Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 99 Arrival at the Asura Field

In front of Li Qingshan, the three foundation cultivators had almost no power to fight back, and they were killed one by one by Li Qingshan's sword. Even if the Foundation Establishment cultivators were like this, those Qi refiners were naturally even more unbearable, wandering around the maze, and finally returned to Li Qingshan.

The last sword slid through the throat of a Qi refiner, with a smear of scarlet blood.

Since then, all the minions sent by Si Qing have been wiped out, Li Qingshan felt a burst of joy in his heart, and burst out laughing. His whole body was full of fighting spirit and murderous aura, but he also unknowingly blended into the dragon arena.

Suddenly, the entire Dragon Arena trembled.

Li Qingshan laughed, and saw that the blood color in the sky became more and more intense, from the original azure blue to blood red, slowly spinning, forming a bloody vortex, spreading in all directions until it filled the entire sky.

From the deepest part of the vortex, there came a cry that could not be heard with the ears, but could only be felt with the heart.

It was as if millions of troops were fighting bloody battles in the wilderness, with no comrades in arms, only enemies. No one fears, no one retreats, only keeps waving weapons and moving forward until the last person stands on the battlefield, enjoying this glorious victory alone, and shouting hysterically to the sky.

Everyone who hears this cry will tremble deep in their souls, which is both fear and longing.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the tiger demon let out a roar, and the desire to fight and kill suddenly became extremely strong. No matter who the enemy is, he is willing to fight with him. In the process of killing and being killed, he can feel the passion of life , as if this is the meaning of all existence.

Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows, and the spirit turtle released a sense of indifference and tranquility, smoothing and diluting the heart of killing, and running the "Suppressing Demon Illustrated Record". Let the demon heart devour this uncontrollable demon nature with all its strength, this is simply the best tonic for the demon heart. In this way, the tiger demon was barely suppressed.

"This is the power from the Asura Dao! The Dragon Battlefield is transforming into the Asura Field! I thought that if the war was quelled, it would be able to prevent Si Qing from refining into the Asura Field, but I didn't expect it to be done by him."

Li Qingshan realized something in his heart. He once put his spiritual thoughts into the realm of hungry ghosts, one of the six realms of reincarnation, and felt the shock of the absolute silence to his heart, which was the inspiration of the whole world.

What he didn't know was. In the end, it was his power that contributed to this transformation. The fighting intent and murderous aura emitted by the tiger demon was far superior to ordinary practitioners, and it was the most needed resource for cultivating an asura field. Like a key, it opened the gate of Shura Dao and let the Shura Field descend.

"No, I have to go back quickly!"

Li Qingshan packed up the corpses and treasure bags of those qi refiners,

After rushing out of the maze and returning to the original arena, the sound of killing was immediately heard. The sound of chanting, the sound of zither. All were covered by the shouts of killing and could no longer be heard.

Thousands of Qi refiners are fighting frantically, ten times more fierce than the previous battle. Even the most basic idea of ​​survival has disappeared, waving weapons to kill people around him, but turning a blind eye to the sword piercing the vitals, even if it is death. Kill too!

Thoughts from Shura Dao, even if it is only a trace. It's not something that can be resisted by the thoughts of Qi refiners, not just Qi refiners. Faced with this situation, even some Foundation Establishment cultivators became manic and ready to move.

The murderous aura shot straight into the sky, the bloody vortex in the sky was spinning faster and faster, and the fighting on the ground became more and more crazy.

A foundation cultivator stared with bloodshot eyes, waved his long sword and shouted: "Stop, stop, stop!" With a wave of his hand, a golden arc roared out, cutting off several Qi refiners at the waist , Once the killing ring was activated, he could no longer control his emotions, rushed into the battlefield, and killed without emotion.

The situation was completely out of control, but Li Qingshan knew that no matter how loudly he yelled or how fiercely he killed this time, he couldn't stop it. Since it can't be stopped, then don't stop it, he is not a hero to save the world, just keep those acquaintances.

With the continuous rotation of the vortex, the boundaries between the various arenas suddenly shattered, and all kinds of terrains were connected into one piece, turning into an incomparably huge arena, which was hundreds of miles in length and width.

Li Qingshan flew to the center of the battlefield, stood on the Demon Suppressing Tower, and greeted Liu Changqing and the others: "Follow me!" Then retracted the Demon Suppressing Tower, and flew away into the distance.

His eyes swept across the battlefield, and he saw a familiar face. Although it was stained with blood, he could still see that it was Hao Pingyang of the Mo family, who was fighting fiercely with Huanglongtun Cannon. A demon-suppressing chain stretched out and rolled him back, and when he saw Li Long from the farmer, he also pulled him up, so as not to let him die in the melee, and saved several novelist disciples.

When Liu Changqing and the others saw Li Qingshan, they all seemed to have a backbone. They kept their minds tight and followed closely behind. As long as the other monks still had some sense, they also quickly followed and rushed out of this big quagmire together. Seeing Li Qingshan's deeds, they also rushed into the battlefield one after another, took two Qi refiners, and tried their best to rescue their own disciples.

