Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 100 Asura

The six realms of reincarnation are divided into: Heaven, Humanity, Asura, Hungry Ghosts, Animals, and Hell.

Beast Dao, also known as Monster Beast Dao, is a world where thousands of monsters live, and the word beast is a derogatory term. Like dragons and elephants under the thrones of gods and Buddhas, although they all have inconceivable supernatural powers, if they offend the Lord, they will be scolded as "evil animals".

The six paths of reincarnation are divided into three good paths and three evil paths. The three good paths are gods, humans, and asuras; the three evil paths are animals, hungry ghosts, and hells. However, although Asura is a good way, because his virtue is not as good as heaven, he is called non-heaven; because of his bitter way, he is more than human, so he is sometimes included in the three evil ways, collectively called the four evil ways.

In the six realms of reincarnation, Li Qingshan had already seen how powerful the Hungry Ghost Dao is. A corpse king who didn't show his full strength caused a devastating blow to the practice of the entire Ruyi County. I don't know much about Shura Dao yet, I only know that it is a world full of fighting and killing.

As far as he knows, Asura has powerful power and belongs to the category of ghosts and gods, but because of his warlike bloodthirsty, he has no virtue and belongs to evil gods. Legend has it that Asura's males are extremely hostile, while the females are extremely beautiful. They often fight against Emperor Shitian, the commander of the heavenly way, and fight endlessly, with more defeats than victories.

"I want to see what this Asura looks like!"

Li Qingshan said with a smile, warlike blood flowed in his body, and he worked hard to practice to see things that he couldn't see in the mountain village. Of course, he also wanted to see this mysterious race. And he had to wait to surprise Si Qing Moyu, so he definitely couldn't go out at this time.

"me too."

Han Tieyi also faintly felt that he was about to break through the current realm and reach the middle stage of foundation establishment, and he was also eager to fight the legendary Asura.

"You two militant guys!" Hua Chenglu said helplessly.

Li Qingshan and Han Tieyi smiled at each other. The same light shone in his eyes.

Hundreds of miles away, the battle reached a fever pitch, and the air was distorted by the burning murderous aura, because it was a scuffle fighting at all costs. In a short period of time, thousands of practitioners died in battle, and pieces of corpses were scattered on the ground in a radius of ten miles, and the blood stained the ground red.

The vortex in the sky is spinning faster and faster, like a strange eye, staring at the battle on the ground.

Suddenly, in the deepest part of the vortex. A figure descended from the sky and quickly fell towards the very center of the battlefield.

"That's Asura!"

Li Qingshan's eyes are extremely sharp,

The figure was clearly seen at a glance, it was a male Asura, his upper body was naked, his skin was faintly blood-red, his body was as strong as carved from red rock, his lower body was wearing a brass skirt armor, painted with One by one hideous faces. Holding a pair of square iron maces in both hands, covered with a layer of blood.

Li Qingshan was somewhat disappointed. He could see the strength of this Asura at a glance, which is probably at the level of a high-level alchemist. Although Asura's power is different from that of humans and monsters, he can generally judge the strength. This Asura is absolutely Without going through a catastrophe, such an opponent really couldn't interest him.

But he also understands that this is probably the same as the Hungry Ghost Gate, at the very beginning. It is impossible to let too powerful beings enter, and there is an invisible barrier between the two worlds.

Contrary to the legends, this Asura is not so ugly, with a square face, a lion nose and a sea mouth, and a head of gray and white messy hair, but rather majestic. It seems that the legend is really not to be believed.

Li Qingshan shook his head slightly, with a strange smile on his face, just relying on this Asura's cultivation, he fell from such a high place. Unless you know some flying spells, even if you don't fall to your death, you will be seriously injured. I am afraid that you will be cut to pieces by the practitioners at once. There is no mystery and majesty at all.

Just as he was thinking about it, Ashura suddenly swung his mace and slammed into the void. With a bang, the air exploded, and his falling speed slowed down a little. At the same time, his body stretched out like rocks one by one. The muscles in his body suddenly flowed like flowing water, constantly making subtle movements, stirring the flow of air. The double mace danced together, seemingly chaotic, but coordinated with every movement of the body, the speed of the fall was constantly slowing down.

The smile on Li Qingshan's face disappeared, and turned into admiration and a hint of vigilance. The eyes of Han Tieyi next to him were even more blazing with blazing light. To be able to achieve this step without relying on any spells, just physical skills, is really extraordinary.

Li Qingshan thought that if he had the same physical fitness as this Asura, he would probably be able to do this kind of thing, but he couldn't be as relaxed as him.

Although he is good at fighting, he always grasps the overall strategic situation or local tactics. Although he often has amazing performances in battles, but if he really wants to say that his tricks are exquisite, then he can't talk about it.

He has practiced for almost ten years, and practiced several kinds of exercises at the same time, spanning the three races of humans, monsters, and monsters. How can he have time to study and polish the changes in moves? Some things are difficult to make up for with talent.

Xiao An seems to have a savvy, and she can understand the meaning of the sword just by reading "Three Jue Shu". However, based on years of rigorous education in the State Shepherd's Mansion, although the memory is temporarily forgotten, something has been deeply rooted in her instinct. among.

Li Qingshan didn't have such an opportunity, the principle he upholds is "one force will defeat ten times", if he has the skills to polish his moves, it is better to improve his cultivation and use absolute strength to crush the enemy head-on.

But after seeing this Asura, he also put away his contempt. If an ordinary Asura has such superb skills, if it is replaced by those powerful Asuras, it will be even more amazing.

Don't forget, in addition to "one force will drop ten meetings", there is another saying called "four or two to pull a thousand catties". Absolute skill is the same as absolute strength, which can give people an overwhelming advantage in battle.

Seeing that Asura disappeared on the horizon, Li Qingshan and Han Tieyi flew up without saying a word, and saw that Asura was landing in the center of the battlefield. There are still thousands of practitioners fighting in the battlefield, and his landing is like a drop of water falling into the sea, causing no waves.

Asura leaned on the ground with two maces, overlooking the entire battlefield like a lion patrolling his territory. A man taller than him appeared behind him, with muscles all over his body, and a very obvious bulge on his forehead.

Li Qingshan has actually seen this person before. It is the elder brother of Jiaoxishan who has competed with him in strength a few years ago. That competition caused some kind of psychological shadow on him, so he didn't break through for a long time.

However, it can be considered that he has experienced the test of the war, his body has become stronger and stronger, and his aura has become more fierce. If Li Qingshan is to judge, among the Qi refiners, this person's strength can be regarded as a top expert.

Brother Jiaosishan spewed out two streams of white air from his nostrils, like an angry rhinoceros, he rushed straight towards Asura.

A red light flashed in Ashura's eyes, and in an instant, the expression on his face became extremely ferocious, his nose was turned up, and the corners of his mouth were pulled to the sides, revealing his sharp teeth, like fury, like laughing, from a normal man, Become a ferocious beast that chooses and devours.

Li Qingshan immediately understood why all Asura men were said to be very ugly. It was not disgustingly ugly, but frighteningly ugly. A smile could not help but rise on his face:

"Come on, let me see Asura's fighting posture!" To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (.) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.

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