Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 16 Ruxin's Story

If it was in the past, Li Qingshan would not be able to issue such an outrageous order, and he would not kill the mistress of the clan if he wanted to. [WWw.YZUU point m]

But now he has the confidence and the qualifications. All of this stems from his own strength. Only with absolute strength can he have absolute power.

Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish.

Violence cannot solve everything, mostly because violence is not strong enough.

The old rose spider queen made them split and fight, so they had to split and fight. Now, Li Qingshan wants them to unify, so they have to unify.

Ye Liusu's expression changed a few times. First, he was pleasantly surprised. Not only did he not have to flee, but he got more. The great cause of reunification she pursued was easily achieved with a single word from him.

Then she was a little bit afraid, if she really followed the ancient strategy of the Night Tourist and betrayed him, then she would lose everything, most importantly, lose his heart forever, and never be able to receive such warm blessings again.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but take the initiative to lean into his arms for a few minutes, showing their weak side to Li Qingshan very rarely. After this incident, their hearts got closer. However, if there is no absolute power, even when the love is strong, it is difficult for her who is proud and persistent to show such an appearance.

"Thank you for the gift." Ye Liusu raised her delicate face, and her star-like eyes shone with light.

"This is not a gift from me."

Even Li Qingshan himself did not expect that he would be able to defeat Queen Rose. Force her to sign the alliance under the city. Originally planned to use this to break through the fourth level of tiger and demon, and then escape.

At that time, with his strength, it will not be difficult to fight for a territory on the ground and sign a non-aggression treaty with the School of Economics. It can be regarded as helping Ye Liusu realize his dream of bringing night travelers back to the ground.

Looking at Ye Liusu, he showed curiosity. Li Qingshan smiled without saying a word, planning to surprise her again when the time comes.

"I'll go back to the territory first, and leave the rest to you!"

Li Qingshan patted Ye Liusu's buttocks lightly, and let her go, he wouldn't do this before. [WWw.YZUU dot m] Normally she made her look down on herself, but now it seems very natural.


Ye Liusu's face became dizzy,

But he pretended like nothing happened. It made Li Qingshan feel very interesting, and he will definitely tease her if he has a chance in the future.

"Master Spider Queen, Beiyue welcomes your challenge at any time, hahahaha!"

Li Qingshan turned to face Spiderweb City, and said loudly. Then ignore the others, spread the Fengshen's wings, and take Ye Liubo through the air. {hand}{hit}{bar}{www.{}{}

"Will the Spider Queen deal with my sister?"

The gust of wind whizzed past, and the cave twisted and changed rapidly. Ye Liubo couldn't see clearly, so he simply looked away and stared at his face. He could only hear the wind god in his arms, but he couldn't feel the wind blowing. This feeling made her intoxicated. Then he became worried about Ye Liusu again.

Seeing her in this deserted place, she still respectfully calls Queen Rose Spider an adult, which shows the depth of her majesty. Li Qingshan didn't make her change her mind, it's always right to maintain a little respect for the strong.

"Probably not. She is really looking forward to having such a tie to keep me here!"

Li Qingshan already has a general understanding of the temperament of the Rose Spider Queen. After she reincarnates as a predator, she will concentrate all her energy on him, patiently waiting for a fatal blow, and will definitely not do this to vent her anger. Harmless things.

After a while, he returned to the territory.

Ye Liubo was still hanging on him like a koala, refusing to get off.

"By the way, what reward do you want?" Li Qingshan smiled, Ye Liusu's complete surrender certainly surprised him, and this little girl's consistent performance has never disappointed him.

"What do you think?" Ye Liubo pursed his lips and rubbed against him.

"Forget it today!" Li Qingshan said with a wry smile, even if he had a huge desire, after the battle with the spider queen Rose, he had completely dispelled it. After the silk spider. Even if he doesn't use the Spirit Turtle Profound Armor, it still feels like an old monk's mind is like still water. []


Ye Liubo was immediately disappointed, but he would not go against his will, so he couldn't hide the sadness on his face.

"It's a bit too hasty now, wait for you to prepare, then I will..."

Li Qingshan whispered in her ear, comforting this loyal and lovely little pet. Then left behind the mirror image clone, and left the ground in a hurry. After going for so long, I don't know if there is any change on the other side. I'm afraid Xiao An must wait in a hurry!

Tianlong Temple does have some connection with him. It is almost impossible to steal their Zhenpai's unique knowledge. Even if he survives another catastrophe, he has no certainty. On Xiaoan.

Did the "Strange Baby Underground" and "Frog at the Bottom of the Well" feel a sense of chance from this?

Rose's spider queen's challenge will come soon.

Everything Li Qingshan has now is based on the victory just now, if he fails, not only him, but also Ye Liubo and Ye Liusu who are attached to him will all suffer.