However, during the rescue process, they were inevitably attacked, and some monks couldn't help but want to fight back. This counterattack, the murderous aura burned like fire, no matter how difficult it was to contain, they even forgot the purpose of rescuing the disciples, and they fell into the battlefield one by one, as if There is an invisible force pulling them into this "meat grinder".

Although the strength of the foundation cultivator is strong, his spiritual power is not endless. He killed hundreds of Qi refiners at most, and was besieged to death by crazy Qi refiners.

Li Qingshan didn't stop until he was more than a hundred miles away from the battlefield, and the shouts of killing could no longer be heard. Looking at the practitioners following him, there were only a hundred or so left.

The Qi refiners were all unconscious, and they were all knocked unconscious, because they would attack and fight as soon as they woke up, so there were only about twenty people who were still awake, and everyone was frowning and frowning. Constantly suppressing the fighting and killing intent surging in his chest, he looked very embarrassed. Everyone understands one thing, Ruyi County's practice path is now over.

Li Qingshan is used to big scenes, and he can suppress the murderous aura, but he still looks very calm. He summoned the Demon Suppressing Tower and threw all the unconscious Qi refiners into it. Although it was a bit crowded, they would not care.

Looking around, the Dragon Arena shows the whole picture, including glaciers, large lakes, and deserts.

Li Qingshan's heart moved, since the spirit turtle can deduce a huge maze, can it also deduce the operation mode of this dragon arena, and find a way out!

He has also learned the most basic way of refining weapons at the Hundred Schools of Economics, and he knows that refining spiritual tools is to enter various magical runes. The refining of magic weapon is to engrave a more complex magic circle to form a more powerful function.

Li Qingshan immediately urged the spirit tortoise to start deduction, and a round of invisible ripples spread in all directions. On the sea of ​​his heart, dots of light emerged. In a trance, all the glaciers and lakes disappeared, leaving only flying runes and magic circles in motion.

Any magic circle is ten times more complicated than that labyrinth, and each other is connected and influenced by each other, making the degree of complexity doubled. Like a precision machine, a magic circle is a gear that meshes with each other and rotates together.

This Dragon Arena, which only the Great Xia Dynasty can refine, is far more mysterious and complex than Li Qingshan imagined. It may not take half a year to deduce its operating laws.

After the shock, he immediately restrained his mind and went deep into the core of the Dragon Arena. Since he couldn't deduce it, could he find the core and destroy it to his heart's content?

Suddenly, he saw that at the core of the Dragon Arena, two forces were constantly confronting each other, competing for control of the Dragon Arena. One is naturally Si Qing, and Li Qingshan is even more familiar with the other power full of dead silence.

"Mo Yu! Why is this guy here? No wonder Si Qing doesn't care to trouble me!" Of course it is a happy thing to see enemies fighting to the death, but no matter which enemy falls into this "Asura Field", In the hands, I am afraid that he will be the first to deal with, so it is not worth being happy.

"However, this may be a good opportunity!"

Li Qingshan's eyes flashed, but he didn't disturb them, he had to be patient, and waited until they were exhausted from fighting.

Seeing Li Qingshan staring into the distance in a daze, Hua Chenglu asked, "Brother Li, what should we do now?"

Li Qingshan saw that although she was anxious, she was still quite calm. The effect of enlightenment is really amazing, otherwise she would have been knocked unconscious and thrown into the Demon Suppressing Tower with her original character, and said with a smile: " Anyway, there is no danger now, just wait and see!"

The influence of the Shura field can be regarded as reaching a limit, but it will not make the foundation monks fight wildly. Of course, the premise is that they can no longer fight with others. It is best not to even look at it or even think about it. It seems that everyone has desires in their hearts. If you watch the "goblins fight" with your own eyes, this desire will be easily aroused, and vice versa, it will be easier to control.

Seeing his relaxed smile, Hua Chenglu also felt very relieved.

"When this place is completely transformed into an Asura field, I'm afraid there will be an Asura coming!"

Han Tieyi suddenly opened his mouth and said that his armor was damaged, but he still looked as cold as iron, standing there as straight as a spear in his hand. However, in the depths of his eyes, there are also raging flames burning. As a military disciple who pursues the way of killing, the influence of this Shura field on him is not that great.

The practice of military strategists puts great emphasis on tempering will, and on the battlefield, veterans are naturally easier to keep calm than recruits. Moreover, the aura pervading here gave him a sense of intimacy, that Shura Dao is the destination that all military disciples seek.

Only a true warrior, whose soul after death can avoid the judgment of hell, and start an endless fight in Shura. Of course, for ordinary people, this is probably no different from torture in hell.

Father is in the Asura Field of the Great General King, and Uncle is fighting somewhere in the Asura Road right now! Following the footsteps of his father's generation, although his heart is burning with fighting spirit, he has a different kind of peace.

"Asura!" Li Qingshan's eyes lit up, instead of worrying and fearing, he was very curious.

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