Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 2 Derailment

"Although the strength is enough, is the reaction and speed slower after all?"

Li Qingshan thought to himself, at the critical moment, pieces of hexagonal turtle armor flew out, forming more than ten layers of defense, but the black shadow pierced through the eleven layers, and then slowed down a little. 【Leaf*Zi】【Yu*Yu】

Li Qingshan saw clearly just now, it turned out that it was a spider with sharp and long legs. The tip of the foot thorn flashed with a faint light, obviously carrying deadly poison. Just one move gave him a warning sign in his heart.

Although it is said to be slowing down, it is only slow enough for him to see clearly, but the actual speed is still astonishingly fast. Behind the rose spider, the sinister and demonic energy is poured into it, and the indestructible spirit turtle black armor is as fragile as paper .

Compared with Fu Qingjin's fierce swordsmanship and Zhou Tong's thunderbolt and thunder, it was just an ordinary blow from Queen Luo Si.

There are only three layers of the turtle's black armor left, and the foot spurs have finally become the end of the crossbow and stagnated.

It is really something to be proud of the demon general to resist the attack of the demon general with his natural talent, but Li Qingshan is not at ease in his heart.

"Although the Spirit Turtle Xuanjia can barely resist it, it consumes too much of its monster energy. If it can't be blocked many times, it will exhaust all of its monster energy, and it will really become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered."

But at this moment, from the back of Rose Spider Empress, seven identical foot thorns protruded out, turned into seven shadows, and stabbed at him.

Li Qingshan crossed his hands to protect his vitals, and he didn't dare to use the Spirit Turtle Profound Armor anymore. This is the helplessness of a lower level, even if he has a powerful innate supernatural power, he dare not use it.

Dao after dao blood splashed and turned into black and green in mid-air, Li Qingshan's shoulders and arms. There were also eight deep scars on the thighs and knees, and the Bull Demon's Refined Skin was also torn apart.

The Rose Spider Queen was not satisfied with the result. She planned to cut off Li Qingshan's limbs and torture him slowly, but the toughness of his skin was beyond expectation.

but. The result is the same.

The toxin injected into Li Qingshan's body along with the wound, spreading rapidly like a living thing, dissolving skin, flesh and bones.


Li Qingshan gave a low drink. [Ye*zi] [Yu*you] The spirit turtle demon pill, the divine light is shining, a brilliance like clear water. Suppress the toxin, stop it from spreading, and force it out of the body.

Eight lines of poisonous blood flew out, and one fell under the spider web city. In a blink of an eye, a big pit was eroded out.

Violent toxicity can be seen.

Queen Rose frowned, her red lips parted slightly. Spit out a thread of invisible spider silk, but it is more secretive and terrifying than those foot thorns.


Li Qingshan raised his arms, let out a wild roar, and punched Rose Queen's face with a fist, and fought back desperately.

Rose Spider took a step back. It's not because he's afraid of the power of his punch, but because he doesn't want to be hit by him. But in this battle, she took a step back first, which made her extremely angry.

Li Qingshan never thought that after hitting Luosi Spider with this kind of fist, he punched in the void with the shocking power of the Bull Demon. roared out.

The shock wave tore cracks one after another in the void between them, broke the spider's thread, and spread towards the direction behind Rose's spider, without hurting the high platform under its feet.

After cultivating to the fourth level of bull demon, Li Qingshan has reached a new level for this bull demon supernatural power, which is his most powerful attack supernatural power.

"What kind of power is this?!"

Empress Rose felt a tingling pain in her skin, as if it was about to split open. Her snow-white skin instantly turned silver-gray, shining with a metallic luster.

Li Qingshan's strongest attack only left a thin crack on her body, like a crack in porcelain.

This kind of injury was nothing to her, and she recovered in a blink of an eye, but it completely angered her. It was a great shame to be forced back and injured by her demon generals, and she let out a scream.

Spiderweb City trembled slightly, countless broken stones fell down, and there was a piercing hum in Li Qingshan's mind.

The night tourists who were still in the city covered their ears and resisted luckily. The weaker ones bleed to death directly from the seven orifices, and the other night travelers did not dare to stay any longer and fled outside the city.

The upper body of Queen Rose Spider maintains a human shape, while the lower body has turned into a spider, like a sophisticated killing machine, exuding a terrifying and strange beauty, with her silver arms open, ready to pounce. [WWw.YZUU point m]

The Rose Spider Queen disappeared, and Li Qingshan only saw the scarlet floor-length skirt dancing like flowing fire.

"It's so fast, it's getting faster! I almost forgot, she is also a monster of the Kun class, and her strong body is her strong point."

Li Qingshan flapped his wings, leaped backwards, hovered in the void, raised his right hand, and said loudly: "Wait!"

The rose spider appeared behind and stopped at the edge of the high platform. Its blood-red eyes stared at Li Qingshan without any emotion similar to that of a human figure. It was the death staring of a predator to its prey.

"You can't kill me, you can't destroy the precepts of the Yaozu!"

