Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 59 The Meaning of Water

"Could it be that Xiaohua fell for Gu Yanying's trick?"

Qiu Haitang shook her head, dispelling this absurd idea, this method not only requires men to be infatuated for a lifetime, but also women, if they stop loving each other, the red thread will fade, and this only opportunity was wasted.

She fell into deep thought again. She can only use spells once in her life, but she must be very cautious, and she was slightly excited: "It is said that people have a peachy face, and they will eventually lose love and die in depression, but I don't believe in this evil! Master! Master, watch Haitang break this fate!"

If she had obtained this exercise a few years ago, she would definitely use it on Hua Chengzan without hesitation, but now she has spent a lot of thinking, thinking about it, and finally decided not to think about it so much, and to cultivate this exercise first Besides.

It was not so easy to change the cultivation method. The "Great Sex Art" has a lot in common with this "Rouge Dyeing Heart Method", and they all practice mysterious Yin spiritual power, and she also has a "Rouge Heart" in her hand. ".

"Hmph, Beiyue, if you really dare to use force on my old lady, you won't be able to wipe away your irresponsibility!"

Qiu Haitang smiled proudly, and immediately sat cross-legged, holding a rouge heart in her hand, and began to practice the "Rouge Dyeing Heart Method".

Gradually, a red light spread out, dyeing the whole body. The bottom of this dark lake is illuminated very magnificently.


While controlling the mirror image clone, Li Qingshan continued to refine the rivers and lakes in Ruyi County. Although he refined many great rivers and great lakes in the past, he always swallowed jujubes whole, but now he chews them carefully, in order to refine all the water veins within the Ruyi County, so as to break through the fifth layer of spirit turtles and even the second heaven in the future. Jie is preparing.

On the other side, it took half a day to deal with the affairs of hundreds of schools, so they went to the doctor Renxin Island to find Ruxin.

In the alchemy room, Ru Xin had already refined the pin jade furnace, and was refining a furnace of elixir, her eyebrows slightly frowned. A little restless, suddenly heard Li Qingshan calling outside the door, got up and opened the door, his face immediately filled with a smile:

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist has received another beautiful woman and family. From then on, I only envy mandarin ducks and not immortals!"

It was rare for Li Qingshan to hear that she didn't say anything harsh this time, but the mocking look on his face was undisguised. Can't help laughing: "Yeah, you don't know, his figure, that voice..."

Ru Xin interrupted: "Then what are you doing here?"

"Don't make me keep explaining, didn't we agree?"

"whispering sound,

Looks like it didn't work out. "

"I'm not as lecherous as you think!"

Li Qingshan's words are not boasting. If he is really lustful, how many women in the night tour can be enjoyed by him at his disposal, all types, all ages, the three thousand in the harem are incomparable.

As long as the night traveler prospers and develops, he can change one every day, without repeating the same one every day, until the end of time, but if time and energy are wasted on this. That would be really silly.

Ru Xin also had to admit this point, even the little Qi practitioners in the School of the Hundred Schools would gather together to drink flowers and wine from time to time, and it was quite normal to raise a few concubines outside. Li Qingshan is quite self-disciplined in this respect.

"Let's go, lustful man!" Ru Xin put away the jade stove, she no longer needs to keep an eye on the pill stove.

"Where are you going?"

"Of course it's a place of practice!"

Ru Xin flew up, followed closely by Li Qingshan, and left the School of Classical Studies. Come to the sky.

Ru Xin closed her eyes as if sensing something. After a moment, choose a direction. Fly to the south.

Li Qingshan saw in the distance that there was a line of black clouds in the sky.

Silk rain as thin as a cow's hair fell from the hazy sky and rolled with the wind, like white mist, silently moistening everything on the earth.

Ruxin fell from the sky and landed on a field, the verdant green grass was submerged up to waist deep.

"So you were looking for a place where it rains!" Li Qingshan fell not far behind her.

"This is the first lesson!"

Ru Xin stretched out her right hand, and the silk rain around her swirled and danced, gathering towards her palm, turning into a white water ball.

"It's not easy!"

As soon as Li Qingshan raised his hand, all the rainwater in a radius of 100 feet was suddenly evacuated, forming a semicircular hollow without rainwater. Gathered into a huge water polo in his hand.

As long as he is willing, it is not difficult to drain the rainwater within ten miles. In terms of the power of controlling water, even if Ru Xin is a mermaid, he cannot compare with him.

"Fool, that's not the case, look carefully!"

Ru Xin handed the white water polo in front of Li Qingshan, Li Qingshan found that every drop of rain was dancing, but never merged with each other, in the seemingly chaotic dancing, there was not a single collision.

Ru Xin's eyes drifted like rain and mist, as if she was caught in deep memories.

Li Qingshan threw away the big water polo in his hand, stretched out his hand again, and collected the raindrops again. He found that it is not an easy task to maintain the overall spherical shape and maintain the dancing of thousands of raindrops.

"Let's go!" Ru Xin casually threw the water polo in his hand towards his face, and it turned into a cloud of mist in mid-air, and splashed on Li Qingshan's face. He just felt a little wet, and the mist dispersed. , Surprised: "Let's go? You haven't said anything yet?"

