Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 112 Shura Appears, Spider Queen Appears

Jia Zhen has gone through countless battles in his life, how could he succeed in a surprise attack without any precautions? In an instant, at least five layers of defensive aura flashed on his body, including the body protection magic weapon on his body and the defensive spells he cast. Even Li Qingshan might not be able to They cannot be broken with one punch.

However, the dagger made of phantom pierced through several layers of defensive aura without a sound, making Jia's heart tremble, and he was a step too late when he tried to dodge.

With a bang, the stabbed Jia Zhen turned into a ball of water and dispersed, while his true self moved ten feet away, looking at the shadow in shock, with mixed feelings of shock and anger in his heart, he almost capsized in the gutter and died. Under this inexplicable assassination.

The way of an assassin is to attack the unprepared and defeat the strong with the weak.

On the black altar, Ye Mingzhu, who was dancing wildly, stood still at this moment, as if she had lost her own will. At this moment, all her thoughts were emptied and injected into the shadow.

Does she have any intentions in her heart, as if she wants to melt into this sweet night, if she has such power, she will not be able to go anywhere in the world, but she also understands that this kind of power does not belong to her, and it cannot last for too long.

But with such an experience, her chances of breaking through the second catastrophe will increase greatly. I heard that there is a kind of medicine called "Yuan Ling Pill" in the world. If she can get one, she has a good chance of breaking through the second catastrophe , reaching a new level.


Jia Zhen pointed the feather fan at the sky angrily, and the thunder light roared down from the sky.

Ye Mingzhu restrained her mind, and the shadow once again merged into the darkness, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Jia Zhen looked around vigilantly, unable to cast spells as unscrupulously as before, Li Qingshan immediately felt a lot more relaxed, if this thing is neither human nor wolf. It would be better to stay away from him.

Bang bang bang!

In the big lake, the human wolf Edan, who was covered in the avatar of King Kong, waved his fists and bombarded Li Qingshan crazily. Every punch had the power to break mountains.

Li Qingshan opened his mouth and spat out, but what he spit out was not blood, but a ball of raging fire. "Accompany me to see the stars!" He laughed and grabbed Edan's shoulders, and the gorgeous wings behind him suddenly opened, and he rushed to the sky with Edan.

The light of the stars and the moon quietly sprinkled on the sea of ​​clouds. There was no heavy rain here, only the flashes of thunder. Thunder came from the clouds.


The clouds broke, and two huge figures broke through the sea of ​​clouds, breaking the silence.

"Finally no one bothers you, let's have a good talk!"

Li Qingshan punched Edan's face, cracks appeared on King Kong's body, and Edan flew out on his back. At the same time, he stomped hard on Li Qingshan's chest, and heard the bones creaking faintly.

At the same time as the two separated, Edan immediately opened his mouth wide and let out a wolf howl. Li Qingshan took a deep breath. Roared a tiger howl.

The two voices sounded almost simultaneously, intertwined and merged, and collided in the air.


A big hole was opened in the thick cloud layer. You can see the smaller Tsukiniwa Lake.

The light of the stars and the moon shines on the torrentially rainy Great Lake through the entrance of the cave.

Ye Liubo looked up. His face was full of joy: "I knew that the master will not die, and he will not lose."

Ye Liusu nodded and said, "Concentrate on it, we will help him with Ye Youshen!"


So the two concentrated on praying, injecting their own strength into the black altar.

The God of Night Tour, originally a god worshiped by the Night Tourists, was expelled underground and ruled by Queen Rose Spider, and was no longer allowed to worship the Night Tournament until Ye Liusu reunited the Night Tourists. During the period, this belief was restored and this altar was built.

The altar gathers the power of the whole family in one person, showing amazing power, as if the gods possessed the body, and the night tour god descended. Under Ye Mingzhu's control, the shadow wandered in the darkness, surrounding Jia Zhen in circles, sometimes approaching and sometimes moving away.

Jia Zhen looked around vigilantly, frowning. The sneak attack just now destroyed a life-saving magic weapon on his body, and the remaining magic weapon could not give him any sense of security.

"As one of the seven alien races, the night traveler really has some skills. If it is an ordinary Jindan cultivator, he would have died just now. However, since that sneak attack failed to kill me, don't think about hurting me again A hair!"

Jia Zhen suddenly raised his right hand and poured mana into a gemstone ring on his ring finger. The transparent gemstone suddenly burst out with thousands of rays of light, illuminating a radius of ten miles, which complemented the light of the stars and the moon falling from the sky.