Only by obtaining the feathers of the phoenix and cultivating the first stage of the phoenix transformation can one be more confident.

After releasing Rose Spider, a way out, naturally left a big trouble. But it is also forcing him, always thinking of ways to improve his strength, not daring to slack off.

But judging from the results, this choice is relatively correct. If he really kills, that "underground strange baby" probably won't stand by and watch.

And the fall of a demon general is even more serious.

It is hard to say how the Dragon King Mohai will react to the leader of all monsters in Qingzhou. After so many years, Hidden Sword Palace still has a heartache about Elder Fei Long's death and refuses to let it go.

The best result is to let other monster commanders occupy this territory, adding infinite changes and making the situation more unpredictable. Instead, it is better to let the changes be under one's control.

Li Qingshan slowly sorted out the matter, his heart was full of pride, and he didn't have the slightest fear to shrink back.

"Come on, no matter how many times, I will beat you hard, and then do it again!"


Li Qingshan quietly returned to the Lianyue Mountain Range, but Xiao An was no longer in the cave.

Could it be that something happened? However, the eight-door Golden Lock Formation was intact, and with her current strength, the only person in Qinghe Mansion who could threaten her was Queen Rose Spider.

Feeling a little strange in his heart, a neighbor came to the door, Li Qingshan opened the magic circle, and invited Ru Xin into the cave.

"You're finally back, did your trip go well?" Ru Xin looked at the extremely spacious cave, and became more convinced of her judgment. If it was an ordinary practitioner, how could she exaggerate the cave so much.

Whether it was intentional or unintentional, there were still a few strange huge claw marks on the ground of the cave, and the doubts were far more than these.

No wonder Xiaoan refused to let those people in, otherwise everyone would feel a little strange!

She only had a quick glance, and then turned her gaze back to the "mysterious man" in front of her. At first glance, there was no difference from the last time she met, and the aura he exuded was also the same. But his temperament has changed, becoming more high-spirited, confident, and full of fighting spirit. It's just a feeling that he is stronger.

"It's okay! Do you know where Xiao An is going?"

Li Qingshan didn't deliberately hide anything, their relationship has reached the point of tacit understanding. I don't know if it's because she has become pure-hearted and ascetic, when she saw Ruxin again, she became less lustful and cherished the friendship between them even more.

Even though she harbors the great ideal of "getting the most beautiful wife in the world", there are always beauties but rare confidantes.

"The Zen Master Jiguang from Tianlong Temple is here, and she won't let him in, so we can only go back to the School of Classical Studies together."

"Zen Master Ji Guang. Tell me what's going on?"

Li Qingshan's eyes lit up, that underground monster baby is really powerful, Zen Master Jiguang, as the head of Bodhi Temple of Tianlong Temple, must know "Tianlong Zen Chanting". Let him pass it on to Xiao An, and he can exchange it for the Phoenix Feather, wouldn't that be all right?

"Okay, one spirit stone for one word? It was already thirty words just now. Considering our friendship, I will give this sentence away for free." Ru stretched out his hand out of the box.

"Our friendship is really precious!"

Unexpectedly, Ru Xin frowned and thought about it. As if seriously thinking about their friendship, suddenly, the brows relaxed again.

"Actually, I don't have much friendship. Get the spirit stone quickly, otherwise I will refuse to answer the next question."

"Am I a novelist, or are you a novelist? Is your story worth that much?

"Fifty-five spirit stones! Oh no, it's sixty-one! I have to add this sentence, it's sixty-eight, it's wrong, it's..."

"Bastard woman, you even counted the last sentence! Still counting, can talking to yourself cheat the word count?"

"Would you like to hear it or not."

"Okay, tell me!" Li Qingshan would never pay her a spirit stone.

"Please settle the accounts first."

Li Qingshan exhaled, and directly threw a lot of spirit stones.

Ru Xin was not polite, she smiled and accepted the spirit stone, and said, "A long, long time ago..."

"It's only a few days at most!"

"Be smart! Do you know what I'm going to say? Don't interrupt me. A long time ago, there was a child named Chutian. He was the reincarnation of heaven and man. He was smart and kind. Well, take these four words as if I didn't say them, no I charged you a fee, which saved you four spirit stones, ha ha."

"Hehe, what a fart! This sentence also has to be charged, right? It's already more than twenty words."


After Li Qingshan fully understood Chutian's appearance, figure, family background, and finally heard Ruxin say that he succeeded in building a foundation and came to Lian Yueshan to challenge him, he couldn't help but concentrate.

At this moment, the story came to an abrupt end.

"Your spirit stones have been exhausted. If you still want to listen to it, please continue to pay." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation .)

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