Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 83 Live Bait

The man in black rolled on the spot, the flying knife cut an empty space, and had already stuffed a pill into his mouth, the flying knife turned his head and forced him up again.


A beast-like roar came out of his mouth, and an astonishing force erupted from his legs, and he swooped towards Hua Chenglu at a speed far exceeding that of a Qi refiner.

What he was taking was a kind of elixir that stimulated potential. This elixir would inevitably have side effects, but he had to use it at this moment of life and death. If Hua Chenglu took out another red talisman, his life would be in danger . And he majored in wood spirits, and he was good at recuperating and living, so he could take care of himself slowly afterward. \

,"Hua Chenglu's cherry lips parted slightly, startled, she no longer wanted to kill the black-clothed monk, kicked her slender legs down, and the person had already soared into the sky, with a pair of beautiful wings stretched out from behind, flying towards the sky .

The wings are made of overlapping metal sheets, which is the crystallization of the Mohism mechanism, and then painted with oil paint according to her preference, it looks like real wings.

Ordinary Qi practitioners lack the means to fly high in the sky, as long as they fly to a certain height, they can be invincible. Of course, the value of this pair of wings is naturally high.

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The moment he was about to fly out of the sea of ​​trees, he suddenly tightened his ankle, and a green vine whip wound up. It was the spiritual weapon of the man in black. He pulled it down forcefully: "Come down for me!"

"Ah!" Hua Chenglu exclaimed, falling from the sky, a thick and powerful hand tightly clutching her delicate neck.

"Run away!" the man in black grinned grinningly. The blood vessels on his face were clearly visible, making him look more ferocious and terrifying. There is a big gap between their cultivation base and experience. The man in black has taken the potion that stimulates potential After that, it showed an overwhelming advantage.

"You dare to kill me...my brother will not let you go!" Hua Chenglu's beautiful face showed a trace of pain, but her eyes were still stubborn.

"Kill you? Don't worry, I still can't bear it now! Wait until I find a hidden place, and then slowly process you. We have ten days? When your brother finds you, you will already be a corpse, and you will be naked!"

Hua Chenglu couldn't help feeling scared. If he really ended up like this, he might as well die now. Is this really a cultivator?

"Brother, where are you!"

"Ahem. My brother doesn't have one, but Brother Li has one!"

At this moment,

The man in black only heard a voice coming from behind. Hua Chenglu's eyes suddenly lit up: "Brother Li!"

The man in black suddenly turned his head and saw clearly that the speaker was a burly young man who was looking at him with deadly eyes, his expression suddenly changed: "Li, Li Qingshan... Don't come here, if you come here again I will..."

Before the words fell, a flash flashed in front of his eyes. Li Qingshan had already come before him, and he patted the black-clothed man's shoulder casually, and he immediately fell limp to the ground as if his bones had been pulled out.

Hua Chenglu also fell to the ground, almost limp on the ground. Li Qingshan held her waist and said with concern: "It's all right!"

Under the impact of the huge boulder just now, although she was protected by the amulet, she was not immune to some injuries, but in the tense battle, she had no time to take care of it. At this time, it was hard to get off, and her mind was relaxed, and she felt pain all over her body again .

From Li Qingshan's hands, a wave of water filled the air, and she felt much better. She coughed a few more times and rubbed her neck: "I almost had something to do. Fortunately, Li Da, Commander, you came in time!"

"I became a leader so soon!" Li Qingshan laughed, he and Hua Chenglu had known each other very early, although after that, they didn't get along much, but he had a good impression of her. Seeing that the little loli in the past has become the great beauty of today, I can't help but lament the passage of time.

"If you don't think my cultivation base is too weak, I'll call you that!"

Hua Chenglu sticks out her tongue, a little embarrassed. The current Li Qingshan is no longer comparable to what he was back then, the gap in cultivation is an invisible gap, and the status and status of each other are already vastly different. Seeing that he was still thinking about the past and didn't look down on her, he was also happy in his heart, and said strangely: "Brother Li, how do you know I'm here?"

It was not accidental that Li Qingshan came here. In order to restore his spiritual power as soon as possible, he came to find that big banyan tree, and was going to get some sap to drink like that dwarf. He just heard Hua Chenglu's scream and rushed away come over.

"It turned out to be here. It's a good thing you came, otherwise I don't know what will happen." Hua Chenglu said with lingering fear, and then turned to anger, urging the throwing knife to slash at the limp man in black on the ground.

"Wait, I have a use for keeping this person!" Li Qingshan grabbed her throwing knife, took the treasure bag and two medals from the man in black, and threw them to Hua Chenglu: "Just be This fellow will compensate you for your mental damage."

With a wave of his hand, a white cloud slowly descended, it was full of people, and judging by their attire, they were all Si Qing's subordinates, there were as many as ten or twenty people, although they were all motionless, they were all alive.

This is the captive that Li Qingshan captured along the way, he threw the man in black on top, thinking: "That's about it!"

Hua Chenglu said in surprise, "Brother Li, what are you doing here?"

"Hey tree!"

"Feed the tree?"