In the bright light, a black shadow flickered and twisted under the light, as if stuck in a quagmire.

"Yin-yang and five elements, mutual generation and mutual restraint, there is no spell in this world that cannot be solved!" Jia Zhen said, the white light condensed into a spear in his right hand, and cast it towards the shadow.

With a swing of the shadow dagger, the spear was cut off and shattered in the air, but its own darkness also became thinner.

In the final analysis, Ye Youren is still pursuing the way of assassination, and he can travel thousands of miles away without a single blow. It is impossible for Jia Zhen to maintain such a radiant posture forever, there will always be times when he relaxes, and that is the opportunity for the assassin. But a frontal confrontation like this is not what it is good at.

At this moment, the evil pill broke through the clouds and fell from the sky. The golden body covering the whole body was twisted and deformed in many places, and cracks appeared on the verge of breaking.

A red light flew beside him, hitting his body continuously, making a loud noise like a bell. Every time it hit, the golden body collapsed a little, and the cracks became more dense.

It was indeed Li Qingshan. He regained his red-haired and red-eyed appearance. He used his speed to the extreme. Although the Evil Pill could also fly in the air, it was obviously not as flexible as Li Qingshan who was carrying wings. There was no strength to fight back, so he rushed down desperately.

Edan's eyes flickered, saw the black altar, and understood the source of the shadow, so he aimed at Yueting Water Palace.


The evil pill hit Yueting Water Mansion with its head, and the sound overwhelmed all the thunder. The golden body on his body was completely shattered, smashing through several layers of magic circles at once, and the only remaining magic circles were also crumbling, on the verge of breaking anytime.

Li Qingshan's eyes lit up, and he took the opportunity to jump. Rush towards Yueting Water Mansion.

He was singled out against Edan, and it seemed that he had the upper hand, but in fact the situation was already quite bad. Whether it is the wind and fire wings or the power of shock, although they are all amazingly powerful, they must consume a lot of monster energy as a prerequisite. From the beginning to the end, he did not dare to use the spirit turtle armor to defend, it is for this reason.

Once the demon energy is exhausted, almost all innate magical powers cannot be used, even though the power can be endless. But it is just a living target, and there is even the danger of dying from it. After all, the realm of the demon general is his bottleneck. He has been waiting for an opportunity to get back the water god seal, so that he can advance or retreat. Jia Zhen and Edan couldn't do anything about him.

"Stop him, don't let him take back the Water God Seal!"

Jia Zhen casually forced the thin shadow back, waved the feather fan towards Li Qingshan, strips of white light wrapped around his hands and feet, Edan turned around and swooped, with giant claws roaring to catch him.

Li Qingshan suddenly took out something and pointed it at the rushing evil pill. Hey but laugh.

"Sura Field!" Jia Zhen and E Dan blurted out at the same time.

The bloody vortex swirled out of the Shura field, and the evil pill couldn't react in time, it rushed into the vortex and disappeared.

Li Qingshan broke the light belt. Passed through the only remaining magic circle, entered Yueting Water Mansion, landed heavily on the sand, and lifted Xiaohong up. With a pat on its stomach, it spat out the Water God Seal. Another glance between its legs,

"Damn it, you're still a male! Thanks to me, I gave you such a feminine name as Xiaohong, so let's have sex with Xiaolan from now on!" He threw "him" on the sand indignantly.

"Beiyue, it really is you!" Jia Zhen's face was gloomy. Beiyue took back the Water God Seal, and they had already lost half of this battle.

"It's your old man, so what about me?"

Li Qingshan turned around and said with a smile, he swallowed the Water God Seal in one gulp, and immediately felt the endless power of the water spirit poured into his body, flowing all over his body, the monster energy recovered rapidly, and he felt refreshed.

Jia Zhen threatened: "The Shura field belongs to the royal family, you want to take it for yourself, so you know what will happen? You have offended Mo Yu, and the Dragon King Mo Hai will not protect you. You are really more stupid than I imagined."

"The water god seal belongs to your father. You took it for yourself. You know what will happen? You offended your grandpa, and your grandma won't protect you. You ask who your grandpa is? Of course it's your father and me. You are so much better than I imagined." It's even more stupid." Li Qingshan dismissed Jia Zhen's threat.

Jia Zhen's face changed, "The evildoer knows no life!"

Li Qingshan yelled: "Stop talking nonsense, do you dare to fight me in the Asura field? See me one against two, blow your dog's head to pieces, or I will blow your dog's head to pieces here first!"

