Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 15 Night Tassel's Choice

"Master!" Ye Liubo cheered. [WWw.YZUU point m]

Ye Liusu also breathed a sigh of relief, gushing out a joy and peace of mind that even she herself had some experience with. It seemed that as long as he was there, no matter how big the trouble was, he could solve it.

"He was able to come back alive. However, the Spider Queen will never change her habits. He must have used some kind of trick to escape. He will definitely not be able to stay here in the future, let alone continue to command them."

Ye Laixiang's complexion changed suddenly, thinking about it, she calmed down and said, "So what if it's you? Beiyue, do you think you can still act as domineering as before? You betrayed the Spider Queen, and now we are Enemy of all nightwalkers."

"Let's work together to take him down. When the Spider Queen comes back, there will be a reward. Anyone who dares to collude with him now is a true traitor. Once the Spider Queen arrives, everyone will die!"

Ye Laixiang knew that she had offended Li Qingshan to death, and she was afraid that he would kill her in a fit of anger, so she acted preemptively and lured all the night visitors with clever words. No matter how strong Li Qingshan was, he still couldn't confront dozens of strong night walkers who survived a catastrophe.

She changed the subject: "Yeye Liusu, what else do you have to say? Are you loyal to the Spider Queen, or to this rebel?"

Ye Liusu frowned, and fell into even greater distress. Just now, she could say that she obeyed Queen Rose's order because of her orders, but now that he appeared again, this reason was useless.

A choice must be made!

Everyone's eyes met on Ye Liusu again.

Li Qingshan had been here for a while, he could hear the disputes from afar, so he listened secretly to see who dared to speak ill of him behind his back, and waited until the matter was about to escalate, before calming down.

Originally, he planned to kill Ye Lixiang as soon as he made a move. Kill chickens to make an example to monkeys. See this situation. On the contrary, he was not in a hurry to make a move. Because he was also very curious, what choice would Ye Liusu make?

In fact, he also understands that he wants his subordinates to be loyal. [ ] It is best not to give it a chance to betray. But Ye Liusu was not just a subordinate to him.

If she chooses to betray, then Li Qingshan can understand. After all, she has his ideals and pursuits, so it's not surprising that she would make such a choice. Of course, there will naturally be some "punishment" afterwards. , understandable, does not mean acceptable.

Of course, it is not enough to kill it, even after punishment. Let her continue to stay in this position, but it is just a handy tool.

Naturally, the gift was wasted, since she only used him as a tool to achieve her goal. Then what does her ideal have to do with him? It is precisely because more is given that there is hope.

Night tassels on the delicate face. She was all struggling, and she had no choice in this matter. If she continued to stand by his side, there would be no place for her in this region, and she could only go into exile with him. Everything she has managed for many years will go to waste, and even her life may be lost.

For ordinary night tourists, it is probably very easy to make a choice, and it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. But she couldn't do it, let alone the figure with red hair and red eyes, it meant a lot to her.

"Sister, we can't betray Master. Without Master, how could we be where we are today." Ye Liubo grabbed Ye Liusu's hand and said anxiously.

"Bitch, shut up, he's not a master, he's a traitor!" Ye Liuxing said coldly.

Ye Liusu looked at Ye Mingzhu hesitantly, hoping to get the help of her mother's wisdom.

Ye Mingzhu only said: "Tausu, I believe you will make the right choice."

These words were ambiguous, as if to persuade Ye Liusu to betray immediately, but also seemed to mean the opposite. Because she was actually a little undecided, not that she was really loyal to Li Qingshan, and felt Li Qingshan's unusually relaxed attitude.

"Beiyue should be thinking about running away as far as possible. How could she just stand by and watch so easily? Could it be that the situation has changed, and the Spider Queen decided to let him live, but this is simply impossible!" Ye Mingzhu was also a little taken aback. Undecided, Ye Liusu could only let Ye Liusu choose. []

"Why don't you run away? Could it be that you are waiting for me?" Ye Liusu looked at Li Qingshan from a distance, his eyes seemed to contain deep expectation, he stroked his lips gently, the kiss still had residual warmth, penetrated deeply heart and soul.

I heard that if people have feelings, they can no longer judge rationally, it is true! Sighing lightly, he said resolutely: "It seems that I am not a suitable commander after all, unable to take on the heavy responsibility of the mistress, and not worthy to lead the sisters. From now on, Ye Liusu is still just Ye Liusu."

As if a heavy burden had been lifted, he couldn't tell whether he was relieved or lost. He took Ye Liubo's hand and walked towards Li Qingshan's. It's not worth it to lose because of you!"

Li Qingshan smiled back, with a relaxed mind, and said silently: "You will not regret the choice you made today."

"Stop them!" Ye Laixiang ordered sharply, she was not confident that she could kill Beiyue, but she was quite sure of killing them. Now that the overall situation is settled, when the Spider Queen returns, she will be the number one hero.

