Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 58 Rouge Heart, Lovesickness Line

Li Qingshan couldn't help feeling, women's minds are really unpredictable!

In fact, this is also normal, when Qiu Haitang first met Li Qingshan, not only was he an enemy of Li Qingshan, but also he was only a teenager, he looked like a rough boy from the countryside, how could she have such thoughts.

And Beiyue appeared at her most painful and weak moment. She was the image of a handsome young man, and even acted as a "friend of women". made the deepest impression.

Qiu Haitang said angrily: "It's none of your business, if you want to thank me, I'm thanking you. I have already promised him that I will repay him with my body."

"Then do you want me to send you to fulfill the promise?" Li Qingshan hugged him hard, Qiu Haitang leaned on him, and turned his head away: "Whatever you want, anyway, I have long hair but short knowledge, and I can't help myself!"

Li Qingshan was amused in his heart, the woman was really narrow-minded, and said sullenly: "I think I'd better kill him."

Qiu Haitang hurriedly said: "No, he is kind to me!"

"It's none of my business anyway."

"Isn't it none of your business? You can thank him as much as you want, but you can't hurt him or kill him!"

Qiu Haitang was really afraid that he would do this, and the two times they met, he was the one who committed murder. And "the name of Beiyue" in the eyes of practitioners has never been a gentle and kind image, but a symbol of wanton killing, who can do anything in a fit of anger.

"No, then I'm at a loss." Li Qingshan lured the enemy deep.

"What do you want?"

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "You have to thank me first, and then I will give him some benefits. This can't be regarded as humiliating you and hurting your heart!"

"It's clear that you're trying to get around me with words, and it's still for the sake of..." Qiu Haitang said angrily, deeply understanding the cunning of the demon, she blocked him with words just now, but he turned around and walked her in.

"For what? Men and women love each other, and yin and yang are in harmony. It's only right and proper, this is what you said!"

"I don't."

"Tough mouth!"

Li Qingshan raised his head and kissed Qiu Haitang's lips, and found that not only were they not hard, but they were soft and could be broken.

Begonia opened her eyes wide,

At a loss. Such a sight. She has seen it countless times in the ** building. But it was the first time I experienced it in person. My whole body felt like I was getting an electric shock, and I felt numb for a while.

Li Qingshan had a taste, and asked with a smile: "How do you feel?"

Qiu Haitang was agitated. I can't help myself, where can I answer. Li Qingshan kissed him again, knocked open his white teeth, entangled his tongue, Qiu Haitang was more and more defeated. Li Qingshan limp on Li Qingshan's body, kissed to the passionate part, climbed up her plump breasts that seemed to be ripping out of her clothes, squeezed tightly, and said with a smile: "Let me see if your heart has ever been hurt?"

"don't want!"

Qiu Haitang grabbed his hand, Li Qingshan's body was already moving, he didn't care about it, but seeing the pleading look in her eyes, he couldn't help but soften in his heart. Bullying a weak girl for a moment's desire is not a man's doing, and it's enough to take advantage of it anyway, so he hugged Qiu Haitang:

"It looks like no one is coming. Let's go!"

Leaving the cave, Li Qingshan did not go in the direction of Yueting Lake, but came to a mountain range, a quiet valley. There is a beautiful small lake in it.

When Li Qingshan came here to refine the water veins, he felt that the scenery here is very good. The aura is also considered strong, although it is not suitable for architectural sects, but it is very suitable for opening up caves and practicing alone.

Li Qingshan asked Qiu Haitang to wait by the lake and plunged into the lake water. After a while, the lake surface parted and a road appeared. Qiu Haitang walked into it and went straight to the bottom of the lake.

I saw a huge space opened up at the bottom of the lake, and the dome borrowed the big crystal from Qiu Haitang's original cave. When you look up, you can see the shimmering waves and the swimming fish and shrimp.

Li Qingshan opened his arms and said with a smile: "How is it?"

Qiu Haitang was satisfied in her heart, but said in her mouth: "It's like being in prison, it's boring to death."

"It's better to be in prison than to be a concubine for others. Isn't that what practice is like? You don't think about messy things, practice hard, and your cultivation base will not be so weak!"

"I'm not yet..."

"What's the matter?"

Li Qingshan asked anxiously, feeling a bit like a golden house, but he probably didn't have much time to come and visit this beautiful woman, and besides, this beautiful woman would not be willing to be blessed by him.

"Hmph, it's nothing!" Qiu Haitang snorted coldly, trying hard to restore her appearance as Qiumen's master.

"Here, take it!"

Li Qingshan handed Grandma You's Hundred Treasure Bag and Golden Elixir to her again. He took a glance at the contents of the Hundred Treasure Bag, and found that there was nothing he could take a fancy to. It might not be as rich as Evil Wind's foundation-building monks. Grandma You suffered It took many years to become a Golden Core cultivator, and almost all resources were consumed. After becoming a Golden Core cultivator, he was killed before he could accumulate it.

That golden elixir is actually not a "golden" elixir, but pink in color, with a soft and seductive feeling. It is not an ordinary golden elixir, but like the "Pearl of the Sea" cultivated in "Boundless Sea Art", The special golden elixirs condensed from special exercises have far different attributes from each other, and there is not much benefit in swallowing them.

