In the rocky labyrinth, a huge figure suddenly appeared, wearing scarlet heavy armor, holding a strange long sword, looking at the surrounding situation, it was Li Qingshan.

In the very center of the stone forest, there are three foundation cultivators and dozens of Qi refiners, all of whom are disciples of Si Qingjia and Zhen Evil Pill. With Li Qingshan upholding the general trend, several battles in the arena have been quelled. Kill, these people were forced to come here.

"He's coming, I can feel his breath!"

"Don't be afraid, we are running the magic circle here, and he will never make it through!"

Having said that, everyone had a terrified look on their faces, as if it was not a person, but a monster, rushing over to tear them apart and swallow them.

In this maze, the direction is reversed and chaotic, no matter how strong the sense of direction is, no one can find the south, east, north and south. Although there is a sun hanging above the head, it is probably an illusion and deception. Finding someone in such a place is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack for Li Qingshan.

When he came to a strange rock, he swung the Demon Rebelling Sword and slashed it down. He didn't know anything about Yin Yang and Five Elements, Qimen and Eight Diagrams, so he simply broke it with brute force.

With a sound of "铛", the Demon Rebel Sword bounced off the strange rock without leaving even a trace. The tens of miles of mazes are integrated into one body, and even if the sword is already powerful, don't even think about it. Breaks open easily.

Li Qingshan frowned, raised the Demon Rebel Sword with his right hand, stroked the blade with his left hand, the Demon Rebel Sword trembled slightly, and stared directly at the strange stone with his evil eyes.

With one sword, the rock splits into two halves!

Li Qingshan's brows were still frowning, and the surrounding environment was twisted and changed, but the maze still existed. And the demon heart that acts as the eyes is only half of its original size, and the cost of this battle is not small.

The area of ​​each arena is tens of miles in radius, and there are probably tens of thousands of such strange rocks, if they are cut down one by one. I believe that the operation of the formation can be destroyed in the end, but when will it be cut, and it will inevitably waste a lot of time and energy, and the magic power of a demon heart will be exhausted.

"I knew I should find some people from the Yin Yang family to help break the formation!"

Li Qingshan thought about it, but he also understood that this can only be thought about. Although he seemed to be a hero who saved everyone, he was also a madman who had a death feud with Si Qing. I am afraid that few people would be willing to get involved with him and stand up as an enemy of Si Qing.

Even if you can't refuse, come and help him. My heart is also extremely uneasy, thinking that Liu Changqing and others were almost killed, but dared to be angry and dare not speak out, this is the helplessness of the weak. Li Qingshan didn't bother to force them, this was his own war.

"The tortoise has the ability to tell good and bad fortune,

I might as well try to run it and see if I can break through this formation! "

Li Qingshan's heart moved, and the phantom of the turtle in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly moved, and the Xuanwen on his back was intertwined. Each emits rounds of strange light like ripples, which meet and merge with each other, mysterious and mysterious, and finally converge into a round of huge ripples. Taking Li Qingshan's body as the center, it spreads in all directions.

The ripples are invisible, neither aura nor divine sense. Instead, it contains mysterious heaven and earth numerology.

Li Qingshan was a little puzzled, suddenly. Dots of light reflected in the heart sea, which is the virtual arrangement of this maze formation.

If you are a person who knows the way of the formation, just relying on this virtual image, it is enough to calculate the location of the formation's eye, the operation law, etc., like a traveler who gets a map, no matter where he wants to go, all become very easy.

But Li Qingshan was still confused, "I can't understand it at all!" So he continued to urge the spirit turtle, and the Xuanwen on the spirit turtle's mysterious armor started to work again.

Li Qingshan's expression became a little dazed, he nodded from time to time, and said to himself: "Oh, so... I see..."

After a while, he opened his eyes again, with a smile on his face, and stepped forward confidently, walking into the depths of the maze. I saw that his footsteps sometimes turned to the left, sometimes to the right, sometimes forward, sometimes backward, without any hesitation, but he approached the core of the maze unswervingly, and did not take a wrong step.

And in the center of the maze, there was a panic, "No, he is approaching!" "Don't panic, I guess it's just wandering around in the maze, you can't get here by luck." "No, he is approaching very fast Hurry up, walk over almost in a straight line, he has already seen through this formation, we must move quickly!"

Everyone scattered like birds and beasts, not long after, Li Qingshan came here, smiled slightly: "It's pretty fast to escape!"

Just at that moment, he borrowed the power of the spirit turtle to deduce all the operation rules of the entire formation, clearing away all the obstacles. This is an incredible thing for ordinary practitioners, but it is not a difficult thing for a spirit turtle who can stand side by side with gods.

Once the tortoise is born, it has the image of a god and a ghost. It goes up to the heaven, goes down to the earth, and has Panfaqiu on its back. The Xuanwen intertwine to form a row of places, and the five lights shine like a Xuanjin, and the rotation corresponds to the four seasons. Knowing advance and retreat, knowing good and bad, trusting without saying anything.

The tortoise will not learn any formations and divinations. All formations and divinations are not inventions and creations acquired, but just imitating the nature of heaven and earth. The existence of the tortoise itself is naturally compatible with the heaven and the earth, and it belongs to "knowledge from birth".

This is also due to the wisdom fruit of the big banyan tree king. Although it can't make people improve their cultivation and become so wise all at once, it affects all aspects in a subtle way. Let Li Qingshan have a deeper understanding of the power of the spirit turtle.

In the center of the maze is a small open space, in the middle of which stands an extremely tall strange rock, floating with a layer of aura like flowing water.

Li Qingshan knew that this strange stone was the core of the formation, as long as it was destroyed, the entire formation would lose its effect and turn into an ordinary stone forest.

It is obviously not an easy task to destroy such a tall and solid strange rock, but why destroy it!

Li Qingshan put his handprint on the stone, and a wave of divine sense rushed into it. The brilliance of the strange stone was radiated, and a force was born to compete with him, but he was soon suppressed by him, and he forcibly seized control of the maze, and the whole maze was in operation. stand up.

The three Foundation Establishment cultivators galloped through the labyrinth, not daring to stay for a moment. As for the Qi Refiners who were left behind, it would be a blessing if they could delay for a while.

They also knew the maze very well, and they didn't hesitate to move forward or back all the way. They calculated that they would take a few more steps to reach the exit of the maze, but when they bypassed a strange rock, they were all shocked.

Before they knew it, they returned to the center of the maze. That nightmarish existence was standing there holding a sword, with a ferocious smile on his face.

Swing the sword!

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