Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 50 Planning

---------------------- "Follow your mother's size, give it back to me!"

Li Qingshan cursed loudly and stretched out his hand to snatch the jade stove, he dared to take advantage of Lao Tzu at this time.

Ru Xin turned around, coughed twice, and said in an old voice: "My dear son, if you are so careful, Mom's headache will feel much better."

Li Qingshan clasped her shoulders, a flash of inspiration flashed from her shoulders, and a layer of flexible blue light floated up, but she couldn't grasp it firmly and slipped away.

Ru Xin's footsteps slipped, she slid seven or eight steps away, and shouted: "I want to get back what I gave away, is this what a man does?"

"Is it a real man, don't you need to say?" Li Qingshan stretched out his hand to grab it, and the palm of his hand radiated spiritual light, spinning and expanding like a whirlpool, and a powerful suction emerged.

Ru Xin tilted her body, held the pin jade furnace in one hand, waved her big sleeve back casually, a ribbon-like blue light also swirled like the center of the vortex, and the vortex collapsed immediately.

Li Qingshan applauded: "Okay, let's see this trick again!"

In this square inch, the two come and go, each using their own methods.

Li Qingshan displayed all his comprehension of the way of water these days, using the power of the water spirit to produce various changes, entanglement, or strong attack, all of which were deftly resolved one by one by Ru Xin. One damage.

Of course, this is also the reason why Li Qingshan did not exert all his strength. This is not a duel duel, but just to see the comprehension and methods of the way of heart and water. The result did not disappoint Li Qingshan. If she changed into a mermaid, she should be more sophisticated .

The two scrambled in the alchemy room for a while. Li Qingshan's reaction was faster and trapped her. In order to prevent her from escaping, he wrapped one arm around her body and took the jade stove with the other hand, and said with a smile : "See where you are going!"

Ru Xin suddenly yelled to stop, Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, and found that the two were a little too intimate at the moment, she was hugged. It was as if she was nestling in his arms, her hair was full of blue hair like a cloud, her neck was as beautiful as a jade, all of them were within easy reach.

Li Qingshan sniffed and smelled a strong medicinal fragrance mixed with an inexplicable faint fragrance.

Ru Xin smiled and asked, "Does it smell good?"

Li Qingshan quickly let go of her. She turned around. With a narrow face. At a time like this, shouldn't it be a woman who is shy? On the contrary, he felt a little embarrassed.

Ruxin uses her slender fingers,

Li Qingsi straightened up: "You don't want to feel sorry for Miss Han's family, because you are interested in the new and dislike the old, and you want to feel sorry for Miss Han!"

Li Qingshan said: "That's absolutely not the case, I don't want to change when I see differences, I like the new and never tire of the old. Although there is a little bit of love, but it's not a bad luck, and nearly three years later, it will be our wedding day. You will be invited to attend.”

The smile on Ruxin's face faded a little, and she looked at Li Qingshan with her gentle eyes. Li Qingshan felt that there seemed to be changes in the smoke. Unpredictable.

Ru Xin asked, "Is that good?"

"What's good?" Li Qingshan was puzzled.

"It's nothing, the alchemy stove is also given away, and it's cheap, so you should leave." Ru Xin waved her hands like she was chasing sheep.

"Do you want to drive people away after taking advantage? Besides, who is taking advantage of you! I have other things to ask for your help."

"What's up?"

"I want to understand the way of water spirit more deeply."

"Aren't you much stronger than me?"

"That's just using brute force with your talent. To be honest, your comprehension is far behind you."

After these few days of thinking, Li Qingshan also understood. Why did he still lack sufficient understanding of the way of water after he cultivated to the fourth level of the spirit tortoise, because the talent brought by the spirit tortoise is too strong, controlling the water spirit. Like an arm and a finger.

It was because everything came so easily that he lost the desire to explore. Most of the energy is put on how to refine more water areas to improve their own strength.

On the contrary, those ordinary practitioners who are not talented enough, in order to improve their own cultivation base and the power of spells, have to strive for perfection and comprehend with heart. This can be regarded as a gain and a loss, but he believes that this "loss" will not be difficult to make up for.

Ru Xin glanced at the jade stove in her hand, "Okay, for the sake of your filial piety."

Li Qingshan said: "I think I will strangle you to death with my own hands sooner or later."

At this moment, Liu Chuanfeng's call came from outside the alchemy room, "Qingshan, are you in? If you are, please answer. I have something to discuss with you."

Ru Xin said: "Probably because of the martial arts performance in Jiufu, you go, I will refine this jade furnace first, and after you handle the matter properly, we will find a suitable place to practice."

"Can you stop being so weird, forget it, I'm leaving!"

Li Qingshan shuddered, she really became gentle, her voice, words and demeanor were all extremely gentle, it almost melted people's hearts. But he was used to her spitting out bad words, and this appearance made him feel very uncomfortable.

Ru Xin smiled and said, "My dear son, get out!"

Li Qingshan shook his head and smiled wryly, this is really self-inflicted.

Watching Li Qingshan leave, Ruxin sat cross-legged and began to refine the jade furnace, but her mind was hard to calm down, and she muttered to herself: "Is this okay?"