Just as she was thinking about her pride, she felt her throat tighten, her eyes widened in disbelief, and her face was full of horror.

Before everyone saw clearly what happened, Li Qingshan had already stood in front of Ye Laixiang, strangled her neck, and lifted her up gently.

It was only then that the other night travelers came to their senses, and then they all froze, showing the same disbelief as Ye Laixiang.

In the ground, everyone knows the strength of Ye Lixiang, and she is also one of the best among the six mistresses. If I use the human division method, it is the late stage of foundation establishment. This is also the reason why Ye Laixiang dared to challenge Li Qingshan.

But now Ye Laixiang has no room to resist, she is restrained by Li Qingshan, and no one can grasp his movements. There was a deep chill in his heart, if the target of his shot was himself, or anyone present, no one would be able to escape! And if he wants to kill, who can stop him!

"In this area, I am afraid that only the Spider Queen can have such a speed, no wonder he can escape!" Ye Mingzhu thought to herself.

"Master is mighty!" Ye Liubo cheered, threw himself into Li Qingshan's arms, and exclaimed: "Master, be careful!"

A curved shadow flashed across Li Qingshan's throat. It was the snake-like dagger in Ye Laixiang's hand. There was a black light flashing on it, which was obviously poisonous. Her attack was secretive and ruthless, and she won the assassination method. At the same time, her figure gradually became thinner, as if she was about to turn into a shadow and escape from Li Qingshan's grasp.

But these struggles were doomed to be in vain, the dagger was halfway through, and then fell down powerlessly, and Ye Laixiang returned to normal, with a face full of shock. A shocking force penetrated the whole body, and there was a crackling sound of bone shattering. Li Qingshan threw it on the ground, and immediately went limp, unable to move.

"Master, let's go quickly!" Ye Liusu came to Li Qingshan's side and advised in a low voice. She was ready and fled with him, and the result might not be too bad.

"Go? Where are you going?" Li Qingshan hugged Ye Liusu's waist, the warmth in his eyes made her inexplicably thankful for her choice, and seemed to understand something, showing the intention of asking.

Li Qingshan announced loudly: "I have defeated the Spider Queen, and from today onwards, I am the only ruler of the Night Walkers!"

These words were even more astonishing than the powerful strength he had shown just now. They echoed in the cave, and the surroundings were silent.

"It's impossible! How could Master Spider Queen be defeated by you?" Ye Laixiang screamed.

This is also the voice of all the night travelers. To them, the Rose Spider Queen is like a god, invincible and irresistible. Even Ye Liusu and Ye Liubo were stunned together, staring at Li Qingshan as if they didn't know each other.

Li Qingshan listened attentively, and said with a smile: "It seems that no one has refuted it!" His face straightened: "It seems that I am not rebellious, but you are!"

Before Ye Laixiang could speak, while speaking, a finger blew the wind, twisted and rotated, penetrated into her head, leaving a transparent hole, and then casually put the body into the treasure bag.

Everyone gasped, a mistress was crushed to death like a bug.

Although Li Qingshan only had one foot in the realm of the Demon Commander, killing such an opponent has become extremely easy. The gap between the big realms is even bigger than people and bugs. People may not succeed in catching insects, but an opponent like Ye Lixiang, as long as it is within Li Qingshan's field of vision, is basically a dead end.

At this moment, a monster aura came out from the ground and entered the top floor of Spiderweb City. Everyone was familiar with that monster aura. It was Queen Rose who came back!

But other than that, he didn't do anything else, he didn't pay attention to everything in front of Spiderweb City, as if it confirmed Li Qingshan's words from the side.

"Do you have any other comments?"

"I, the Spider Shadow Clan, would like to serve Master Beiyue as the master, as my slave and maidservant, and to do as I please." Ye Mingzhu finally came to her senses, stepped forward and saluted.

How powerful is he who can even defeat Lord Spider Queen? Could it be that he has already been promoted to Demon Commander?

Although she took orders from Li Qingshan before, she never considered herself to be his servant. At most, it is the relationship between subordinates and superiors. But now, she leads the whole clan to regard him as their master and willingly serve him as their slaves.

The other four mistresses followed closely behind, without a trace of dissatisfaction in their hearts, and surrendered under this absolute power. The other night visitors also followed suit and saluted him supremely, even the Bat Shadow Clan who had just lost their mistress.

Li Qingshan said: "Wrong."

Ye Mingzhu said: "My lord, please explain clearly, where is the mistake?"

Li Qingshan said: "From today onwards, Ye Youren will no longer have a clan, I am your only master, Ye Liusu obeys orders!"

Although she was talking seriously, she didn't intend to let go of Ye Liusu, she could only say in his arms: "Yes."

"From today onwards, it's up to you to integrate them! If anyone has a problem, let her come to me, and I will be responsible for solving it!" Li Qingshan said with a smile, and of course it won't be the problem that is solved.

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