Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 17 Tianlong Chanting

Li Qingshan suddenly got up and opened his eyes. [WWw.YZUU point m] He even got angry with the Spider Queen and wanted to take revenge.

The hostility of the tiger demon has been integrated into his bones, showing a little bit, mortals can really be frightened to death when they see it. Even a cultivator would feel a jump in his heart and feel a little fear.

But Ru Xin was just sipping tea with the old god, not paying attention to Li Qingshan's behavior, and there seemed to be a smug smile on the corner of her mouth. Their verbal confrontation has always been able to provoke each other to win, and now it can be regarded as a victory for her, and she is in a very happy mood.

Li Qingshan grinds his teeth, he really has some way to deal with her, even if it is a tiger, he can't show his minions to his friends.

Moreover, he said he was angry, but in his heart, there was a rare kind of peace and tranquility. Sipping tea, listening to her talking about those nonsense stories, the shadows from the ground seemed to fade away from her body.

In a trance, he was no longer a moon demon, and he regained some sense of being a human being, and the tense heartstrings also relaxed. So let her do it, if she waits for someone else and dares to blackmail his spirit stone, it depends on whether there is a life flower.

In order to hear this story in its entirety, Li Qingshan had no choice but to obediently recharge.

Ru Xin smiled and said: "Thank you for your patronage, if you have more, you will not be refunded, if you have less, you will have to make up!"

Fortunately, after Ruxin's "trickery" succeeded, she didn't deliberately lengthen the story, and simply told the story. If so, she also got nearly ten thousand spirit stones.

"This guy Chutian really doesn't know what to do." Li Qingshan said casually, but he didn't take it too seriously, such a clown. It was no longer worth his trouble.

The more critical issue is that Zen Master Jiguang actually wants to take Xiaoan to Tianlong Temple.

Although Li Qingshan had planned to accompany Xiao An, the timing was not right.

The trip to Tianlong Temple is definitely not something that can be solved in three or five days. Three years or five years is considered fast. The problem is that he has just laid a foundation in Qinghe Mansion, and he hasn't had time to reap the fruits. It would be a pity to leave now. (When you read the novel, you will go to Yezi·you~you M)

Now he has forcibly unified the Night Travelers. Collecting spiritual herbs is no longer paying tribute like before, but searching directly, and the harvest will definitely add up compared to the past few years. There are many more.

Moreover, the underground resources can also be fully utilized, and they can try to conduct long-term transactions with the Hundred Schools of Economics, and the income will definitely be huge.

Although ordinary pills are useless to him.

But as long as you accumulate enough spirit stones, you can go to Ruyi County, or even a better place, if you don't believe it, you can buy medicine that doesn't work.

It's like a farmer, who has worked hard and shed a lot of sweat, and finally looked forward to the harvest season in autumn, so he was asked to leave this field and open up new ones. It's not reconciled to whoever put it on.

Moreover, the hidden danger of the rose spider queen has not been resolved. It's even more impossible to just leave like this.

Of course, there is another way, that is to let Xiao An practice alone in Tianlong Temple. What should Li Qingshan do in Qinghe Mansion.

But this method, Li Qingshan didn't even think about it, just like the promise he made in the past. Only death can separate them.

Li Qingshan fell into deep thought, his complexion changed for a while, and he stood up suddenly: "I'll go to the School of Classical Studies." If the old monk took his own initiative and forcibly brought Xiaoan back to Tianlong Temple, it would not be too bad.

"Don't worry, Master of Tianlong Temple. It's not so arrogant, as long as you don't insist on marrying their genius disciple." Ru Xin seemed to have read his mind, and there was a hint of temptation in her words.

"Well, why should I marry her?"

"It's fine if you don't think so." Ru Xin heaved a sigh of relief, and pushed Li Qingshan back to the seat, and suddenly said a nonsensical sentence: "Do you know that there are gods in this world."

"What?" Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, not knowing why she suddenly said this.

"That's another story." Ru Xin smiled slightly.

"You still want to cheat my Lingshi?" Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows. 【Leaf*Zi】【Yu*Yu】

"Forget it, for the sake of being so well-behaved just now, this story will be given to you for free."

"If you let me buy it, I have to agree. Tell me!"

"You are absent-minded, let's forget about it today, let's talk about it when you calm down! Let's go, go to the School of Classical Studies." Ru Xin Shi calmly stood up and walked towards the gate of the cave, with a mysterious smile on her lips.

These more than ten thousand spirit stones, I don't want you for nothing.


In Wulou Temple, the Daxiong Hall is surrounded by monks in silence.

The tower incense hangs down in circles, the green smoke echoes, and the Tathagata Buddha statue lowers its eyebrows and smiles.

In front of the Buddha, one old and one young, sitting and discussing the Dharma, one is as withered as a tree, and the other is as delicate as a flower.

Listening to their words, the monks were at a loss and didn't know what they were talking about, and felt that they seemed to understand but didn't understand.

Xiao An thoughtfully, from time to time lowered his head to think hard, and it usually only took a moment before he raised his head and continued to speak.

On the haggard face of Zen Master Jiguang, the joy became more and more intense. I saw him a few years ago, but I just decided on the title of master, and didn't have much communication. Today, I intend to test and give her some advice. One can stump her.

She has developed a unique path in Buddhism and has her own insights. Although most of the understanding is still a bit superficial. But sometimes the occasional witty remark made him feel like he was talking to a senior.