"To be more precise, Hey Teng, I can't tell you for a while, I'm going, you hurry to meet them!" Li Qingshan stepped on the cloud, Hua Chenglu grabbed his sleeve: " Brother Li, can I follow you?"

"Huh? It might be dangerous to follow me!" Li Qingshan said, not knowing when those guys would kill them.

"I'm not afraid, please!" Hua Chenglu clasped his hands together and begged.

"Alright, come up!"

Li Qingshan thought about it, and felt that it was inappropriate for Hua Chenglu to go through so many arenas alone. He saw along the way that the struggle among the practitioners suddenly became very fierce, so he took the sap as soon as possible, and then sent her to Liu Changqing. side!

Let Hua Chenglu also go up to the clouds, ride the clouds and fog to get to the big banyan tree, it is not an easy task to get the sap, you have to go through those crazy sun vines first.

But as a cultivator, in terms of speed alone, he is not faster than that dwarf, and his stature is much taller. The difficulty of shuttling through the sun vines will undoubtedly increase accordingly, and he still doesn't understand the law of the sun vines' attacks. Dare to try it rashly, so as not to accidentally display the power of a demon and show your feet.

So he thought of such a method, using these guys as bait to attract the attack of the sun vine, and then he took advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of the fire.

Hua Chenglu exclaimed, "It's so big!"

"Throw this guy over there and try!" Li Qingshan picked up the man in black and handed it to Hua Chenglu, to see how much the Sun Vine would react, and let her slay her enemy!

Although the man in black couldn't move, his eyes were full of horror, of course he knew the horror of the sun vine.

"Is this the tree feeding?" Hua Chenglu happily lifted up the man in black, but put it down again: "Can you raise the cloud higher?"

"What are you doing?"

"There's a tree below, I'm afraid he won't die if he falls!"

"Haha, don't worry, you're guaranteed to die, if you can't die, throw it again!"

Hua Chenglu adjusted the figure of the man in black so that he turned his head toward the tree, screamed coquettishly, and threw it towards the big banyan tree with all his might. After all, he is also a practitioner. Although he is only a Qi refiner, it is really easy to throw this hundred catties. The man in black slammed headfirst into the tree.

Whoosh! A sun vine the thickness of an arm pierced through it at once, wrapped it around a few times, and sucked it into a mummy in the blink of an eye.

Hua Chenglu covered her mouth, she didn't expect this vine to be so powerful, and it was only a rather slender sun vine that moved just now, while the giant sun vines wrapped around the trunk like horned dragons did not move, as if they didn't bother to pay attention to it. Such little prey.

"The effect is not ideal!"

Li Qingshan rubbed his chin in thought, suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, he also grabbed a prisoner and threw it out, his throwing speed was much slower than Hua Chenglu's, and the prisoner flew into the air, let out a desperate roar, Desperately urging his true energy, he wanted to escape in the opposite direction.

When Li Qingshan threw it out, he easily unblocked it.

Immediately, more than a dozen sun vines were disturbed, and one of them was as thick as Hua Chenglu's waist. Of course, the thickness was limited, but it was an improvement.

"So that's how it is!" Li Qingshan smiled slightly, stepped on the cloud, and more than a dozen people were bounced up. He slapped them in different directions in a row, and at the same time unlocked the seal in their bodies. They all knew that there was no escape. Once dead, but when death is imminent, who can not struggle hard and use all his strength to mobilize his true energy.

Hundreds of sun vines danced wildly, and Li Qingshan was about to follow closely, when he suddenly heard a loud shout from behind: "Li Qingshan!" There was a loud shout from behind, the first word was still far away, and the last word was approaching ten miles away.

Li Qingshan looked back suddenly, it was the group of Foundation Establishment cultivators from the Hou Mansion who killed him, seeing Li Qingshan using his disciples as live bait to feed the golden vines, his eyes were full of anger.

The dwarf activated a Dunjia Talisman, which turned into a ray of light and flew towards Li Qingshan. He could see Li Qingshan's plan at a glance, and he would never let him get the sap to restore his spiritual power.

As long as he is dragged for a moment, he can be blocked in front of the big banyan tree and cut off all vitality. If he dared to force his way in, he only needed to slightly disturb the rhythm of the sun vine's dancing, and he would be able to come and go. He still learned this trick in that duel.

Li Qingshan didn't expect them to come by such a coincidence, he frowned slightly, grabbed Hua Chenglu, and rushed towards the big banyan tree.

The dwarf was overjoyed, cursed "Idiot!", and was about to disturb the sun vine, but suddenly saw a strange long sword in Li Qingshan's hand, and swung it at him from afar.

The sword energy that fused 50% of the spiritual power in Li Qingshan's body, from the dantian arm to the sword, became more fierce, roaring towards the dwarf.

"How can this kind of trick catch me?" He was about to dodge, but suddenly felt a terrifying sword intent rushing towards the sea of ​​consciousness, and he couldn't move for a while, feeling a strong life-and-death crisis. Instinctively activated the body protector, and blocked the dagger in front of him. (to be continued...)

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