Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 49 Chutian

Li Qingshan came to the Lianyue Mountains first, and shouted a few times in front of Ruxin's cave, but there was no response, thinking: "She must be in the Baijia Jingyuan!"

Folding back to his own cave, looking at the word "Qing Xiao", he couldn't help sighing, "I wonder how Xiao An is doing in Tianlong Temple?"

Although he has already returned to Qinghe Mansion, part of his heart stays in Tianlong Temple. www.{dyzww.{网{m{[full text reading ny.]] Looking back on the past and thinking about the future, I suddenly have a lot of thoughts and can't control myself.

He let out a long breath and suppressed all kinds of emotions. Now she must be working hard to break through the second catastrophe. I believe that we will see you again in a short time.

He didn't go into the Dongfu either, but went to the Hundred Schools of Classics. Rising from the clouds, he came to Longsnake Lake in a blink of an eye. Looking at the sparkling light, he felt at ease. He had refined Longsnake Lake, and the whole water area seemed like home to him.

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When I opened my eyes again, I was full of confidence. After ten years of fighting and laying down such a foundation, my time was not in vain.

Based on this, one can surely comprehend the true way of water and raise one's own cultivation to a higher level.

The cloud dissipated, he jumped down, faster and faster, the big lake rushed towards his face, the sound of the wind whistled past his ears, the light and shadow in front of his eyes distorted, and in a blink of an eye, he had passed through the dragon and snake formation, and chose the direction of Renxin Island, the doctor's family. Repeatedly performing the stepping wave pose, stepping out a few steps, lightly landing in the center of Renxin Island, the tallest building.

A group of medical disciples looked up one after another, their eyes full of admiration and envy. Most of them have been in the School of Schools longer than Li Qingshan. It can be said that they saw with their own eyes how this hapless novelist disciple was like a comet. Rise up and ascend to the high position of the Red Eagle Commander.

"Commander Li, are you here to see Senior Sister Ruxin?" a young medical student asked.

"That's right. Is she here?" Li Qingshan flew down and landed in front of the medical disciple.

"Senior Sister Ru Xin is studying medical scriptures with Master Hua Ci to prepare for the martial arts performance in the Nine Palaces. No one can disturb you. I'm afraid you will have to wait for a while, Commander. I'll bring you some tea."

"No need, I'll go and have a look."

Li Qingshan couldn't feel Ruxin's breath,

He must have been in a magic circle, but he sniffled. Immediately, he smelled the trajectory of her breath, and strode away.

What did the medical disciple want to say. But in the blink of an eye, Li Qingshan disappeared. He walked around a rockery, walked through a garden, and came to the back of the hall, in front of a stone gate.

Feeling the obstruction of the magic circle, Li Qingshan said loudly: "Ru Xin, are you inside? I have something important to discuss." In his mind, "It's not important to study the medical classics. I just want to send you a It's a medium-grade magic weapon, the alchemy furnace, hurry up and kneel down to welcome it!"

After a while, there was no reply, Li Qingshan was feeling impatient, the stone door suddenly opened, he walked in, the stone door closed again.

There is a long passage ahead. The walls exude a milky white light, showing every detail.

Li Qingshan walked all the way to the end of the passage, and saw a vast space with many books on the bookshelves. In each of the glass containers, strange biological organs are placed.

But none of these could attract Li Qingshan's attention, all his mind was attracted by Ru Xin, no, it was the man behind Ru Xin who was all covered.

The man is in his twenties, with an average appearance and a strong physique.

Li Qingshan lost his voice: "Chutian!"

Yes, that man is exactly Chu Tian. He closed his eyes tightly and remained motionless, as if he was already dead. He was soaked naked in a huge glass vessel. The glass vessel was filled with light blue liquid, which made Li Qingshan feel a little familiar.

A series of bubbles floated inside the container, and the outside was covered with runes, extending to the ground, forming a huge magic circle.

Besides Ru Xin, there was also a black old man standing in the room, it was Hua Ci, the original head of the medical family. He was frowning tightly, staring at Chu Tian in the glass vessel, as if he didn't notice Li Qing Shan's arrival.

Ruxin breathed a sigh of relief, and walked towards Li Qingshan, her expression was a little tired, and a gentle smile appeared on her face. From the appearance alone, she was really the best representative of "gentle as water", but Li Qingshan knew that this was just an illusion.

Ru Xin first looked Li Qingshan from head to toe, and then asked in surprise: "Are you still alive?"

The corner of Li Qingshan's mouth twitched, "Alive!"

Ru Xin said with great regret: "The eyes of the old monks in Tianlong Temple are really not good! I thought you would be killed and exorcised!"

"Death will pull you back!"

"Even if you are so infatuated, I can't accept it, because... because... I have already seen other men's bodies!" Ru Xin's eyes flickered, as if she was very moved, and finally turned her head away sadly.

Li Qingshan felt that the skin on his face was uncontrollable in an instant, he didn't know what to do and how to express, and the urge to strangle her to death came spontaneously again. Taking a deep breath, he asked, "What's going on here?"