Li Qingshan said, as if he regretted it and was struggling to die, but there was no trace of fear on his face, but a hint of excitement.

"I won't kill you, I will torture you severely, make you fearful and hopeless, life would be worse than death!"

A mocking and vicious smile appeared on the silver-gray face of the Rose Spider Empress, like an exquisite mask.

"Do you just want my life to be worse than death? Are you satisfied?" Li Qingshan smiled.

"What do you want to say?" Queen Rose was a little puzzled.

"Didn't I say it a long time ago? Now, I accept your invitation."

Li Qingshan stepped forward, walked to an absolutely dangerous distance, and stretched out his right hand towards the Queen Rose, who looked like a banshee in myths and legends.

The Rose Spider Empress was curious, but didn't attack, and immediately put him to death. Suddenly understanding what he meant, he turned into a human form, his skin returned to snow-white, he stretched out his hand to lift Li Qingshan's chin, and his scarlet lips evoked a coquettish and bloody smile.

"You are such a bold boy, but it is quite to my taste!"

When she said "taste", she definitely meant it literally.

"Maybe, I just want to have some fun before I die." Li Qingshan laughed loudly, wrapped his arms around his slender waist, hugged her horizontally, stepped onto the high platform, and walked towards the bedroom.

The mortal enemies in the fierce battle turned into intimate lovers in an instant, but it was not a bloody play of "love because of hatred", but pushing the confrontation to the peak, containing the most terrifying murderous intent.

The commandment that the monster clans must not kill each other is not absolute, and their own habits are even higher than the commandment. The Rose Spider Empress was born with the habit of killing and devouring her spouse. If Li Qingshan took the initiative to have sex with her, she would definitely kill her. Even the Dragon King Mo Hai couldn't blame her.

Let me give you a reason to break the rules and kill me!

Li Qingshan said in his heart, wherever he walked, the high platform collapsed, as if there was no escape route. And in front of it was the eerie and dark lair of the Spider Queen.

Ordinary battles are worthless to the tiger demon. Even if they swallow the demon pill of Qiangshi, the effect of such foreign objects is very limited.

Only fighting, a life-and-death battle, such a frenzied battle, can the tiger demon be excited and release its true power.

Once he was unable to break through the fourth level of the Tiger Demon, his chances of escaping from the Spider Queen's hand would be pitifully small. It is likely to become the food of the spider queen, and it will be lost forever.

But when he made up his mind to carry the heavy promise of the nine heavens on his back, it was destined that he could no longer escape, could no longer proceed cautiously, cautiously and safely, and could only stride forward and die. epigenetic.

The Spider Queen is naturally very scary, but compared to those enemies of Brother Niu, I'm afraid it's really just a little spider!

"Remember, don't bow your head to anyone, anything, you once rode on my back."

A surge of pride rose in Li Qingshan's heart, a little fear, a little worry, dissipated, and the moment he entered the gate, he had a strange thought:

"Qiong Zhi, don't blame me, this is a life-threatening cheating!"


Hundred schools of thought, in the island of benevolence, in the white room surrounded by many magic circles.

It was an absolutely closed room, without doors or windows, and without a single piece of furniture except a bed. There are snow-white walls on all six sides, and many shining runes loom.

However, the function of these rune magic circles is not to kill and trap people, but to play a medical role.

"My sword, my sword!"

Fu Qingjin woke up from the coma, stretched out her hand and waved it indiscriminately, trying to grab something.

He had a nightmare, in which he lost something very important. If possible, he would rather use his life to exchange for that thing.

"It's broken." Ru Xin stood on the sidelines, and said bluntly, Hua Ci gave her a glare.

As the two people with the highest medical skills in Qinghe Mansion, they are jointly responsible for treating Qingjin. Fu Qingjin's injuries were not too serious. Whether it was damaged internal organs or broken bones, to ordinary people, they might be fatal injuries.

But for practitioners, it can be healed easily. And most of these injuries did not come from the Moon Demon, but were caused by the excessive use of the body by the Qingxu Sword using the Sword Heart.


Ru Xin's simple words made Fu Qingjin mutter to himself as if struck by lightning.

Unacceptable memories gradually came to mind.

Nightmares come true!

"Fellow Daoist Fu, your natal weapon has been destroyed and your mind has been wounded. If you rest and recover, your cultivation base will not degenerate too much, and you can still maintain your foundation building cultivation base."

Although Hua Ci was dark and thin, with an unattractive appearance and a cold voice, he had a soothing power.

"But it's just an ordinary foundation-building monk, and it's still in the early stage of foundation-building. It's impossible to control the Monster Killing League again." Ru Xin's face was as white as jade, gentle and beautiful, and her voice was even more gentle and kind. What he said was heartbreaking.

Hua Ci didn't bother to stare at her anymore, and patiently said words of relief: "It is a blessing in misfortune to be able to guarantee your life and cultivation. Don't worry about other external things, it is not conducive to the recovery of the body."

Ru Xin continued: "Thanks to Moon Demon's mercy, I spared your life, so I have to cherish it." (Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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