Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 18 Godless World

Li Qingshan felt more pain than bearing Zhou Tong's sky thunder. It wasn't that the existence of Zen Master Jiguang wanted to put him to death, but that the bull demon and the tiger demon reacted fiercely to the dragon's chanting, like clear water pouring into boiling oil, surging immediately. []

"It is rumored that Tianlong's chanting has the ability to subdue all demons and ghosts. It is true. Did he discover something? So he intends to test it?"

Zen Master Jiguang didn't see Li Qingshan's demon deity, but had other thoughts. Tianlong chanting can not only deter demons, but also cleanse evil thoughts and desires in people's hearts.

If Li Qingshan has any unreasonable thoughts about Xiao An, he can use this to dispel it, so as not to bring unnecessary troubles to this trip. If you persist in your obsession, you will suffer great pain.

But seeing that Li Qingshan's face only changed slightly, it returned to normal, even more peaceful and calm than when he first came in.

"Is my judgment wrong? If that's the case, there's no need to embarrass him too much. It's inevitable that people can't let go of their feelings. If they use strong methods, they will fall to the bottom and have a rift with this disciple." Zen Master Jiguang accepted Tianlong Chan Chan.

In fact, it was Li Qingshan who transported the spirit turtle to suppress the sea, suppressed everything, and calmed down the raging bull and tiger demons, just like an old monk entering meditation, a spirit turtle sinking into the sea, unmoving and unchanged. Of course, this is also the reason for Zen Master Jiguang to display his real skills, otherwise Li Qingshan would have to retreat in a hurry, or change into a demon body to fight.

"Could it be that this is Tianlong Zen Chanting of Tianlong Temple?" Li Qingshan asked with a smile.

"It seems that the benefactor is open-minded, and indeed has a certain affinity with my Buddha."

"What? Tianlong singing?" All the monks were shocked. The temptation and confrontation just now. Except for Xiao An, the others didn't notice it at all.

"I wonder if I can teach Xiaoan?" Li Qingshan asked tentatively.


Li Qingshan came to Renxin Island alone, and sighed in his heart: "This phoenix feather is really hard to get!"

"This unique skill is different from other kung fu. Only the abbot brother is qualified to teach it, and it still needs to pass many tests."

This is the answer of Zen Master Jiguang, who is an eminent Buddhist monk. Don't lie, let alone such a well-known event.

Li Qingshan was also helpless, and promised to bring Xiaoan to Tianlong Temple after finishing the matter of Qinghe Mansion. [WWw.YZUU point m] This is also what Xiaoan meant. Zen Master Jiguang had nothing to say, so Xiaoan was left to continue lecturing.

Li Qingshan walked towards the doctor's house,

Still reading the second story that Ru Xin told him. At that time, I was anxious about Xiao'an's affairs and had no time to care about it. Think about it now. But I think it has a lot of meaning.

Although Ru Xin is not forgiving, she has never really deliberately blackmailed him for Lingshi. He could feel that even if he didn't care about giving it, she wouldn't take it.

After some inquiries, Ruxin was not on Renxin Island, but went to the library on Zhengming Island.

Suddenly, he felt an extremely venomous gaze. Li Qingshan looked up, behind a window upstairs. A distorted face, somewhat familiar. It was Chutian.

Li Qingshan waved his hand with a smile, his face became even more distorted, at this time, another woman came to the window, it was Qian Rongzhi, who looked down at Li Qingshan with a strange expression, and then drew the curtains.

"Is that protecting food?"


"Little Tian, ​​don't look, one day, you will become stronger than him." Qian Rongzhi's eyes did not show any pity, but were full of trust and expectation.

At such a time of frustration, no man could resist his gaze, and Chu Tian was the same, trembling all over, threw himself into Qian Rongzhi's arms, and cried.

"I have nothing left!?"

Qian Rongzhi gently stroked his head with her gloved hand, her eyes were gentle like a mother looking at her frustrated child.

The snake of hell was just about to move, and it was unwilling to swim on her body, and she comforted it like a mother.

"Don't worry, soon, there will be something to eat."

Chutian did lose a lot of things. After he was brought back to Renxin Island by Ruxin, his symptoms of madness miraculously stabilized. Then Qian Rongzhi rushed over with red eye circles, hesitating.

Under Chu Tian's persecution, he finally told him an extremely unfortunate news. When he was retreating, the two women who followed him to Baijia Jingyuan died in the war. He and those two women were childhood sweethearts and had a deep relationship. []

Chu Tian was so distressed that he lost his temper again and almost died.

Then a miracle happened to him again, Haoxuan saved his life, as if he was really blessed by destiny, but his cultivation level was greatly reduced.

"You still have me!" Qian Rongzhi turned her head away as if she couldn't bear it, tears streaming down her eyes.

And, it's just me.

The poisonous snake neighed.


"Fu Bo, why are you here?"

Li Qingshan came to the library, but met an acquaintance, Sun Fubai.

In front of the sunny window, Sun Fubai was leisurely lying on the rocking chair, reading a book, just like when they met for the first time.

"Qingshan, you are here."

After some talking, Li Qingshan found out that this library originally belonged to the novelist. The buildings on Zhengming Island all have different functions, and most of them are managed by people from various families.