He always thought that Chu Tian had been wiped out by Qian Rongzhi, but now it seems that there is still a breath left.

Ru Xin helplessly spread her hands: "The master said, since he is on Renxin Island, he is a patient of the doctor's family, and we have to be responsible to the end."

The two of them are in a relationship, and the parents are so cunning and cunning. ?

"Of course I'm afraid that someone will come to cause trouble. He is now a high-ranking apprentice of Commander Gu and has a bright future. If she knows that Chu Tian still has the possibility of being cured, she must come to visit him."

Li Qingshan also deeply believed that, with Qian Rongzhi's current methods, not to mention Chu Tian's half-dead, even alive and kicking, he might not be her opponent, so he couldn't help but walked towards Chu Tian, ​​"You have been trying to treat him?"

"Yes, I have thought of many ways."

"It's really not worth it to spend so much effort to save an idiot."

"Take it as a study of medicine! And if he can really wake up, he may not be an idiot, maybe he will suddenly become smarter than you. Have you noticed the water in it? Don't you think it looks familiar?"

"This is... Yishui! Do you want him to restore his previous life memories?" Li Qingshan suddenly remembered that he was deeply impressed by the effect of Yishui: "But does this thing have such a great effect?"

"Well, it's a heavier dose, but it's probably useless. I checked a lot of books, and there are many things about heavens and humans recovering their previous life memories, but that's because their own cultivation has reached a certain level. A dead horse is a living horse doctor." , You may die and be reborn later.”

"Anyway, his consciousness has completely collapsed. If he can't get back to the past, even if he wakes up again, he will become a real idiot, as you said, the kind who can't even eat, drink, and scatter."

Li Qingshan turned back and said: "Can it be successful?"

Ru Xin shook her head: "Who knows! Let's go out and talk!" Ignoring Hua Ci, greeted Li Qingshan, and went to the layman.

Li Qingshan looked at Chutian for a while, waved goodbye, and was about to turn around and leave.

Chu Tian's eyes suddenly opened, and he stared straight at Li Qingshan, his eyes were so persistent that he didn't blink for a moment.

Li Qingshan said loudly: "Hey, he's awake!"

Ru Xin had already walked into the passage, and said without turning her head: "It's just an intermittent body reaction, hurry up, don't dawdle."

Li Qingshan looked carefully, Chu Tian's eyes were dull and lifeless, and after a while, they slowly closed again.

I couldn't help curling my lips, and said with divine thoughts: "Although you offended me a lot, and you deserve it for getting to this point, I still wish you can come back to life. The true meaning of 'the highest kindness is like water'."

Li Qingshan turned around and caught up with Ruxin, but he didn't know that this voice spread in the depths of Chutian's sea of ​​consciousness, stirring up a round of ripples in a pool of stagnant water.

Hua Ci and Ru Xin also tried to use this method to wake up Chu Tian, ​​but it never had any effect. Li Qingshan's spiritual sense is so strong that even Jindan monks may not be able to match it, Ruxin and Huaci are far inferior.

Hua Ci looked at Chu Tian for a while, and shook his head. He has used almost all the means he can use. Although doctors still have more means, with his cultivation, he can only do this. , he is not old and stubborn, he insists on resuscitating Chutian, there is a saying that "heals immortal diseases", and he just does his best.

The hall dimmed, and Hua Ci also walked towards the exit, and the opalescent light on both sides of the road gradually extinguished following his steps.

In the end, there was only Yishui in the glass vessel, emitting a faint blue light. Chu Tian floated and sank in it, still motionless.

Of course, Huaci still doesn't know that the treatment they have insisted on for so long is not completely useless.


Li Qingshan came to her alchemy room with Ruxin, took out the pin jade stove and threw it to her, "Here!"

Ru Xin's eyes lit up immediately, for someone who is good at alchemy, such a pill furnace is simply a dream.

"This is the jade stove!"

"How do you know? Oh, you also went to the Jinge Shop in the county city to see it!"

Li Qingshan remembered that Jinge Shop is a shop, and this jade stove is one of the commodities.

Ru Xin is very good at alchemy, so in order to improve the efficiency of alchemy, she naturally did a lot of research on various alchemy furnaces that can be bought in the market. This jade furnace is the best alchemy furnace she can find, but its value is too high up.

Although she helped Li Qingshan make alchemy and accumulated a lot of resources over the years, those expensive pills are not so easy to sell, especially their raw materials are mostly underground spirit grass, and they dare not sell them on a large scale .

She played with the pin jade furnace in surprise: "This is for me!"

Li Qingshan said: "Of course not, I just show it to you, and then I will take it back."

"That's great!" Ru Xin ignored his words and showed a child-like joyful smile, Li Qingshan felt it was worth it, and smiled: "Just as long as you like it!"

Ruxin stared at Li Qingshan, restrained her excitement, and carefully organized her words:

"This is really... filial piety touched the heavens!"

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