And this so-called "shallowness" is also compared with him, the head of the Bodhi Court who has been practicing Buddhism for hundreds of years. Among the inner disciples of Tianlong Temple, there is no one who can compare with him, and I can only admire him.

"The Road of Zhu Yan and White Bones" is not a simple practice method, but also contains the whole life of a Buddhist master, which is equivalent to having a Bodhisattva as a teacher, pointing out a way for her in this vast sea of ​​Buddhist scriptures. Based on this, she extensively studied Buddhist scriptures, and then practiced "The Way of Zhuyan and White Bones" in reverse. The two complement each other and progress step by step.

Discussing with Zen Master Jiguang also felt quite rewarding. However, this Bodhisattva is a White Bone Bodhisattva, so Xiaoan will not really tell Zen Master Jiguang what he has learned in his heart, otherwise he will not praise and praise, but will be furious and directly use thunder to destroy this ruined Buddha Traitors who slander Buddha.

Most of Xiao An's mind is not discussing the Dharma, but thinking about Li Qingshan's safety, but she has always been expressionless and quick to respond to her words, even Zen Master Jiguang didn't notice it, if he knew Xiao An was only splitting his mind two or three times to deal with him , I don't know what to do instead, be angry and dissatisfied, or even more pleasantly surprised.

Xiao'an's dark pupils were calm in the ancient well. Through these eyes, the resplendent and resplendent Daxiong Palace was a black and white color that seemed to be transparent. Strong sandalwood, light and odorless. Zen Master Jiguang opened and closed his lips, and the exquisite Dharma that came out of his mouth was instantly forgotten. Morning bells and evening drums are also misty and distant.

This is not because her five sense organs and six senses are not sensitive enough, but a state of colorless and formless, which is close to what the Buddhists say. Ordinary Buddhist disciples, who have faced the wall for three years, can have this momentary feeling, they can achieve great enlightenment and make great progress in cultivation, but she is always in this state.


A loud noise came to Xiaoan's ears, she turned her head in surprise, Li Qingshan stepped into the Daxiong Palace, different from the surrounding scenery, he has a very bright color, bronze skin, piercing eyes, and a loud smile The sound broke the silence.

Li Qingshan walked to Xiao An's side, and bowed deeply: "Let's go down to Li Qingshan, and pay homage to Zen Master Ji Guang, Xiao An has met a famous master, seeing the solemn and majestic appearance of Zen Master today, it is indeed a well-deserved reputation."

Zen Master Ji Guang didn't look at Li Qingshan, as if there was no such person at all, only Xiao An existed in his eyes. As the head of the Bodhi Court of Tianlong Temple, even among the practitioners who have survived the second catastrophe, he can be regarded as powerful.

However, this move is not to belittle Li Qingshan, a cultivator who established the foundation, but because of his nature. Before he met Xiao An, he had practiced closed-mouth meditation for twenty years.

This closed mouth meditation is very famous in Zen Buddhism, and it is intended to let go of verbal attachments. However, there are rumors in the Tianlong Temple that he does not practice closed mouth meditation for cultivation at all, but simply does not want to speak, wasting time with others.

For half a day, the visitor talked to Xiaoan more than ten years in Tianlong Temple. If the disciples of Bodhiyuan found out, they would be surprised from ear to ear, wondering if their master was faked.

But obviously, Zen Master Jiguang didn't like to see Li Qingshan who rushed in rashly.

Juexin stepped forward and persuaded in a low voice: "Junior brother, you should go out first!"

"Once upon a time when I thought of Master, I said that I had a destiny with the Buddha, and I wanted to listen to Zen Master Jiguang's profound Buddhist teachings to see if I was really destined." Li Qingshan smiled at Xiao'an, found a futon and sat down cross-legged.

Xiao An smiled lightly, and the moment of youthfulness stunned many monks in the hall, some of them who did not practice enough, naturally felt a little bit more heartbroken.

Zen Master Jiguang frowned. He didn't know what "national beauty and heavenly fragrance" meant. He couldn't help but think of the legend that when the Buddha became a Buddha under the bodhi tree, a group of demons came to obstruct him and turned into a celestial girl to confuse the Buddha's mind.

He has never seen a real celestial girl, but with her smile, her Buddha nature faded away, and she changed from a Buddhist genius to a celestial girl transformed by a demon. It was the first time I really noticed her appearance, and then I felt that I was a little paranoid. She was just a child after all, and it was inevitable that she would have a dirty mind. If she was really spotless, it would be unbelievable, more like a demon.

Zen Master Jiguang turned his withered head, his eyes became cloudy again, and finally landed on Li Qingshan's face, a wave suddenly appeared in Gujing's calm heart.

He is the only obstacle hindering her practice!

"The Buddha said that the Dharma is not passed on to the six ears. If you want to listen to my lectures, I don't know if you are qualified as a benefactor?"

Different from the dry voice when speaking, the voice of Zen Master Jiguang suddenly became billowing and mighty, majestic, mixed with a line of dragon chant, continuous, falling from the sky, penetrating directly into Li Qingshan's heavenly spirit.

Li Qingshan's face changed, and he immediately collected his mind, his soul was stirred up, and there seemed to be currents passing through his body.

"This is Tianlong Zen singing!?" (Your support is welcome, it is my biggest motivation.)

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