However, the novelist was so reduced that even Yunxu Island could hardly keep it. He had no disciples and couldn't afford to support teachers, so the library was brought under the management of Confucianism. Now the novelist has regained his strength, and once again it is back in the hands of the novelist.

At the critical moment when Sun Fubai broke through the realm of foundation establishment, he unloaded the affairs of Yunxu Society and returned to this library to cultivate his body and mind. Under his management, Yunxu Society already has a complete set of organizations, so there is no need for him to do everything himself.

Books are piled up on the bookshelves, and the fragrance of wood and books is refreshing. But in the extremely vast building, there were few people there.

The war has not yet subsided, and there are a few people who are interested in reading, and the books related to practice are all at a higher level. Most of the following are subsets of scriptures and history, and it is difficult for practitioners to pay attention.

"You said Ru Patriarch, over there, he has already arrived, so he was waiting for you!"

"Yes. I'll go and have a look."

Li Qingshan also felt her breath, passed through the mountains of books, and finally found her in the corner.

There were many books piled up on the table, but she didn't have any of them in her hands. She put her legs crossed high on the table, and she was smiling with her arms under her pillow.

There are two floor-to-ceiling windows here, and the sunshine is amazing, making her hair full of blue hair. All dyed golden.

"What are you doing here?" Li Qingshan sat down in front of her, picked up a book, flipped through two pages, and threw it back on the table.

"Tell a second story."

"what story?"

"The story of the gods."

Ru Xin put her legs down and waved her hand, the curtains slammed to cover the sunlight, her face was covered in a layer of shadow, and she put her arms crossed on the table. Leaning forward, he lowered his voice and said, "Did you know that there are many gods in Kyushu? Naturally, these gods can't be compared with the gods and Buddhas of the heavens. At most, they can be regarded as Mao God. The area they manage is not big, a mountain, a river .”

"Most of them are mountain spirits and water monsters. Maybe they are not necessarily very strong in the way of practice, but in the eyes of ordinary people, they are already calling the wind and calling the rain. They are omnipotent. And as long as they are in their own mountains and waters, their strength will increase greatly. Don't have some power. .”

"Now, why is there no more?" Li Qingshan seemed to understand. But to no avail.

"The holy emperor will set the tripod of Kyushu, and there will be no gods in the world from now on."

"Then what?"

"Then there is no more, my story is over." Ru Xin waved her hand again, and the dazzling sunlight flooded in.

"This is your story?" Li Qingshan widened his eyes.

"You didn't pay for the spirit stone, why did I have to talk so long. If you want to know, just read it yourself!" Ru Xin patted the stack of books, dust rose and flew in the sunlight.

She stood up and wanted to leave.

"Wait." Li Qingshan stopped Ru Xin, but he didn't know where to ask. She felt that a certain idea in her heart was becoming clearer and clearer. She glanced at the books piled high in front of her eyes. She must have spent a lot of thought in digging out these broken books from the pile of old papers!

"Put your farts away."

"If you add the words "speak quickly", I can listen more comfortably." Li Qingshan's eyes swept across her upturned buttocks viciously, thinking of slapping her.

Immediately, he lost the idea of ​​being a lifelong confidant and friend, but thought that it would be the greatest enjoyment if he could press her on his lap and spank her bottom hard when she was speaking freely and making jokes.

"Is there a spirit stone to make you comfortable?" Ru Xin felt a little inappropriate as soon as she uttered the words.

Sure enough, Li Qingshan laughed and said: "It depends on how you make me feel comfortable."

Ru Xin turned around and left without saying a word.

Li Qingshan suddenly remembered something again: "Do you know what Qian Rongzhi is doing in Chutian?"

"In Wuzhou, disturbing other people's hunting is more serious than stealing someone's wife!" Ru waved his hands without hesitation, walked through the corridor with floor-to-ceiling windows, his figure flickered, and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"Hunting? It's exactly what I thought. It's a pity that I have too many prey, otherwise I don't mind intervening."

Li Qingshan muttered to himself, picked up the book he had thrown on the table, carefully studied the book cover, the name of the book is already blurred, and the font is also very simple, only two characters can be vaguely seen, " god".

Books, unless they are kept in the treasure bag, no matter how well they are protected, they cannot withstand the passage of time for thousands of years.

It is extremely rare for Li Qingshan to settle down to read, so as to live up to her painstaking efforts to search these books from this vast sea of ​​books.

The sun deflected, and time passed bit by bit.

As Ruxin said, the gods that originally existed were mainly divided into mountain gods and water gods. Mountain water veins can be refined like a spiritual weapon, but instead of injecting one's own spiritual thoughts into it, one can extract a spiritual thought from it and condense it into a divine seal.

The Holy Emperor's unification of the world is not as simple as defeating the invincible opponents in the world, and then enfeoffing eight vassal kings and ten demon kings. Otherwise, once he leaves, the Great Xia Dynasty will immediately collapse and return to the era of chaos.

Instead, a series of measures were implemented, one of which was extremely important, which was to cast the Great Tripod of Kyushu. The materials for casting the tripod are precisely these divine seals collected from all over the world.

Jiuding Town Jiuzhou, from then on, even if monsters can occupy the water veins of the mountains again, they cannot refine them.

Once the Holy Emperor came out, there was no god in the world. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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