Ru Xin said: "This kind of class that doesn't cost money, what else do you want to listen to?"

Li Qingshan pouted: "How much?"

"I don't like to talk about it, hold the thing in my hand!"

Ru Xin broke through the air and came to the edge of a village, a small courtyard made of fences. A yellow dog that was guarding the house barked at him, and she gave her a look, then whimpered and crawled back into the kennel with its tail between its legs.

Then she pointed to a water tank in the corner, stared at Li Qingshan with the same eyes and said: "Put your head in!"

"What kind of practice is this! I've seen a lot of great rivers and lakes. What can a water tank do? You don't want to play me!"

Ru Xin smiled slightly, more precisely, she smiled, "Immediately!"

Li Qingshan looked at her for a while, then walked to the water tank helplessly, and plunged into the water tank.

In the house, a peasant woman held a kitchen knife and looked out through the crack of the door in fear. She saw this strange scene. A fairy-like woman in white clothes stood in the middle of the courtyard, while another tall man stuck his head into the tank.

After a long time, Ru Xin knocked on the water tank and said with a smile, "Let's go!" She still didn't give any explanation.

Li Qingshan traveled here and there with Ru Xin, seeing all kinds of water, from wells to puddles, from trickles to deep pools.

Except that the water polo was still in Li Qingshan's hands. It feels a bit like spiritual practice, but at other times, it is completely performance art, or more like being played.

For example, the well he jumped into turned out to be a dry well. He said: "There is no water here!" Ru Xin said: "It's fine if there is no water." Then he sealed the well cover and sent a letter. One day, Li Qingshan sat at the bottom of the well. He even has the heart to kill.

If others dared to play tricks on him like this, they would have been punched in the head by him, but Ru Xin's requirements are really similar to performance art. It looks silly and meaningless, but it seems to be very meaningful.

In order to practice his great cause, Li Qingshan had to be patient.

he felt it. Ruxin seemed to be in a bad mood, she didn't joke, her face turned cloudy, and only when his practice was over, or when he was tricked successfully, would he smile like the sky cleared up.

Of course, he is not the kind of infatuated man who is willing to do all kinds of stupid things just to make a beautiful woman laugh. All of this is for practice, um, that's right! Even if you think that smile is good, it is nothing more than showing friendship.

A few days later, under the dripping eaves of a dilapidated temple on a barren mountain, Ru Xin just sat on the stone steps, propped her cheeks, stared at the cloudy sky, without saying a word for a long time.

And Li Qingshan sat beside her. Look at the drops of water. Like millions of their predecessors, falling in the indentations of the bluestone slabs. He fell to pieces.

What is the significance of this behavior, she still has not explained.

Li Qingshan listened to the sound of the rain, his mood gradually calmed down, recalling the various waters he encountered in the past few days.

The water trapped in the tank silently penetrates every crevice. From the bottom of the dry well, there is a damp breath. A secluded deep pool, one can't see the bottom at a glance. And the muddy and shallow puddles clearly reflected the sky and her face.

Ru Xin got up suddenly and stretched her waist: "Okay, it's almost time to go back."

"What's the point of all this?" Li Qingshan couldn't help asking.

"How do I know!" Ru Xin spread her hands.

"So, you're admitting that you've been playing tricks on me these days!" Li Qingshan approached her with an unkind expression.

"Do you know what you mean to me?"

"Huh?" Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, then stopped in his tracks.

"Just like I don't know what I mean to you? Water is impermanent and law has no fixed law. I can only let you see and feel it. As for the meaning, you can only ask yourself and look at your hands."

Li Qingshan looked at the water polo in his hand. Under Ru Xin's request, he has been maintaining it for the past few days. Unknowingly, it has stabilized. Although there is still a gap compared with Ru Xin, it has already improved a lot .

"What you said makes sense!"

Ru Xin was silent for a while, "I didn't say these words, but my mother told me!"

"Your mother!? Did she also let you stick your head in a vat, or lock you in a dry well?" What Li Qingshan really wanted to ask was not this question, but seeing Ru Xin's expression, he couldn't ask.

"How could my mother play tricks on me!" Ru Xin had a surprised expression of "Are you a fool?"

Li Qingshan rolled his eyes and smiled again, this guy finally returned to normal.

Ru Xin suddenly took out a neatly folded thousand-mile sound transmission talisman, and listened intently for a moment: "Master is calling me, hey, Chu Tian woke up!"

"Then let's get to know each other!"

Li Qingshan said with a smile, he also knows that cultivation is not accomplished overnight, since what should be seen has already been seen, and the next step is to comprehend it calmly and find the meaning in it.

The two flew up into the sky hand in hand. When passing through the clouds, Li Qingshan suddenly said: "If you don't tell me, of course I don't know what I mean to you. And if you want to know what you mean to me, you can just ask I. People are not water, people can understand each other!"

Above the clouds, the sun is clear, the blue sky is thousands of miles, the pure white sea of ​​clouds, rolling up and down to the sky,

Ru Xin was slightly taken aback, and smiled brightly: "Maybe!"

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