When Li Qingshan came to the door, he found that Liu Chuanfeng was not the only one waiting outside. Sun Fubai's face was flushed, and he stood aside with a smile.

"Uncle Fu, you succeeded in building the foundation, congratulations!" Li Qingshan quickly walked up to him and congratulated him.

"Thanks to Qingshan for your help."

"Why are you fellow Taoists looking for me?"

Li Qingshan looked back at Liu Changqing, Hua Chengzan, Chu Danqing, Han Tieyi and others, and asked with a smile.

Li Qingshan fell from the sky, and the entire School of Economics knew that he was back. He is no longer the insignificant person in the past, and many things even depend on him.

Hua Chengzan came to him to deal with the affairs of the Eagle Wolf Guard. Although he can handle affairs on his behalf as the deputy commander, many things still have to wait for him, the commander, to make decisions.

Liu Changqing came to him to discuss how to deal with Jiufu's martial arts performance. This kind of important matter related to the Qinghe Mansion's honor and disgrace, he, the Red Eagle Commander, is even more indispensable.

A group of foundation-building monks surrounded him, all wanting to drag him to discuss important matters first, and Han Tieyi remained silent, and Chu Danqing hesitated to speak. There are also a few familiar faces standing at a distance, among them are Hao Pingyang, Li Long and others, obviously lacking in cultivation, they dare not come up to them and stand side by side with these Patriarchs.

Li Qingshan shook his head inwardly, he really had a lot of things to deal with when he came back this time, he thought for a while and said: "Well, fellow Taoists, I will go back to Yunxu Island first, and then I will visit each of you separately." Hao Pingyang and others nodded.

Liu Chuanfeng felt that he had a lot of face, and felt that Li Qingshan really had a conscience and a sense of loyalty.

Back on Yunxu Island, there is still a secluded bamboo forest, but the road is clean, approaching the bamboo building, people's voices can be heard, and many more disciples have been added, making it much more lively and not as deserted as before.

Recalling the past, Sun Fubo couldn't help feeling a little emotional, from the miserable situation of not being able to receive disciples in the past, and even the Patriarch being a Qi Refiner, to now that three Foundation Establishment cultivators are sitting in the town, and disciples are beginning to gather, it's a world of difference.

"This is all thanks to you, Qingshan!"

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "I just came up with a few ideas, it's you, you guys manage well."

Liu Chuanfeng said: "The opening test will be held soon, and it will be more lively if we network more disciples at that time."

Li Qingshan said: "Really? It feels like it's been a long time since the last opening test."

Because Ruyihou died in battle, Liu Changqing, the magistrate, continued to do it after all. Under his arrangement, all the families joined forces to rectify the three thousand miles of Qinghe Mansion.

The Mohists repaired the damaged city walls and rebuilt their homes for the people. Confucianism sent disciples to serve as magistrates and restore governance. Legalists joined hands with military strategists to strengthen the attack on bandits and bandits.

The farmers distribute the seeds of various crops. These seeds have been refined by spiritual power, and the harvest in the first year will be amazing. They will then send farm disciples to help plant and distribute food to ensure that there will be no hunger on the road.

Qinghe Mansion also came out from the shadow of the war, and the people returned to live and work in peace and contentment, so Liu Changqing thought about re-opening the courtyard examination, recruiting disciples, and recovering the strength lost in the war.

Liu Chuanfeng said: "That's right, this time the Nine Houses perform martial arts, we must be a hit, and we will be able to recruit more disciples in the next opening examination."

"I don't know what kind of performance this Nine Houses perform martial arts?"

Sun Fubai said: "Firstly, each family competes with each other separately, military strategists practice formations, musicians compete with musical instruments, etc. We novelists naturally compare the means of making fakes come true, and then there is a grand competition."

Li Qingshan said: "The novelists from other mansions don't know how strong they are?"

Liu Chuanfeng sighed heavily: "It was almost the same as ours back then, and we all lived in misery. There are several novelists in the mansion who don't even have official patriarchs. If it weren't for the 'Nine Streams and Ten Families' appointed by the Holy Emperor, they would have died a long time ago. It was scrapped. But over the years, they've stolen our ideas, and it's gotten better again."

"However, the Qinghe Mansion has been in war for several years, and the development of the Yunxu Society has fallen into reverse. I really can't say that this battle is a sure win."

Li Qingshan said with a smile: "This can be regarded as an honor for all. It is not a bad thing for a novelist to recover his reputation."

Sun Fubai said: "Yes, I have contacted various prefectures, and I want to set up an association covering the entire Ruyi County. The wider the audience, the more the power of the novelist can be brought into full play. They are also very interested. So this battle is about More importantly, it's not just for an opening test, but also to determine which prefecture can occupy a dominant position."

If the few books that Li Qingshan has copied out can be published in the entire Ruyi County, the speed of gathering willingness will surely double. Because of the war, the population of Qinghe Mansion was greatly damaged, but the other eight prefectures were not affected too much. It would be an extremely broad market.

But think about it the other way around, the novelists in other prefectures must also want to expand their influence. It will be a question of whose book will be published first. If it is not handled well, it will be enough to cause a dispute, so this dominant position is very important.

While talking, the three of them came to the bamboo building, Li Qingshan said: "Then let's go in and make a plan!"______________________

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