Jia Zhen sneered: "Do you think I'm as stupid as you? With this newly formed Shura field, I also want to trap the evil alchemy? Of course, you can run away, and I will kill the night travelers on this island, as well as you." Kill all of your monsters! Are there any of them who are particularly familiar with you? I will treat you specially!"

"Then it seems that I have to squeeze you in!" The murderous aura erupted from Li Qingshan's body like a tsunami, ready to go.

"I'm afraid you don't have the energy to spare!" Jia Zhen's figure suddenly changed from one to two, from two to four, and finally turned into nearly a hundred, scattered in all directions, and said together.

"How cunning!"

Li Qingshan cursed secretly, it would not be difficult to find Jia Zhen's real body if he used spirit turtles for divination, but his right hand was behind his back, controlling the Shura field. What Jia Zhen said is right, if it is so easy to trap the evil pill, and then kill Jia Zhen one-on-one. He had already started, and there would be no series of battles ahead.

At this time, the surface of the Shura field was constantly fluctuating, and the evil pills rushed left and right in it, and would break through at any time, but it would take him a lot of energy and monster energy to control and urge the Shura field to suppress the evil pills .

The Shura field has just been refined, like a newborn baby, although it has the potential to become a magic weapon, but now it doesn't have much fighting power. After all, the dragon arena as its prototype is not used for fighting.

The two stood facing each other across the only remaining magic circle, Jia Zhen wanted to wait for the evil pill to come out, while Li Qingshan was thinking about countermeasures, and fell into a stalemate for a while.

"Beiyue, it looks like you're in trouble!"

Suddenly there was a familiar voice, Li Qingshan looked back, and saw the Rose Spider Queen in black tights, standing on a rock not far away, her red lips raised slightly like blood, it was a good show The look on his face, obviously did not intend to help.

"Since you're here, stop talking nonsense and come to help me. I can escape if I want to. Do you think they will let you go? They will probably fuck you a hundred times!"

Li Qingshan's eyes lit up, and he walked towards Queen Rose Spider as he spoke, as long as Queen Rose Spider can hold back the evil pill in the Shura field for a while, he can kill Jia Zhen first.

He doesn't doubt the ability of Queen Rose Spider, at least she is a kun-like demon commander, and has a strong defensive talent. Although the evil pill is fierce, but there is no such method as the Bull Demon Concussion, it is impossible to kill the Queen Rose Spider. It's not that easy.

"Ha, I didn't expect you to beg me. Why should I help you? What good is it for you? Let me tell you, I want to see you die!" Queen Rose smiled coquettishly, looking down at the people in front of her. Li Qingshan regained a bit of the queen's proud posture.

Li Qingshan stared into her eyes and licked his lips: "Well, if I win, I will do you one hundred and one times to repay your kindness!"

Rose Spider Empress said angrily, "What?!"

"Let me go in!" Li Qingshan waved his wings and flew up, with the Asura Field in his hands under the hood of Rose Spider Queen.

Empress Rose Spider didn't expect that Li Qingshan would attack her when the enemy was in front of her, and she didn't know what was going on in the Asura Field. Before he could react, he immediately disappeared into the bloody vortex, and the fluctuations in the Shura field immediately subsided. Evidently, Edan had received this gift.

As for whether they will fight, Li Qingshan is not worried, a mad wolf and a vicious spider are locked in a cage, there will never be a second result.

So he put away the Shura field casually, turned around and said to Jia Zhen: "I want to make a bet with you!"

"What are you betting on?" Nearly a hundred Jia Zhen spoke together, their voices overlapping and echoing.

"Bet between us, someone is a fool!" Li Qingshan looked at Jia Zhen.

"Who are you betting on?"

"Of course I bet on you, dead people can't use their brains!"

Li Qingshan jumped up and flew towards Jia Zhen's real body. These few words were just to use the spirit turtle to determine Jia Zhen's real body.

In the turbulent big lake, a huge wave like a tsunami rose and swept towards Jia Zhen. As the true master of the Water God Seal, only Li Qingshan can inspire the true strength of Qi.

"not good!"

Jia Zhen did not hesitate to use the escape method, turning into a ray of light and galloping towards the distance, just be patient for a moment, and wait for the evil pill to kill the demon commander and rush out of the field of Shura. Together, the two of them are still invincible.

But in a blink of an eye, he saw Beiyue looming in front of him, and his flying speed was no longer under the light.

ps: Hey, the collection has finally exceeded 60,000, and the recommendation is only more than 2,000 short. Although there is only one chapter today, it has 4,000 words. You can completely treat it as two chapters and 2,000!

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