Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 113: The Spider Queen Caught the Web, Heavy Rain

The Rose Spider Queen came back to her senses, and she had come to a strange space.冰@火! in Chinese

Glaciers, forests, deserts, all kinds of landforms are clearly separated, and they are distributed in this vast space, each piece is exactly the same size, and the bloody vortex in the sky is constantly rotating.

On the white glacier in the distance, a black human wolf with a height of more than ten feet was howling up to the sky. Looking back suddenly, a pair of dark green eyes looked behind the rose spider. The wolf has disappeared.

The pupils of Rose Spider shrank suddenly, and when she looked up, she saw a huge shadow covering the sky, rushing towards her, and the huge wolf claws roared and took a picture.


The sand dune on which the rose spider stood was completely flattened, turning into a storm of sand and dust that raged in the air.

Rose Spider Queen followed the yellow sand and flew backwards, dodging at the nick of time, she was terrified in her heart, pounced at such a long distance, if she hadn't relied on the innate power of her eyes, she would have almost missed it reaction. The speed and strength of this human wolf were already equivalent to the top demon commander, and she was by no means able to defeat him. Bei Yue gritted her teeth with hatred in her heart.

While thinking about it, a terrible wind came, and a huge wolf head opened its mouth full of fangs and bit down on her.

The back of the rose spider spat out its vermilion lips, and a spider web stretched out to cover the wolf's head, but Edan swung the wolf's claws, and sent the back of the rose spider flying, crashing into a rainforest, breaking dozens of trees one after another. The big tree stopped.

The rose spider queen maintained a defensive posture, the tights on both arms were broken, revealing the silver skin inside, her silver face was twisted faintly, her eyes flashed with angry and vicious light, no matter who wants to She was put to death. All have to pay the price.

Evil Pill tore off the spider web covering his head forcefully, and also tore off some black wolf hairs, and the wolf claws behind the Luosi spider were also stained with a layer of black toxin, which was spreading continuously. He opened his mouth and bit it, tearing off the toxin-infected flesh and blood.

The pain made him even more furious, and he believed that Queen Rose Spider was Beiyue's helper, who came to prevent him from leaving the Shura field, he must be killed as soon as possible. After liberating the beast soul. His mind has been greatly affected, but his fighting instinct has become more acute.

Empress Rose turned over, looked back and saw the big banyan tree in the distance, and immediately ran without hesitation. The forest retreated rapidly.

Certain terrain must be used to restrain its huge stature. If you fight against it on flat ground, once you are caught or bitten, there is no room for resistance. You can only release all the toxins and die with it.

She's just getting started.

The roaring sound from behind approached rapidly, and it might not take a few breaths before it would be overtaken. When she came to the big banyan tree, the demonic aura gathered in her eyes. Forming rounds of mysterious and beautiful lines, her eyes lit up, and through the thick bark, she saw the tree holes hidden behind. She jumped up and rushed towards a tree hole.

Edan also chased to the tree. He stretched out his wolf claws and grabbed her in mid-air, as if catching a fly again.

Rose spit out a thread of spider silk from the back, stuck to the tree and pulled it hard, the figure suddenly accelerated, escaped from the evil pill's fingers dangerously, and at the same time waved the poisonous whip in his hand to smash the bark and smashed into the tree among.

Before he breathed a sigh of relief, there was a loud bang behind him, countless sawdust flew towards him, and a wolf's claw penetrated into the tree, grabbing the queen of the rose spider.

The Rose Spider Empress was shocked, she released strands of spider silk, connecting herself with the big banyan tree. Although the power of the evil pill is great, the tens of thousands of spider threads are also extremely strong, and they cannot be pulled out for a while.

Edan let out a strange roar, Rose Spider Empress felt a huge force added to her body, as if she was going to crush her to death, she bit Edan's hand viciously, pouring the toxin into it without hesitation.

The big banyan tree trembled violently, and the sunflowers flew down one after another, feeling that the homeland on which they depended for survival was being severely damaged, the sun vines woke up one after another, danced again, and entangled towards the evil pill.

Edan's heart trembled, and he didn't dare to let these sun vines get entangled. With a roar, he pulled violently, tore off all the spider threads, pulled the rose spider queen out of the tree, stepped on the tree and leaped into the distance , feeling a tight ankle, being entangled by a sun vine, and the sun vines like dragon snakes rushed up one after another.

His body froze suddenly, but his reaction was extremely fast. With a wave of wolf claws, he cut off the sun vine, and threw himself towards the dense forest. With a loud bang, he crushed many trees, but he finally escaped from the sun vine. The range of the attack.

Suddenly, his right hand felt numb, and he didn't need any strength, the toxin had already penetrated deeply, the rose spider queen took the opportunity to escape, and fled to the big banyan tree with fluttering vines.


Edan hugged her poisoned right hand and stepped on her.


On the Great Lake, the torrential rain became more and more violent. It was no longer rain, but seemed to be poured down by the Tianhe River, and it would continue to fall to the end of the world. Even the roaring thunder calmed down, as if it had been drowned by the heavy rain.

Under the urging of the water god seal, the billowing water spirits gathered from every river and every lakeside in Ruyi County, which spanned thousands of miles, causing this vision of heaven and earth.

In the darkness, only two lights flickered.

Jia Zhen's body is shrouded in aura of body protection aura, originating from yin and yang and five elements, and various powerful defensive spells, but there is no conflict. The aura of various colors merges with each other to form a wonderful harmony, as if it is an eternal Fallen fortress.

Ordinary practitioners usually choose one of the five elements of yin and yang to practice. Only the ancient monks can practice the seven. The difficulty is not only seven times greater. If it is not a person with extraordinary talents, he will not even be able to do it. Arrived, let alone the later stage of cultivating Dao Jindan.

Jia Zhen is such a genius that Si Qingyi takes him under his arm and calls him Mr.

Not only is his magic power far superior to that of ordinary Golden Core cultivators, Yin-Yang and Five Elements circulate in his body, and the speed and power of casting spells is even more astonishing, and he is proficient in almost all spells, and he can even perform difficult and mysterious escapism with ease.

And this magic weapon is just icing on the cake, like a tiger with wings. He is also proficient in divination and fortune-telling, and with his strategy, it can be said to be exhaustive, anticipating the enemy's opportunities everywhere, but Beiyue's fate has been hidden all the time, and even he can't peek at it.

When he came to the small place of Ruyi County, he would be so embarrassed. He never expected that the hatred for Beiyue was as deep as mountains and seas. He asked gloomily:

"Monster, do you think you can beat me by trapping the evil pill?"

"I'm not trying to win you, I'm trying to kill you!"

Li Qingshan grinned, and the gorgeous phoenix wings behind him were burning. At the same time, he displayed the innate power of the wind god's wings. The wind assisted the fire and stretched the wingspan of ten feet. Every time he danced, he flew an astonishing distance. under the law.

The two points of light collided, and an extremely dazzling light burst out in an instant, tearing apart the darkness and submerging their figures at the same time.

Around the black altar, prayers continued, and the shadow that had become extremely thin was slowly recovering.

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