" Rose Spider Queen raised her hand and slapped Li Qingshan's face fiercely. If it was an ordinary monster general, suffering from this blow would probably cause his brains to burst and he would die on the spot.


Li Qingshan raised his arm to block Luo Si's hand behind the spider, the two forces collided fiercely, and the spider web city trembled, and the strong wind howled and stirred.

Li Qingshan's body shook slightly, and he felt a pain in his arm. The power of the slap behind Rose Spider was extremely vicious, and it actually penetrated the tough leather of the Bull Demon.

With a click, a fine crack appeared in the arm bone.

Li Qingshan was not surprised but delighted, he was able to block the Yaoshuai's blow head-on, which proved that he, who was at the 4th level of the bull devil, could already be compared with the Yaoshuai in terms of strength alone.

There is a world of difference between each realm, and the higher the realm, the bigger and deeper the moat will be. It is no longer enough to be compensated by quantity alone.

If you ask how many ordinary demon generals can join forces to kill the spider queen?

The answer is: how much is not enough, how many come and die. Unless she can be trapped, then use the war of attrition to pile up. It is also possible to ensure that the speed of consumption is greater than the speed at which she recovers her evil spirit. However, this possibility is impossible to realize.

And Li Qingshan, relying on the "Nine Changes of Gods and Demons" handed down by Qingniu, has crossed this natural barrier, even though he only crossed a part of it, he is still proud of it.

Empress Rose's pupils shrank, Li Qingshan's strength surprised her, and she felt a deep threat, followed by hysterical anger, she would never allow any subordinate to challenge her majesty.

"You will regret this!"


A black shadow slanted towards Li Qingshan's ribs, the speed was so fast that Li Qingshan didn't even see what it was, the spirit turtle demon pill flickered, reminding him of the imminent death crisis. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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