Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 84 Eating Trees

After Li Qingshan swung this sword, he rushed towards the big banyan tree without looking back, and a few sun vines lashed towards him. An extended track, he swerved and slid past. [Baishuzhai.]

Hua Chenglu heard the whistling sound of the sun vines fluttering in her ears, and then glanced at the chasing team of nearly 20 Foundation Establishment monks, her heart beat into her throat, and then she understood what he said, stay with me What does potentially dangerous mean.

This is not only dangerous, it is a narrow escape.

Although he restrained his breath, there were still more than a dozen sun vines waving intertwined, completely blocking the road in front of him, leaving only a skylight-sized hole, which could be easily passed by a short dwarf, but he trouble.

"hold me!"

Hua Chenglu felt her waist tighten, and was grabbed by his big hand, from being pinched by her side to being hugged in front of her. His other hand went over his hips and wrapped around her legs. Before she had time to think about it, she hugged him tightly subconsciously, pressing her face against his chest, surrounded by a strong masculine breath.

Li Qingshan stepped back, and waves surged under his feet. With their heads forward and their feet behind, they spun and rushed out of the skylight-sized gap with a slight difference.

Boom! Hua Chenglu heard a roar, and suddenly realized that it was the sound of his heart beating. Compared with her beating heart, his heartbeat was strong and calm, even in such a terrible and dangerous situation, he didn't panic at all.

Her tense and terrifying mood also relaxed, and she didn't regret being with him at all, because she believed that no matter what danger she encountered, this man would protect her.

Suddenly remembered, when they met. He stood in front of her without hesitation, facing the invincible Grandma Ximen, and forgot how he felt at that time. Thinking about it now, he seemed to have missed something all these years, and felt a little lost.

Li Qingshan has experienced countless dangers in his life, this kind of scene is really nothing, relying on the wave stepping pose and the magic weapon boots, he constantly changes his figure. Overcoming obstacles one after another, he came to the big banyan tree in a blink of an eye.

From a close perspective, it seems that this is not a tree, but a wooden wall with an incredible length, width and height, and the iron-gray bark is full of folds. There was a sense of solidity and thickness, and he was not too worried about whether the rebel sword could break through the bark, after all, even the dwarf could do it.

But just to be cautious, he still activated the evil eye on the hilt of the sword to peek at the "flaws" in this wooden wall. As the evil eyes glowed with a strange light, he suddenly saw a different scene, and couldn't help but let out a small sigh. Many circular dark spots are found on the bark.

It seems empty under the bark,

Is there a moth in this book?

Before he had time to consider whether the Big Banyan Tree King, one of the demon kings of the Ten Directions, would also have worms, he glanced back. Si Qing's lackeys had already approached, and when they went out, if they couldn't break through the blockade immediately, they would face the consequences of being flanked by the sun vines on both sides. It doesn't matter if he is alone, the key is to bring Hua Chenglu and a small oil bottle with him.

Heart down. Anyway, there are dangers anyway, why not go in and take a look, satisfy your curiosity, and wave the sword of betrayal. He bumped his head against the big banyan tree with Hua Chenglu.

The wooden wall sank, and a circular hole was knocked out, extending towards it, and the cut surface was extremely neat and smooth.

A dark space was suddenly illuminated by a ray of light, and two tightly hugging figures rushed into the darkness along the ray of light.

Li Qingshan stood still and looked back, the bark of this big banyan tree was astonishingly thick, two to three feet thick, and it contained extremely strong spiritual power.

If it wasn't for the magic sword ability, no matter how strong his divine sense is, it would be difficult for him to discover the hidden holes in it, let alone open up the caves at once, and the tragedy of a pig hitting a tree would inevitably happen!

But finally came in, Li Qingshan exhaled, feeling that Hua Chenglu was still tightly wrapped around him, he couldn't help laughing: "Hey, you can let go!"

"Ah!" Hua Chenglu quickly let go of her hand, her face flushed red, she finally regained her calm heart, and started beating violently again, but it was not because of fear, she looked around calmly, her eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, Seeing a long cave in front of me, I don't know where it extends!

"Are we inside the tree?"


That ray of light suddenly began to shrink, Li Qingshan turned his head, and saw that the bark was shrinking and healing at an astonishing speed, and soon it was completely healed, and it was completely dark.

Hua Chenglu couldn't help approaching Li Qingshan a little bit, Li Qingshan said with a smile: "Come, treat you to something good!" He picked up the piece of tree bark that looked like a pillar, exuding a very fresh breath.

"Eat trees?"

Hua Chenglu hesitated and stretched out the tip of her tongue, and licked it lightly. Immediately, a wood spirit poured into her body, and her mouth was full of fragrance. few times.

"You just take off a piece and it's done. When will you lick it? Here it is!" Li Qingshan couldn't help laughing, broke off a piece and handed it to her, but her gesture just now is really very attractive.

Hua Chenglu also noticed that Cai's posture was a bit indecent, her cheeks were hot, she took the wooden block and stuffed it into her mouth, biting it bitterly, said "Ouch", covered her cheek and said, "You bullied me, How can I bite such a hard thing!"

"Then take it slow!"

Li Qingshan smiled and said, feeling that this topic is very interesting, licking, biting and sucking, looking at her pink and moist cherry lips, wondering who will be so lucky in the future.

Hua Chenglu is no longer a child, and she also spends time in the ** building, so how can she not hear the words that are full of jokes. If the other man said that, she would have been angry long ago, but she couldn't get angry with him.

He said with a dissatisfied face: "Brother Li, you are so rude, I still call you big brother, when I go back, tell sister Qiongzhi, tell my brother!" Although Hua Chengzan and Han Qiongzhi pressed him , she would never tell them these words.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, there is a saying that 'friends and sisters should not play'!"

Li Qingshan carried the bark pillar, broke off a piece casually, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed randomly. The bark was indeed hard, but it was not as hard as his teeth. Kind of like eating sugar cane. After chewing it tasteless, I spit it out and broke off another piece, the recovery speed of the spiritual power in the dantian suddenly accelerated.

Then he took out the "Three Absolute Books" again, recondensed a wave of sword energy in his body, and allowed it to absorb spiritual power to develop and grow, thinking: 50% of the spiritual power is already so good, if it is 100% of the spiritual power, wouldn't it be even gold? Brother Dan can kill him too!

Seeing how happy he was eating, Hua Chenglu stuffed the piece of wood into his mouth again, and said vaguely, "Hmph, as long as you know!"

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