Qiu Haitang was a little surprised. As far as she knew, the golden elixir cultivated by the famous "Great Secret Jue" was not like this. If it was refined indiscriminately, it would be harmful and useless. Grandma You must have got another chance, she shook her head :"I do not want."

It's already a bit weird now, if you take this precious thing from him again, wouldn't it be like being a concubine.

"Stop talking nonsense, just hold it if you tell me! If you dare to talk back again, you will be spanked immediately!" Li Qingshan glanced at her plump buttocks that were stretched high by her long skirt. It should feel quite good in the hand, and he was a little bit looking forward to her answering back. Yes, as the saying goes, "There is no such thing as unpredictability."

Qiu Haitang stared at him with red eyes full of obscene light, how could he dare to say anything, and accepted the golden pill and the treasure bag, which made Li Qingshan a little disappointed.

In the end, Li Qingshan gave her a jade pendant, which contained a trace of spiritual thoughts, "This place is relatively hidden and protected by a magic circle, so there shouldn't be any danger. If there is an emergency, just crush it, even if I can't If you arrive immediately, you will be able to mobilize the water immediately to help you defeat the enemy, I am here to 'help people to the end, send Buddha to the west'."

"Are you leaving?" Qiu Haitang suddenly felt reluctant.

"If I stay again, I don't promise what I will do?"

Li Qingshan waved his hands with a smile, leaped forward, rushed out of the lake without looking back, spread his wings and flew away.

Qiu Haitang looked up for a while, lowered her head and sighed, thinking to herself: "If you can stay here with me forever, what's the harm in letting you do whatever you want?"

As soon as this thought came out, she was taken aback. After thinking about it, she would not let a man be frivolous even if she had no choice but to blame him for leaving. Too decisive, too ruthless.

She didn't want to think too much, she set up the magic circle first, and then arranged the new home at the bottom of the lake, and nodded with satisfaction. Although it's a little smaller, you don't need to worry about the trivial matters of the ** sect, and no one will disturb it. As he said, it is a good place to practice with peace of mind.

"Oh, what do I want him to do again, maybe he won't come again in the future." I couldn't help sighing in my heart, but another voice jumped out immediately, "He didn't succeed today, and he will definitely come again, huh, Man, no, male monster!"

"Even if he came, so what, with his free-wheeling mind, how could he be fettered by a mere woman?" It is to save you from fire and water, you are destined!"

The two voices kept shouting, Qiu Haitang bowed her head to Grandma's treasure bag: "Hey, what is this?" She had a pink jade slip in her hand, most of this kind of jade slip was used to record exercises, Li Qingshan finally What is not lacking is exercises, so naturally he dismisses them.

Thinking of Grandma You's strange golden pill, Qiu Haitang closed her eyes and concentrated on it, and put her spiritual thoughts into it. After a long time, she opened her eyes with amazement.

It turns out that this exercise is called "Rouge Dyeing the Heart Method", which is more mysterious and mysterious than the "Great Sex Art". The foundation of the "Great Sex Art" is still the double cultivation of the body, the art of charm is only an extended function, and both men and women can practice it.

This "Rouge Dyeing Heart Method" can only be practiced by women, and it itself has the ability to seduce.

Rouge was originally a cosmetic used by mortal women to smear on their cheeks and lips to show their appearance. But for a naturally beautiful woman like Qiu Haitang, even if she doesn't use any cosmetics, her lips will look like vermilion, her face will look like spring flowers, and rouge is optional.

And this "Rouge Dyeing the Heart Method", as the name suggests, seems to apply rouge on the heart to fundamentally improve the charm of a woman. The deeper the practice, the stronger the charm. Dan is called "Rouge Heart".

Without practicing dual cultivation, Qiu Haitang's biggest problem was solved. She was unwilling to give up her life easily and never had a dual cultivation partner. With this cultivation method, she would not have to worry about it.

"It's no wonder that Grandma You is so old, she can overcome the tribulation by herself in seclusion. It turns out it's all thanks to this practice!"

However, Grandma You is too old to exert much charm power, and she is facing Li Qingshan who is practicing "Spirit Turtle Zhenhai Jue", so she cannot escape death in the end.

To Qiu Haitang's surprise, there are also several magical techniques recorded in the "Rouge Dyeing the Heart": "Red Crisp Hand" flicks lightly, and the enemy's body is as crisp as a crisp; Shi Zhan, the enemy is male or female, no matter how vicious they are, they will not bear to hurt you.

Qiu Haitang thought that she had been hit by this trick. She was not a soft-hearted person, and she had known Wei Zhongyuan for many years, so she would kill as soon as she said it. But being forced to such an extent by the unfamiliar Grandma You, she couldn't help but speak up for her at a critical moment.

And the spell that most touched Qiu Haitang's heart was called "Lovesickness Dyeing the Red Thread", which was inspired by virgin Yuanhong and could only be performed once in a lifetime, which could make a man fall in love with you for a lifetime, with no regrets and no tire of lovesickness.

With his hundred steelmaking, he can become a soft finger, and even if he is not a kind of love, he can become a kind of love!

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